The Coming Civil War

My Side:


Your Side:

I just now figured out what the "tea party" is.

It's all those people who religiously read Breitbart, Drudge, CNS News, WND, The Blaze, and the Washington Times!
More likely the world has another great international die-back event such as WW2 or worse.

We might slide briefly into totalitarianism but I believe the remnants of our Christian heritage and libertarianism will defeat that, and we will unite again around principles not far from those first laid out by our Founders.

I think.

The only thing about the Constitution remotely resembling Christanity was the bit about slavery.

That's gone.

Our Judea-Christian heritage is that which has permitted the mostly-secular American governement to thrive. And not just America, but throughout the western world.

In some countries, they still kill you homosexuals, you know.

Who gives a goddamn. We aren't some other country. And since you're so fucking Constitution-conscious, look up the part about separation of church and state. Our government has thrived? Since when?
I just now figured out what the "tea party" is.

It's all those people who religiously read Breitbart, Drudge, CNS News, WND, The Blaze, and the Washington Times!

You forgot their flagship, Fox Noise.

I have a relative who is a Tea Bagger. He told me a year or so ago that the TP is anxious to repeal the "one man, one vote" law. They think unless you can show that you pay taxes, you lose your vote. They are in favor of a scorched earth policy for government reform without the slightest notion of what that would entail. Well, I guess we will start getting a hint of that in a few days.
I say that this is my country as my ancestors came here first...and fought the Revolutionary War..and built the country as they moved across the plains...They did not die for conservative beliefs, even though they were Congregationalists. They died for the freedom to speak freely and for the Bill of Rights...Oh...wait a minute...Lahkota's people were here he owns the country...

Anyway...if your ancestors were not here in the 1600's and 1700's... conservatives....then there is a cloud on your title...
Another one who didn't actually read the post.


No dopey, I'm on the side of the right-of-center moderate right. Everyone is. Including the U.S. military.

Which has nothing to do with the topic at hand, unless for some reason you think the U.S. military is going to be involved in the figurative civil war among the Republican Party's various ideological factions that the op was talking about.
We kicked your conservative asses once before..and royally.

Hopefully..this time..we won't be so nice about it.

I would recommend impaling the "confederates" this time around and leaving their corpses up on the sides of national highways as a reminder.

hey dude ya lost 800 seats nation wide in '10 from congress to dog catcher. The "only" thing you guys have is the senate and the presdency. that doesn't sound like much of a &&& whooping
All Americans, prepare yourselves for the coming civil war. It could get very bloody, maybe even violent in some cases. Its not a war between Republicans and Democrats. Its not a war between liberals and conservatives. Its not a war of the government on its people. Its the war between Conservatives!

Already little skirmishes begin. I've seen Conservatives attacking Libertarians for taking votes away from Romney. The socially conservative are being attacked by the fiscally conservative for Akin and Mourdoch. The moderates are STILL under attack - forced to wear badges that say "RINO". The Tea Pary is under attack for nominating wackos and having earlier nominated wackos lose their seats such as Allen West and Joe Walsh.

What will be the result? A splitting of the GOP into an ultra-conservative party and a more libertarian/moderate party? Or a GOP more like that during the eras of Nixon, Ford, and Reagan? Will we know before the next presidential election or will this fight go on for a decade or more?

Either way, I'm just going to sit back with a glass of scotch, neat, and enjoy the show.

I'm waiting to see what's going to happen to the dem party....will the crazy left wing loons be continued to allow the takover of the party or will the more moderate dems begin to rise up again? Who knows at this point. There are lots of finger-pointing at the pubs going on.....their infighting is becoming completely embarassing and in utter conflict to their cause....but what's ignored is the flat out far left wing liberals who have taken control of the dem party, even though the majority of America does NOT agree with their positions. When do we talk about that?
We kicked your conservative asses once before..and royally.

Hopefully..this time..we won't be so nice about it.

I would recommend impaling the "confederates" this time around and leaving their corpses up on the sides of national highways as a reminder.

You couldn't kick a monkey's butt, let alone a conservatives.
More likely the world has another great international die-back event such as WW2 or worse.

We might slide briefly into totalitarianism but I believe the remnants of our Christian heritage and libertarianism will defeat that, and we will unite again around principles not far from those first laid out by our Founders.

I think.

The only thing about the Constitution remotely resembling Christanity was the bit about slavery.

That's gone.

Thank you for demonstrating ignorance of both Christianity and the Constitution.
I'm waiting to see what's going to happen to the dem party....will the crazy left wing loons be continued to allow the takover of the party or will the more moderate dems begin to rise up again? Who knows at this point. There are lots of finger-pointing at the pubs going on.....their infighting is becoming completely embarassing and in utter conflict to their cause....but what's ignored is the flat out far left wing liberals who have taken control of the dem party, even though the majority of America does NOT agree with their positions. When do we talk about that?

The parties as we know it may be meaningless in a few years.
We kicked your conservative asses once before..and royally.

Hopefully..this time..we won't be so nice about it.

I would recommend impaling the "confederates" this time around and leaving their corpses up on the sides of national highways as a reminder.

I hope you don't mean "we" as you and the Republican President Abe Lincon... Not to mention much of the South were Democrats....

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