The Confederacy and States' Rights

The constitutional definition of treason is quite clear, levying war against the states. It doesn't mention the federal government whatsoever. So no, I do not believe it is treasonous to levy war against the federal government.

That's all I can say.


It's not really that difficult to understand. The states are sovereign to the federal government, and may therefore reject the federal government in any way they see fit. The framers of the Constitution obviously believed this, or they would not have put the definition of treason that they did in the Constitution.
Washington: Founder.

Whiskey Rebellion.


Federal Government.


The states are the creatures of the federal government, the people are sovereign. KK merely ingests the basic calhounite fallacy is all. The South alone abides the responsibility for the loss of at least 700,000 Americans, the destruction of the South economically and politically, and the rise of Jim Crow and segregation. I am so glad that high school and college students in the Old South are being taught that (1) the Old South was responsible for the Civil War, (2) slavery was its primary cause, and (3) the South's defeat was politically, constitutionally, legally, morally, and ethically the right conclusion.
Treasonous people loose rights. .
They lost the right?

Then you admit they had the right in the first place, as do all persons.

Unless everyone alive today is to be punished for someone else's crimes.

Either way, you just sad K^2 was correct.

That's all I can say.


It's not really that difficult to understand. The states are sovereign to the federal government, and may therefore reject the federal government in any way they see fit. The framers of the Constitution obviously believed this, or they would not have put the definition of treason that they did in the Constitution.
Washington: Founder.

Whiskey Rebellion.


Federal Government.



The fact that Washington and the federal government put down the Whiskey Rebellion doesn't prove anything, however. The question is whether they were right to do so, and I would say no. Thomas Jefferson called Washington's actions tyrannical.
The states are the creatures of the federal government, because federal law is supreme. The foundation of the country is "We the People", proletarian, so go peddle your nonsense elsewhere.
The fact that Washington and the federal government put down the Whiskey Rebellion doesn't prove anything, however. The question is whether they were right to do so, and I would say no. Thomas Jefferson called Washington's actions tyrannical.
I think there is a lesson here. Some of the founding fathers had different views and this has always been a contested issue.

So like some folks can respect but disagree with Washington and others can do the same to Jefferson I can respect other folk's opinions but disagree w/o calling them wrong or an idiot.
The views of Hamilton, Jay, Marshall, and Lincoln trumped those of Jefferson, Calhoun, and the secessionists. The world has benefitted far more greatly with a truly United States as a nation rather than a union.
The world has benefitted far more greatly with a truly United States as a nation rather than a union.

I can think of many nations who'd disagree...

I JUST TURNED 50 a few minutes ago AND IT'S MY DAY --

So there!


Fifty is a great age for either a man or a woman. One has gained experience, some wisdom, learned to separate the steadiness of real love from the sporadic extreme heights and abysmal lows of silly romance, a view of eternity for one knows s/he is truly mortal and faces the ages. Congratulations, Paper View, and I concede all to you this evening.
The views of Hamilton, Jay, Marshall, and Lincoln trumped those of Jefferson, Calhoun, and the secessionists. The world has benefitted far more greatly with a truly United States as a nation rather than a union.

What's the difference between a "nation" and a "union"?
The fact that Washington and the federal government put down the Whiskey Rebellion doesn't prove anything, however. The question is whether they were right to do so, and I would say no. Thomas Jefferson called Washington's actions tyrannical.
I think there is a lesson here. Some of the founding fathers had different views and this has always been a contested issue.

So like some folks can respect but disagree with Washington and others can do the same to Jefferson I can respect other folk's opinions but disagree w/o calling them wrong or an idiot.

Opionions differed then as they do today. At our nations founding, the prevailing views among the decision makers had a lasting impact that affected future generations. The orientation of a sapling determines future direction.
The states are the creatures of the federal government, the people are sovereign. KK merely ingests the basic calhounite fallacy is all. The South alone abides the responsibility for the loss of at least 700,000 Americans, the destruction of the South economically and politically, and the rise of Jim Crow and segregation. I am so glad that high school and college students in the Old South are being taught that (1) the Old South was responsible for the Civil War, (2) slavery was its primary cause, and (3) the South's defeat was politically, constitutionally, legally, morally, and ethically the right conclusion.

The reason schools teach the truth is why many home educate. I encountered many of these people when I home educated my children. The KKK (according to their website) home educates as well. Many "Robert E. Lee"-worshipping neo-Confederates in that crowd.
KevinKennedy is a loon. A nicely behaved loon, I must say. He does not swear or curse or really get angry, so I give him credit.

Immoral stubborness, however, does competently describe his character weakness. He is wrong, but he simply cannot admit it. That is why he will inevitably fail at what he does because he cannot learn from his mistakes and from those incidents when others are right.

What you describe about KK is Southern gentility.
"Note that treason is defined as levying war against the states, not the federal government."

You seriously think that levying war against the federal government is not treason?


The constitutional definition of treason is quite clear, levying war against the states. It doesn't mention the federal government whatsoever. So no, I do not believe it is treasonous to levy war against the federal government.

That's all I can say.


Double "Wow"! Do you understand his rebuttal?

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