The Bud Light kerfuffle, and the moment it all crossed the line

Adult response…

I will shoot anything that angers me
IDK, if I bought some bud lite, expecting real beer to be inside, then taking a sip, I would be a little pissed.
My neighbor gave me one, I drank it, but went home to get a real beer, never bought any, glad I didn't.
Budweiser is skunk beer. I didn't like it before they jumped on the gay/tranny wagon. This aint their first foray into insanity. Remember, three years ago, they had rainbow colors for their beer cans.
IDK, if I bought some bud lite, expecting real beer to be inside, then taking a sip, I would be a little pissed.
My neighbor gave me one, I drank it, but went home to get a real beer, never bought any, glad I didn't.

I agree…I hate light beer

But still, Bud Light is the most popular beer in the country
The point of exposing children to diverse communities, cultures and perspectives is to promote empathy and understanding. These are the goals and to that extent it has worked as generation Z is the most progressive and inclusive generation there is.

The point is increasing the percentage of sexually confused children from a norm of under 1% to as high as lib groomers can take it to

The point is increasing the percentage of sexually confused children from a norm of under 1% to as high as lib groomers can take it to
I'm sure that's how an emotionally stunted clown like you thinks it's done and I thank you for always providing us all reasons to point and laugh at you. 😄
So by your own admission children are being groomed and sexualized and mutilated sexually by the democrat party, but the reaction to it from the right has been too extreme?



Mac, for a millisecond, was condemning the left for exposing children to drag queen genitals but quickly galloped over to the right to give them a full beat down for getting mad at the left and boycotting the queen of beers. He's a pro at this.
Some of us -- okay, well, I'm admittedly talking about me here -- have been screaming about the perils of political correctness and identity politics for over a decade here. "We" have been saying that the American Left has been blowing it by pushing these wide-ranging cultural issues FAR too far, and that the presidential election results of 2016 were a DIRECT result of those tactics.

So now the Right is pissed off at a beer and is boycotting it and shooting guns at it 'n stuff. And yes, now the Right is every bit as spectacularly hypersensitive to PC/Identity Politics as the Left has been to racism over the years. Ironic. As I've said many times, the two ends can be so similar in their behaviors.

After paying close attention (as usual) to what the Right actually says about things, I think that there was one moment, one turning point that the Left crossed the line with all this stuff: When we started seeing children (especially schoolchildren, who essentially are captive participants) fully exposed to transsexuality, drag queens, drag shows, and the like. This was done by adults who knew damn well that there would be MANY parents who would object, but they ran with it anyway. That's when the shit really hit the fan, and the Left asked for it. BOOM.

Just the latest example of the damage caused when ideologues ignore contrary opinions and go too far. And what's the response? The Right is now going too far in response. Go figure.


Sick Liberal extremists and Democrats crossed the line when they began targeting children for sexualization, Transgender-confusing, LGBTQ indoctrination, genital mutilaton, attempting to destroy the nuclear family by telling children to lie to and hide things from their families...

I agree.

This is the most egregious step they have taken (of many) to undermine the pillars on which this nation was built.

Naming a trangender as a public spokesperson for Bud Light, trying to normalize Transgender ... and in part, attempting to normalize what they are teaching / doing to kids in school ... is just another step.

Liberals and Democrats have been able to affect so much change / so much of their agenda so far because they have slowly raised the temperature of the water in the pot so the 'frogs' haven't jumped out.

I guess in this case they miscalculated and dropped the 'frogs' into a 'boiling pot of water'. Now they think attacking, betating, and insulting the 'frogs' will get them back into the 'pot'.
I'm sure that's how an emotionally stunted clown like you thinks it's done and I thank you for always providing us all reasons to point and laugh at you. 😄
Find a mirror and laugh at yourself for being so clueless about your own agenda

You just stumble through life causing one social train wreck after another
Mac, for a millisecond, was condemning the left for exposing children to drag queen genitals but quickly galloped over to the right to give them a full beat down for getting mad at the left and boycotting the queen of beers. He's a pro at this.
Or, I was just saying exactly what I was thinking without worrying about being an obedient ideological sheep. As usual. Whichever you'd like.

You probably won't understand that.
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Find a mirror and laugh at yourself for being so clueless about your own agenda

You just stumble through life causing one social train wreck after another
Who's clueless? The children whom the Right always try and pretend to be on the side of are always protesting against your policies. Protesting against the Rights inaction on gun violence and school shootings. Protesting their inaction on climate change. And protesting their bigoted policies, aimed at marginalizing their classmates, families and friends. You have no clue but as these young people reach voting age they are going to educate the Republican party.
Or, I was just saying what I was thinking without worrying about being an obedient ideological sheep. As usual. Whichever you'd like.

You probably won't understand that.
Maybe you should learn to think before you speak

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