The Confirmation of Internet Enterainment Celebrities...huh?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
An interesting video. I am not a gamer fanatic, but this guy does have some good insight once in a while.
Granny says AlGore prob'ly got a lot o' money fer startin' it...

Internet @ 46: 10 must-know facts
29 Oct, 2015 - Dear netizens, your favourite internet has turned 46. Today is the day internet was born with the first data message sent via ARPANET (the network regarded as the precursor of internet) between University of California and Stanford Research Institute in October 1969. As the internet turns an year older, here's a look at the state of internet as it exists today.
1. In 2014, nearly 75% (2.1 billion) of all internet users in the world (2.8 billion) were from the top 20 countries. The remaining 25% (0.7 billion) population was distributed among other 178 countries, each representing less than 1% of total users.

2. China, the country with most users (642 million in 2014), represents nearly 22% of the total user base, and has more users than the next three countries combined (United States, India and Japan).

3. Among the top 20 countries, India is the one with the lowest penetration: 19%, and has the highest yearly growth rate.

4. At the opposite end, United States, Germany, France, UK and Canada have the highest penetration: Over 80% of population in these countries has an internet connection.

5. Between 2000-2015, global internet penetration grew 7 fold, from 6.5% to 43%.


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