Zone1 The Constant Lie About Black Criminality

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As blacks, we get lectured about black-on-black crime, but in 2020, blacks led in arrests in two categories in the Uniform Crime Report, murder and robbery. I am not going to pretend this is a good thing, but let’s look at the arrest categories whites led in:

Rape, Aggravated assault, Burglary, Larceny-theft, Motor vehicle theft, Arson, Violent crime, Property crime, Other assaults, Forgery and counterfeiting, Fraud, Embezzlement, buying, receiving, and possessing stolen property, Vandalism, carrying, possessing, Weapons, Prostitution and commercialized vice, Sex offenses besides rape and prostitution, Drug abuse violations, Gambling, Offenses against the family and children, Driving under the influence, Liquor laws, Drunkenness, Disorderly conduct, Vagrancy, All other offenses (except traffic), Suspicion, Curfew and loitering law violations.

Blacks get most of the blame for crime, and it is not justified. In2020, Whites were fifty-one percent of the offenders for all crimes committed in America. A white offender committed fifty-four percent of the crimes against persons. Whites committed the most property crimes(42%) and crimes against society (65%). Seven out of every ten arrests for crimes in America is on someone white. Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business.

Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made two of the most destructive drugs legal, creating millions of addicted citizens. I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of trillions of dollars in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

When do whites start taking responsibility for their own poor choices instead of creating threads like this?
……Whites were fifty-one percent of the offenders for all crimes committed in America. .….. Seven out of every ten arrests for crimes in America is on someone white.….
So whites who make up 75% of the population are responsible for 51% of the crime BUT blacks who are only 13% of the population are responsible for 30% of the crime….

If blacks committed crime at the same rate white people did, the national crime rate would drop by 17%.

If 7 out of 10 (70%) arrests are a white person, then that still means 13% of the population (blacks) is responsible for 30% of the arrests.
  • By race, more than half (50.8%) of known offenders were white; 29.6% were Black or African American; and 2.2% were of other races. The race was unknown for 17.4% of reported known offenders.
  • By race, most arrestees (67.7%) were white; 27.1% were Black or African American; and 2.9% were of other races. The race was unknown for 2.2% of arrestees.

Your black fragility is showing again.
So whites who make up 75% of the population are responsible for 51% of the crime BUT blacks who are only 13% of the population are responsible for 30% of the crime….

If blacks committed crime at the same rate white people did, the national crime rate would drop by 17%.

If 7 out of 10 (70%) arrests are a white person, then that still means 13% of the population (blacks) is responsible for 30% of the arrests.
  • By race, more than half (50.8%) of known offenders were white; 29.6% were Black or African American; and 2.2% were of other races. The race was unknown for 17.4% of reported known offenders.
  • By race, most arrestees (67.7%) were white; 27.1% were Black or African American; and 2.9% were of other races. The race was unknown for 2.2% of arrestees.

Your black fragility is showing again.
Cliff Notes version: Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime.
So whites who make up 75% of the population are responsible for 51% of the crime BUT blacks who are only 13% of the population are responsible for 30% of the crime….

If blacks committed crime at the same rate white people did, the national crime rate would drop by 17%.

If 7 out of 10 (70%) arrests are a white person, then that still means 13% of the population (blacks) is responsible for 30% of the arrests.
  • By race, more than half (50.8%) of known offenders were white; 29.6% were Black or African American; and 2.2% were of other races. The race was unknown for 17.4% of reported known offenders.
  • By race, most arrestees (67.7%) were white; 27.1% were Black or African American; and 2.9% were of other races. The race was unknown for 2.2% of arrestees.

Your black fragility is showing again.
He never understands per capita and tries to refute it with nonsense.
You guys can do all the blabbing you want but whites like you guys need to face the truth.

Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business.

Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made two of the most destructive drugs legal, creating millions of addicted citizens. I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of trillions of dollars in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

When do whites start taking responsibility for their own poor choices instead of creating threads like this?
You guys can do all the blabbing you want but whites like you guys need to face the truth.

Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business.

Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made two of the most destructive drugs legal, creating millions of addicted citizens. I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of trillions of dollars in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

When do whites start taking responsibility for their own poor choices instead of creating threads like this?
So, you are accusing all of us white posters of all this? If not, it isn’t anymore our fault than yours.
So, you are accusing all of us white posters of all this? If not, it isn’t anymore our fault than yours.
you dont get it. According to IM2 we blame all blacks when we note the high level of crime but he never does that when he claims whites do worse. He also cant seem to grasp the concept of proportional or per capita.

"The Constant Lie About Black Criminality" is that whites are somehow responsible for it.

Living in the tribal environment of sub Saharan Africa Negroes missed the civilizing effects of civilization. During most of history in civilizations criminals were killed at the scene of the crime, like Trayvon Martin, they died in custody, or they were executed. There was no effort at rehabilitation. It has never been effective. The few children some criminals had rarely lived to adulthood.

This is why:

  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a nonblack to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
  • In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
  • from The Color of Crime, 2016 Revised Edition, by Edwin S. Rubenstein
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