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The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Another day, another decision, another protest...it will backfire

Trump lies about his height and weight. Hard to find something he doesn't lie about.
Trump's driver's license casts doubt on height claims
Donald Trump is lying about his weight

Child I'm not worried how tall he is or how much he weighs, it's not even on my radar, the cryptic child brought it up.

I don't care how tall or fat he is either. I do care that he is a pathological liar.

Yet maobama didn't bother you a bit, cause he was your liar, right?

I didn't agree with everything he did, but he was honest. Trump will lie when he knows the truth would serve him better.

OMG, another knee slapper, keep'm coming.

Yep. You're laughing like a fool, but you can't prove me wrong. You haven't even tried. Keep laughing little boy.
Actually, they're tall people who DO know what's best. Mainly, taxing the bloated rich and giant corps their fair share and investing in the non-rich and America for a change...see sig.

Class envy isn't very becoming and how many are taller than Trump?
How tall is he? Quite a few. I'm 6' 4". It's not envy, dupe- it's intelligence and interest in having a successful country. We have the only modern country with a flat tax system. AND IT DOESN"T WORK. I don't think this ban will work here either- with this 24/7 news.. It's STUPID.

6'-3", and we don't have a flat tax system, it's progressive, we should have a flat tax system. It's not a ban dummy it's a moratorium, a way to stand back, take a breathe and see if the system is working in the most effective way. Now run along and worry what other people are paying in taxes.
If you count ALL taxes and fees, EVERYONE pays 18-30%, the top 4 quintiles pay 24-30%, with MANY middle class people paying LESS than the richest, dupe. Obama already HAD a moratorium and FIXED the system. But a moratorium OK, but STUPID.[/QUOTE

So you're saying many of the middle class shouldn't be paying "LESS than the richest"? Also I don't pay anywhere close to 18%, what am I doing wrong?
Including ALLTAXES, state and local?
You silly thing. You think people are protesting because Hillary didn't win, and it has nothing to do with the unAmerican actions of that orange Clown. He is disrespectful to the democratic process. You really should pay more attention to what is happening instead of just letting right wing radio tell you what to think.

How can you be protesting his unamerican actions when you start protesting before he does anything?

The big one on the 21st was because of all the crap he said he was going to do. Plenty there to to show his disrespect the ideals that our country stands for.

Friday, January 20
Proclamation 9570: National Day of Patriotic Devotion

As one of his first official acts, President Trump declared his inauguration day to be a "National Day of Patriotic Devotion." The tradition goes back to President George H.W. Bush, but Trump's proclamation was less personal and more nationalistic than his predecessors.

Executive Order 13765: Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal

Trump's first executive order was as much a messaging document as a policy-making one, emphasizing Trump administration to seek the repeal of the health insurance law known as Obamacare. While the order was vague about what specific measures the administration will take — using the phrase "to the maximum extent permitted by law" three times — it suggests that federal agencies give states, insurance companies and consumers the maximum amount of flexibility in complying with the law.

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies: Regulatory Freeze Pending Review

The "regulatory freeze" memo is not technically a presidential action. Following tradition, the memo came from the new president's chief of staff, Reince Priebus. But it has the same force and effect as if the president signed it: An immediate halt to the publication of any new regulations. The freeze lifts when Trump's nominees to lead agencies are confirmed by the Senate. The White House Office of Management and Budget may make exceptions for health, safety, financial, or national security matters.

Monday, January 23
Presidential Memorandum: Withdrawal of the United States From the Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations and Agreement

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, was a 12-member trade pact of countries along the Pacific Rim. Trump's directive made it 11, formally withdrawing from the trade agreement. While the Obama-negotiated agreement was unlikely to be ratified by Congress anyway, the memorandum also set forth a Trump administration policy of negotiating future trade deals one by one, instead of regional, multi-national agreements.

Presidential Memorandum: Mexico City Policy

The Mexico City Policy, known to critics as the global gag rule, was a Reagan-Bush policy that restricted the use of foreign aid money to support family planning organizations that promote abortion. Trump's memorandum reinstated that policy, which had been rescinded by Obama, but also vastly expanded it: The restriction now applies not just to the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development, but now all federal funding. And the ban applies to all global health aid, not just family planning.

Presidential Memorandum: Hiring Freeze

Most recent presidents have instituted some kind of hiring freeze, often just long enough for the president's new cabinet members to be confirmed so they can make their own hiring decisions. While Trump makes an exception for the military, it also forbids contracting to circumvent the ban. The order calls for a long-term plan to reduce the federal workforce within 90 days.

Tuesday, January 24
Presidential Memorandum: Construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline

The Obama administration scuttled the proposed 1,179-mile cross-border pipeline from Alberta to Nebraska, which Republicans had supported as a job-booster. Trump invited pipeline company, Transcanada, "to promptly resubmit its application," and ordered the secretary of State to make a decision within 60 days, fast-tracking existing procedural requirements.

Presidential Memorandum: Construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline

A separate order applied to the Dakota Access Pipeline, a 1,172-mile pipeline from North Dakota to Illinois. That project has been the subject of heated protests by American Indian groups and environmentalists. Because the pipeline crosses waterways, it needs approval from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Trump ordered the Army to "review and approve in an expedited manner" the permit.

Presidential Memorandum:Construction of American Pipelines

Trump asked the secretary of Commerce to review ways to mandate the use of American-made steel in pipeline projects. for all new, expanded or retrofitted pipelines in the United States. The plan is due in six months.

Executive Order 13766: Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals for High Priority Infrastructure Projects

The order sets up a new system to fast-track infrastructure projects. Under the executive order, any governor or cabinet secretary can ask for a project to be designated as high-priority. If the chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality approves, the project will go to the front of the line for any agency required to review and approve the project.

Presidential Memorandum:Streamlining Permitting and Reducing Regulatory Burdens for Domestic Manufacturing

Under this order, the secretary of Commerce will launch a review of manufacturing regulations with the goal of streamlining those rules. The secretary will seek input on the issue over the next 60 days, with a report to Trump containing specific proposals 60 days after that.

Wednesday, January 25
Proclamation 9571: National School Choice Week, 2017

Trump proclaimed the week of Jan, 22 as National School Choice week. Though the proclamation was entirely ceremonial, Trump is the first president ever to proclaim this week, which is sponsored by a coalition of charter, magnet, private, online and home schools.

Executive Order 13767: Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements

This is the "build the wall" executive order, directing the Customs and Border Patrol to "secure the southern border of the United States through the immediate construction of a physical wall on the southern border." The order also directs the hiring of 5,000 more border patrol officers. The order does not specify how the wall would be paid for, but does request a report on all U.S. foreign aid to Mexico over the last five years.

Executive Order 13768: Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States

Complementing the border wall, this executive order applies to immigration enforcement in the interior, and specifically targets so-called "sanctuary cities" by cutting off their federal funding. The order also expands the enforcement priorities in order to give immigration officers almost unlimited discretion in instituting deportation proceedings, to include any non-citizen not yet charged a crime but who, in the judgment of an immigration officer, poses a risk to public safety or national security.

Friday, January 27
Executive Order: Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States

This is perhaps Trump's most controversial executive order to date, leading to weekend protests at international airports across the country. Trump promised to keep "radical Islamic terrorists" out of the country, largely though a ban on entry from seven countries for 90 days. Those countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen) are all majority Muslim, and the order allows an exception for religious minorities, which Trump said was to protect Christians there. The order was subject to immediate action in three federal courts in the 48 hours after its signing, in order to protect people who were caught in legal limbo when they arrived at U.S. airports.

National Security Presidential Memorandum 1: Rebuilding the U.S. Armed Forces

The presidential national security memorandum — a first-of-its-kind presidential directive — calls for a 30-day review of military readiness. It requires the the Pentagon and Office of Management and Budget to come up with a plan to bolster the military, and calls for an examination of the nation's nuclear arsenal and missile-defense capabilities.

Saturday, January 28
Executive Order: Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Employees

In one sense, Trump's executive order on administration ethics goes further than any similar order in history, imposing a lifetime ban on administration officials lobbying foreign governments, and a five-year ban on other types of lobbying. But that ban covers only people who were lobbyists before they joined the administration, leaving a loophole for non-lobbyists, ethics experts said.

National Security Presidential Memorandum 2: Organization of the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council

Every modern president signs an order early in his term reorganizing the National Security Council. Trump's order most notably added his chief political strategist, Stephen Bannon, to sit on the influential Principals Committee.

National Security Presidential Memorandum 3: Plan to Defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

This memorandum calls for the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with other national security officials, to develop a plan within 30 days to defeat the Islamic State. The plan should include "recommended changes to any United States rules of engagement" as well as any diplomatic, financial or cyber measures that the Trump administration can take.

Monday, January 30
Executive Order: Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs

Trump's so-called "one in, two out" executive order would require agencies to rescind two existing regulations for every one new regulation — and that the regulatory costs of those new regulations balance out. The order would also tighten the president's grip on the regulatory process by giving each agency an annual quota of regulations through the federal budgeting process.

I fail to see a problem with any of it.

Most of the 62,979,636 that voted for Trump don't have a problem with it either. It's the 261,727,364 others that have a problem with it. The 19.4% who actually support Trump is far from the majority.

Trump voters US population
62,979,636 / 324,707,000 * 100 =19.39583%

A perfect example of how Stats are used to mis-lead. Your making numbers show what you want them to show. You cant speak for the intentions of people who didn't vote.

Good for you. You're finally catching on. All we can judge by is what people actually do. Only 19.4% did anything to indicate they support Trump.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

Clinton. Feel free to look it up.

Clinton got a blowjob and left us a huge surplus. I would personally kick in a few bucks each week to make sure he got all the blow jobs he wanted if we could have him as president again. Either way, it still doesn't change the fact that Trump is an unqualified lying
You are hereby nominated for the most Hilarious Post Of The Year!

I'd give you 100 funnies if I could.

Well thank you. You can't argue with the math though. ONLY 19.4% (rounded up) SUPPORT TRUMP. Care prove me wrong?

Tell the rest of the class, using your formula, what percent support the hildabitch. I venture it would be the same, rounded of course. Please keep posting this ridiculous crap, I enjoy the laughs.

It would be a higher percentage. She did get 3 million more votes. Ask a 5th grader to show you how to figure percentages. It's really not that hard.

You're just ashamed to admit the skanks number would be the same. Your presuming to speak for the 150+ million that didn't vote just makes you a worse clown and bigger liar than Trump. Even he doesn't claim support form people that didn't vote.

I'm not speaking for anybody. They didn't vote for him. Please explain why you think they support him. Just because you want them to?

I don't know if they do or not, of course you don't either, they didn't vote. I do know more than voted for the bitch support the moratorium.
How can you be protesting his unamerican actions when you start protesting before he does anything?

The big one on the 21st was because of all the crap he said he was going to do. Plenty there to to show his disrespect the ideals that our country stands for.

Friday, January 20
Proclamation 9570: National Day of Patriotic Devotion

As one of his first official acts, President Trump declared his inauguration day to be a "National Day of Patriotic Devotion." The tradition goes back to President George H.W. Bush, but Trump's proclamation was less personal and more nationalistic than his predecessors.

Executive Order 13765: Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal

Trump's first executive order was as much a messaging document as a policy-making one, emphasizing Trump administration to seek the repeal of the health insurance law known as Obamacare. While the order was vague about what specific measures the administration will take — using the phrase "to the maximum extent permitted by law" three times — it suggests that federal agencies give states, insurance companies and consumers the maximum amount of flexibility in complying with the law.

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies: Regulatory Freeze Pending Review

The "regulatory freeze" memo is not technically a presidential action. Following tradition, the memo came from the new president's chief of staff, Reince Priebus. But it has the same force and effect as if the president signed it: An immediate halt to the publication of any new regulations. The freeze lifts when Trump's nominees to lead agencies are confirmed by the Senate. The White House Office of Management and Budget may make exceptions for health, safety, financial, or national security matters.

Monday, January 23
Presidential Memorandum: Withdrawal of the United States From the Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations and Agreement

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, was a 12-member trade pact of countries along the Pacific Rim. Trump's directive made it 11, formally withdrawing from the trade agreement. While the Obama-negotiated agreement was unlikely to be ratified by Congress anyway, the memorandum also set forth a Trump administration policy of negotiating future trade deals one by one, instead of regional, multi-national agreements.

Presidential Memorandum: Mexico City Policy

The Mexico City Policy, known to critics as the global gag rule, was a Reagan-Bush policy that restricted the use of foreign aid money to support family planning organizations that promote abortion. Trump's memorandum reinstated that policy, which had been rescinded by Obama, but also vastly expanded it: The restriction now applies not just to the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development, but now all federal funding. And the ban applies to all global health aid, not just family planning.

Presidential Memorandum: Hiring Freeze

Most recent presidents have instituted some kind of hiring freeze, often just long enough for the president's new cabinet members to be confirmed so they can make their own hiring decisions. While Trump makes an exception for the military, it also forbids contracting to circumvent the ban. The order calls for a long-term plan to reduce the federal workforce within 90 days.

Tuesday, January 24
Presidential Memorandum: Construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline

The Obama administration scuttled the proposed 1,179-mile cross-border pipeline from Alberta to Nebraska, which Republicans had supported as a job-booster. Trump invited pipeline company, Transcanada, "to promptly resubmit its application," and ordered the secretary of State to make a decision within 60 days, fast-tracking existing procedural requirements.

Presidential Memorandum: Construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline

A separate order applied to the Dakota Access Pipeline, a 1,172-mile pipeline from North Dakota to Illinois. That project has been the subject of heated protests by American Indian groups and environmentalists. Because the pipeline crosses waterways, it needs approval from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Trump ordered the Army to "review and approve in an expedited manner" the permit.

Presidential Memorandum:Construction of American Pipelines

Trump asked the secretary of Commerce to review ways to mandate the use of American-made steel in pipeline projects. for all new, expanded or retrofitted pipelines in the United States. The plan is due in six months.

Executive Order 13766: Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals for High Priority Infrastructure Projects

The order sets up a new system to fast-track infrastructure projects. Under the executive order, any governor or cabinet secretary can ask for a project to be designated as high-priority. If the chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality approves, the project will go to the front of the line for any agency required to review and approve the project.

Presidential Memorandum:Streamlining Permitting and Reducing Regulatory Burdens for Domestic Manufacturing

Under this order, the secretary of Commerce will launch a review of manufacturing regulations with the goal of streamlining those rules. The secretary will seek input on the issue over the next 60 days, with a report to Trump containing specific proposals 60 days after that.

Wednesday, January 25
Proclamation 9571: National School Choice Week, 2017

Trump proclaimed the week of Jan, 22 as National School Choice week. Though the proclamation was entirely ceremonial, Trump is the first president ever to proclaim this week, which is sponsored by a coalition of charter, magnet, private, online and home schools.

Executive Order 13767: Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements

This is the "build the wall" executive order, directing the Customs and Border Patrol to "secure the southern border of the United States through the immediate construction of a physical wall on the southern border." The order also directs the hiring of 5,000 more border patrol officers. The order does not specify how the wall would be paid for, but does request a report on all U.S. foreign aid to Mexico over the last five years.

Executive Order 13768: Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States

Complementing the border wall, this executive order applies to immigration enforcement in the interior, and specifically targets so-called "sanctuary cities" by cutting off their federal funding. The order also expands the enforcement priorities in order to give immigration officers almost unlimited discretion in instituting deportation proceedings, to include any non-citizen not yet charged a crime but who, in the judgment of an immigration officer, poses a risk to public safety or national security.

Friday, January 27
Executive Order: Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States

This is perhaps Trump's most controversial executive order to date, leading to weekend protests at international airports across the country. Trump promised to keep "radical Islamic terrorists" out of the country, largely though a ban on entry from seven countries for 90 days. Those countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen) are all majority Muslim, and the order allows an exception for religious minorities, which Trump said was to protect Christians there. The order was subject to immediate action in three federal courts in the 48 hours after its signing, in order to protect people who were caught in legal limbo when they arrived at U.S. airports.

National Security Presidential Memorandum 1: Rebuilding the U.S. Armed Forces

The presidential national security memorandum — a first-of-its-kind presidential directive — calls for a 30-day review of military readiness. It requires the the Pentagon and Office of Management and Budget to come up with a plan to bolster the military, and calls for an examination of the nation's nuclear arsenal and missile-defense capabilities.

Saturday, January 28
Executive Order: Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Employees

In one sense, Trump's executive order on administration ethics goes further than any similar order in history, imposing a lifetime ban on administration officials lobbying foreign governments, and a five-year ban on other types of lobbying. But that ban covers only people who were lobbyists before they joined the administration, leaving a loophole for non-lobbyists, ethics experts said.

National Security Presidential Memorandum 2: Organization of the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council

Every modern president signs an order early in his term reorganizing the National Security Council. Trump's order most notably added his chief political strategist, Stephen Bannon, to sit on the influential Principals Committee.

National Security Presidential Memorandum 3: Plan to Defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

This memorandum calls for the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with other national security officials, to develop a plan within 30 days to defeat the Islamic State. The plan should include "recommended changes to any United States rules of engagement" as well as any diplomatic, financial or cyber measures that the Trump administration can take.

Monday, January 30
Executive Order: Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs

Trump's so-called "one in, two out" executive order would require agencies to rescind two existing regulations for every one new regulation — and that the regulatory costs of those new regulations balance out. The order would also tighten the president's grip on the regulatory process by giving each agency an annual quota of regulations through the federal budgeting process.

I fail to see a problem with any of it.

Most of the 62,979,636 that voted for Trump don't have a problem with it either. It's the 261,727,364 others that have a problem with it. The 19.4% who actually support Trump is far from the majority.

Trump voters US population
62,979,636 / 324,707,000 * 100 =19.39583%

A perfect example of how Stats are used to mis-lead. Your making numbers show what you want them to show. You cant speak for the intentions of people who didn't vote.

Good for you. You're finally catching on. All we can judge by is what people actually do. Only 19.4% did anything to indicate they support Trump.

And roughly the same amount showed they supported Hillary.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

Clinton. Feel free to look it up.

Clinton got a blowjob and left us a huge surplus. I would personally kick in a few bucks each week to make sure he got all the blow jobs he wanted if we could have him as president again. Either way, it still doesn't change the fact that Trump is an unqualified lying
Well thank you. You can't argue with the math though. ONLY 19.4% (rounded up) SUPPORT TRUMP. Care prove me wrong?

Tell the rest of the class, using your formula, what percent support the hildabitch. I venture it would be the same, rounded of course. Please keep posting this ridiculous crap, I enjoy the laughs.

It would be a higher percentage. She did get 3 million more votes. Ask a 5th grader to show you how to figure percentages. It's really not that hard.

You're just ashamed to admit the skanks number would be the same. Your presuming to speak for the 150+ million that didn't vote just makes you a worse clown and bigger liar than Trump. Even he doesn't claim support form people that didn't vote.

I'm not speaking for anybody. They didn't vote for him. Please explain why you think they support him. Just because you want them to?

I don't know if they do or not, of course you don't either, they didn't vote. I do know more than voted for the bitch support the moratorium.

So you aren't even going to try to prove what I already said is wrong? Surprising that you could use such good judgement.
The big one on the 21st was because of all the crap he said he was going to do. Plenty there to to show his disrespect the ideals that our country stands for.

Friday, January 20
Proclamation 9570: National Day of Patriotic Devotion

As one of his first official acts, President Trump declared his inauguration day to be a "National Day of Patriotic Devotion." The tradition goes back to President George H.W. Bush, but Trump's proclamation was less personal and more nationalistic than his predecessors.

Executive Order 13765: Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal

Trump's first executive order was as much a messaging document as a policy-making one, emphasizing Trump administration to seek the repeal of the health insurance law known as Obamacare. While the order was vague about what specific measures the administration will take — using the phrase "to the maximum extent permitted by law" three times — it suggests that federal agencies give states, insurance companies and consumers the maximum amount of flexibility in complying with the law.

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies: Regulatory Freeze Pending Review

The "regulatory freeze" memo is not technically a presidential action. Following tradition, the memo came from the new president's chief of staff, Reince Priebus. But it has the same force and effect as if the president signed it: An immediate halt to the publication of any new regulations. The freeze lifts when Trump's nominees to lead agencies are confirmed by the Senate. The White House Office of Management and Budget may make exceptions for health, safety, financial, or national security matters.

Monday, January 23
Presidential Memorandum: Withdrawal of the United States From the Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations and Agreement

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, was a 12-member trade pact of countries along the Pacific Rim. Trump's directive made it 11, formally withdrawing from the trade agreement. While the Obama-negotiated agreement was unlikely to be ratified by Congress anyway, the memorandum also set forth a Trump administration policy of negotiating future trade deals one by one, instead of regional, multi-national agreements.

Presidential Memorandum: Mexico City Policy

The Mexico City Policy, known to critics as the global gag rule, was a Reagan-Bush policy that restricted the use of foreign aid money to support family planning organizations that promote abortion. Trump's memorandum reinstated that policy, which had been rescinded by Obama, but also vastly expanded it: The restriction now applies not just to the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development, but now all federal funding. And the ban applies to all global health aid, not just family planning.

Presidential Memorandum: Hiring Freeze

Most recent presidents have instituted some kind of hiring freeze, often just long enough for the president's new cabinet members to be confirmed so they can make their own hiring decisions. While Trump makes an exception for the military, it also forbids contracting to circumvent the ban. The order calls for a long-term plan to reduce the federal workforce within 90 days.

Tuesday, January 24
Presidential Memorandum: Construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline

The Obama administration scuttled the proposed 1,179-mile cross-border pipeline from Alberta to Nebraska, which Republicans had supported as a job-booster. Trump invited pipeline company, Transcanada, "to promptly resubmit its application," and ordered the secretary of State to make a decision within 60 days, fast-tracking existing procedural requirements.

Presidential Memorandum: Construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline

A separate order applied to the Dakota Access Pipeline, a 1,172-mile pipeline from North Dakota to Illinois. That project has been the subject of heated protests by American Indian groups and environmentalists. Because the pipeline crosses waterways, it needs approval from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Trump ordered the Army to "review and approve in an expedited manner" the permit.

Presidential Memorandum:Construction of American Pipelines

Trump asked the secretary of Commerce to review ways to mandate the use of American-made steel in pipeline projects. for all new, expanded or retrofitted pipelines in the United States. The plan is due in six months.

Executive Order 13766: Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals for High Priority Infrastructure Projects

The order sets up a new system to fast-track infrastructure projects. Under the executive order, any governor or cabinet secretary can ask for a project to be designated as high-priority. If the chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality approves, the project will go to the front of the line for any agency required to review and approve the project.

Presidential Memorandum:Streamlining Permitting and Reducing Regulatory Burdens for Domestic Manufacturing

Under this order, the secretary of Commerce will launch a review of manufacturing regulations with the goal of streamlining those rules. The secretary will seek input on the issue over the next 60 days, with a report to Trump containing specific proposals 60 days after that.

Wednesday, January 25
Proclamation 9571: National School Choice Week, 2017

Trump proclaimed the week of Jan, 22 as National School Choice week. Though the proclamation was entirely ceremonial, Trump is the first president ever to proclaim this week, which is sponsored by a coalition of charter, magnet, private, online and home schools.

Executive Order 13767: Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements

This is the "build the wall" executive order, directing the Customs and Border Patrol to "secure the southern border of the United States through the immediate construction of a physical wall on the southern border." The order also directs the hiring of 5,000 more border patrol officers. The order does not specify how the wall would be paid for, but does request a report on all U.S. foreign aid to Mexico over the last five years.

Executive Order 13768: Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States

Complementing the border wall, this executive order applies to immigration enforcement in the interior, and specifically targets so-called "sanctuary cities" by cutting off their federal funding. The order also expands the enforcement priorities in order to give immigration officers almost unlimited discretion in instituting deportation proceedings, to include any non-citizen not yet charged a crime but who, in the judgment of an immigration officer, poses a risk to public safety or national security.

Friday, January 27
Executive Order: Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States

This is perhaps Trump's most controversial executive order to date, leading to weekend protests at international airports across the country. Trump promised to keep "radical Islamic terrorists" out of the country, largely though a ban on entry from seven countries for 90 days. Those countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen) are all majority Muslim, and the order allows an exception for religious minorities, which Trump said was to protect Christians there. The order was subject to immediate action in three federal courts in the 48 hours after its signing, in order to protect people who were caught in legal limbo when they arrived at U.S. airports.

National Security Presidential Memorandum 1: Rebuilding the U.S. Armed Forces

The presidential national security memorandum — a first-of-its-kind presidential directive — calls for a 30-day review of military readiness. It requires the the Pentagon and Office of Management and Budget to come up with a plan to bolster the military, and calls for an examination of the nation's nuclear arsenal and missile-defense capabilities.

Saturday, January 28
Executive Order: Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Employees

In one sense, Trump's executive order on administration ethics goes further than any similar order in history, imposing a lifetime ban on administration officials lobbying foreign governments, and a five-year ban on other types of lobbying. But that ban covers only people who were lobbyists before they joined the administration, leaving a loophole for non-lobbyists, ethics experts said.

National Security Presidential Memorandum 2: Organization of the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council

Every modern president signs an order early in his term reorganizing the National Security Council. Trump's order most notably added his chief political strategist, Stephen Bannon, to sit on the influential Principals Committee.

National Security Presidential Memorandum 3: Plan to Defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

This memorandum calls for the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with other national security officials, to develop a plan within 30 days to defeat the Islamic State. The plan should include "recommended changes to any United States rules of engagement" as well as any diplomatic, financial or cyber measures that the Trump administration can take.

Monday, January 30
Executive Order: Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs

Trump's so-called "one in, two out" executive order would require agencies to rescind two existing regulations for every one new regulation — and that the regulatory costs of those new regulations balance out. The order would also tighten the president's grip on the regulatory process by giving each agency an annual quota of regulations through the federal budgeting process.

I fail to see a problem with any of it.

Most of the 62,979,636 that voted for Trump don't have a problem with it either. It's the 261,727,364 others that have a problem with it. The 19.4% who actually support Trump is far from the majority.

Trump voters US population
62,979,636 / 324,707,000 * 100 =19.39583%

A perfect example of how Stats are used to mis-lead. Your making numbers show what you want them to show. You cant speak for the intentions of people who didn't vote.

Good for you. You're finally catching on. All we can judge by is what people actually do. Only 19.4% did anything to indicate they support Trump.

And roughly the same amount showed they supported Hillary.

Roughly a little more. This isn't about Hillary. The election is over. She lost. Trump is still an unqualified lying pig who is in way over his head.
Class envy isn't very becoming and how many are taller than Trump?
How tall is he? Quite a few. I'm 6' 4". It's not envy, dupe- it's intelligence and interest in having a successful country. We have the only modern country with a flat tax system. AND IT DOESN"T WORK. I don't think this ban will work here either- with this 24/7 news.. It's STUPID.

6'-3", and we don't have a flat tax system, it's progressive, we should have a flat tax system. It's not a ban dummy it's a moratorium, a way to stand back, take a breathe and see if the system is working in the most effective way. Now run along and worry what other people are paying in taxes.
If you count ALL taxes and fees, EVERYONE pays 18-30%, the top 4 quintiles pay 24-30%, with MANY middle class people paying LESS than the richest, dupe. Obama already HAD a moratorium and FIXED the system. But a moratorium OK, but STUPID.[/QUOTE

So you're saying many of the middle class shouldn't be paying "LESS than the richest"? Also I don't pay anywhere close to 18%, what am I doing wrong?
Including ALLTAXES, state and local?

My largest tax bill is sales tax.
Regressive will never get it. They think they know what's best for the whole country, when most of them have never been to more than a couple of States. They're just self absorbed little people with Napoleon complexes.
Actually, they're tall people who DO know what's best. Mainly, taxing the bloated rich and giant corps their fair share and investing in the non-rich and America for a change...see sig.

Class envy isn't very becoming and how many are taller than Trump?
How tall is he? Quite a few. I'm 6' 4". It's not envy, dupe- it's intelligence and interest in having a successful country. We have the only modern country with a flat tax system. AND IT DOESN"T WORK. I don't think this ban will work here either- with this 24/7 news.. It's STUPID.

6'-3", and we don't have a flat tax system, it's progressive, we should have a flat tax system. It's not a ban dummy it's a moratorium, a way to stand back, take a breathe and see if the system is working in the most effective way. Now run along and worry what other people are paying in taxes.
If you count ALL taxes and fees, EVERYONE pays 18-30%, the top 4 quintiles pay 24-30%, with MANY middle class people paying LESS than the richest, dupe. Obama already HAD a moratorium and FIXED the system. But a moratorium OK, but STUPID.
How tall is he? Quite a few. I'm 6' 4". It's not envy, dupe- it's intelligence and interest in having a successful country. We have the only modern country with a flat tax system. AND IT DOESN"T WORK. I don't think this ban will work here either- with this 24/7 news.. It's STUPID.

6'-3", and we don't have a flat tax system, it's progressive, we should have a flat tax system. It's not a ban dummy it's a moratorium, a way to stand back, take a breathe and see if the system is working in the most effective way. Now run along and worry what other people are paying in taxes.
If you count ALL taxes and fees, EVERYONE pays 18-30%, the top 4 quintiles pay 24-30%, with MANY middle class people paying LESS than the richest, dupe. Obama already HAD a moratorium and FIXED the system. But a moratorium OK, but STUPID.[/QUOTE

So you're saying many of the middle class shouldn't be paying "LESS than the richest"? Also I don't pay anywhere close to 18%, what am I doing wrong?
Including ALLTAXES, state and local?

My largest tax bill is sales tax.
How tall is he? Quite a few. I'm 6' 4". It's not envy, dupe- it's intelligence and interest in having a successful country. We have the only modern country with a flat tax system. AND IT DOESN"T WORK. I don't think this ban will work here either- with this 24/7 news.. It's STUPID.

6'-3", and we don't have a flat tax system, it's progressive, we should have a flat tax system. It's not a ban dummy it's a moratorium, a way to stand back, take a breathe and see if the system is working in the most effective way. Now run along and worry what other people are paying in taxes.
If you count ALL taxes and fees, EVERYONE pays 18-30%, the top 4 quintiles pay 24-30%, with MANY middle class people paying LESS than the richest, dupe. Obama already HAD a moratorium and FIXED the system. But a moratorium OK, but STUPID.[/QUOTE

So you're saying many of the middle class shouldn't be paying "LESS than the richest"? Also I don't pay anywhere close to 18%, what am I doing wrong?
Including ALLTAXES, state and local?

My largest tax bill is sales tax.

The fools dont know how to play it right......
I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

Clinton. Feel free to look it up.

Clinton got a blowjob and left us a huge surplus. I would personally kick in a few bucks each week to make sure he got all the blow jobs he wanted if we could have him as president again. Either way, it still doesn't change the fact that Trump is an unqualified lying
Tell the rest of the class, using your formula, what percent support the hildabitch. I venture it would be the same, rounded of course. Please keep posting this ridiculous crap, I enjoy the laughs.

It would be a higher percentage. She did get 3 million more votes. Ask a 5th grader to show you how to figure percentages. It's really not that hard.

You're just ashamed to admit the skanks number would be the same. Your presuming to speak for the 150+ million that didn't vote just makes you a worse clown and bigger liar than Trump. Even he doesn't claim support form people that didn't vote.

I'm not speaking for anybody. They didn't vote for him. Please explain why you think they support him. Just because you want them to?

I don't know if they do or not, of course you don't either, they didn't vote. I do know more than voted for the bitch support the moratorium.

So you aren't even going to try to prove what I already said is wrong? Surprising that you could use such good judgement.

You've done that all by yourself, you don't need my help.
Clinton got a blowjob and left us a huge surplus. I would personally kick in a few bucks each week to make sure he got all the blow jobs he wanted if we could have him as president again. Either way, it still doesn't change the fact that Trump is an unqualified lying
It would be a higher percentage. She did get 3 million more votes. Ask a 5th grader to show you how to figure percentages. It's really not that hard.

You're just ashamed to admit the skanks number would be the same. Your presuming to speak for the 150+ million that didn't vote just makes you a worse clown and bigger liar than Trump. Even he doesn't claim support form people that didn't vote.

I'm not speaking for anybody. They didn't vote for him. Please explain why you think they support him. Just because you want them to?

I don't know if they do or not, of course you don't either, they didn't vote. I do know more than voted for the bitch support the moratorium.

So you aren't even going to try to prove what I already said is wrong? Surprising that you could use such good judgement.

You've done that all by yourself, you don't need my help.

I'll have to assume you missed me.......
6'-3", and we don't have a flat tax system, it's progressive, we should have a flat tax system. It's not a ban dummy it's a moratorium, a way to stand back, take a breathe and see if the system is working in the most effective way. Now run along and worry what other people are paying in taxes.
If you count ALL taxes and fees, EVERYONE pays 18-30%, the top 4 quintiles pay 24-30%, with MANY middle class people paying LESS than the richest, dupe. Obama already HAD a moratorium and FIXED the system. But a moratorium OK, but STUPID.[/QUOTE

So you're saying many of the middle class shouldn't be paying "LESS than the richest"? Also I don't pay anywhere close to 18%, what am I doing wrong?
Including ALLTAXES, state and local?

My largest tax bill is sales tax.

The fools dont know how to play it right......
OR, you could make it FAIR again like the 1950-sixties, dupes. Cheap college costs and fair salaries and taxes. Pre Reaganists and dupes....
If you count ALL taxes and fees, EVERYONE pays 18-30%, the top 4 quintiles pay 24-30%, with MANY middle class people paying LESS than the richest, dupe. Obama already HAD a moratorium and FIXED the system. But a moratorium OK, but STUPID.[/QUOTE

So you're saying many of the middle class shouldn't be paying "LESS than the richest"? Also I don't pay anywhere close to 18%, what am I doing wrong?
Including ALLTAXES, state and local?

My largest tax bill is sales tax.

The fools dont know how to play it right......
OR, you could make it FAIR again like the 1950-sixties, dupes. Cheap college costs and fair salaries and taxes. Pre Reaganists and dupes....

LOL.....You go on and work your plan and I'll work mine.
Actually, they're tall people who DO know what's best. Mainly, taxing the bloated rich and giant corps their fair share and investing in the non-rich and America for a change...see sig.

Class envy isn't very becoming and how many are taller than Trump?
How tall is he? Quite a few. I'm 6' 4". It's not envy, dupe- it's intelligence and interest in having a successful country. We have the only modern country with a flat tax system. AND IT DOESN"T WORK. I don't think this ban will work here either- with this 24/7 news.. It's STUPID.

6'-3", and we don't have a flat tax system, it's progressive, we should have a flat tax system. It's not a ban dummy it's a moratorium, a way to stand back, take a breathe and see if the system is working in the most effective way. Now run along and worry what other people are paying in taxes.
If you count ALL taxes and fees, EVERYONE pays 18-30%, the top 4 quintiles pay 24-30%, with MANY middle class people paying LESS than the richest, dupe. Obama already HAD a moratorium and FIXED the system. But a moratorium OK, but STUPID.

I guess I'm good, I don't pay anywhere near any of those. Of course most of my income is tax free, TX has no income tax and I'm exempt from property taxes.
Including ALLTAXES, state and local?

My largest tax bill is sales tax.

The fools dont know how to play it right......
OR, you could make it FAIR again like the 1950-sixties, dupes. Cheap college costs and fair salaries and taxes. Pre Reaganists and dupes....

LOL.....You go on and work your plan and I'll work mine.
You have no political plan, dupe.
Class envy isn't very becoming and how many are taller than Trump?
How tall is he? Quite a few. I'm 6' 4". It's not envy, dupe- it's intelligence and interest in having a successful country. We have the only modern country with a flat tax system. AND IT DOESN"T WORK. I don't think this ban will work here either- with this 24/7 news.. It's STUPID.

6'-3", and we don't have a flat tax system, it's progressive, we should have a flat tax system. It's not a ban dummy it's a moratorium, a way to stand back, take a breathe and see if the system is working in the most effective way. Now run along and worry what other people are paying in taxes.
If you count ALL taxes and fees, EVERYONE pays 18-30%, the top 4 quintiles pay 24-30%, with MANY middle class people paying LESS than the richest, dupe. Obama already HAD a moratorium and FIXED the system. But a moratorium OK, but STUPID.

I guess I'm good, I don't pay anywhere near any of those. Of course most of my income is tax free, TX has no income tax and I'm exempt from property taxes.
TX is very Republican. It works when you have a lot of oil. I lived in Houston in the 70's boom...
You're just ashamed to admit the skanks number would be the same. Your presuming to speak for the 150+ million that didn't vote just makes you a worse clown and bigger liar than Trump. Even he doesn't claim support form people that didn't vote.

I'm not speaking for anybody. They didn't vote for him. Please explain why you think they support him. Just because you want them to?

I don't know if they do or not, of course you don't either, they didn't vote. I do know more than voted for the bitch support the moratorium.

So you aren't even going to try to prove what I already said is wrong? Surprising that you could use such good judgement.

You've done that all by yourself, you don't need my help.

I'll have to assume you missed me.......

Did you post in this string?
Clinton got a blowjob and left us a huge surplus. I would personally kick in a few bucks each week to make sure he got all the blow jobs he wanted if we could have him as president again. Either way, it still doesn't change the fact that Trump is an unqualified lying
It would be a higher percentage. She did get 3 million more votes. Ask a 5th grader to show you how to figure percentages. It's really not that hard.

You're just ashamed to admit the skanks number would be the same. Your presuming to speak for the 150+ million that didn't vote just makes you a worse clown and bigger liar than Trump. Even he doesn't claim support form people that didn't vote.

I'm not speaking for anybody. They didn't vote for him. Please explain why you think they support him. Just because you want them to?

I don't know if they do or not, of course you don't either, they didn't vote. I do know more than voted for the bitch support the moratorium.

So you aren't even going to try to prove what I already said is wrong? Surprising that you could use such good judgement.

You've done that all by yourself, you don't need my help.

You can tell yourself that, but the fact remains that you can't prove anything I said is wrong. Coward.

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