Zone1 The Constant Lie About Black Criminality

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I think either violent or aggravated rape should be a capital crime.
Unfortunately, we are not judgmental enough to execute serial killers. I think capital punishment should be slow, public, humiliating, frequent, and public. If they bring back public executions, I will stand as close to the gallows as I can, with a broad smile on my face. :D

Characteristics that enabled the ancestors of Negroes to thrive in the jungles of darkest Africa cause many to earn felony convictions in civilized countries. A criminal justice system that is effective for whites and Orientals is insufficiently harsh for Negroes.

Before the civil rights movement this was understood in the United States, and especially in the South. That is why when a black man and a white man committed the same crime the black man was given more punishment.

It was generally understood what what we call police brutality was often necessary to subdue black criminals.

Joining me now to get into that and much more are Republican pollster Brenda Gianiny and Democratic pollster Terrance Woodbury.

WOODBURY: So Dana, you know, we started Hitch Strategy specifically to understand the opinions of voters underrepresented and misrepresented in public polling. And what we find is, in a lot of these public polls, that black voters are being both underrepresented and misrepresented. That when you look at some of these polls with a sample size of 1 or 200 black folks in it, then, you know, if you have 10 or 20 of them that are weird, and giving pollsters weird answers, then you have 10 or 20% of noise in that poll. And so larger sample size allows us to mute some of that noise. And so --

BASH: And you're doing some of that polling with larger sample sizes?

WOODBURY: Absolutely. So as opposed to seeing 20% of black support for Donald Trump, we're seeing closer to 9 to 12% black support for Donald Trump. So there is an increase. He is doing better amongst black voters. Trump is doing better amongst black voters, but not 10 or 20 points better than we've been seeing in some of the public polling.

LOL “black people aren’t more criminal” but it’s also to racist consider someone’s criminal history because it disproportionately affects black people.

Sheetz Inc., which operates more than 700 stores in six states, discriminated against Black, Native American and multiracial job seekers by automatically weeding out applicants whom the company deemed to have failed a criminal background check, according to U.S. officials.

Convenience store chain with hundreds of outlets in 6 states hit with discrimination lawsuit
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