The complete denial of Trump’s corruption by republicans is pretty incredible

If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.”

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”

A Liberal complaining about objectivity. Now THAT is funny!!! LOL
What Is the Emoluments Clause?

Lol I love how you dumbasses expect sources but never even try to provide your own.

The Emoluments Clause? That's the law you're squealing like a teapot about?

The Emoluments Clause has absolutely no application here. You need to do some research into the definition of "thing of value" if you have access to a legal research database like Westlaw or Lexis (i.e., an actual legal database, not Google). Spoiler alert -- nothing here involves a "thing of value" as defined under Clause.
Lol you didn’t even know what this was before I cited it. Don’t deny it.

The foreign emoluments clause also broadly encompasses any kind of profit, benefit, advantage, or service, not merely gifts of money or valuable objects. Thus, it would prohibit a federal officeholder from receiving special consideration in business transactions with a foreign state (or with a corporation owned or managed by a foreign state) that gave the officeholder a competitive advantage over other businesses. Arguably, as the legal scholar Laurence Tribe and others have suggested, the clause would forbid even competitively fair transactions with foreign states, because the profit accruing to the officeholder would fall within the ordinary meaning of “emolument,” and because such arrangements would threaten exactly the kind of improper influence that the clause was intended to prevent.
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.”

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”

Where is this corruption? Does one of the President’s son sit on a board for a foreign company with no experience and collecting millions of dollars?

Asking a foreign country to investigate possible crimes isn’t a crime.
Uh yes it is dumbass. Regardless of whether or not you think Biden is guilty of a crime, what Trump did was completely illegal.
It's illegal only in the minds of Trump hating douchebags.
What Is the Emoluments Clause?

Lol I love how you dumbasses expect sources but never even try to provide your own.

The Emoluments Clause? That's the law you're squealing like a teapot about?

The Emoluments Clause has absolutely no application here. You need to do some research into the definition of "thing of value" if you have access to a legal research database like Westlaw or Lexis (i.e., an actual legal database, not Google). Spoiler alert -- nothing here involves a "thing of value" as defined under Clause.
Lol you didn’t even know what this was before I cited it. Don’t deny it.

The foreign emoluments clause also broadly encompasses any kind of profit, benefit, advantage, or service, not merely gifts of money or valuable objects. Thus, it would prohibit a federal officeholder from receiving special consideration in business transactions with a foreign state (or with a corporation owned or managed by a foreign state) that gave the officeholder a competitive advantage over other businesses. Arguably, as the legal scholar Laurence Tribe and others have suggested, the clause would forbid even competitively fair transactions with foreign states, because the profit accruing to the officeholder would fall within the ordinary meaning of “emolument,” and because such arrangements would threaten exactly the kind of improper influence that the clause was intended to prevent.
That guy is really an asshole.
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.”

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”

I just read the phone call transcript today. What did Trump do that was wrong? He never once mentioned withholding federal defense funds if Ukraine didn't start an investigation. Biden made such a threat--not Trump.

Because of the suspicious ongoings at the time, Trump has every right to ask a friendly country to look into the matter.

They hired Hunter for some reason. It wasn't his experience in the energy field because he had none. It wasn't his familiarity with the country or culture. That only leaves one reason why a company would pay him 50K a month for doing nothing.
He has every right to ask a “friendly” country to look into the matter? Are you fucking kidding me? Lol you people are too much. Uh, no, that is illegal regardless of whether or not Biden is guilty of something. It’s ILLEGAL to ask a foreign government to investigate a political rival during a campaign or under any other circumstance. . Don’t you see how incredibly lame you sound just deflecting to Biden? It’s such a pathetic case of “whataboutism”.

If Biden is guilty of a crime, the FBI per usual should investigate him. If Trump had said this about the FBI, obviously no one would care. It would just be another one of his conspiracy theories.

What Trump "requested" was that the Ukraine government look into illegalities IN THEIR COUNTRY of Joe Biden. If they discover there were illegalities, then yes, Trump can ask the DOJ to investigate their findings as well.

This is so funny. You just ran a candidate that paid for opposition research, which indirectly came from the Russian government, and got illegal surveillance warrants against a political opponent, and now you're crying about Trump possibly violating any laws????
Lol you are so fucking petty. Trump asking the DOJ instead is completely irrelevant to this conversation and you know it. I wouldn’t give two shits if Trump asked the DOJ to do this lol. Of course how you or I feel about Biden is way beyond the point.

Republicans do things differently than the Democrats. We do it the right way.

We don't ask anybody to investigate something with zero evidence of a claim like the Russia collusion thing. What Trump requested was for the Ukrainian President to look into matters in his country--something our agencies would have a difficult time doing.

If he finds some nefarious facts in his investigation, then we can go from there. If he doesn't, no harm done.
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.”

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”

^^^ what is this idiot babbling about?
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.”

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”

Meanwhile the PMS/DSA Democrats refuse to admit that first it was Russia, Russia that turned into a failed effort so now they think that the Ukraine, Ukraine shout will be different. It's all Bovine Scat. You know it and wish it were really true. The supposed impeachment of Trump will fail in the Senate.
Lol you didn’t even know what this was before I cited it. Don’t deny it.

The foreign emoluments clause also broadly encompasses any kind of profit, benefit, advantage, or service, not merely gifts of money or valuable objects. Thus, it would prohibit a federal officeholder from receiving special consideration in business transactions with a foreign state (or with a corporation owned or managed by a foreign state) that gave the officeholder a competitive advantage over other businesses. Arguably, as the legal scholar Laurence Tribe and others have suggested, the clause would forbid even competitively fair transactions with foreign states, because the profit accruing to the officeholder would fall within the ordinary meaning of “emolument,” and because such arrangements would threaten exactly the kind of improper influence that the clause was intended to prevent.

If you're actually interested in seeing how wrong you are, search my post history and you'll see that I have several posts debunking this misguided concept months ago.
It's shocking how completely these tRumpian morons swallow everything he tells them. This Biden thing has been debunked over and over and over yet they still parrot this nonsense.

The Obama is from Kenya was debunked a billion times. They still say he's from Kenya.

The Obama is a muslim has been debunked a billion times. They still insist he's a muslim.

The Michelle Obama is a man has been debunked a billion times. They still say she's a man.

The lie about Planned Parenthood selling body parts has been debunked a billion times. They still say PP sells body parts.

I can go on and on about how the endless lies from the republicans have been debunked yet they still repeat and believe the lies but I would run out of space.

These people will never, ever stop lying.
It's shocking how completely these tRumpian morons swallow everything he tells them. This Biden thing has been debunked over and over and over yet they still parrot this nonsense.

The Obama is from Kenya was debunked a billion times. They still say he's from Kenya.

The Obama is a muslim has been debunked a billion times. They still insist he's a muslim.

The Michelle Obama is a man has been debunked a billion times. They still say she's a man.

The lie about Planned Parenthood selling body parts has been debunked a billion times. They still say PP sells body parts.

I can go on and on about how the endless lies from the republicans have been debunked yet they still repeat and believe the lies but I would run out of space.

These people will never, ever stop lying.

Then apparently you don't understand the definition of debunked.
It's shocking how completely these tRumpian morons swallow everything he tells them. This Biden thing has been debunked over and over and over yet they still parrot this nonsense.

The Obama is from Kenya was debunked a billion times. They still say he's from Kenya.

The Obama is a muslim has been debunked a billion times. They still insist he's a muslim.

The Michelle Obama is a man has been debunked a billion times. They still say she's a man.

The lie about Planned Parenthood selling body parts has been debunked a billion times. They still say PP sells body parts.

I can go on and on about how the endless lies from the republicans have been debunked yet they still repeat and believe the lies but I would run out of space.

These people will never, ever stop lying.

Then apparently you don't understand the definition of debunked.
Looks to me like he's got it down pat.

Maybe the problem lies with you?
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.”

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”

While I get you must already know the answer to your own foolish question—provided you have two brain cells you can rub into a coherent thought—I will remind you, for the sake of the folks at home confused by the ongoing Democrat led psycho circus. The stakes are too high. It's that simple. The modern Democratic Party stands through and through for, and is doing its damnedest, to descend the US of A into an Age of pure evil. The Democrats seek to undue and destroy and sow salt amidst the debris of everything America stands for and has for two and a half centuries. President Trump could have an arrowhead shaped tipped tail and it would not matter. What your "side" has publicly again and again called for and supported is no less than hell on earth. In the shadow of the Democrats' dream of hellfire in every neighborhood, President Trump will be beautified, halo and all, no matter what. Now, go ahead and get on back to your regularly scheduled automaton screensaver. We've got a real American President to apotheosize.
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”
Funny-it looks the other way around to Republicans-Biden is guilty and on tape saying it.
That story has been completely debunked.
NO you are wrong
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”
Funny-it looks the other way around to Republicans-Biden is guilty and on tape saying it.

No it looks exactly the same to Republicans too. Biden wasn't speaking privately to the Ukrainian government for his own reasons when he made those threats. Biden was delivering a message from the Obama Administration, the International Monetary Fund, NATO, and the European Union to the Ukrainian government, all of whom wanted the corrupt prosecutor gone. Hunter Biden was never under investigation in the Ukraine. These are lies Trump is telling fools like YOU.
Use that word fool carefully with me bucko. Call your wife that or your parents, but not someone you never met. Check the tape, I did and there is no doubt he was shaking them down.
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.”

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”
/——/ What corruption?
Hunter Biden who had zero expertise in the petro-chemical industry except maybe to light up his crack pipe, gets a 50k per month seat on a foreign country oil production board when daddy was Vice President but lefties still think Trump colluded with the Russians. This is how insane the left has become..
Hunter Biden did get kicked out of Navy, as an officer, for smoking crack.

Biden, obama's perfect choice.
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.”

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”

I just read the phone call transcript today. What did Trump do that was wrong? He never once mentioned withholding federal defense funds if Ukraine didn't start an investigation. Biden made such a threat--not Trump.

Because of the suspicious ongoings at the time, Trump has every right to ask a friendly country to look into the matter.

They hired Hunter for some reason. It wasn't his experience in the energy field because he had none. It wasn't his familiarity with the country or culture. That only leaves one reason why a company would pay him 50K a month for doing nothing.
He has every right to ask a “friendly” country to look into the matter? Are you fucking kidding me? Lol you people are too much. Uh, no, that is illegal regardless of whether or not Biden is guilty of something. It’s ILLEGAL to ask a foreign government to investigate a political rival during a campaign or under any other circumstance. . Don’t you see how incredibly lame you sound just deflecting to Biden? It’s such a pathetic case of “whataboutism”.

If Biden is guilty of a crime, the FBI per usual should investigate him. If Trump had said this about the FBI, obviously no one would care. It would just be another one of his conspiracy theories.
It is his DUTY as head of the executive branch, you partisan butt fucker. That is NOT illegal. At all.

Show me the statute.

This is JUST LIKE the bullshit "collusion" non-crime.

If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.”

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”

"Impeach Trump for Biden's Crimes!"

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