The complete denial of Trump’s corruption by republicans is pretty incredible

I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Technically these things might be all-caps CRIME but in the real world asking "friends" for help and expecting something in return for the millions of dollars you give them is legit. in the real world "personal gain" means something tangible.

Tangible like the enormous sums of FOREIGN cash that Hunter Biden received due to his daddy's political clout.

I just don't see how a president can work to root out corruption when doing so gets him accused of committing a crime. Would it have been a crime if he had exposed the shading dealings of a republican like say...Mitt Romney?

Not only that, but Democrats single-handedly destroyed communications between the white house and other world leaders, and that may last well beyond Trump's two terms.

Nobody wants to confide in a US President only to have their conversation printed in the New York Times a few weeks later. The world now understands that Democrats are such scum balls they will do anything for power and nothing is off the table.

Imagine what a great country this would be if we no longer had Democrats here.
What has to be done is to eliminate democrats as a political influence. They need to be voted out of every office in every state. A few might still hang on but the majority has to go.

It's like Limbaugh used to say about Democrats. We never want to totally eliminate them. We need some around like AOC to remind us what we don't want the country to become.

As for myself, what I've been saying on this forum for a while is I would like to see us have two countries instead of one. Liberals on one side, conservatives on the other, and anybody in between will have to decide which side they want to live.

After we do that, build a huge Trump wall so that the Democrats can't sneak over to our side of the country. Could you imagine how great of a country our side would be with no liberals around?
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Prosecuting government officials who break the law is not "Foreign election interference."

Demanding that foreign government officials manufacture evidence to implicate your domestic political rivals is most definitely soliciting "foreign election interference". Add in the threat of cancelling US military aid bought and paid for by the American people and approved in a bipartisan vote in both Houses of Congress, if said dirt is not forthcoming, and you have the American President using his power to extort weak and desperate governments for his own political gain.

But for me, the worst of it is the members of the Trump administration - Barr especially, because he's the AG, who participated in these horrific moments of the Presidency, and sought to cover them up.

Three former Trump Administration officials have confirmed to the Washington Post that Donald Trump told the Russian Ambassador that he didn't care that Russia interfered with the American election because the US does it all the time. That's the meeting where Trump gave top secret Israeli intelligence to the Russians. Administration officials hid the reports and transcripts from that meeting on the NSA's password protected server too.

Notice how not even Moscow Mitch has said he will protect Trump now.
Read the transcript and the complaint-none of the above was in either.
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Prosecuting government officials who break the law is not "Foreign election interference."

Demanding that foreign government officials manufacture evidence to implicate your domestic political rivals is most definitely soliciting "foreign election interference". Add in the threat of cancelling US military aid bought and paid for by the American people and approved in a bipartisan vote in both Houses of Congress, if said dirt is not forthcoming, and you have the American President using his power to extort weak and desperate governments for his own political gain.

But for me, the worst of it is the members of the Trump administration - Barr especially, because he's the AG, who participated in these horrific moments of the Presidency, and sought to cover them up.

Three former Trump Administration officials have confirmed to the Washington Post that Donald Trump told the Russian Ambassador that he didn't care that Russia interfered with the American election because the US does it all the time. That's the meeting where Trump gave top secret Israeli intelligence to the Russians. Administration officials hid the reports and transcripts from that meeting on the NSA's password protected server too.

Notice how not even Moscow Mitch has said he will protect Trump now.
"Demanding that foreign government officials manufacture evidence to implicate your domestic political rivals is most definitely soliciting "foreign election interference"."

He didn't do any such thing, you senile old bat. The rest of your sleazy dreck isn't worth commenting on. It's all lies, as usual. Your posts are 100% lies.
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Technically these things might be all-caps CRIME but in the real world asking "friends" for help and expecting something in return for the millions of dollars you give them is legit. in the real world "personal gain" means something tangible.

Tangible like the enormous sums of FOREIGN cash that Hunter Biden received due to his daddy's political clout.

I just don't see how a president can work to root out corruption when doing so gets him accused of committing a crime. Would it have been a crime if he had exposed the shading dealings of a republican like say...Mitt Romney?

Not only that, but Democrats single-handedly destroyed communications between the white house and other world leaders, and that may last well beyond Trump's two terms.

Nobody wants to confide in a US President only to have their conversation printed in the New York Times a few weeks later. The world now understands that Democrats are such scum balls they will do anything for power and nothing is off the table.

Imagine what a great country this would be if we no longer had Democrats here.
What has to be done is to eliminate democrats as a political influence. They need to be voted out of every office in every state. A few might still hang on but the majority has to go.

Good luck with that. Minorities are going to vote Democrat no matter what. Lowlives, criminals, perverts and weirdos are solidly in the democrat base. The vast majority of uninformed 18 year old first time voters are going to vote democrat because they're brainwashed by the media.
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Technically these things might be all-caps CRIME but in the real world asking "friends" for help and expecting something in return for the millions of dollars you give them is legit. in the real world "personal gain" means something tangible.

Tangible like the enormous sums of FOREIGN cash that Hunter Biden received due to his daddy's political clout.

I just don't see how a president can work to root out corruption when doing so gets him accused of committing a crime. Would it have been a crime if he had exposed the shading dealings of a republican like say...Mitt Romney?

Not only that, but Democrats single-handedly destroyed communications between the white house and other world leaders, and that may last well beyond Trump's two terms.

Nobody wants to confide in a US President only to have their conversation printed in the New York Times a few weeks later. The world now understands that Democrats are such scum balls they will do anything for power and nothing is off the table.

Imagine what a great country this would be if we no longer had Democrats here.
What has to be done is to eliminate democrats as a political influence. They need to be voted out of every office in every state. A few might still hang on but the majority has to go.

It's like Limbaugh used to say about Democrats. We never want to totally eliminate them. We need some around like AOC to remind us what we don't want the country to become.

As for myself, what I've been saying on this forum for a while is I would like to see us have two countries instead of one. Liberals on one side, conservatives on the other, and anybody in between will have to decide which side they want to live.

After we do that, build a huge Trump wall so that the Democrats can't sneak over to our side of the country. Could you imagine how great of a country our side would be with no liberals around?
That's like saying you want to have a few cancer cells in your body to remind you of what cancer is like.
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Technically these things might be all-caps CRIME but in the real world asking "friends" for help and expecting something in return for the millions of dollars you give them is legit. in the real world "personal gain" means something tangible.

Tangible like the enormous sums of FOREIGN cash that Hunter Biden received due to his daddy's political clout.

I just don't see how a president can work to root out corruption when doing so gets him accused of committing a crime. Would it have been a crime if he had exposed the shading dealings of a republican like say...Mitt Romney?

Not only that, but Democrats single-handedly destroyed communications between the white house and other world leaders, and that may last well beyond Trump's two terms.

Nobody wants to confide in a US President only to have their conversation printed in the New York Times a few weeks later. The world now understands that Democrats are such scum balls they will do anything for power and nothing is off the table.

Imagine what a great country this would be if we no longer had Democrats here.
What has to be done is to eliminate democrats as a political influence. They need to be voted out of every office in every state. A few might still hang on but the majority has to go.

Good luck with that. Minorities are going to vote Democrat no matter what. Lowlives, criminals, perverts and weirdos are solidly in the democrat base. The vast majority of uninformed 18 year old first time voters are going to vote democrat because they're brainwashed by the media.

The media........public education..........Hollywood.........
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Prosecuting government officials who break the law is not "Foreign election interference."

Demanding that foreign government officials manufacture evidence to implicate your domestic political rivals is most definitely soliciting "foreign election interference". Add in the threat of cancelling US military aid bought and paid for by the American people and approved in a bipartisan vote in both Houses of Congress, if said dirt is not forthcoming, and you have the American President using his power to extort weak and desperate governments for his own political gain.

But for me, the worst of it is the members of the Trump administration - Barr especially, because he's the AG, who participated in these horrific moments of the Presidency, and sought to cover them up.

Three former Trump Administration officials have confirmed to the Washington Post that Donald Trump told the Russian Ambassador that he didn't care that Russia interfered with the American election because the US does it all the time. That's the meeting where Trump gave top secret Israeli intelligence to the Russians. Administration officials hid the reports and transcripts from that meeting on the NSA's password protected server too.

Notice how not even Moscow Mitch has said he will protect Trump now.
"Demanding that foreign government officials manufacture evidence to implicate your domestic political rivals is most definitely soliciting "foreign election interference"."

He didn't do any such thing, you senile old bat. The rest of your sleazy dreck isn't worth commenting on. It's all lies, as usual. Your posts are 100% lies.
Dreck-I love it-your rebuttal beat mine hands down!
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.”

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”

Exactly, more fake news. Another Russia, you idiots are crying wolf again. This is a nothing burger that will strengthen Trumps base, pull more and more independents and guarantee a 2020 win. This will go nowhere, piss off people, the Democrats will roll out Pocahontas and Trump will mop the floor with her.
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Prosecuting government officials who break the law is not "Foreign election interference."

Demanding that foreign government officials manufacture evidence to implicate your domestic political rivals is most definitely soliciting "foreign election interference". Add in the threat of cancelling US military aid bought and paid for by the American people and approved in a bipartisan vote in both Houses of Congress, if said dirt is not forthcoming, and you have the American President using his power to extort weak and desperate governments for his own political gain.

But for me, the worst of it is the members of the Trump administration - Barr especially, because he's the AG, who participated in these horrific moments of the Presidency, and sought to cover them up.

Three former Trump Administration officials have confirmed to the Washington Post that Donald Trump told the Russian Ambassador that he didn't care that Russia interfered with the American election because the US does it all the time. That's the meeting where Trump gave top secret Israeli intelligence to the Russians. Administration officials hid the reports and transcripts from that meeting on the NSA's password protected server too.

Notice how not even Moscow Mitch has said he will protect Trump now.

I don't know what your paywall site said, but the US President is entitled to his own feelings to the chagrin of the communists.

Yes, we did interfere in elections of other places. Just look up the stories of the Kenyan king and his participation in the Israel elections.

I read the transcript of the now famous phone call, and nowhere did I see Trump threaten anything if the Biden matter wasn't looked into. Like Adam Shitt, it was all made up by the left.
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Prosecuting government officials who break the law is not "Foreign election interference."

Demanding that foreign government officials manufacture evidence to implicate your domestic political rivals is most definitely soliciting "foreign election interference". Add in the threat of cancelling US military aid bought and paid for by the American people and approved in a bipartisan vote in both Houses of Congress, if said dirt is not forthcoming, and you have the American President using his power to extort weak and desperate governments for his own political gain.

But for me, the worst of it is the members of the Trump administration - Barr especially, because he's the AG, who participated in these horrific moments of the Presidency, and sought to cover them up.

Three former Trump Administration officials have confirmed to the Washington Post that Donald Trump told the Russian Ambassador that he didn't care that Russia interfered with the American election because the US does it all the time. That's the meeting where Trump gave top secret Israeli intelligence to the Russians. Administration officials hid the reports and transcripts from that meeting on the NSA's password protected server too.

Notice how not even Moscow Mitch has said he will protect Trump now.
Read the transcript and the complaint-none of the above was in either.
It's obvious she isn't interested in the facts.
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Prosecuting government officials who break the law is not "Foreign election interference."

Demanding that foreign government officials manufacture evidence to implicate your domestic political rivals is most definitely soliciting "foreign election interference". Add in the threat of cancelling US military aid bought and paid for by the American people and approved in a bipartisan vote in both Houses of Congress, if said dirt is not forthcoming, and you have the American President using his power to extort weak and desperate governments for his own political gain.

But for me, the worst of it is the members of the Trump administration - Barr especially, because he's the AG, who participated in these horrific moments of the Presidency, and sought to cover them up.

Three former Trump Administration officials have confirmed to the Washington Post that Donald Trump told the Russian Ambassador that he didn't care that Russia interfered with the American election because the US does it all the time. That's the meeting where Trump gave top secret Israeli intelligence to the Russians. Administration officials hid the reports and transcripts from that meeting on the NSA's password protected server too.

Notice how not even Moscow Mitch has said he will protect Trump now.
Read the transcript and the complaint-none of the above was in either.
It's obvious she isn't interested in the facts.

I have read the transcript. The Ukraine President asked for Javelin missiles and the next words out of Trump's mouth were "I need a favour". That's extortion. And when you add to the narrative of delaying the military aid to the Ukraine until the day the whistle blower's complaint became public, and the entire picture is one of corruption and cover up.

I've seen parts of the complaint and the one that sticks out to me was that this isn't the first time that Trump staffers have used the password protected national security system to protect politically damaging Trump interactions with world leaders, and it turns out the world leaders whose conversations with Trump are so politically sensitive that no one can see them are those with Putin and MBS. Can we have a show of hands of those who are surprised by these names? Anyone? Bueller?

Notice how Republicans like Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, and even Jim Jorden and Devon Nunes have stopped publically defending Trump's words on that phone call. Watch them turn on him and tear him to shreds to save their own asses.
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Prosecuting government officials who break the law is not "Foreign election interference."

Demanding that foreign government officials manufacture evidence to implicate your domestic political rivals is most definitely soliciting "foreign election interference". Add in the threat of cancelling US military aid bought and paid for by the American people and approved in a bipartisan vote in both Houses of Congress, if said dirt is not forthcoming, and you have the American President using his power to extort weak and desperate governments for his own political gain.

But for me, the worst of it is the members of the Trump administration - Barr especially, because he's the AG, who participated in these horrific moments of the Presidency, and sought to cover them up.

Three former Trump Administration officials have confirmed to the Washington Post that Donald Trump told the Russian Ambassador that he didn't care that Russia interfered with the American election because the US does it all the time. That's the meeting where Trump gave top secret Israeli intelligence to the Russians. Administration officials hid the reports and transcripts from that meeting on the NSA's password protected server too.

Notice how not even Moscow Mitch has said he will protect Trump now.
Read the transcript and the complaint-none of the above was in either.
It's obvious she isn't interested in the facts.

I have read the transcript. The Ukraine President asked for Javelin missiles and the next words out of Trump's mouth were "I need a favour". That's extortion. And when you add to the narrative of delaying the military aid to the Ukraine until the day the whistle blower's complaint became public, and the entire picture is one of corruption and cover up.

I've seen parts of the complaint and the one that sticks out to me was that this isn't the first time that Trump staffers have used the password protected national security system to protect politically damaging Trump interactions with world leaders, and it turns out the world leaders whose conversations with Trump are so politically sensitive that no one can see them are those with Putin and MBS. Can we have a show of hands of those who are surprised by these names? Anyone? Bueller?

Notice how Republicans like Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, and even Jim Jorden and Devon Nunes have stopped publically defending Trump's words on that phone call. Watch them turn on him and tear him to shreds to save their own asses.
I have read the transcript. The Ukraine President asked for Javelin missiles and the next words out of Trump's "mouth were "I need a favour". That's extortion."

Another big fat lie. You just can't help yourself, can you?
Last edited:
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”
Funny-it looks the other way around to Republicans-Biden is guilty and on tape saying it.
That story has been completely debunked.
NO you are wrong
Nope, 'fraid not.
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Technically these things might be all-caps CRIME but in the real world asking "friends" for help and expecting something in return for the millions of dollars you give them is legit. in the real world "personal gain" means something tangible.

Tangible like the enormous sums of FOREIGN cash that Hunter Biden received due to his daddy's political clout.

I just don't see how a president can work to root out corruption when doing so gets him accused of committing a crime. Would it have been a crime if he had exposed the shading dealings of a republican like say...Mitt Romney?

Trump may have some credibility on the corruption issue if he hadn't turned a blind eye to the murder of a US legal resident journalist by Saudi Arabia AND Russia's interference in our 2016 and 2020 elections.

Trump doesn't give a fuck about corruption. Only about benefiting his own enormous porcine self.

Face it, it's tribal at this point. If Trump had a (D) after his name instead of an (R), you'd all be calling for his execution. Each side has dug in and now all that's left is to let the facts play out.

I'm bringing out the special popcorn for this one, the cheddar and caramel mix. Bring it ALL out into the open. SHINE THE LIGHT!
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Technically these things might be all-caps CRIME but in the real world asking "friends" for help and expecting something in return for the millions of dollars you give them is legit. in the real world "personal gain" means something tangible.

Tangible like the enormous sums of FOREIGN cash that Hunter Biden received due to his daddy's political clout.

I just don't see how a president can work to root out corruption when doing so gets him accused of committing a crime. Would it have been a crime if he had exposed the shading dealings of a republican like say...Mitt Romney?

Trump may have some credibility on the corruption issue if he hadn't turned a blind eye to the murder of a US legal resident journalist by Saudi Arabia AND Russia's interference in our 2016 and 2020 elections.

Trump doesn't give a fuck about corruption. Only about benefiting his own enormous porcine self.

Face it, it's tribal at this point. If Trump had a (D) after his name instead of an (R), you'd all be calling for his execution. Each side has dug in and now all that's left is to let the facts play out.

I'm bringing out the special popcorn for this one, the cheddar and caramel mix. Bring it ALL out into the open. SHINE THE LIGHT!

Good thing we have some historical data...huh?
“Roy Moore banged teenagers...hang him.”
“I believe survivors...Kavanaugh is guilty!”
“I know for a fact Trump colluded with the Russians.”
“He may not have colluded but I know he obstructed justice.”
“I know he tried to extort Ukraine...because Adam Schiff said so.”
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Technically these things might be all-caps CRIME but in the real world asking "friends" for help and expecting something in return for the millions of dollars you give them is legit. in the real world "personal gain" means something tangible.

Tangible like the enormous sums of FOREIGN cash that Hunter Biden received due to his daddy's political clout.

I just don't see how a president can work to root out corruption when doing so gets him accused of committing a crime. Would it have been a crime if he had exposed the shading dealings of a republican like say...Mitt Romney?

Trump may have some credibility on the corruption issue if he hadn't turned a blind eye to the murder of a US legal resident journalist by Saudi Arabia AND Russia's interference in our 2016 and 2020 elections.

Trump doesn't give a fuck about corruption. Only about benefiting his own enormous porcine self.

Face it, it's tribal at this point. If Trump had a (D) after his name instead of an (R), you'd all be calling for his execution. Each side has dug in and now all that's left is to let the facts play out.

I'm bringing out the special popcorn for this one, the cheddar and caramel mix. Bring it ALL out into the open. SHINE THE LIGHT!

News flash, Champ. The 2020 election hasn't occurred yet.
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Technically these things might be all-caps CRIME but in the real world asking "friends" for help and expecting something in return for the millions of dollars you give them is legit. in the real world "personal gain" means something tangible.

Tangible like the enormous sums of FOREIGN cash that Hunter Biden received due to his daddy's political clout.

I just don't see how a president can work to root out corruption when doing so gets him accused of committing a crime. Would it have been a crime if he had exposed the shading dealings of a republican like say...Mitt Romney?

Not only that, but Democrats single-handedly destroyed communications between the white house and other world leaders, and that may last well beyond Trump's two terms.

Nobody wants to confide in a US President only to have their conversation printed in the New York Times a few weeks later. The world now understands that Democrats are such scum balls they will do anything for power and nothing is off the table.

Imagine what a great country this would be if we no longer had Democrats here.
What has to be done is to eliminate democrats as a political influence. They need to be voted out of every office in every state. A few might still hang on but the majority has to go.

Stupid Tipsy. There are more Democrats than Republicans in the USA - by a lot. Republicans make up 17% of the electorate. Republicans haven't won the popular vote in a Presidential election since George H.W. Bush, and the Electoral College has inflicted two of the worst Presidents in American history on the American people.

The American Ambassador to the Ukraine resigned yesterday. This man coordinated meetings between Guiliani and the Ukrainian government, when Rudy travelled to Europe to get that dirt on Biden, and sat in on those meetings. Now that he has resigned and is a private citizen, neither the White House nor the State Department can prevent him from testifying or direct him to stonewall the investigation.

The last shreds of decency left in the Republican Party are rearing their heads, or maybe they're just trying to save their own asses and reduce their jail time, but the rats are deserting the Trumptanic and they'll soon be denying they ever voted for him as President.
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Technically these things might be all-caps CRIME but in the real world asking "friends" for help and expecting something in return for the millions of dollars you give them is legit. in the real world "personal gain" means something tangible.

Tangible like the enormous sums of FOREIGN cash that Hunter Biden received due to his daddy's political clout.

I just don't see how a president can work to root out corruption when doing so gets him accused of committing a crime. Would it have been a crime if he had exposed the shading dealings of a republican like say...Mitt Romney?

Not only that, but Democrats single-handedly destroyed communications between the white house and other world leaders, and that may last well beyond Trump's two terms.

Nobody wants to confide in a US President only to have their conversation printed in the New York Times a few weeks later. The world now understands that Democrats are such scum balls they will do anything for power and nothing is off the table.

Imagine what a great country this would be if we no longer had Democrats here.
What has to be done is to eliminate democrats as a political influence. They need to be voted out of every office in every state. A few might still hang on but the majority has to go.

Stupid Tipsy. There are more Democrats than Republicans in the USA - by a lot. Republicans make up 17% of the electorate. Republicans haven't won the popular vote in a Presidential election since George H.W. Bush, and the Electoral College has inflicted two of the worst Presidents in American history on the American people.

The American Ambassador to the Ukraine resigned yesterday. This man coordinated meetings between Guiliani and the Ukrainian government, when Rudy travelled to Europe to get that dirt on Biden, and sat in on those meetings. Now that he has resigned and is a private citizen, neither the White House nor the State Department can prevent him from testifying or direct him to stonewall the investigation.

The last shreds of decency left in the Republican Party are rearing their heads, or maybe they're just trying to save their own asses and reduce their jail time, but the rats are deserting the Trumptanic and they'll soon be denying they ever voted for him as President.

“There are more Democrats than Republicans in the USA - by a lot. Republicans make up 17% of the electorate. Republicans haven't won the popular vote in a Presidential election since George H.W. Bush”

Weird huh?
Plant 100 million dirty wetbacks in a country and what do you know...they vote for free shit and decriminalization.
Didn’t Trump win the popular vote in states comprised of real Americans?
Could the Mexicrat Party be relevant today if it not for the wetback invasion?

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