Zone1 The Constant Lie About Black Criminality

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The linked article describes the findings of a study on the relative treatment of Blacks in the local criminal justice system (Allegheny County Pennsylvania). Reviewing the statistics mentioned, I have no doubt that they are accurate. But underlying the article is a presumption that is provably false, to wit, that Blacks' and "whites'" behavior is the same. If you tell me that a Black person is five times more likely to be charged with a crime (which this article does), then you need to show me that the relevant behavior was equal or comparable. Otherwise the statistic is meaningless.

How can one be oblivious to the data published by the FBI every year, illustrating that Black and "white" criminal behavior is NOT the same. Blacks are much more likely to be involved in the most serious crimes, and this has been true for as long as the FBI has been keeping these statistics. The reason - a subject that is much debated - is simply the 70% curse: 70% of Blacks are born into a household with no father.

Implicitly and explicitly, the authors of this study, as well as the person writing the story, are accusing local law enforcement of racism. And not just harmless racism like giving Blacks a nasty look - serious racism that can ruin a person's life. Now THAT is a slander worth suing over.

For those who can read numbers, here are some supporting numbers:

You haven't proven anything. All you've said is that blacks commit more crime. That doesn't prove whether or not there is equity between sentencings. Meanwhile, there are dozens of studies comparing apples to apples, conclusively showing they get more time with same crime. I've seen conservatives also tout studies showing how women get less time for same crime as men. You just cherry pick when convenient. Listen, this isn't complicated: Non black people are racists, and always have been racist. It's simple. It will continue until we eradicate the racists. I'm much more keen on that than begging for equality.
“more time for the same crime” doesn’t take into account previous offenses. Statistically, black people are more likely to have previous criminal records.
You haven't proven anything. All you've said is that blacks commit more crime. That doesn't prove whether or not there is equity between sentencings. Meanwhile, there are dozens of studies comparing apples to apples, conclusively showing they get more time with same crime. I've seen conservatives also tout studies showing how women get less time for same crime as men. You just cherry pick when convenient. Listen, this isn't complicated: Non black people are racists, and always have been racist. It's simple. It will continue until we eradicate the racists. I'm much more keen on that than begging for equality.
Racism is a natural response to black social pathology. As long as Negroes are characterized by sagging IQ's and jaw dropping rates of crime and illegitimacy there will be plenty of racists.
“more time for the same crime” doesn’t take into account previous offenses. Statistically, black people are more likely to have previous criminal records.
I've seen studies that do take recidivism into account. You're just wrong. Why won't you just own your racism like most people on this forum, and stop coping? Our victory will be much sweeter, that way. A blue eyed devil looking up to a superior black man standing over him in a mass grave.
Racism is a natural response to black social pathology. As long as Negroes are characterized by sagging IQ's and jaw dropping rates of crime and illegitimacy there will be plenty of racists.
100% agree. No one respects their inferior. You have to fight and kill. Nothing says I'm better than you than doing just that. How can someone be your superior if you can dominate them? Conversely, how can someone be your equal if they can dominate you? It doesn't pass the sniff test. Blacks must conquer and spill blood, dominate, oppress. You a Mexican, btw?
100% agree. No one respects their inferior. You have to fight and kill. Nothing says I'm better than you than doing just that. How can someone be your superior if you can dominate them? Conversely, how can someone be your equal if they can dominate you? It doesn't pass the sniff test. Blacks must conquer and spill blood, dominate, oppress. You a Mexican, btw?
That is what they fear.
I've seen studies that do take recidivism into account. You're just wrong. Why won't you just own your racism like most people on this forum, and stop coping? Our victory will be much sweeter, that way. A blue eyed devil looking up to a superior black man standing over him in a mass grave.
Are you threatening us whites with violence?
Are you threatening us whites with violence?
The white man CRIES out in pain as he gasses you.

We have every right to defend ourselves. Human beings are animals. They need to have checks and balances, or they will do whatever they want. It's ok to punch the bully in the nose.
Society became stark raving liberal and lowered its standards for blacks and whites
White societies were completely backwards until recently. Way higher crime than the black community today, much higher poverty. You could argue that, as society has become less white, the more civilized it has become. Literally. And Eastern Europe is still mess.
White societies were completely backwards until recently. Way higher crime than the black community today, much higher poverty. You could argue that, as society has become less white, the more civilized it has become. Literally. And Eastern Europe is still mess.
I don't understand how a race of people responsible for at least 2 world wars can talk about how peaceful they are.
White societies were completely backwards until recently. Way higher crime than the black community today, much higher poverty. You could argue that, as society has become less white, the more civilized it has become. Literally. And Eastern Europe is still mess.

If you go by raw numbers, yes

But as a percentage overall, no
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