The Christian Theocracy is the only way to save western civilization from corrupted politicians

People like you who hate our Constitutional Republic are dangerous .l.

Not minorities shall dictate to majorities, but majorities to minorities.
Any law which allows a tiny group to hijack the entirely country is wrong.
The Gods law is perfect and does not discriminate majority.

The only minority that is trying to hijack the majority in this country are the evangelical theocrats

You've forgotten freemasons, pedophiles, stanists and Israel lobby who in reality run this country.

Oh Christ!! Seriously??

The Bohemian Club Conspiracy

Conspiracy theorists love the Bohemians. One, a 9/11 conspiracy theory radio host named Alex Jones, speaks extensively of them, sells self-published books and DVDs "exposing" their evil doings, and posts exhaustive YouTube videos (here and here) on the subject. I've found his claims to be fairly lightweight, like "world leaders meet at the Grove". Well, so they do. Some charge that it's immoral for powerful people to congregate, saying that when powerful people work together, they become even more powerful. Some claim that the "Lakeside Talks" contain confidential information, or that the world's military-industrial complex is driven by Bohemian committees.

Anything that Alex Jones promotes has got to be bullshit. And even if there was a shred of truth to any of this, how is it a case for tearing up the first amendment?

If you can not disprove the fact you call it conspiracy theory

That does not answer my question. How does any of this justify destroying the very foundation that this country.? I'm beginning to believe that you're just an unstable crackpot.
Only fundamentalist True Christianity can save our civilization,

The problem is that history's tyrants did all of their murdering, raping, burning, pillaging and destroying in God's name. And continue to do so.
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Not minorities shall dictate to majorities, but majorities to minorities.
Any law which allows a tiny group to hijack the entirely country is wrong.
The Gods law is perfect and does not discriminate majority.

The only minority that is trying to hijack the majority in this country are the evangelical theocrats

You've forgotten freemasons, pedophiles, stanists and Israel lobby who in reality run this country.

Oh Christ!! Seriously??

The Bohemian Club Conspiracy

Conspiracy theorists love the Bohemians. One, a 9/11 conspiracy theory radio host named Alex Jones, speaks extensively of them, sells self-published books and DVDs "exposing" their evil doings, and posts exhaustive YouTube videos (here and here) on the subject. I've found his claims to be fairly lightweight, like "world leaders meet at the Grove". Well, so they do. Some charge that it's immoral for powerful people to congregate, saying that when powerful people work together, they become even more powerful. Some claim that the "Lakeside Talks" contain confidential information, or that the world's military-industrial complex is driven by Bohemian committees.

Anything that Alex Jones promotes has got to be bullshit. And even if there was a shred of truth to any of this, how is it a case for tearing up the first amendment?

If you can not disprove the fact you call it conspiracy theory

That does not answer my question. How does any of this justify destroying the very foundation that this country.? I'm beginning to believe that you're just an unstable crackpot.

The country was founded by Christians, for Christians and by using of Holy Bible as fundament.
Where were all Jews, Moslem, Faggots, Lefts, Buddhists as founders fought native Americans?
The Constitution was written for own purpose, not for misusing of it by cunning immigrants-

Why Jews are allowed to erect a theocracy in Israel, but Americans not?
For themselves Jews want a Theocracy, for goyim havoc and anarchy.

Theocracy for Jews

Havoc for Goyim
The western ( european ) democracy as we know it does not work, lying carrier politicians, psychopaths and perverse run western countries; all written laws and constitutions became a joke in the hands of cunning lawyers and greedy judges.
The only way stay for western folks is probably to embrace the Christian Theocracy founded on the Holy Bible.
Otherwise all western countries became either caliphates or plunge in chaos.

The Law of God is perfect and is better as that one written by lying and corrupted politicians!


As a fellow Christian, I will have to vehemently disagree.

Christ once said that his kingdom was not of this world, yet the Catholic church attempted to run world governments despite this warning.

And what was the end result? It was Inquisitions, Crusades, and Jewish persecution that led to the Holocaust. Not good. In fact, when people critique the Christian faith, they always rag on those dark years as to why Christianity is bad, even though the teachings of Christ hand nothing to do with it, and, in fact, he warned against.

But Constantine, who adopted the faith to conquer with, was not even a Christian. He continued to worship pagan gods even though he adopted the fledgling religion for political reasons. Granted, it is rumored he converted on his death bed, but the damage had been done.

And if you read Revelation, you know the end game of world government, so you want more damage to be done to the Christian faith by joining the statists?

God even showed us his vision of government with the Hebrew nation. You had a system of Judges to keep peace and that was pretty much it. However, the people clamored for a king so they could be like all the other nations. God warned against this and told them of the abuses they would have to endure, but they would not listen. God then gave them Saul. From then on, it was a spiral downward until the Jews found themselves in the ovens of Nazi Germany.

Even the Founding Fathers recognized the evils of a state run church as they had just come from such a system. No one wants the state to subvert the pulpit to spew their never ending propaganda. In fact, you still get this with the Catholic church today as they get up there and preach about the evils of global warming and building walls while ignoring the genocide of abortion, at least, that is what they claim it is.

I will conclude by saying that the Founding Fathers were right about one thing, and the key to having freedom is having a moral society. As Ben Franklin aptly said, the Constitution will last only as long as society has the moral fiber to uphold it.

After all, if society is as corrupt as a prison, the only thing to do in order to maintain civility is to build a wall around them and hire a warden. In such a society, freedom is impossible.

So yes, I believe that the Christian faith is instrumental and needed to try and maintain a free society, but you cannot use the state to convert people to the spiritual kingdom of Christ. That has been proven, time and time again.

The state, not religion, is the source of all wars and genocide. Without the state, those organized affairs are impossible.

I'm talking about born-again Christian from independent Fundamentalist Churches and preachers like Billy Sunday.


You should try watching Lord of the Rings. He was a Christian author with a powerful message that power corrupts.

Men were not meant to have such power, which is why God warned the Hebrew nation of the evils of having a king.

Being a born again Christian, you should have a better appreciation for the corrupt nature of man's heart.

If it corrupted King David, it will corrupt pretty much anyone.
The only minority that is trying to hijack the majority in this country are the evangelical theocrats

You've forgotten freemasons, pedophiles, stanists and Israel lobby who in reality run this country.

Oh Christ!! Seriously??

The Bohemian Club Conspiracy

Conspiracy theorists love the Bohemians. One, a 9/11 conspiracy theory radio host named Alex Jones, speaks extensively of them, sells self-published books and DVDs "exposing" their evil doings, and posts exhaustive YouTube videos (here and here) on the subject. I've found his claims to be fairly lightweight, like "world leaders meet at the Grove". Well, so they do. Some charge that it's immoral for powerful people to congregate, saying that when powerful people work together, they become even more powerful. Some claim that the "Lakeside Talks" contain confidential information, or that the world's military-industrial complex is driven by Bohemian committees.

Anything that Alex Jones promotes has got to be bullshit. And even if there was a shred of truth to any of this, how is it a case for tearing up the first amendment?

If you can not disprove the fact you call it conspiracy theory

That does not answer my question. How does any of this justify destroying the very foundation that this country.? I'm beginning to believe that you're just an unstable crackpot.

The country was founded by Christians, for Christians and by using of Holy Bible as fundament.
Where were all Jews, Moslem, Faggots, Lefts, Buddhists as founders fought native Americans?
The Constitution was written for own purpose, not for misusing of it by cunning immigrants-

Why Jews are allowed to erect a theocracy in Israel, but Americans not?

It was founded by people who had the wisdom to protect all faiths.

I don't care why Israel was allowed to form a theocracy. It didn't happen here.
You've forgotten freemasons, pedophiles, stanists and Israel lobby who in reality run this country.

Oh Christ!! Seriously??

The Bohemian Club Conspiracy

Conspiracy theorists love the Bohemians. One, a 9/11 conspiracy theory radio host named Alex Jones, speaks extensively of them, sells self-published books and DVDs "exposing" their evil doings, and posts exhaustive YouTube videos (here and here) on the subject. I've found his claims to be fairly lightweight, like "world leaders meet at the Grove". Well, so they do. Some charge that it's immoral for powerful people to congregate, saying that when powerful people work together, they become even more powerful. Some claim that the "Lakeside Talks" contain confidential information, or that the world's military-industrial complex is driven by Bohemian committees.

Anything that Alex Jones promotes has got to be bullshit. And even if there was a shred of truth to any of this, how is it a case for tearing up the first amendment?

If you can not disprove the fact you call it conspiracy theory

That does not answer my question. How does any of this justify destroying the very foundation that this country.? I'm beginning to believe that you're just an unstable crackpot.

The country was founded by Christians, for Christians and by using of Holy Bible as fundament.
Where were all Jews, Moslem, Faggots, Lefts, Buddhists as founders fought native Americans?
The Constitution was written for own purpose, not for misusing of it by cunning immigrants-

Why Jews are allowed to erect a theocracy in Israel, but Americans not?

It was founded by people who had the wisdom to protect all faiths.

I don't care why Israel was allowed to form a theocracy. It didn't happen here.

It's already happened here.
USA have a freemason, jewish, muslim theocracy, not a christian one.
Oh Christ!! Seriously??

The Bohemian Club Conspiracy

Anything that Alex Jones promotes has got to be bullshit. And even if there was a shred of truth to any of this, how is it a case for tearing up the first amendment?

If you can not disprove the fact you call it conspiracy theory
That does not answer my question. How does any of this justify destroying the very foundation that this country.? I'm beginning to believe that you're just an unstable crackpot.

The country was founded by Christians, for Christians and by using of Holy Bible as fundament.
Where were all Jews, Moslem, Faggots, Lefts, Buddhists as founders fought native Americans?
The Constitution was written for own purpose, not for misusing of it by cunning immigrants-

Why Jews are allowed to erect a theocracy in Israel, but Americans not?

It was founded by people who had the wisdom to protect all faiths.

I don't care why Israel was allowed to form a theocracy. It didn't happen here.

It's already happened here.
USA have a freemason, jewish, muslim theocracy, not a christian one.

There is no jewish or muslim theocracy. No one is forced to follow the religious tenets of either of those two faiths. Just today I have consumed alcohol and pork. Am I subject to arrest?
The western ( european ) democracy as we know it does not work, lying carrier politicians, psychopaths and perverse run western countries; all written laws and constitutions became a joke in the hands of cunning lawyers and greedy judges.
The only way stay for western folks is probably to embrace the Christian Theocracy founded on the Holy Bible.
Otherwise all western countries became either caliphates or plunge in chaos.

The Law of God is perfect and is better as that one written by lying and corrupted politicians!


FYI The bible was written by men.
If you can not disprove the fact you call it conspiracy theory
That does not answer my question. How does any of this justify destroying the very foundation that this country.? I'm beginning to believe that you're just an unstable crackpot.

The country was founded by Christians, for Christians and by using of Holy Bible as fundament.
Where were all Jews, Moslem, Faggots, Lefts, Buddhists as founders fought native Americans?
The Constitution was written for own purpose, not for misusing of it by cunning immigrants-

Why Jews are allowed to erect a theocracy in Israel, but Americans not?

It was founded by people who had the wisdom to protect all faiths.

I don't care why Israel was allowed to form a theocracy. It didn't happen here.

It's already happened here.
USA have a freemason, jewish, muslim theocracy, not a christian one.

There is no jewish or muslim theocracy. No one is forced to follow the religious tenets of either of those two faiths. Just today I have consumed alcohol and pork. Am I subject to arrest?

But both want to have in their countries theocracies as the best form of governance.
Only stupid Christians shall 'enjoy' 'democracy' with its depopulation, sin, alcohol and drug abuses, abortions, crime etc. etc. etc.

Let Jesus run Christian Countries, not lying and corrupted politicians, 'judges', war mongers, presstitutes, Freemasons, satanists, fornicators, insane, psychopaths who pushing the war to totally annihilation in coming WWIII with Russia

The western ( european ) democracy as we know it does not work, lying carrier politicians, psychopaths and perverse run western countries; all written laws and constitutions became a joke in the hands of cunning lawyers and greedy judges.
The only way stay for western folks is probably to embrace the Christian Theocracy founded on the Holy Bible.
Otherwise all western countries became either caliphates or plunge in chaos.

The Law of God is perfect and is better as that one written by lying and corrupted politicians!


FYI The bible was written by men.


The Holy Bible was written by God through man.

2 Peter 1:20-21 (KJV)

20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

The western ( european ) democracy as we know it does not work, lying carrier politicians, psychopaths and perverse run western countries; all written laws and constitutions became a joke in the hands of cunning lawyers and greedy judges.
The only way stay for western folks is probably to embrace the Christian Theocracy founded on the Holy Bible.
Otherwise all western countries became either caliphates or plunge in chaos.

The Law of God is perfect and is better as that one written by lying and corrupted politicians!


The western ( european ) democracy as we know it does not work, lying carrier politicians, psychopaths and perverse run western countries; all written laws and constitutions became a joke in the hands of cunning lawyers and greedy judges.
The only way stay for western folks is probably to embrace the Christian Theocracy founded on the Holy Bible.
Otherwise all western countries became either caliphates or plunge in chaos.

The Law of God is perfect and is better as that one written by lying and corrupted politicians!

That is against the constitution "patriot".
The western ( european ) democracy as we know it does not work, lying carrier politicians, psychopaths and perverse run western countries; all written laws and constitutions became a joke in the hands of cunning lawyers and greedy judges.
The only way stay for western folks is probably to embrace the Christian Theocracy founded on the Holy Bible.
Otherwise all western countries became either caliphates or plunge in chaos.

The Law of God is perfect and is better as that one written by lying and corrupted politicians!


FYI The bible was written by men.


The Holy Bible was written by God through man.

2 Peter 1:20-21 (KJV)

20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.


You do know that the Kool-Aid used by Jim Jones was metaphorically Red Wine, don't you?
The western ( european ) democracy as we know it does not work, lying carrier politicians, psychopaths and perverse run western countries; all written laws and constitutions became a joke in the hands of cunning lawyers and greedy judges.
The only way stay for western folks is probably to embrace the Christian Theocracy founded on the Holy Bible.
Otherwise all western countries became either caliphates or plunge in chaos.

The Law of God is perfect and is better as that one written by lying and corrupted politicians!


The western ( european ) democracy as we know it does not work, lying carrier politicians, psychopaths and perverse run western countries; all written laws and constitutions became a joke in the hands of cunning lawyers and greedy judges.
The only way stay for western folks is probably to embrace the Christian Theocracy founded on the Holy Bible.
Otherwise all western countries became either caliphates or plunge in chaos.

The Law of God is perfect and is better as that one written by lying and corrupted politicians!

That is against the constitution "patriot".

All written by man laws are non perfect, only God's ones are.

Enough from lying corrupted lying politicians, presstitutes, Freemasons and wars on behalf of Israel


The western ( european ) democracy as we know it does not work, lying carrier politicians, psychopaths and perverse run western countries; all written laws and constitutions became a joke in the hands of cunning lawyers and greedy judges.
The only way stay for western folks is probably to embrace the Christian Theocracy founded on the Holy Bible.
Otherwise all western countries became either caliphates or plunge in chaos.

The Law of God is perfect and is better as that one written by lying and corrupted politicians!


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