The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?

Shootings on the Mexican-American border are becoming more common. Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border, illegal crossings could be cut sharply from 3,000-8,000 per day. The cost per year to the American Taxpayer for criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies is $113,000,000,000 a year.

The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?

You're condoning shooting women and children--and others that are simply looking to feed their families---:cuckoo::cuckoo:

That's absurd. What we need to do is stay on the Federal Government and insist that they actually secure the border--and only after that find a way to deal fairly with the 12 million illegals that are already in this country.

Totally agree.

Securing the border should be first and foremost on the list. Finish the damned fence and put troops down there to back up the BP. That would also cut down on the drug trafficking into this country. Wonder if the Mexican drug dealers will have the balls to shoot at the US military?? Kinda sorta doubt it.

Once we secure the border then we can decide what to do with the illegals already here.

We need a guest worker program.

We certainly don't need to be shooting woman and kids and unarmed folks. Jeeze.
Fact is we should post troops on the border with orders not to shoot anyone headed south.

One problem solved.

You pathetic piece of shit. That would be a breech of posse comitatus not to mention immoral. Something a retarded baby killer like yourself could never relate to. Please die.

You want to kill me now asshole? Bring it on fucker, just please make my fucking day.
And guess what, you just made an enemy for life with that baby killer BS. And the threat of violence is by the way against the rules here, I believe. I'm sure a MOD will eventually see this.
Shootings on the Mexican-American border are becoming more common. Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border, illegal crossings could be cut sharply from 3,000-8,000 per day. The cost per year to the American Taxpayer for criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies is $113,000,000,000 a year.

The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?
Why are you trying to make the Boy Scouts look like fucktards?

I am of the opinion that threads like this should not appear on USMB but that's just me.
Yes. And cyber morons should have their fingers amputated so as to prevent them from spewing nonsense and idiocy across the internet... :rolleyes:
Shootings on the Mexican-American border are becoming more common. Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border, illegal crossings could be cut sharply from 3,000-8,000 per day. The cost per year to the American Taxpayer for criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies is $113,000,000,000 a year.

The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?

You're condoning shooting women and children--and others that are simply looking to feed their families---:cuckoo::cuckoo:

That's absurd. What we need to do is stay on the Federal Government and insist that they actually secure the border--and only after that find a way to deal fairly with the 12 million illegals that are already in this country.

Totally agree.

Securing the border should be first and foremost on the list. Finish the damned fence and put troops down there to back up the BP. That would also cut down on the drug trafficking into this country. Wonder if the Mexican drug dealers will have the balls to shoot at the US military?? Kinda sorta doubt it.

Once we secure the border then we can decide what to do with the illegals already here.

We need a guest worker program.

We certainly don't need to be shooting woman and kids and unarmed folks. Jeeze.
If you want to understand the illegal immigration problem try reading some real facts instead instead of all the right and left wing blogs.

Everyone here seems to believe that sealing the boarders is the solution. The fact is that we have been increasing boarder security for many years and it has done little to stem the flow but has dramatical increased the cost. The cost per illegal alien caught has increased from $300 to $1700. Boarder security is only a part of the solution. Much of the problem lies with INS procedures and inefficiencies. Most employers are not held accountable for illegals they hire. There is little are nothing done about expired visa's which accounts for 40% of the illegal immigration.

Illegal immigration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shootings on the Mexican-American border are becoming more common. Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border, illegal crossings could be cut sharply from 3,000-8,000 per day. The cost per year to the American Taxpayer for criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies is $113,000,000,000 a year.

The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?

Well, that isn't very scoutlike, is it? Would you have expressed those kinds of sentiments during your Eagle Board of Review and how do you think it might have impacted the board's decision?


Assistant Scoutmaster kwc57
Shootings on the Mexican-American border are becoming more common. Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border, illegal crossings could be cut sharply from 3,000-8,000 per day. The cost per year to the American Taxpayer for criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies is $113,000,000,000 a year.

The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?

Well, that isn't very scoutlike, is it? Would you have expressed those kinds of sentiments during your Eagle Board of Review and how do you think it might have impacted the board's decision?


Assistant Scoutmaster kwc57
Maybe he's still working on his Dumbass Merit Badge ;)
The entire premise of the OP is terrible, disgusting even.

Illegal immigrants are human beings and my guess is that each and everyone of us are as guilty as they are when it comes to committing crimes.

Do you drive over the speed limit occassionally? Should LEO's station themselves on overpasses with radar and shoot to kill everyone that drives by doing three miles an hour over the speed limit? One bullet can get whole families.

How about illegal parking? Wait for the person that is parked in a loading zone (this happens all the time outside my wife's place of employment) to return to their vehicle and pick them off?

Jaywalking anyone?

Illegal immigrants do not come here because they want to break our laws. They come here because life will be better for them North of the border than it has been South of the border. We can't blame them for that. Think about it... remember the movie Red Dawn? Suppose the Russians attacked and took over the USA. Now, I am sure that there are plenty of you gung ho militia types that would stand up and fight the commies, but most of us would flee either North or South like fleas abandoning a burning dog.

Yes, illegal immigrants break our laws and when caught they should be sent home, but shot on site? Killing their children too? The OP has to be a joke. I hope.

The entire premise of the OP is terrible, disgusting even.

Illegal immigrants are human beings and my guess is that each and everyone of us are as guilty as they are when it comes to committing crimes.

Do you drive over the speed limit occassionally? Should LEO's station themselves on overpasses with radar and shoot to kill everyone that drives by doing three miles an hour over the speed limit? One bullet can get whole families.

How about illegal parking? Wait for the person that is parked in a loading zone (this happens all the time outside my wife's place of employment) to return to their vehicle and pick them off?

Jaywalking anyone?

Illegal immigrants do not come here because they want to break our laws. They come here because life will be better for them North of the border than it has been South of the border. We can't blame them for that. Think about it... remember the movie Red Dawn? Suppose the Russians attacked and took over the USA. Now, I am sure that there are plenty of you gung ho militia types that would stand up and fight the commies, but most of us would flee either North or South like fleas abandoning a burning dog.

Yes, illegal immigrants break our laws and when caught they should be sent home, but shot on site? Killing their children too? The OP has to be a joke. I hope.


I'm sure it is.
The entire premise of the OP is terrible, disgusting even.

Illegal immigrants are human beings and my guess is that each and everyone of us are as guilty as they are when it comes to committing crimes.

Do you drive over the speed limit occassionally? Should LEO's station themselves on overpasses with radar and shoot to kill everyone that drives by doing three miles an hour over the speed limit? One bullet can get whole families.

How about illegal parking? Wait for the person that is parked in a loading zone (this happens all the time outside my wife's place of employment) to return to their vehicle and pick them off?

Jaywalking anyone?

Illegal immigrants do not come here because they want to break our laws. They come here because life will be better for them North of the border than it has been South of the border. We can't blame them for that. Think about it... remember the movie Red Dawn? Suppose the Russians attacked and took over the USA. Now, I am sure that there are plenty of you gung ho militia types that would stand up and fight the commies, but most of us would flee either North or South like fleas abandoning a burning dog.

Yes, illegal immigrants break our laws and when caught they should be sent home, but shot on site? Killing their children too? The OP has to be a joke. I hope.


I'm sure it is.

Knowing some of the trolls that post here, I have to think it is, but then sometimes there are people that make you wonder.

Sounds perfect Ollie, but something tells me the ACLU and open borders folks would oppose any non-lethal weapon. After all, they are just huddled masses yearning to be free. Or rather huddled masses yearning for free shit. :lol:
Sounds perfect Ollie, but something tells me the ACLU and open borders folks would oppose any non-lethal weapon. After all, they are just huddled masses yearning to be free. Or rather huddled masses yearning for free shit. :lol:

Actually, most of them are yearning for work to support themselves and their families. I'm not a supporter of illegal immigration, but I do try to take a realistic view of why they are here. My experience here in Oklahoma is that most are very hard working and extremely thrifty. They will clean a garage sale out in 10 minutes! :lol:

Are there bad seeds? Of course there are and like always, they get the attention because of the bad stuff they do. Is it most of them? No. They just want a better life and will work hard to get it. They know they can't get it in Mexico and they know that the US will only allow X number of legal immigrants and then only the cream of the crop. You can't fault a man for wanting to provide for himself and his family by the sweat of his brow and doing whatever it takes to do it. A man with starving children will steal bread to feed them.

That is why there needs to be a realistic, comprehensive, top to bottom revamping of immigration and guest worker programs instead of bumper sticker solutions like fences, deportation of millions of people or God forbid........shoot on sight.
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