The CCP is moving into America

Trump never had a Chinese Bank account, you lying Nazi twat.
Yes he did. Just as every other U.S. (or any other country) business enterprise doing business in China or wanting to do business in China has a bank account there. Perfectly legal. And pretty much necessary to do business in China.

What made that and the Hunter situation different is that Hunter was likely using his father's position in government for his personal profit and that almost certainly resulted in some serious concessions and deals made between the U.S. and China in return as Biden was in charge of U.S./China relations. All that may or may not have been legal but certainly influence peddling for profit of that sort is not commendable or good for the country.
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Nice try at changing the subject there Adolph.

So now you're accepting that your blob has a Chinese bank account--something you denied 5 minutes ago.


all too easy.
Just more propaganda by a lying propagandist all just to deflect that China Joe, and The Camel Toe Hoe are owned by The CCP.

Just more propaganda by a lying propagandist all just to deflect that China Joe, and The Camel Toe Hoe are owned by The CCP.

Yes he did/does. Just as every other business enterprise doing business in China or wanting to do business in China has a bank account there. Perfectly legal.

What made that and the Hunter situation different is that Hunter was using his father's position in government for his personal profit and that almost certainly resulted in some serious concessions and deals made between the U.S. and China in return as Biden was in charge of U.S./China relations. All that may or may not have been legal but certainly influence peddling for profit of that sort is not commendable or good for the country.
CORRECT! They were taking bribes. Just like Bribes were being laundered through Hunter from Russia, through Burisma. Hunter, just like Pelosi's Son, Romney's Son, and John Kerry's Son all serve as Bag Men for their parents. This is how they do it now.

"Fire the prosecutor investigating our sons, or you aren't getting the money!"
Quid Pro Joe
Wow, another kook site...

So what is the address of the "police station" that the Chinese have supposedly opened. I have driven extensively in NYC... and I'd like to avoid the area where there are going to be more asian drivers now that...allegedly...they have a police station.

Let me can't publish the address.
According to this forum it is located in Chinatown at:
Sep 28, 2022 · In NYC, they’re located at 107 E Broadway, #3A NY, NY 10002 In case anyone wants to call them, 19173798023 212-966-9977 In the confines of the 5th precinct, sector.
CORRECT! They were taking bribes. Just like Bribes were being laundered through Hunter from Russia, through Burisma. Hunter, just like Pelosi's Son, Romney's Son, and John Kerry's Son all serve as Bag Men for their parents. This is how they do it now.

"Fire the prosecutor investigating our sons, or you aren't getting the money!"
Quid Pro Joe
I don't know whether the political propaganda about all that is correct or not. I do think it deserves investigations because using political influence as bribes is usually illegal if there is quid pro quo.
Wow, another kook site...

So what is the address of the "police station" that the Chinese have supposedly opened. I have driven extensively in NYC... and I'd like to avoid the area where there are going to be more asian drivers now that...allegedly...they have a police station.

Let me can't publish the address.
I suggest you try Flushing/Main Street near the Queens Botanical Gardens.
I'm sure you'll find that it's now like Little Asia.
The former site of the RKO Keith Theater at the juncture of Flushing and Roosevelt Avenues. That would be the perfect place to set up the CPP Police station.
You obviously don't know NYC or it's 5 Boroughs.
I don't know whether the political propaganda about all that is correct or not. I do think it deserves investigations because using political influence as bribes is usually illegal if there is quid pro quo.
Don't you get it? Why do they call him Quid Pro Joe?

We knew that Joe Biden's son, Pelosi's son, Romney's son, John Kerry's son, and Mitt Romney's son were all given lucrative positions in a Russian controlled Ukrainian Energy company, for purely their ability to deliver on influence with The Obama Regime. This is the status quo for corrupt politicians. This is how they get rich.

Now, you know the corruption is going on.....and you know you are supposed to keep your mouth shut about it........
You keep your mouth shut so you don't rock the boat. If you don't rock the boat you can cash in too.

Like Schummer said, if you do that, The Deep State will find 100 new ways to screw you ever day.

The crime according to these corrupt politicians was in daring to ask if what was going on was corrupt. Not the actual corruption, not selling out America, not selling political influence, NOPE. The crime is in asking if what you are doing is corrupt because IT IS CORRUPT.

Everyone knew it was. You just don't ask about it in DC as at least half of that scum in that swamp are all doing it too.

I know a guy that can connect you with an art dealer that can get his hands on a Hunter Biden painting, and get you five minutes with the famous artist.

Might cost you a lot though......and Hunter will be sure to pass on your concerns to "The Big Guy"

How much is it worth to you to get your message to "The Big Guy"?

Hunter has lots of paintings to sell.
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The CCP having access to U.S. data, the police station, and buying up billions of dollars of U.S. land, one large parcel near a U.S. Airforce base in ND, can't be a good thing.

But it isn't the same as the Biden deals with the CCP and/or their affiliates during the Obama administration. What did the Chinese get for all those millions paid to the Bidens?
According to this forum it is located in Chinatown at:
Sep 28, 2022 · In NYC, they’re located at 107 E Broadway, #3A NY, NY 10002 In case anyone wants to call them, 19173798023 212-966-9977 In the confines of the 5th precinct, sector.
What did they say when you called them?
Don't you get it?

We knew that Joe Biden's son, Pelosi's son, Romney's son, John Kerry's son, and Mitt Romney's son were all given lucrative positions in a Russian controlled Ukrainian Energy company, for purely their ability to deliver on influence with The Obama Regime. This is the status quo for corrupt politicians. This is how they get rich.

Now, you know the corruption is going on.....and you know you are supposed to keep your mouth shut about it........
You keep your mouth shut so you don't rock the boat. If you don't rock the boat you can cash in too.

Like Schummer said, if you do that, The Deep State will find 100 new ways to screw you ever day.

The crime according to these corrupt politicians was in daring to ask if what was going on was corrupt.

Everyone knew it was. You just don't ask about it in DC as at least half of that scum in that swamp are all doing it too.

I know a guy that can connect you with an art dealer that can get his hands on a Hunter Biden painting, and get you five minutes with the famous artist.

Might cost you a lot though......and Hunter will be sure to pass on your concerns to "The Big Guy"

How much is it worth to you to get your message to "The Big Guy"?

Hunter has lots of paintings to sell.
I know you mean well, but only Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma in the Ukraine and yes, that is pretty sketchy as he had zero experience in energy production and provided zero verifiable contribution for his presence there but was paid millions to serve on that board. Even Hunter admitted he probably wouldn't have been chosen for that position if it wasn't for his father's influence but, while it really REALLY looks bad, we will never know if there was any illegal quid pro quo without a thorough investigation.

But the lion's share of contributions going to the Ukraine now are from the U.S.A. Is there any connection? Who knows?

As for the others you named, I can't find any credible source confirming they were also compromised in that way, but lots and lots of fact checking sites say they were not.

Hunter's dealings with China are far more sinister in appearance and just add to the concerns of increasing Chinese influence and ability to harm the U.S.A.
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According to this forum it is located in Chinatown at:
Sep 28, 2022 · In NYC, they’re located at 107 E Broadway, #3A NY, NY 10002 In case anyone wants to call them, 19173798023 212-966-9977 In the confines of the 5th precinct, sector.
Thats the address to a grocery store.


Yet another fail on your part.

I know...I know...I have to "use my imagination"...or some other conspiracy speak.
I suggest you try Flushing/Main Street near the Queens Botanical Gardens.
I'm sure you'll find that it's now like Little Asia.
The former site of the RKO Keith Theater at the juncture of Flushing and Roosevelt Avenues. That would be the perfect place to set up the CPP Police station.
You obviously don't know NYC or it's 5 Boroughs.
Well, you guys said they already had a police station. Are you saying it doesn't exist now?
Alerted by a tweet by Senator Marsha Blackburn, I checked out her claim that the CCP owns farmland in the U.S., has access to our data, and has established a police station (to monitor their citizens) in New York City.

She ain't lyin'.

Senator Blackburn says this is totally unacceptable. Do you agree?

They already own the Bidens, so, yeah, makes sense for CCP to move into America
Don't you get it? Why do they call him Quid Pro Joe?

We knew that Joe Biden's son, Pelosi's son, Romney's son, John Kerry's son, and Mitt Romney's son were all given lucrative positions in a Russian controlled Ukrainian Energy company, for purely their ability to deliver on influence with The Obama Regime. This is the status quo for corrupt politicians. This is how they get rich.
I know it's off topic but as soon as Harris runs in 2028, you'll be making the same allegations about Harris. Just like 8-12 years ago when you guys made the silly allegations about Obama and Hillary...Joe was never mentioned...
I know it's off topic but as soon as Harris runs in 2028, you'll be making the same allegations about Harris. Just like 8-12 years ago when you guys made the silly allegations about Obama and Hillary...Joe was never mentioned...
You literally have to be corrupt to be a Democrat and make it into the upper echelons of the DNC structure, and Harris has multiple allegations of political corruption against her in California. She was the most corrupt of anyone Joe could have picked for a VP. That is why she was chosen, because she would not rock the boat. She could enrich herself padding her bank accounts riding on the coat tails of Biden Inc. and Quid Pro Joe's Extortion, Bribery and Influence Peddling machinery he built for the past 50 years. Harris will continue to cash in long after she is out of office.

The only thing Biden is good at, is corruption. And we know what Harris is good at based on stories of how she rose to the top.
You literally have to be corrupt to be a Democrat and make it into the upper echelons of the DNC structure, and Harris has multiple allegations of political corruption against her in California. She was the most corrupt of anyone Joe could have picked for a VP. That is why she was chosen, because she would not rock the boat. She could enrich herself padding her bank accounts riding on the coat tails of Biden Inc. and Quid Pro Joe's Extortion, Bribery and Influence Peddling machinery he built for the past 50 years. Harris will continue to cash in long after she is out of office.

The only thing Biden is good at, is corruption. And we know what Harris is good at based on stories of how she rose to the top.
Strange how you didn't mention her a second ago when you were going off on everyone you could think of with your limited brainpower.

Face it just make shit up as you go along. You source nothing. You just hurl crap and hope some of it resonates. At least Foxfyre cites a source and then tries to make it into something really scary when she ventures out of her safe space.

Put another way...fuck off.
Strange how you didn't mention her a second ago when you were going off on everyone you could think of with your limited brainpower.

Face it just make shit up as you go along. You source nothing. You just hurl crap and hope some of it resonates. At least Foxfyre cites a source and then tries to make it into something really scary when she ventures out of her safe space.

Put another way...fuck off.
Fact Checkers aren't Sources. They are Part of The DemNazi Censorship Machinery.

Try again, DUPE.
Thats the address to a grocery store.

View attachment 705466

Yet another fail on your part.

I know...I know...I have to "use my imagination"...or some other conspiracy speak.
I guess you missed the 3A on the address suggesting a multi-tenant building, shopping center or mall.
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