The Cosmos

Did you know

1. There was once water on Mars and Venus. Maybe even life too. Millions of years before life on earth. But I don't think discovering life on these planets would stop people from believing in god(s). We didn't even know about Uranius and Neptune before the telescope. Religions told us we were all there was. Just our inner solar system is what they said. They were wrong, but people still believe. That's brainwashing. That's power. That's control.

2. We've only been able to detect the planets of other stars for a few decades, but we already know that planets are plentiful & they outnumber the stars. Almost all of them will be very different from Earth, and hostile to life as we know it. But what do we know about life? We've met only one kind so far. Earthlife.

3. Each galaxy contains billions of suns and countless worlds.
Yet, the entire Virgo Supercluster itself forms but a tiny part of our universe.
This is the cosmos on the grandest scale we know a network of a hundred billion galaxies.

4. Back in 1599, everyone knew that the Sun, planets and stars were just lights in the sky that revolved around the Earth, and that we were the center of a little universe, a universe made for us.
There was only one man on the whole planet who envisioned an infinitely grander cosmos.
And how was he spending New Year's Eve of the year 1600? Why, in prison, of course.

5. Copernicus made a radical proposal. The Earth was not the center.
It was just one of the planets, and, like them, it revolved around the Sun.
Many, like the Protestant reformer Martin Luther, took this idea as a scandalous affront to Scripture.
And this is who you want me/us to believe? This is who your religion comes from, right? But again, I don't think people care. Cognitive Dissonance.

Isn't the universe an awesome, elegant place that God created for us to discover?
They can't be the best minds if they believe in god.

  1. Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so, including me. Think for yourself.

  2. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so.

  3. Test ideas, by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well designed test, it's wrong. Get over it.

  4. Follow the evidence, wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.

  5. And perhaps even the most important rule of all: remember you could be wrong. Even the best scientist have been wrong about somethings. Newton, Einstein, and ever other great scientist in history. They all made mistakes. Of course they did, their were human. Science is a way keep from fooling ourselves and each other.
I'll remain open to the possibility that a god or gods exist and created us. I haven't seen enough evidence to believe. I have seen enough evidence however to be very skeptical, especially of anyone who belongs to an organized religion. It is obvious to me Jesus, Moses, Mohammad, Abraham, Noah, Adam & Eve and Joseph Smith of the Mormons don't pass the test.
LoL you are blind.

How? Explain it to me? But remember if you quote the bible or koran I'm going to use this

(1) Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so.

(2) Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so.

(3) Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test, it's wrong. Get over it.

(4) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.

And perhaps the most important rule of all...

(5) Remember: you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things. Newton, Einstein, and every other great scientist in history -- they all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves, and each other.
Live with what you think. You should be able to, in time, find the truth that God exists, if you are sincere.

You can also know after you die. You will find out if what I tell you is true.

Remember what things were like for you the 13.5 billion years before you were born? That's what it'll be like for 13.5 billion years after you die.

Cool. Let's just apply a little Biblical discipline to that statement. Did you not know that Christians are to evaluate everything they are told is from God against the Scriptures? Apparently not, because you just made a really stupid statement.

PS. Did you know you and the ant are related?

As are you.

They need to question the scripture too.

And when it's revealed to detail the way to be reconciled with God, accept and believe it.

What scripture are you referring to?

Religious texts, also known as scripture, scriptures, holy writ, or holy books, are the texts which various religious traditions consider to be sacred, or central to their religious tradition. Many religions and spiritual movements believe that their sacred texts are divinely or supernaturally revealed or inspired.

Notice the words various and many? You aren't the first or last religion. Oh but your's is the 1 out of 999 that came before or after your religion that was real? If man made up god 200,000 or 40,000 years ago, why did he wait until 6500 years ago to talk to us? Science doesn't mean to but it pokes holes in every aspect of your religion(s). Not just yours so don't take it personally, but your creation story with a god that came and told your ancestors is not original, doesn't make sense and is simply unbelievable.

So what do you do? You tell people if they don't believe they'll go to hell. Sorry you don't have the option to burn, crucify or ban us anymore.

Sounds like you wish you had that option. And, who said anything about 6500 years?

Your religion said 6500 years old. You theists like to change your story and revise history and brush old arguments under the rug. It's like every time you say, "ok we were wrong about that but that doesn't prove anything so lets just move on and forget" Sorry, we know what your creation story was in 1599. No altering it. If you do then maybe your entire holy book is just edited made up shit too. We all know how the little fish catch turns into a big fish story. Jesus was a nice guy but miracles? Rising from the dead? Bullshit! What am I 12?

. Oh, did your religion drop that argument that the earth is only 6500 years old? Couldn't deny the truth any longer? I wonder why? Because the world has the internet at their fingertips. A lot harder to sell Christianity when someone can go do deep research on the evidence, logic, history and science. My mom use to say, "7 days is not 7 days to god". Well god should have told us how many days it actually took in human days. This is why we know ancient uneducated men in antiquity wrote the holy book myths you swallow. Sorry. Hell isn't real just like heaven.

Most people today in America believe in a generic god. Most I talk to say they aren't "christians" but they believe something. They admit they were brainwashed. They admit they haven't given it much thought. They admit they were just born into christian parents. Our parents didn't have the information we have today. They didn't have the internet. They probably didn't see the first Cosmos in 1980. Most people even today are not that bright. But now consider our parents were brainwashed by their parents who were brainwashed by entire cultures who were ruled by churches who didn't like free speech or thought. It may even be hard wired into us. But I think it's going away in free America and Europe. The Muslim world may take another 1000 years to evolve out of this irrational thinking but us only a few hundred years. Either that or Christian churches are going to have to throw out the old stories and start again because people aint buying it.

How come Jews and Muslims don't convert to Christianity if Christianity is so obvious? If Christianity needs to be believed or go to hell, Jews and Muslims are doomed too? There are so many holes in your arguments.
Did you know

1. There was once water on Mars and Venus. Maybe even life too. Millions of years before life on earth. But I don't think discovering life on these planets would stop people from believing in god(s). We didn't even know about Uranius and Neptune before the telescope. Religions told us we were all there was. Just our inner solar system is what they said. They were wrong, but people still believe. That's brainwashing. That's power. That's control.

2. We've only been able to detect the planets of other stars for a few decades, but we already know that planets are plentiful & they outnumber the stars. Almost all of them will be very different from Earth, and hostile to life as we know it. But what do we know about life? We've met only one kind so far. Earthlife.

3. Each galaxy contains billions of suns and countless worlds.
Yet, the entire Virgo Supercluster itself forms but a tiny part of our universe.
This is the cosmos on the grandest scale we know a network of a hundred billion galaxies.

4. Back in 1599, everyone knew that the Sun, planets and stars were just lights in the sky that revolved around the Earth, and that we were the center of a little universe, a universe made for us.
There was only one man on the whole planet who envisioned an infinitely grander cosmos.
And how was he spending New Year's Eve of the year 1600? Why, in prison, of course.

5. Copernicus made a radical proposal. The Earth was not the center.
It was just one of the planets, and, like them, it revolved around the Sun.
Many, like the Protestant reformer Martin Luther, took this idea as a scandalous affront to Scripture.
And this is who you want me/us to believe? This is who your religion comes from, right? But again, I don't think people care. Cognitive Dissonance.

Isn't the universe an awesome, elegant place that God created for us to discover?

The universe is awesome with or without a god. Saying a god must have done it without proof is ignorant.

Just remember the history of the religion you believe. In 1600 Bruno, who believed in god mind you, said the universe was bigger than your church believed. Through relentless interrogations, he stubbornly refused to renounce his views. Why was the Church willing to go to such lengths to torment Bruno? What were they afraid of? If Bruno was right, then the sacred books and the authority of the Church would be open to question.
Finally, the cardinals of the Inquisition rendered their verdict.
You are found guilty of questioning the Holy Trinity and the divinity of Jesus Christ.
Of believing that God's wrath is not eternal, that everyone will be saved.
Of asserting the existence of other worlds.
All of the books you have written will be gathered up and burned in St.
Peter's Square.
Bruno said to your church "Reverend Father, these eight years of confinement have given me much time to reflect." "So you will recant?" Your church asked. Bruno said, "My love and reverence for the Creator inspires in me the vision of an infinite Creation."

You shall be turned over to the Governor of Rome to administer the appropriate punishment for those who will not repent the church said.

Ten years after Bruno's martyrdom, Galileo first looked through a telescope, realizing that Bruno had been right all along. But you keep believing this religion with this history. And this has been going on for thousands of years. The Greeks figured science out 2500 years ago but the rich/churches hid it from the masses. Remember for thousands of years church and state were one and the same. The king was god.
Did you know

1. There was once water on Mars and Venus. Maybe even life too. Millions of years before life on earth. But I don't think discovering life on these planets would stop people from believing in god(s). We didn't even know about Uranius and Neptune before the telescope. Religions told us we were all there was. Just our inner solar system is what they said. They were wrong, but people still believe. That's brainwashing. That's power. That's control.

2. We've only been able to detect the planets of other stars for a few decades, but we already know that planets are plentiful & they outnumber the stars. Almost all of them will be very different from Earth, and hostile to life as we know it. But what do we know about life? We've met only one kind so far. Earthlife.

3. Each galaxy contains billions of suns and countless worlds.
Yet, the entire Virgo Supercluster itself forms but a tiny part of our universe.
This is the cosmos on the grandest scale we know a network of a hundred billion galaxies.

4. Back in 1599, everyone knew that the Sun, planets and stars were just lights in the sky that revolved around the Earth, and that we were the center of a little universe, a universe made for us.
There was only one man on the whole planet who envisioned an infinitely grander cosmos.
And how was he spending New Year's Eve of the year 1600? Why, in prison, of course.

5. Copernicus made a radical proposal. The Earth was not the center.
It was just one of the planets, and, like them, it revolved around the Sun.
Many, like the Protestant reformer Martin Luther, took this idea as a scandalous affront to Scripture.
And this is who you want me/us to believe? This is who your religion comes from, right? But again, I don't think people care. Cognitive Dissonance.

Isn't the universe an awesome, elegant place that God created for us to discover?

Put the universe since the big bang on a 12 month calendar. Jan 1 the Big Bang. On January 13th, stars coalesced into the first small galaxies. These galaxies merged to form still larger ones, including our own Milky Way, which formed about 11 billion years ago, on March 15th of the cosmic year. Hundreds of billions of suns.
Which one is ours? It's not yet born. It will rise from the ashes of other stars. How much longer until the birth of our Sun? A long time. It won't begin to shine for another six billion years. Our Sun's birthday is August 31st on the Cosmic Calendar four and a half billion years ago. As with the other worlds of our solar system, Earth was formed from a disk of gas and dust orbiting the newborn Sun. Repeated collisions produced a growing ball of debris. The Earth took one hell of a beating in its first billion years. Fragments of orbiting debris collided and coalesced, until they snowballed to form our Moon. The Moon is a souvenir of that violent epoch.Life began somewhere around here, September 21st, three and a half billion years ago on our little world. We still don't know how life got started. For all we know, it may have come from another part of the Milky Way.
The origin of life is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science.

But knowing this, it is arrogant and stupid to think that a god thinks you are special just because you are at the top of the food chain on this planet at this time. Is there a dinosaur heaven for when they were supreme?
By November 9th, life was breathing, moving, eating, responding to its environment.
We owe a lot to those pioneering microbes.
Oh, yeah one other thing.
They also invented sex.
December 17th was quite a day.
Life in the sea really took off, it was exploding with a diversity of larger plants and animals.
Tiktaalik was one of the first animals to venture onto land.
It must have felt like visiting another planet.
Forests, dinosaurs, birds, insects, they all evolved in the final week of December.
The first flower bloomed on December 28th.
It's 6:24 AM on December 30th on the Cosmic Calendar.
For more than a hundred million years, the dinosaurs were lords of the Earth, while our ancestors, small mammals, scurried fearfully underfoot.
The asteroid changed all that.
Suppose it hadn't been nudged at all.
It would have missed the Earth entirely, and for all we know, the dinosaurs might still be here but we wouldn't.
This is a good example of the extreme contingency, the chance nature, of existence.
The universe is already more than 13 and a half billion years old.
Still no sign of us.
In the vast ocean of time that this calendar represents, we humans only evolved within the last hour of the last day of the cosmic year.
11:59 and 46 seconds.
All of recorded history occupies only the last 14 seconds, and every person you've ever heard of lived somewhere in there.
Did you know

1. There was once water on Mars and Venus. Maybe even life too. Millions of years before life on earth. But I don't think discovering life on these planets would stop people from believing in god(s). We didn't even know about Uranius and Neptune before the telescope. Religions told us we were all there was. Just our inner solar system is what they said. They were wrong, but people still believe. That's brainwashing. That's power. That's control.

2. We've only been able to detect the planets of other stars for a few decades, but we already know that planets are plentiful & they outnumber the stars. Almost all of them will be very different from Earth, and hostile to life as we know it. But what do we know about life? We've met only one kind so far. Earthlife.

3. Each galaxy contains billions of suns and countless worlds.
Yet, the entire Virgo Supercluster itself forms but a tiny part of our universe.
This is the cosmos on the grandest scale we know a network of a hundred billion galaxies.

4. Back in 1599, everyone knew that the Sun, planets and stars were just lights in the sky that revolved around the Earth, and that we were the center of a little universe, a universe made for us.
There was only one man on the whole planet who envisioned an infinitely grander cosmos.
And how was he spending New Year's Eve of the year 1600? Why, in prison, of course.

5. Copernicus made a radical proposal. The Earth was not the center.
It was just one of the planets, and, like them, it revolved around the Sun.
Many, like the Protestant reformer Martin Luther, took this idea as a scandalous affront to Scripture.
And this is who you want me/us to believe? This is who your religion comes from, right? But again, I don't think people care. Cognitive Dissonance.

Isn't the universe an awesome, elegant place that God created for us to discover?

The truth is better than your story.

At 14 seconds to midnight, or about 6,000 years ago, we invented writing.
Moses was born seven seconds ago.
Buddha, six seconds ago.
Jesus, five seconds ago.
Mohammed, three seconds ago.
And it was only in the very last second of the Cosmic Calendar that we began to use science to reveal nature's secrets and her laws.
Evolution is the last gasp for the atheist. It is the only hope he has left having denied God and accepted the second death option for himself.
Atheists will endeavor at all costs to prove the non-existence of God most especially to themselves. They think if they are successful in having everyone accept the myths of evolution, then God will simply just go away and they will escape the reward for the choice they have made.

We have very good evidence evolution is real and god was made up. And I promise you I have no evil motive behind not liking religion. And it is not the devil in me. If you come back with that, that makes you stupid.

I just remembered a scene in the Cosmos. The religious establishment laughed at the pStar Trekerson who came up with Tactonic Plates and the theory that the earth use to be one big continent but then broke apart. PangeaEvery. The religious establishment insisted that there was a land bridge that the animals crossed but scientifically that argument has so many holes it makes no sense. But for years the establishment laughed at the idea. The scientist died before his theory was proven true. Why does the religious establishment fight science so much? Because religion is and has always been so wrong about everything. You think your religion is perfect? Sure after being edited for thousands of years by kings and popes.

The earth is still connected. Believe it or not, get down below the water and you will find a dirt bottom that you could walk over from one region of the earth to the other. The earth is still connected, it just has a few mud puddles in the way now.

Evolution is a bunch of myths, fables, and science fiction. Star Trek is just as real. Nothing about evolution can be substantiated Every aspect of evolution is a mathematical impossibility. Evolution has been rife with hoax and corruption. Every missing link has been proven a hoax or misrepresentation. Myth and fraud.

We know evolution is real. Science can look at your DNA and a trees DNA and see that all life is related. We see how a polar bear and Grizzly's were once the same animal but they split off and became two different species. We see how we made dogs from wolves. Chawawas and poodles came from wolves. If we can do that in a few thousands years, imagine what natural selection can do in millions of years.
The birth of a new DNA molecule begins when an unwinding protein separates the two strands of the double helix, breaking the rungs apart. Inside the liquid of the nucleus, the molecular letters of the genetic code float freely.
Each strand of the helix copies its lost partner, resulting in two identical DNA molecules.
That's how life reproduces genes and transmits them from one generation to the next.
When a living cell divides in two, each one takes away with it a complete copy of the DNA.
A specialized protein proofreads to make sure that only the right letters are accepted so that the DNA is accurately copied. But nobody's perfect. Occasionally, a proofreading error slips through, making a small, random change in the genetic instructions. A mutation has occurred in the bear's egg cell.
The DNA doesn't lie. The tree and me-- we're long-lost cousins. And it's not just the trees.
If you go back far enough, you'll find that we share a common ancestor with the butterfly gray wolf mushroom shark bacterium sparrow. What a family! Other parts of the bar code vary from species to species.
That's what makes the difference between an owl and an octopus. Unless you have an identical twin, there's no one else in the universe with the exact same DNA as you. Within other species, the genetic differences provide the raw material for natural selection. The environment selects which genes survive and multiply.
When it comes to the genetic instructions for life's most basic functions-- say, digesting sugars-- we and other species are almost identical. That's because those functions are so basic to life, they evolved before the various life-forms branched off from each other.
Biologists have catalogued a half a million different kinds of beetles alone.
Not to mention the numberless varieties of bacteria.
There are many millions of living species of animals and plants, most of them still unknown to science.
Think of that-- we have yet to make contact with most of the forms of terrestrial life.
That's how many kinds of life there are on this tiny planet alone.

Did god make each individually? Did Noah collect 1 of each?
In the beginning, life was blind.
This is what our world looked like four billion years ago, before there were any eyes to see.
Until a few hundred million years passed, and then, one day, there was a microscopic copying error in the DNA of a bacterium.
This random mutation gave that microbe a protein molecule that absorbed sunlight.
Want to know what the world looked like to a light-sensitive bacterium? Take a look at the right side of the screen.
Mutations continued to occur at random, as they always do in any population of living things.
Another mutation caused a dark bacterium to flee intense light.
What is going on here? Night and day.
Those bacteria that could tell light from dark had a decisive advantage over the ones that couldn't.

Why do I love posting these facts or theories? Because I know theists want to argue with them. Religion has always argued with science. They've lost every time but that doesn't stop them.

The sensitive bacteria fled the intense light to safely exchange their DNA in the dark.
They survived in greater numbers than the bacteria that stayed at the surface.
Over time, those light-sensitive proteins became concentrated in a pigment spot on the more advanced, one-celled organism.
This made it possible to find the light, an overwhelming advantage for an organism that harvests sunlight to make food.

Our eyes originally evolved to see in water.
The watery fluid in those eyes neatly eliminated the distortion of that bending effect.
But for land animals, the light carries images from dry air into their still-watery eyes.
That bends the light rays, causing all kinds of distortions.
When our amphibious ancestors left the water for the land, their eyes, exquisitely evolved to see in water, were lousy for seeing in the air.
Our vision has never been as good since.

Why would god make your eyes worse than the fish's eye sight?
We like to think of our eyes as state-of-the-art, but 375 million years later, we still can't see things right in front of our noses or discern fine details in near darkness the way fish can.
For every single one of the millions of species alive today, perhaps a thousand others have perished.
In the last 500 million years, this has happened five times. Five mass extinctions that devastated life on Earth.
The worst one of all happened some 250 million years ago, at the end of an era known as the Permian.
Trilobites were armored animals that hunted in great herds across the seafloor.
They were among the first animals to evolve image-forming eyes.
Trilobites had a good long run, some 270 million years.
Earth was once the planet of the trilobites.
But now they're all gone, extinct.

Did perfect god think of man 269 million years later? Was this animal a mistake? The facts sort of make religion obsolete.
Did we follow the Trilobites? Nope. After them new life-forms slowly evolved to fill the openings left by the Permian holocaust. Among the biggest winners were the dinosaurs. Now the Earth was their planet.
Their reign continued for over 150 million years. Until it, too, came crashing down in another mass extinction.
The earth is still connected. Believe it or not, get down below the water and you will find a dirt bottom that you could walk over from one region of the earth to the other. The earth is still connected, it just has a few mud puddles in the way now.

Evolution is a bunch of myths, fables, and science fiction. Star Trek is just as real. Nothing about evolution can be substantiated Every aspect of evolution is a mathematical impossibility. Evolution has been rife with hoax and corruption. Every missing link has been proven a hoax or misrepresentation. Myth and fraud.

What about Plate Tectonics? The earth is alive. Did god reveal that or science?

So you think God sat down and designed each and every one of the millions of beatles that exist today? They didn't all evolve from a single species?

Many scientists and philosophers of science have described evolution as fact and theory, a phrase which was used as the title of an article by Stephen Jay Gould in 1981. He describes fact in science as meaning data, not absolute certainty but "confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional assent." A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of such facts. The facts of evolution come from observational evidence of current processes, from imperfections in organisms recording historical common descent, and from transitions in the fossil record. Theories of evolution provide a provisional explanation for these facts

Religion is the myth. Religion(s) don't hold up to the test that the theory of evolution passed. Sorry dummy.

(1) Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so, including me.

(2) Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so.

(3) Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test, it's wrong. Get over it.

(4) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.

And perhaps the most important rule of all...

(5) Remember: you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things. Newton, Einstein, and every other great scientist in history -- they all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves, and each other. You're fooling yourself. Know what that makes you? A fool.

It is hard for you to understand because evolution happens over millions of years. Want to see a great example? Look at a Poodle or Chawawa. Know where they came from? The wolf. We made them by picking the traits we liked. So we know evolution is real. It is accepted as fact. Anyone who challenges it is now the nut job were in the past people believed religion. Why is religion losing? Because it doesn't stand the scientific test and never will. You have to be dumb and have faith.

4 Billion Years of Evolution in 40 Seconds

You came from a bacteria. Then a fish, then a small mammal, then a monkey then man. Took millions of years.

I'll go with what science says, you go with a book written 1000's of years ago by superstitious ignorant controlling rules/priests/societies.

    • Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so, including me. Think for yourself.
    • Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so.
    • Test ideas, by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well designed test, it's wrong. Get over it.
    • Follow the evidence, wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.
    • And perhaps even the most important rule of all: remember you could be wrong. Even the best scientist have been wrong about somethings. Newton, Einstein, and ever other great scientist in history. They all made mistakes. Of course they did, their were human. Science is a way keep from fooling ourselves and each other.

What I'm saying is for the earth to even have been positioned where it is by sheer happenstance is a mathematical impossibility.

For a single asexual cell to have come out of some slime pit, mutated and divided into anything at all is a mathematical impossibility.

For a single cell to have ever mutated and divided into even a four cell organism is such an impossibility that one could not write the number of zeros in a single day.

Evolution is a myth, a mathematical impossibility. Even most all of your missing links have been proven to be hoaxes.

Why is it impossible? There are 100's of billions of stars in our galaxy alone and planets around every one of those stars. Now consider there are 100's of billions of galaxies in our known universe. There might be "life" around every sun. In fact the suns and planets are living organisms themselves. Do you know microbes or bacteria can live on meteors and asteroids? This is one way life might have come to our planet. They theorize this because of meteor rocks they found on the bottom of the ocean floor that are the same age as the last die off. You know what? I can't remember all the details. Point is that science has come up with a couple theories on how life started on earth. Watch the Cosmos and Neal Degrasse Tyson or Carl Sagan will explain how they came up with their theories. Are they perfect? No. Do they have all the answers? No. Could they be wrong? Sure. But their theories stand up to the test. Religion does not. That's my point. In fact I was watching the Cosmos last night and they were talking about some Bruno guy who first figured out the universe and he said the universe does not revolve around our planet. Religion burned him at the stake. So how are you all taking the word of religion when you know that history? And how does religion still have any credibility? The answer is, people want to believe and/or they are scared into believing or they can't imagine any other way.

So the mathamatical improbability is that we are the only life in our galaxy, let alone the universe. So it is not mathamatically impossible. It is a fact and science knows exactly how it happened. Is it amazing how perfect everything is and had to be for us to be here? Sure is. But there have already been 4 major die offs where life almost got wiped out on this planet. Not to mention we won't be here forever. So enjoy it while it lasts.

You are dead wrong about evolution. At least that is what science says. WRONG. If you do your research and still don't believe in evolution, you please tell us your theory. Tell us how god sat down and intelligently designed 1/2 a billion beatles and why 1 billion beatles are now extinct. I'm not going to try to explain it to you. Like you theists say, "you gotta read the bible" well you gotta watch the Cosmos. It is better than any religious book ever written. It stands up to the test.

A single cell can evolve into a 2 cell organism over millions of years. See, this is your sides problem. You guys don't realize we are just one little itty bitty planet in the universe and you are just one animal on this planet. If the universe has been here for a year, man has only been here for 1 day. The last day of the year. And "we" think we know it all. How did we get here? Must be god. End of conversation. Burn me at the stake if I question you too.

Sorry but it is your theories that are impossible and don't pass the test.

(1) Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so. Mary was a virgin? And you swallowed that?

(2) Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so. If you are a Christian, you're basically believing the story passed down by the very corrupt Catholic Church. Remember what they did to
Giordano Bruno in the 1600's just for trying to explain the universe is much bigger than anyone ever thought? He even believed in god! It wasn't like he was an atheist. Doesn't matter. They still killed him. So this is where your fables come from.

(3) Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test, it's wrong. Get over it. This is how they came up with evolution and realized your creation story is wrong. Miracles, virgin births, rising from the dead, the noah story, parting of the seas. None of these things pass the test.

(4) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment. Like us. We don't say there is no god. We just see no evidence. As a scientist we'll remain open to the possibility. But to tell us we'll go to hell? That's not science. That's emotional blackmale. That's what is done to stupid people. Are you?

And perhaps the most important rule of all...

(5) Remember: you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things. Newton, Einstein, and every other great scientist in history -- they all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves, and each other.

Go find yourself someone with a major in mathematics and ask him to provide you with the possibility that life sprang forth from a single asexual cell and see what he will tell you when he gets through crunching the numbers.

100% possible and probable is what they told me. And they said if you think otherwise, please provide proof/links.

Some species alternate between the sexual and asexual strategies, an ability known as heterogamy, depending on conditions. Alternation is observed in severalrotifer species (cyclical parthenogenesis e.g. in Brachionus species) and a few types of insects, such as aphids which will, under certain conditions, produce eggs that have not gone through meiosis, thus cloning themselves. The cape bee Apis mellifera subsp. capensis can reproduce asexually through a process calledthelytoky. A few species of amphibians, reptiles, and birds have a similar ability (see parthenogenesis for examples). For example, the freshwater crustaceanDaphnia reproduces by parthenogenesis in the spring to rapidly populate ponds, then switches to sexual reproduction as the intensity of competition and predation increases. Another example are monogonont rotifers of the genus Brachionus, which reproduce via cyclical parthenogenesis: at low population densities females produce asexually and at higher densities a chemical cue accumulates and induces the transition to sexual reproduction. Many protists and fungi alternate between sexual and asexual reproduction.

More than happy to oblige: The Institute for Creation Research

Actually science Proves the Bible: How does Science PROVE the Bible

We can even prove the existence of God without using the Bible at all: Prove There Is a God - Even Without the Bible - Vertical Thought United Church of God
Last edited:
What about Plate Tectonics? The earth is alive. Did god reveal that or science?

So you think God sat down and designed each and every one of the millions of beatles that exist today? They didn't all evolve from a single species?

Many scientists and philosophers of science have described evolution as fact and theory, a phrase which was used as the title of an article by Stephen Jay Gould in 1981. He describes fact in science as meaning data, not absolute certainty but "confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional assent." A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of such facts. The facts of evolution come from observational evidence of current processes, from imperfections in organisms recording historical common descent, and from transitions in the fossil record. Theories of evolution provide a provisional explanation for these facts

Religion is the myth. Religion(s) don't hold up to the test that the theory of evolution passed. Sorry dummy.

(1) Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so, including me.

(2) Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so.

(3) Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test, it's wrong. Get over it.

(4) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.

And perhaps the most important rule of all...

(5) Remember: you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things. Newton, Einstein, and every other great scientist in history -- they all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves, and each other. You're fooling yourself. Know what that makes you? A fool.

It is hard for you to understand because evolution happens over millions of years. Want to see a great example? Look at a Poodle or Chawawa. Know where they came from? The wolf. We made them by picking the traits we liked. So we know evolution is real. It is accepted as fact. Anyone who challenges it is now the nut job were in the past people believed religion. Why is religion losing? Because it doesn't stand the scientific test and never will. You have to be dumb and have faith.

4 Billion Years of Evolution in 40 Seconds

You came from a bacteria. Then a fish, then a small mammal, then a monkey then man. Took millions of years.

I'll go with what science says, you go with a book written 1000's of years ago by superstitious ignorant controlling rules/priests/societies.

    • Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so, including me. Think for yourself.
    • Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so.
    • Test ideas, by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well designed test, it's wrong. Get over it.
    • Follow the evidence, wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.
    • And perhaps even the most important rule of all: remember you could be wrong. Even the best scientist have been wrong about somethings. Newton, Einstein, and ever other great scientist in history. They all made mistakes. Of course they did, their were human. Science is a way keep from fooling ourselves and each other.

What I'm saying is for the earth to even have been positioned where it is by sheer happenstance is a mathematical impossibility.

For a single asexual cell to have come out of some slime pit, mutated and divided into anything at all is a mathematical impossibility.

For a single cell to have ever mutated and divided into even a four cell organism is such an impossibility that one could not write the number of zeros in a single day.

Evolution is a myth, a mathematical impossibility. Even most all of your missing links have been proven to be hoaxes.

Why is it impossible? There are 100's of billions of stars in our galaxy alone and planets around every one of those stars. Now consider there are 100's of billions of galaxies in our known universe. There might be "life" around every sun. In fact the suns and planets are living organisms themselves. Do you know microbes or bacteria can live on meteors and asteroids? This is one way life might have come to our planet. They theorize this because of meteor rocks they found on the bottom of the ocean floor that are the same age as the last die off. You know what? I can't remember all the details. Point is that science has come up with a couple theories on how life started on earth. Watch the Cosmos and Neal Degrasse Tyson or Carl Sagan will explain how they came up with their theories. Are they perfect? No. Do they have all the answers? No. Could they be wrong? Sure. But their theories stand up to the test. Religion does not. That's my point. In fact I was watching the Cosmos last night and they were talking about some Bruno guy who first figured out the universe and he said the universe does not revolve around our planet. Religion burned him at the stake. So how are you all taking the word of religion when you know that history? And how does religion still have any credibility? The answer is, people want to believe and/or they are scared into believing or they can't imagine any other way.

So the mathamatical improbability is that we are the only life in our galaxy, let alone the universe. So it is not mathamatically impossible. It is a fact and science knows exactly how it happened. Is it amazing how perfect everything is and had to be for us to be here? Sure is. But there have already been 4 major die offs where life almost got wiped out on this planet. Not to mention we won't be here forever. So enjoy it while it lasts.

You are dead wrong about evolution. At least that is what science says. WRONG. If you do your research and still don't believe in evolution, you please tell us your theory. Tell us how god sat down and intelligently designed 1/2 a billion beatles and why 1 billion beatles are now extinct. I'm not going to try to explain it to you. Like you theists say, "you gotta read the bible" well you gotta watch the Cosmos. It is better than any religious book ever written. It stands up to the test.

A single cell can evolve into a 2 cell organism over millions of years. See, this is your sides problem. You guys don't realize we are just one little itty bitty planet in the universe and you are just one animal on this planet. If the universe has been here for a year, man has only been here for 1 day. The last day of the year. And "we" think we know it all. How did we get here? Must be god. End of conversation. Burn me at the stake if I question you too.

Sorry but it is your theories that are impossible and don't pass the test.

(1) Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so. Mary was a virgin? And you swallowed that?

(2) Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so. If you are a Christian, you're basically believing the story passed down by the very corrupt Catholic Church. Remember what they did to
Giordano Bruno in the 1600's just for trying to explain the universe is much bigger than anyone ever thought? He even believed in god! It wasn't like he was an atheist. Doesn't matter. They still killed him. So this is where your fables come from.

(3) Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test, it's wrong. Get over it. This is how they came up with evolution and realized your creation story is wrong. Miracles, virgin births, rising from the dead, the noah story, parting of the seas. None of these things pass the test.

(4) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment. Like us. We don't say there is no god. We just see no evidence. As a scientist we'll remain open to the possibility. But to tell us we'll go to hell? That's not science. That's emotional blackmale. That's what is done to stupid people. Are you?

And perhaps the most important rule of all...

(5) Remember: you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things. Newton, Einstein, and every other great scientist in history -- they all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves, and each other.

Go find yourself someone with a major in mathematics and ask him to provide you with the possibility that life sprang forth from a single asexual cell and see what he will tell you when he gets through crunching the numbers.

100% possible and probable is what they told me. And they said if you think otherwise, please provide proof/links.

Some species alternate between the sexual and asexual strategies, an ability known as heterogamy, depending on conditions. Alternation is observed in severalrotifer species (cyclical parthenogenesis e.g. in Brachionus species) and a few types of insects, such as aphids which will, under certain conditions, produce eggs that have not gone through meiosis, thus cloning themselves. The cape bee Apis mellifera subsp. capensis can reproduce asexually through a process calledthelytoky. A few species of amphibians, reptiles, and birds have a similar ability (see parthenogenesis for examples). For example, the freshwater crustaceanDaphnia reproduces by parthenogenesis in the spring to rapidly populate ponds, then switches to sexual reproduction as the intensity of competition and predation increases. Another example are monogonont rotifers of the genus Brachionus, which reproduce via cyclical parthenogenesis: at low population densities females produce asexually and at higher densities a chemical cue accumulates and induces the transition to sexual reproduction. Many protists and fungi alternate between sexual and asexual reproduction.

More than happy to oblige: The Institute for Creation Research

Actually science Proves the Bible: How does Science PROVE the Bible

We can even prove the existence of God without using the Bible at all: Prove There Is a God - Even Without the Bible - Vertical Thought United Church of God

The ICR.

Good gawd. Why would you want to reference snake oil salesmen and charlatans as authoritative on anything but fleeing the gullible and the ignorant?
Anyone who believes in God needs to watch the Cosmos. Watch the new one with Neil Degrasse Tyson and the old one with Carl Sagan. Once you learn the history of man, science and religion you will realize god(s) were made up long before we decided to just go with one god. Religious ignorance has held us back thousands of years. Religious people love to brag that it was on their watch that we came up with cures and that it was religious people who got us on the moon. They expose their ignorance to the fact that many of the scientists were/are atheists. They try to ignore the history of how many scientists were put to death for heresy by the churches for things that turned out to be correct. But today the church doesn't get so upset if you suggest the earth isn't the center of the universe or that the sun revolves around the earth because churches change with the times. They've learned not to fight science and instead ignore your anti scientific history and embrace science. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

300 years before Christ, Aristarchus of Samos discovered the earth was not the center of the universe. But it wasn't until the year 1500 of our lord that someone dared suggest it again. Who squashed this fact for 1800 years? Religion.

Think about instead of the 50 year cold war and all the other wars we fought if we would have put the time and energy into colonizing Mars. Take all the nukes we have built since the 1950's and tell me how much money that is. Human beings are stupid. One way to tell how dumb someone is, ask them if they believe in god.
One way to tell how dumb someone is, ask them if they believe in god.
is that one way?....just play along here Bobo.....what if Steven Hawking said he believes in a higher "being" "power" or a higher something....would you still think he is a dumbass?...some rather intelligent people are able to keep their Beliefs separate from what they can observe....if a "God" does indeed exist, he used science to create all this...what opportunist did afterwards to get power is another matter....and those kinds of people have always been around....

The first question in religious discussion remains: "Which God?" :dunno:

The Cosmos could just as easily be evidence of a god as not.... but if God is, especially in light of this new evidence concerning our place in the universe and our point on The Timeline, doesn't it make sense that God's way bigger than the ancient stories of Monkeys from Earth?

First generation to let go of the past and put their faith instead in The Future and Monkey Spawn gets to watch their grandchildren explore the stars.
What about Plate Tectonics? The earth is alive. Did god reveal that or science?

So you think God sat down and designed each and every one of the millions of beatles that exist today? They didn't all evolve from a single species?

Many scientists and philosophers of science have described evolution as fact and theory, a phrase which was used as the title of an article by Stephen Jay Gould in 1981. He describes fact in science as meaning data, not absolute certainty but "confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional assent." A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of such facts. The facts of evolution come from observational evidence of current processes, from imperfections in organisms recording historical common descent, and from transitions in the fossil record. Theories of evolution provide a provisional explanation for these facts

Religion is the myth. Religion(s) don't hold up to the test that the theory of evolution passed. Sorry dummy.

(1) Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so, including me.

(2) Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so.

(3) Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test, it's wrong. Get over it.

(4) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.

And perhaps the most important rule of all...

(5) Remember: you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things. Newton, Einstein, and every other great scientist in history -- they all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves, and each other. You're fooling yourself. Know what that makes you? A fool.

It is hard for you to understand because evolution happens over millions of years. Want to see a great example? Look at a Poodle or Chawawa. Know where they came from? The wolf. We made them by picking the traits we liked. So we know evolution is real. It is accepted as fact. Anyone who challenges it is now the nut job were in the past people believed religion. Why is religion losing? Because it doesn't stand the scientific test and never will. You have to be dumb and have faith.

4 Billion Years of Evolution in 40 Seconds

You came from a bacteria. Then a fish, then a small mammal, then a monkey then man. Took millions of years.

I'll go with what science says, you go with a book written 1000's of years ago by superstitious ignorant controlling rules/priests/societies.

    • Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so, including me. Think for yourself.
    • Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so.
    • Test ideas, by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well designed test, it's wrong. Get over it.
    • Follow the evidence, wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.
    • And perhaps even the most important rule of all: remember you could be wrong. Even the best scientist have been wrong about somethings. Newton, Einstein, and ever other great scientist in history. They all made mistakes. Of course they did, their were human. Science is a way keep from fooling ourselves and each other.

What I'm saying is for the earth to even have been positioned where it is by sheer happenstance is a mathematical impossibility.

For a single asexual cell to have come out of some slime pit, mutated and divided into anything at all is a mathematical impossibility.

For a single cell to have ever mutated and divided into even a four cell organism is such an impossibility that one could not write the number of zeros in a single day.

Evolution is a myth, a mathematical impossibility. Even most all of your missing links have been proven to be hoaxes.

Why is it impossible? There are 100's of billions of stars in our galaxy alone and planets around every one of those stars. Now consider there are 100's of billions of galaxies in our known universe. There might be "life" around every sun. In fact the suns and planets are living organisms themselves. Do you know microbes or bacteria can live on meteors and asteroids? This is one way life might have come to our planet. They theorize this because of meteor rocks they found on the bottom of the ocean floor that are the same age as the last die off. You know what? I can't remember all the details. Point is that science has come up with a couple theories on how life started on earth. Watch the Cosmos and Neal Degrasse Tyson or Carl Sagan will explain how they came up with their theories. Are they perfect? No. Do they have all the answers? No. Could they be wrong? Sure. But their theories stand up to the test. Religion does not. That's my point. In fact I was watching the Cosmos last night and they were talking about some Bruno guy who first figured out the universe and he said the universe does not revolve around our planet. Religion burned him at the stake. So how are you all taking the word of religion when you know that history? And how does religion still have any credibility? The answer is, people want to believe and/or they are scared into believing or they can't imagine any other way.

So the mathamatical improbability is that we are the only life in our galaxy, let alone the universe. So it is not mathamatically impossible. It is a fact and science knows exactly how it happened. Is it amazing how perfect everything is and had to be for us to be here? Sure is. But there have already been 4 major die offs where life almost got wiped out on this planet. Not to mention we won't be here forever. So enjoy it while it lasts.

You are dead wrong about evolution. At least that is what science says. WRONG. If you do your research and still don't believe in evolution, you please tell us your theory. Tell us how god sat down and intelligently designed 1/2 a billion beatles and why 1 billion beatles are now extinct. I'm not going to try to explain it to you. Like you theists say, "you gotta read the bible" well you gotta watch the Cosmos. It is better than any religious book ever written. It stands up to the test.

A single cell can evolve into a 2 cell organism over millions of years. See, this is your sides problem. You guys don't realize we are just one little itty bitty planet in the universe and you are just one animal on this planet. If the universe has been here for a year, man has only been here for 1 day. The last day of the year. And "we" think we know it all. How did we get here? Must be god. End of conversation. Burn me at the stake if I question you too.

Sorry but it is your theories that are impossible and don't pass the test.

(1) Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so. Mary was a virgin? And you swallowed that?

(2) Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so. If you are a Christian, you're basically believing the story passed down by the very corrupt Catholic Church. Remember what they did to
Giordano Bruno in the 1600's just for trying to explain the universe is much bigger than anyone ever thought? He even believed in god! It wasn't like he was an atheist. Doesn't matter. They still killed him. So this is where your fables come from.

(3) Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test, it's wrong. Get over it. This is how they came up with evolution and realized your creation story is wrong. Miracles, virgin births, rising from the dead, the noah story, parting of the seas. None of these things pass the test.

(4) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment. Like us. We don't say there is no god. We just see no evidence. As a scientist we'll remain open to the possibility. But to tell us we'll go to hell? That's not science. That's emotional blackmale. That's what is done to stupid people. Are you?

And perhaps the most important rule of all...

(5) Remember: you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things. Newton, Einstein, and every other great scientist in history -- they all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves, and each other.

Go find yourself someone with a major in mathematics and ask him to provide you with the possibility that life sprang forth from a single asexual cell and see what he will tell you when he gets through crunching the numbers.

100% possible and probable is what they told me. And they said if you think otherwise, please provide proof/links.

Some species alternate between the sexual and asexual strategies, an ability known as heterogamy, depending on conditions. Alternation is observed in severalrotifer species (cyclical parthenogenesis e.g. in Brachionus species) and a few types of insects, such as aphids which will, under certain conditions, produce eggs that have not gone through meiosis, thus cloning themselves. The cape bee Apis mellifera subsp. capensis can reproduce asexually through a process calledthelytoky. A few species of amphibians, reptiles, and birds have a similar ability (see parthenogenesis for examples). For example, the freshwater crustaceanDaphnia reproduces by parthenogenesis in the spring to rapidly populate ponds, then switches to sexual reproduction as the intensity of competition and predation increases. Another example are monogonont rotifers of the genus Brachionus, which reproduce via cyclical parthenogenesis: at low population densities females produce asexually and at higher densities a chemical cue accumulates and induces the transition to sexual reproduction. Many protists and fungi alternate between sexual and asexual reproduction.

More than happy to oblige: The Institute for Creation Research

Actually science Proves the Bible: How does Science PROVE the Bible

We can even prove the existence of God without using the Bible at all: Prove There Is a God - Even Without the Bible - Vertical Thought United Church of God
What about Plate Tectonics? The earth is alive. Did god reveal that or science?

So you think God sat down and designed each and every one of the millions of beatles that exist today? They didn't all evolve from a single species?

Many scientists and philosophers of science have described evolution as fact and theory, a phrase which was used as the title of an article by Stephen Jay Gould in 1981. He describes fact in science as meaning data, not absolute certainty but "confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional assent." A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of such facts. The facts of evolution come from observational evidence of current processes, from imperfections in organisms recording historical common descent, and from transitions in the fossil record. Theories of evolution provide a provisional explanation for these facts

Religion is the myth. Religion(s) don't hold up to the test that the theory of evolution passed. Sorry dummy.

(1) Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so, including me.

(2) Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so.

(3) Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test, it's wrong. Get over it.

(4) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.

And perhaps the most important rule of all...

(5) Remember: you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things. Newton, Einstein, and every other great scientist in history -- they all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves, and each other. You're fooling yourself. Know what that makes you? A fool.

It is hard for you to understand because evolution happens over millions of years. Want to see a great example? Look at a Poodle or Chawawa. Know where they came from? The wolf. We made them by picking the traits we liked. So we know evolution is real. It is accepted as fact. Anyone who challenges it is now the nut job were in the past people believed religion. Why is religion losing? Because it doesn't stand the scientific test and never will. You have to be dumb and have faith.

4 Billion Years of Evolution in 40 Seconds

You came from a bacteria. Then a fish, then a small mammal, then a monkey then man. Took millions of years.

I'll go with what science says, you go with a book written 1000's of years ago by superstitious ignorant controlling rules/priests/societies.

    • Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so, including me. Think for yourself.
    • Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so.
    • Test ideas, by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well designed test, it's wrong. Get over it.
    • Follow the evidence, wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.
    • And perhaps even the most important rule of all: remember you could be wrong. Even the best scientist have been wrong about somethings. Newton, Einstein, and ever other great scientist in history. They all made mistakes. Of course they did, their were human. Science is a way keep from fooling ourselves and each other.

What I'm saying is for the earth to even have been positioned where it is by sheer happenstance is a mathematical impossibility.

For a single asexual cell to have come out of some slime pit, mutated and divided into anything at all is a mathematical impossibility.

For a single cell to have ever mutated and divided into even a four cell organism is such an impossibility that one could not write the number of zeros in a single day.

Evolution is a myth, a mathematical impossibility. Even most all of your missing links have been proven to be hoaxes.

Why is it impossible? There are 100's of billions of stars in our galaxy alone and planets around every one of those stars. Now consider there are 100's of billions of galaxies in our known universe. There might be "life" around every sun. In fact the suns and planets are living organisms themselves. Do you know microbes or bacteria can live on meteors and asteroids? This is one way life might have come to our planet. They theorize this because of meteor rocks they found on the bottom of the ocean floor that are the same age as the last die off. You know what? I can't remember all the details. Point is that science has come up with a couple theories on how life started on earth. Watch the Cosmos and Neal Degrasse Tyson or Carl Sagan will explain how they came up with their theories. Are they perfect? No. Do they have all the answers? No. Could they be wrong? Sure. But their theories stand up to the test. Religion does not. That's my point. In fact I was watching the Cosmos last night and they were talking about some Bruno guy who first figured out the universe and he said the universe does not revolve around our planet. Religion burned him at the stake. So how are you all taking the word of religion when you know that history? And how does religion still have any credibility? The answer is, people want to believe and/or they are scared into believing or they can't imagine any other way.

So the mathamatical improbability is that we are the only life in our galaxy, let alone the universe. So it is not mathamatically impossible. It is a fact and science knows exactly how it happened. Is it amazing how perfect everything is and had to be for us to be here? Sure is. But there have already been 4 major die offs where life almost got wiped out on this planet. Not to mention we won't be here forever. So enjoy it while it lasts.

You are dead wrong about evolution. At least that is what science says. WRONG. If you do your research and still don't believe in evolution, you please tell us your theory. Tell us how god sat down and intelligently designed 1/2 a billion beatles and why 1 billion beatles are now extinct. I'm not going to try to explain it to you. Like you theists say, "you gotta read the bible" well you gotta watch the Cosmos. It is better than any religious book ever written. It stands up to the test.

A single cell can evolve into a 2 cell organism over millions of years. See, this is your sides problem. You guys don't realize we are just one little itty bitty planet in the universe and you are just one animal on this planet. If the universe has been here for a year, man has only been here for 1 day. The last day of the year. And "we" think we know it all. How did we get here? Must be god. End of conversation. Burn me at the stake if I question you too.

Sorry but it is your theories that are impossible and don't pass the test.

(1) Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so. Mary was a virgin? And you swallowed that?

(2) Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so. If you are a Christian, you're basically believing the story passed down by the very corrupt Catholic Church. Remember what they did to
Giordano Bruno in the 1600's just for trying to explain the universe is much bigger than anyone ever thought? He even believed in god! It wasn't like he was an atheist. Doesn't matter. They still killed him. So this is where your fables come from.

(3) Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test, it's wrong. Get over it. This is how they came up with evolution and realized your creation story is wrong. Miracles, virgin births, rising from the dead, the noah story, parting of the seas. None of these things pass the test.

(4) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment. Like us. We don't say there is no god. We just see no evidence. As a scientist we'll remain open to the possibility. But to tell us we'll go to hell? That's not science. That's emotional blackmale. That's what is done to stupid people. Are you?

And perhaps the most important rule of all...

(5) Remember: you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things. Newton, Einstein, and every other great scientist in history -- they all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves, and each other.

Go find yourself someone with a major in mathematics and ask him to provide you with the possibility that life sprang forth from a single asexual cell and see what he will tell you when he gets through crunching the numbers.

100% possible and probable is what they told me. And they said if you think otherwise, please provide proof/links.

Some species alternate between the sexual and asexual strategies, an ability known as heterogamy, depending on conditions. Alternation is observed in severalrotifer species (cyclical parthenogenesis e.g. in Brachionus species) and a few types of insects, such as aphids which will, under certain conditions, produce eggs that have not gone through meiosis, thus cloning themselves. The cape bee Apis mellifera subsp. capensis can reproduce asexually through a process calledthelytoky. A few species of amphibians, reptiles, and birds have a similar ability (see parthenogenesis for examples). For example, the freshwater crustaceanDaphnia reproduces by parthenogenesis in the spring to rapidly populate ponds, then switches to sexual reproduction as the intensity of competition and predation increases. Another example are monogonont rotifers of the genus Brachionus, which reproduce via cyclical parthenogenesis: at low population densities females produce asexually and at higher densities a chemical cue accumulates and induces the transition to sexual reproduction. Many protists and fungi alternate between sexual and asexual reproduction.

More than happy to oblige: The Institute for Creation Research

Actually science Proves the Bible: How does Science PROVE the Bible

We can even prove the existence of God without using the Bible at all: Prove There Is a God - Even Without the Bible - Vertical Thought United Church of God
In your link, "How does Science PROVE the Bible" You claim that Genesis 7:11 is scientific proof of the Bible. The logic seems to be that Noah reported fountains in the ocean. We are to assume that these fountains are the result of Hydrothermal Vents on the ocean floor discovered by scientists in 1977. This proves nothing other than Noah saw what he believed to be a fountain of water in the ocean. Maybe it was cataracts since he was 600 years old Or maybe it was the result of Hydrothermal Vents or maybe it was just a whale spout. There is no way knowing what he saw, or even saw anything at all.

This is certainly good evidence as to why we should not consider the Bible a book of science. The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by 40 authors over 1500 years ago in 3 different language. Scholars can't agree on what the various verses mean so we have over 50 versions in English with varying interpretations. No one in his right mind can claim the Bible offers scientific proof of anything.

However, this does not alter in any way the religious significance and purpose of the Bible which has nothing to do with Science and everything to do with man's relationship to God.
What I'm saying is for the earth to even have been positioned where it is by sheer happenstance is a mathematical impossibility.

For a single asexual cell to have come out of some slime pit, mutated and divided into anything at all is a mathematical impossibility.

For a single cell to have ever mutated and divided into even a four cell organism is such an impossibility that one could not write the number of zeros in a single day.

Evolution is a myth, a mathematical impossibility. Even most all of your missing links have been proven to be hoaxes.

Why is it impossible? There are 100's of billions of stars in our galaxy alone and planets around every one of those stars. Now consider there are 100's of billions of galaxies in our known universe. There might be "life" around every sun. In fact the suns and planets are living organisms themselves. Do you know microbes or bacteria can live on meteors and asteroids? This is one way life might have come to our planet. They theorize this because of meteor rocks they found on the bottom of the ocean floor that are the same age as the last die off. You know what? I can't remember all the details. Point is that science has come up with a couple theories on how life started on earth. Watch the Cosmos and Neal Degrasse Tyson or Carl Sagan will explain how they came up with their theories. Are they perfect? No. Do they have all the answers? No. Could they be wrong? Sure. But their theories stand up to the test. Religion does not. That's my point. In fact I was watching the Cosmos last night and they were talking about some Bruno guy who first figured out the universe and he said the universe does not revolve around our planet. Religion burned him at the stake. So how are you all taking the word of religion when you know that history? And how does religion still have any credibility? The answer is, people want to believe and/or they are scared into believing or they can't imagine any other way.

So the mathamatical improbability is that we are the only life in our galaxy, let alone the universe. So it is not mathamatically impossible. It is a fact and science knows exactly how it happened. Is it amazing how perfect everything is and had to be for us to be here? Sure is. But there have already been 4 major die offs where life almost got wiped out on this planet. Not to mention we won't be here forever. So enjoy it while it lasts.

You are dead wrong about evolution. At least that is what science says. WRONG. If you do your research and still don't believe in evolution, you please tell us your theory. Tell us how god sat down and intelligently designed 1/2 a billion beatles and why 1 billion beatles are now extinct. I'm not going to try to explain it to you. Like you theists say, "you gotta read the bible" well you gotta watch the Cosmos. It is better than any religious book ever written. It stands up to the test.

A single cell can evolve into a 2 cell organism over millions of years. See, this is your sides problem. You guys don't realize we are just one little itty bitty planet in the universe and you are just one animal on this planet. If the universe has been here for a year, man has only been here for 1 day. The last day of the year. And "we" think we know it all. How did we get here? Must be god. End of conversation. Burn me at the stake if I question you too.

Sorry but it is your theories that are impossible and don't pass the test.

(1) Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so. Mary was a virgin? And you swallowed that?

(2) Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so. If you are a Christian, you're basically believing the story passed down by the very corrupt Catholic Church. Remember what they did to
Giordano Bruno in the 1600's just for trying to explain the universe is much bigger than anyone ever thought? He even believed in god! It wasn't like he was an atheist. Doesn't matter. They still killed him. So this is where your fables come from.

(3) Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test, it's wrong. Get over it. This is how they came up with evolution and realized your creation story is wrong. Miracles, virgin births, rising from the dead, the noah story, parting of the seas. None of these things pass the test.

(4) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment. Like us. We don't say there is no god. We just see no evidence. As a scientist we'll remain open to the possibility. But to tell us we'll go to hell? That's not science. That's emotional blackmale. That's what is done to stupid people. Are you?

And perhaps the most important rule of all...

(5) Remember: you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things. Newton, Einstein, and every other great scientist in history -- they all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves, and each other.

Go find yourself someone with a major in mathematics and ask him to provide you with the possibility that life sprang forth from a single asexual cell and see what he will tell you when he gets through crunching the numbers.

100% possible and probable is what they told me. And they said if you think otherwise, please provide proof/links.

Some species alternate between the sexual and asexual strategies, an ability known as heterogamy, depending on conditions. Alternation is observed in severalrotifer species (cyclical parthenogenesis e.g. in Brachionus species) and a few types of insects, such as aphids which will, under certain conditions, produce eggs that have not gone through meiosis, thus cloning themselves. The cape bee Apis mellifera subsp. capensis can reproduce asexually through a process calledthelytoky. A few species of amphibians, reptiles, and birds have a similar ability (see parthenogenesis for examples). For example, the freshwater crustaceanDaphnia reproduces by parthenogenesis in the spring to rapidly populate ponds, then switches to sexual reproduction as the intensity of competition and predation increases. Another example are monogonont rotifers of the genus Brachionus, which reproduce via cyclical parthenogenesis: at low population densities females produce asexually and at higher densities a chemical cue accumulates and induces the transition to sexual reproduction. Many protists and fungi alternate between sexual and asexual reproduction.

More than happy to oblige: The Institute for Creation Research

Actually science Proves the Bible: How does Science PROVE the Bible

We can even prove the existence of God without using the Bible at all: Prove There Is a God - Even Without the Bible - Vertical Thought United Church of God

The ICR.

Good gawd. Why would you want to reference snake oil salesmen and charlatans as authoritative on anything but fleeing the gullible and the ignorant?

Typical.. Attack the website but stay far away from taking on the data. Prove the math wrong Dear.

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