The complete denial of Trump’s corruption by republicans is pretty incredible

If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.”

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”

Look up "the boy who cried wolf"
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME
And just to put icing on the cake...did ya notice Zelensky telling Trump that he stayed at his hotel? He was showing Trump that he had personally helped put money in Trump's pocket
Hunter Biden who had zero expertise in the petro-chemical industry except maybe to light up his crack pipe, gets a 50k per month seat on a foreign country oil production board when daddy was Vice President but lefties still think Trump colluded with the Russians. This is how insane the left has become..

Can you even imagine the howls had it been the Trumps doing what the Bidens did?
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.”

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”

Complete denial that news stopped being news and became politically biased BS around 2007. Long before Trump and that was when I noticed it and I was 16. Likely started well before that.
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.”

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”

Dude. You people have throw so much complete shit against the wall, I don't even listen anymore.

And that is on you.
So Trump's effort to get Ukraine to investigate an apparent case of corruption was corrupt?! Okay, if you say so.
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”
Funny-it looks the other way around to Republicans-Biden is guilty and on tape saying it.
That story has been completely debunked.
Biden is on tape bragging about it. You people are ruining your party. I hope you keep it up. 4 more years of Trump and we will own the courts and your party will be out of power for a long time!
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”
Funny-it looks the other way around to Republicans-Biden is guilty and on tape saying it.

No it looks exactly the same to Republicans too. Biden wasn't speaking privately to the Ukrainian government for his own reasons when he made those threats. Biden was delivering a message from the Obama Administration, the International Monetary Fund, NATO, and the European Union to the Ukrainian government, all of whom wanted the corrupt prosecutor gone. Hunter Biden was never under investigation in the Ukraine. These are lies Trump is telling fools like YOU.
So you're admitting Obama is guilty also?
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Technically these things might be all-caps CRIME but in the real world asking "friends" for help and expecting something in return for the millions of dollars you give them is legit. in the real world "personal gain" means something tangible.

Tangible like the enormous sums of FOREIGN cash that Hunter Biden received due to his daddy's political clout.

I just don't see how a president can work to root out corruption when doing so gets him accused of committing a crime. Would it have been a crime if he had exposed the shading dealings of a republican like say...Mitt Romney?
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME
Prosecuting government officials who break the law is not "Foreign election interference."
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Technically these things might be all-caps CRIME but in the real world asking "friends" for help and expecting something in return for the millions of dollars you give them is legit. in the real world "personal gain" means something tangible.

Tangible like the enormous sums of FOREIGN cash that Hunter Biden received due to his daddy's political clout.

I just don't see how a president can work to root out corruption when doing so gets him accused of committing a crime. Would it have been a crime if he had exposed the shading dealings of a republican like say...Mitt Romney?

Not only that, but Democrats single-handedly destroyed communications between the white house and other world leaders, and that may last well beyond Trump's two terms.

Nobody wants to confide in a US President only to have their conversation printed in the New York Times a few weeks later. The world now understands that Democrats are such scum balls they will do anything for power and nothing is off the table.

Imagine what a great country this would be if we no longer had Democrats here.
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.”

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”

Don't care as long as Trump makes you cry every day everything is good in this world.

I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME
Prosecuting government officials who break the law is not "Foreign election interference."

The Democrats want to impeach a President for trying to expose corruption by US official, and put the corrupt US official into the presidency instead.
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Technically these things might be all-caps CRIME but in the real world asking "friends" for help and expecting something in return for the millions of dollars you give them is legit. in the real world "personal gain" means something tangible.

Tangible like the enormous sums of FOREIGN cash that Hunter Biden received due to his daddy's political clout.

I just don't see how a president can work to root out corruption when doing so gets him accused of committing a crime. Would it have been a crime if he had exposed the shading dealings of a republican like say...Mitt Romney?

Not only that, but Democrats single-handedly destroyed communications between the white house and other world leaders, and that may last well beyond Trump's two terms.

Nobody wants to confide in a US President only to have their conversation printed in the New York Times a few weeks later. The world now understands that Democrats are such scum balls they will do anything for power and nothing is off the table.

Imagine what a great country this would be if we no longer had Democrats here.

Democrats and the media are dragging the country's reputation through the mud. They're putting people's lives at stake. Not only agents working in foreign territory but innocent citizens caught up in their hate smear tactics.
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Prosecuting government officials who break the law is not "Foreign election interference."

Demanding that foreign government officials manufacture evidence to implicate your domestic political rivals is most definitely soliciting "foreign election interference". Add in the threat of cancelling US military aid bought and paid for by the American people and approved in a bipartisan vote in both Houses of Congress, if said dirt is not forthcoming, and you have the American President using his power to extort weak and desperate governments for his own political gain.

But for me, the worst of it is the members of the Trump administration - Barr especially, because he's the AG, who participated in these horrific moments of the Presidency, and sought to cover them up.

Three former Trump Administration officials have confirmed to the Washington Post that Donald Trump told the Russian Ambassador that he didn't care that Russia interfered with the American election because the US does it all the time. That's the meeting where Trump gave top secret Israeli intelligence to the Russians. Administration officials hid the reports and transcripts from that meeting on the NSA's password protected server too.

Notice how not even Moscow Mitch has said he will protect Trump now.
I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Technically these things might be all-caps CRIME but in the real world asking "friends" for help and expecting something in return for the millions of dollars you give them is legit. in the real world "personal gain" means something tangible.

Tangible like the enormous sums of FOREIGN cash that Hunter Biden received due to his daddy's political clout.

I just don't see how a president can work to root out corruption when doing so gets him accused of committing a crime. Would it have been a crime if he had exposed the shading dealings of a republican like say...Mitt Romney?

Not only that, but Democrats single-handedly destroyed communications between the white house and other world leaders, and that may last well beyond Trump's two terms.

Nobody wants to confide in a US President only to have their conversation printed in the New York Times a few weeks later. The world now understands that Democrats are such scum balls they will do anything for power and nothing is off the table.

Imagine what a great country this would be if we no longer had Democrats here.
What has to be done is to eliminate democrats as a political influence. They need to be voted out of every office in every state. A few might still hang on but the majority has to go.
And just to put icing on the cake...did ya notice Zelensky telling Trump that he stayed at his hotel? He was showing Trump that he had personally helped put money in Trump's pocket

Which is about the most ridiculous thing anybody ever said on USMB.
If republicans made any attempt at being objective and nuanced, they could at least say something like “well I don’t think Trump did X but I am concerned about Y and Z. That’s something that should be explored.

Instead we get the same garbage straight out of a cult:

“Nope! Fake news! No story here! No need to investigate anything!”
Funny-it looks the other way around to Republicans-Biden is guilty and on tape saying it.
That story has been completely debunked.
It's shocking how completely these tRumpian morons swallow everything he tells them. This Biden thing has been debunked over and over and over yet they still parrot this nonsense.

Funny even Maher is slamming him.

I haven't read the transcript yet but even if Trump did what his haters say he did: pressure a foreign govt to give him dirt on biden...what's so wrong with that?

Isn't trying to get other nations to do what you want pretty much basic global politics?

Would it have been ok if Biden was a private citizen and not running for president?

Is it ok that Americans use their political connections to make millions?
Foreign election interference is a CRIME

Soliciting that is a CRIME

Conspiring to do that is a CRIME

Using the Executive Office for personal gain is a CRIME

Prosecuting government officials who break the law is not "Foreign election interference."

Demanding that foreign government officials manufacture evidence to implicate your domestic political rivals is most definitely soliciting "foreign election interference". Add in the threat of cancelling US military aid bought and paid for by the American people and approved in a bipartisan vote in both Houses of Congress, if said dirt is not forthcoming, and you have the American President using his power to extort weak and desperate governments for his own political gain.

But for me, the worst of it is the members of the Trump administration - Barr especially, because he's the AG, who participated in these horrific moments of the Presidency, and sought to cover them up.

Three former Trump Administration officials have confirmed to the Washington Post that Donald Trump told the Russian Ambassador that he didn't care that Russia interfered with the American election because the US does it all the time. That's the meeting where Trump gave top secret Israeli intelligence to the Russians. Administration officials hid the reports and transcripts from that meeting on the NSA's password protected server too.

Notice how not even Moscow Mitch has said he will protect Trump now.

Uhm trying to impeach your political rival in a presidential election is even worse, election meddling at its finest.


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