The Bud Light kerfuffle, and the moment it all crossed the line

Kid Rock says F**k Bud Light and F**k Anheuser-Busch then ...

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Country music artist Kid Rock took to social media on Monday and sent a message to Anheuser-Busch after the beer company started a ...
YouTube · 𝔬𝔲𝔱𝔠𝔞𝔰𝔱 · 6 days ago

1) What 54 year old man still refers to himself as "Kid Rock"?
2) Anheuser-Busch hopes you buy several cases of their beer everyday..........they don't give a crap what you do with it.......shoot them up........flush it.... just as long as you buy it.
3) Guess you showed them.
I think the kid has a problem with his own sexual identity, he has worn pink mink coats and boa's around his neck in the past and now a few hours after shooting up some light bud beer promotes happy dad seltzer with ties to Caitlyn Jenner.

  • Singer-songwriter Kid Rock posted an Instagram photo on Sunday promoting Happy Dad seltzer, a company which has partnered with transgender figure Caitlyn Jenner in the past.
  • This is in contrast to his vocal criticism of Bud Light who recently collaborated with transgender influencer and activist, Dylan Mulvaney.
  • Many conservative figures have called for a boycott of Bud Light, with Jenner herself urging people to switch to Happy Dad.

You want to turn their world upsidedown and inside out so they will embrace lib perversion

That's just hyperbole. How does someone turn the world upside or inside out? 😄 What does that actually mean?

When you get down to the meat of it you don't want them to share your bigotry for the LGTBQ community and they just don't. They're never going to.
Adult response…

I will shoot anything that angers me
I will fight for those without a voice, like the unborn, like children, and not for gun wielding transgender "men" who get up in your face and demand "social justice", whatever that means.
So you have no problem with children getting a lap dance in school by a drag queen or beginning to transition before they are an adult that causes sterilization or them looking at porn at their school library, etc.?

You think I'm the zealot?

Do tell.

I'm just glad some in the GOP seem to at least have a pulse and show some outrage you fool.
All those things were present during the Trump presidency, and prior....did you blame the Republican party for it?

You making it political and your broad brush accusations makes things worse... When you so easily could have addressed the issue in a non partisan, non political way and drawn in ALL parents, speaking out against a drag queen show with sexual content in front of their kids, or lap dance on an alleged 14 year old girl.....etc etc etc...

Instead YOU proceeded to say all Democrats are pedophiles, or body mutilators of children and all the other made up slandering crap....

Well, you can take your crap, and put it where the sun don't shine.

People like you, are the problem imo...
All those things were present during the Trump presidency, and prior....did you blame the Republican party for it?

You making it political and your broad brush accusations makes things worse... When you so easily could have addressed the issue in a non partisan, non political way and drawn in ALL parents, speaking out against a drag queen show with sexual content in front of their kids, or lap dance on an alleged 14 year old girl.....etc etc etc...

Instead YOU proceeded to say all Democrats are pedophiles, or body mutilators of children and all the other made up slandering crap....

Well, you can take your crap, and put it where the sun don't shine.

People like you, are the problem imo...
Republicans are a nonentity, an occasional protest for what democrats are pushing down our throats.

They have no useful function.
All those things were present during the Trump presidency, and prior....did you blame the Republican party for it?

You making it political and your broad brush accusations makes things worse... When you so easily could have addressed the issue in a non partisan, non political way and drawn in ALL parents, speaking out against a drag queen show with sexual content in front of their kids, or lap dance on an alleged 14 year old girl.....etc etc etc...

Instead YOU proceeded to say all Democrats are pedophiles, or body mutilators of children and all the other made up slandering crap....

Well, you can take your crap, and put it where the sun don't shine.

People like you, are the problem imo...
They can't think for themselves.
Everything is filtered through FOX.
When Hannity or Carlson invents a talking point, they repeat it, to no end.
That includes their politicians too.
They can't think for themselves.
Everything is filtered through FOX.
When Hannity or Carlson invents a talking point, they repeat it, to no end.
That includes their politicians too.
you don't see that on the other side though do ya? The propaganda arm of the democrat party AKA Gutter Media is not called Mockingbird media for nuthin'.
Some of us -- okay, well, I'm admittedly talking about me here -- have been screaming about the perils of political correctness and identity politics for over a decade here. "We" have been saying that the American Left has been blowing it by pushing these wide-ranging cultural issues FAR too far, and that the presidential election results of 2016 were a DIRECT result of those tactics.

So now the Right is pissed off at a beer and is boycotting it and shooting guns at it 'n stuff. And yes, now the Right is every bit as spectacularly hypersensitive to PC/Identity Politics as the Left has been to racism over the years. Ironic. As I've said many times, the two ends can be so similar in their behaviors.

After paying close attention (as usual) to what the Right actually says about things, I think that there was one moment, one turning point that the Left crossed the line with all this stuff: When we started seeing children (especially schoolchildren, who essentially are captive participants) fully exposed to transsexuality, drag queens, drag shows, and the like. This was done by adults who knew damn well that there would be MANY parents who would object, but they ran with it anyway. That's when the shit really hit the fan, and the Left asked for it. BOOM.

Just the latest example of the damage caused when ideologues ignore contrary opinions and go too far. And what's the response? The Right is now going too far in response. Go figure.


The right has now crossed the line?? where did it cross the line?
All those things were present during the Trump presidency, and prior....did you blame the Republican party for it?

You making it political and your broad brush accusations makes things worse... When you so easily could have addressed the issue in a non partisan, non political way and drawn in ALL parents, speaking out against a drag queen show with sexual content in front of their kids, or lap dance on an alleged 14 year old girl.....etc etc etc...

Instead YOU proceeded to say all Democrats are pedophiles, or body mutilators of children and all the other made up slandering crap....

Well, you can take your crap, and put it where the sun don't shine.

People like you, are the problem imo...

Were R's pushing drag show genital hour for the kiddies?

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