The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?

I am of the opinion that threads like this should not appear on USMB but that's just me.

This is a tough thread. It is not the usual banter that we engage in. This is an important topic, especially with a major election in about four months.

You know I used to watch my dad, a conservative Republican talk across the back fence with a labor reunion leader. They did get heated, but it always ended with an invitation for cocktails. I used to get a kick out of watching the two of them laugh over Cutty Sark. Each knew the others politics were serious and worthy of respect.

As an independent I get invitations from political types. I am sorry, I just don't go. Who wants to spend a Saturday night listening to whining and name calling? I have enough upset to deal with at work, but at least I get paid for it.

Today we have USMB where we can come in anonymously, and tell as much about ourselves as we want to. We can blow off some steam or come to a better understanding of our planet. People at USMB are not shy about showing their real views. We can dig into a tough issue like this speaking directly and showing emotion. None of us really have to hold back as long as we show the respect required by USMB rules.

To me this is one of the great values of the internet, though I wish we would all, (self included) cut back on the name calling and cursing.

I find this to be the most INFORMATIVE thread I have ever been in, but probably the most painful. After seeing what was happening on this thread last night, I took off work today to be on it. It is proving to be time well spent.
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You're condoning shooting women and children--and others that are simply looking to feed their families---:cuckoo::cuckoo:

That's absurd. What we need to do is stay on the Federal Government and insist that they actually secure the border--and only after that find a way to deal fairly with the 12 million illegals that are already in this country.

Totally agree.

Securing the border should be first and foremost on the list. Finish the damned fence and put troops down there to back up the BP. That would also cut down on the drug trafficking into this country. Wonder if the Mexican drug dealers will have the balls to shoot at the US military?? Kinda sorta doubt it.

Once we secure the border then we can decide what to do with the illegals already here.

We need a guest worker program.

We certainly don't need to be shooting woman and kids and unarmed folks. Jeeze.
If you want to understand the illegal immigration problem try reading some real facts instead instead of all the right and left wing blogs.

Everyone here seems to believe that sealing the boarders is the solution. The fact is that we have been increasing boarder security for many years and it has done little to stem the flow but has dramatical increased the cost. The cost per illegal alien caught has increased from $300 to $1700. Boarder security is only a part of the solution. Much of the problem lies with INS procedures and inefficiencies. Most employers are not held accountable for illegals they hire. There is little are nothing done about expired visa's which accounts for 40% of the illegal immigration.

Illegal immigration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thank you for bringing up the subject of employers who hire criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies. Time for me to take my blood pressure medicine, and have a smoke.
Fact is we should post troops on the border with orders not to shoot anyone headed south.

One problem solved.

You pathetic piece of shit. That would be a breech of posse comitatus not to mention immoral. Something a retarded baby killer like yourself could never relate to. Please die.

You want to kill me now asshole? Bring it on fucker, just please make my fucking day.
And guess what, you just made an enemy for life with that baby killer BS. And the threat of violence is by the way against the rules here, I believe. I'm sure a MOD will eventually see this.

I made no threat to you dork.
Shootings on the Mexican-American border are becoming more common. Some believe that if illegal aliens and their anchor babies could be shot and killed for trying to cross the border, illegal crossings could be cut sharply from 3,000-8,000 per day. The cost per year to the American Taxpayer for criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies is $113,000,000,000 a year.

The Border Patrol should shoot to kill illegal aliens who try to cross into the U. S?

Well, that isn't very scoutlike, is it? Would you have expressed those kinds of sentiments during your Eagle Board of Review and how do you think it might have impacted the board's decision?


Assistant Scoutmaster kwc57

I doubt in my youth that such a thing would happen in an Eagle Board of Review, (frankly I probably would not have gone Eagle if my father had not pushed me). If I was in front of an Eagle Board of Review today, my answer would be short and to the point.

Illegals and their anchor babies are a real problem. Americans shy away from issues they should confront directly. I am open-minded, but I have formed an opinion, in support of Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona.

I am unhappy about the actions of President Barack Obama as they relate to this issue. However, if I had to vote all over again, I would vote Obama/Biden because of health care. I would remind the Board that I had 27 merit badges, three in citizenship. Then, I would ask that the board and I discuss the purpose of each of the 27 merit badges in depth.

I would conclude by reciting the scout law leaving out the word "obedient," and confess that I was the one who hid Scott White's Order of the Arrow sash.
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Anyone who has seen my posts on this knows that I am for the deportation of illegals no matter where they come from, and that I would not advocate shooting women and children. However I am also against defending them. There are way too many people who are in this country not because they are looking for work but because they are hiding from the law in their own country. And now we have confirmed that there are terrorists on the border. I contend that they have crossed the border long ago and live among us.

While it may be true that most illegals are looking for honest work, I look at the different numbers we have seen for illegals committing crimes and how many are in our prison systems, and I have to wonder........

Then go to the border and have at it tough guy.
To summarize so far we have: Deport, kill, take babies from their parents, militarize the border, create a land mine infested DMZ, send in troops to do police work in violation of the law, oh, and my favoirte the beam weapon! If we just had an ocean down there we could get sharks and attach laser beams to their heads too. That would teach em'.
Sounds perfect Ollie, but something tells me the ACLU and open borders folks would oppose any non-lethal weapon. After all, they are just huddled masses yearning to be free. Or rather huddled masses yearning for free shit. :lol:

Actually, most of them are yearning for work to support themselves and their families. I'm not a supporter of illegal immigration, but I do try to take a realistic view of why they are here. My experience here in Oklahoma is that most are very hard working and extremely thrifty. They will clean a garage sale out in 10 minutes! :lol:

Are there bad seeds? Of course there are and like always, they get the attention because of the bad stuff they do. Is it most of them? No. They just want a better life and will work hard to get it. They know they can't get it in Mexico and they know that the US will only allow X number of legal immigrants and then only the cream of the crop. You can't fault a man for wanting to provide for himself and his family by the sweat of his brow and doing whatever it takes to do it. A man with starving children will steal bread to feed them.

That is why there needs to be a realistic, comprehensive, top to bottom revamping of immigration and guest worker programs instead of bumper sticker solutions like fences, deportation of millions of people or God forbid........shoot on sight.

Let's ask President Obama to make a blue ribbon panel, and give them complete authority to solve the criminal illegal alien and anchor baby problem. Kwc57 can raise the $113 billion plus needed annually for criminal illegal aliens and anchor babies.

The rest of us can take a nice hike, there are some great trails near Woodland, CA.
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Totally agree.

Securing the border should be first and foremost on the list. Finish the damned fence and put troops down there to back up the BP. That would also cut down on the drug trafficking into this country. Wonder if the Mexican drug dealers will have the balls to shoot at the US military?? Kinda sorta doubt it.

Once we secure the border then we can decide what to do with the illegals already here.

We need a guest worker program.

We certainly don't need to be shooting woman and kids and unarmed folks. Jeeze.
If you want to understand the illegal immigration problem try reading some real facts instead instead of all the right and left wing blogs.

Everyone here seems to believe that sealing the boarders is the solution. The fact is that we have been increasing boarder security for many years and it has done little to stem the flow but has dramatical increased the cost. The cost per illegal alien caught has increased from $300 to $1700. Boarder security is only a part of the solution. Much of the problem lies with INS procedures and inefficiencies. Most employers are not held accountable for illegals they hire. There is little are nothing done about expired visa's which accounts for 40% of the illegal immigration.

Illegal immigration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thank you for bringing up the subject of employers who hire criminal illegal aliens and their anchor babies. Time for me to take my blood pressure medicine, and have a smoke.
Making the assertion that killing babies is going to somehow solve the immigration problem makes you seem like a total moron, which I don't believe is the case.

I take issue with your believe that "anchor babies" are a part of the problem. Right wing columnist and blogs are having a field day building on this fable with hopes that it will be accepted as truth.

"In the public debate surrounding "anchor babies", it is also frequently assumed that an "anchor baby" would be beneficial in deportation proceedings. Such benefits do not exist except in the very rare case of extreme and profound hardship on the child. Approximately 88,000 illegal immigrant parents of US citizen children have been deported in the past ten years..."

"Federal appellate courts and the Supreme Court have upheld the refusal by the Immigration and Naturalization Service or Immigration and Customs Enforcement to stay the deportation of illegal immigrants merely on the grounds that they have U.S.-citizen, minor children."

"The term "anchor baby" assumes that having a US citizen child confers immigration benefits on the parents and extended family. This is generally a false assumption, as immigration law does not allow a US citizen child to sponsor his parents until he or she turns 21. "

Anchor baby is no more than a racial slur used against Latino children born in the US.
That is why there needs to be a realistic, comprehensive, top to bottom revamping of immigration and guest worker programs instead of bumper sticker solutions like fences, deportation of millions of people or God forbid........shoot on sight.

Indeed. The fact people are being openly vocal about such a thing is insane.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." ~Voltaire

Voltaire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Killing women, children and babies?

How about we come up with something better than shooting the criminal illegal aliens, their anchor babies, and OP of this thread? Don't shoot the messenger. This is a


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I wonder where in the scout law eagle scout equates "morally straight" with any of the nonsense spewed forth in this thread?
That is why there needs to be a realistic, comprehensive, top to bottom revamping of immigration and guest worker programs instead of bumper sticker solutions like fences, deportation of millions of people or God forbid........shoot on sight.

Indeed. The fact people are being openly vocal about such a thing is insane.
When it comes to most issues, hysteria and bumper-sticker talking points supplant logic, rationality, and reason.
Sounds perfect Ollie, but something tells me the ACLU and open borders folks would oppose any non-lethal weapon. After all, they are just huddled masses yearning to be free. Or rather huddled masses yearning for free shit. :lol:

Actually, most of them are yearning for work to support themselves and their families. I'm not a supporter of illegal immigration, but I do try to take a realistic view of why they are here. My experience here in Oklahoma is that most are very hard working and extremely thrifty. They will clean a garage sale out in 10 minutes! :lol:

Are there bad seeds? Of course there are and like always, they get the attention because of the bad stuff they do. Is it most of them? No. They just want a better life and will work hard to get it. They know they can't get it in Mexico and they know that the US will only allow X number of legal immigrants and then only the cream of the crop. You can't fault a man for wanting to provide for himself and his family by the sweat of his brow and doing whatever it takes to do it. A man with starving children will steal bread to feed them.

That is why there needs to be a realistic, comprehensive, top to bottom revamping of immigration and guest worker programs instead of bumper sticker solutions like fences, deportation of millions of people or God forbid........shoot on sight.

Let's ask President Obama to make a blue ribbon panel, and give them complete authority to solve the criminal illegal alien and anchor baby problem. Kwc57 can raise the $113 billion plus needed annually for criminal illegal aliens and anchor babies.

The rest of us can take a nice hike, there are some great trails near Woodland, CA.

Immigration policy isn't the job of any president. That job belongs to Congress. Let's ask them to quit making resolutions to recognize this group or that organization for something they've done and instead introduce, discuss and pass bills on the issues that concern Americans. Just my personal opinion, but I don't think "shoot to kill" will get very far.

I'll be doing plenty of hiking beginning next week in Washington DC and Fort AP Hill at the 2010 National Boy Scout Jamboree.
Here's a novel idea, why doesn't our Federal Government simply do their job and enforce our laws?

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