The country is at war with the Republican party

Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
View attachment 271305
You failed as always to construct an argument. You lose.
You failed to accept the results of an election. You life now exist to cry on here daily about how bad Trump is bad. There nothing to construct with you.
An illegal election is no election. Trump's indictment will prove that. Once again your failures are here for all of us to see. You don't say or debate anything. Lol! You're a joke.

The election was legal

You have no evidence otherwise or evidence that he can be indicted

You are the one not saying anything. You keep making idiotic statements with no evidence
Won't help you. It''s already been proven and you provided nothing as always as an argument. You are a loser.
An illegal election is no election. Trump's indictment will prove that. Once again your failures are here for all of us to see. You don't say or debate anything. Lol! You're a joke.
What was illegal about it, be specific with proof. Or just shut up.
I just posted it. And be specific about countering my arguments from the links I just provided or you lose.
The fisa warrant is what was wrong about the last election, and Hillary's campaign paid for it.
So you just committed the big failure from post # 90. You cannot provide any information that the facts I provided were wrong, then you went full scale chicken on us by changing the subject. You lose biggley. You are a giant failure to your team because you couldn't deliver.
The fisa warrant is what started the whole Russian collusion lie, dumbass.
And that does not disprove all the election schemes I outlined for you that you are too chicken to address. The FISA warrant has nothing whatsoever to do with Crosscheck and closing 868 polls. You lose again. Keep trying with your deflections. It's so entertaining to see someone like you squirm away from the argument like this.
You failed as always to construct an argument. You lose.
You failed to accept the results of an election. You life now exist to cry on here daily about how bad Trump is bad. There nothing to construct with you.
An illegal election is no election. Trump's indictment will prove that. Once again your failures are here for all of us to see. You don't say or debate anything. Lol! You're a joke.

The election was legal

You have no evidence otherwise or evidence that he can be indicted

You are the one not saying anything. You keep making idiotic statements with no evidence
Won't help you. It''s already been proven and you provided nothing as always as an argument. You are a loser.
If it were proven you could link to evidence

You never have and you cant

The claim you are making is fiction making you the proven loser with no argument

Post some evidence for your retarded claim or shut up boy
What was illegal about it, be specific with proof. Or just shut up.
I just posted it. And be specific about countering my arguments from the links I just provided or you lose.
The fisa warrant is what was wrong about the last election, and Hillary's campaign paid for it.
So you just committed the big failure from post # 90. You cannot provide any information that the facts I provided were wrong, then you went full scale chicken on us by changing the subject. You lose biggley. You are a giant failure to your team because you couldn't deliver.
The fisa warrant is what started the whole Russian collusion lie, dumbass.
And that does not disprove all the election schemes I outlined for you that you are too chicken to address. The FISA warrant has nothing whatsoever to do with Crosscheck and closing 868 polls. You lose again. Keep trying with your deflections. It's so entertaining to see someone like you squirm away from the argument like this.

Those schemes are not proven in any way shape or form they are wishful thinking on your poart

Show some evidence you ass hat

So far you HAVE NOT
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections.

FO, Turdbrain. McConnell won't allow the bill to go through because it is just another asinine partisan attempt by the Left to try to make political hay for themselves and has nothing to do with fixing our election system.

You know, the one your floppy-eared cocksucker buddy SWORE was immune to attack!

Obama on Election Can't Be Hacked
Sure it does. Don't you know what the Republicans did in the last election;

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

BRILLIANT. So Trump started working on this in 2013, two years before he decided to run for office and had the Supreme Court in on it! :bang3:

A little after that. The Supreme court gutted the Voting Rights Act, Republicans closed 868 polls in the south in minority areas, then Trump came in with Crosscheck that took away voting rights from millions, help from Russia, illegal campaign financing, and the rest is history. I see you have not come up with an intelligent rebuttal to any of those facts. Why?

Why should I refute progress? I can vote just fine here. When you take away a voting place, everyone who used to use the old one gets reassigned to a new location. It's not like anyone is actually denied a place to vote, and no one has lost the right to vote. Produce ONE PERSON who literally CANNOT VOTE.
doesnt take away what i said.....
Yes it does, because it shows you have no idea what an "emergency" is.
what part of both parties are monsters dont you understand?...if you need me to explain it to you let me know...
Changing the goal post to include both parties is a losing hand. No one is blocking free and fair elections other than McConnell.
mcconnel is a dipshit as are the other people in congress....the only person moving goalposts is you because you have a democrat flag sticking out of your ass and just cant phantom how someone could possibly think your party is a bunch of assholes who care about the fucking useless party over everything else...
A rant is not an argument. Try again loser. Refer to post #90, then get back to me.
losers have their head stuck up one of parties asses....i guess that makes you one....whats the matter dipshit you cant handle someone saying your party sucks just as bad as the other one?..must suck to have to depend on a party telling you whats what...
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections.

FO, Turdbrain. McConnell won't allow the bill to go through because it is just another asinine partisan attempt by the Left to try to make political hay for themselves and has nothing to do with fixing our election system.

You know, the one your floppy-eared cocksucker buddy SWORE was immune to attack!

Obama on Election Can't Be Hacked
Sure it does. Don't you know what the Republicans did in the last election;

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

BRILLIANT. So Trump started working on this in 2013, two years before he decided to run for office and had the Supreme Court in on it! :bang3:

A little after that. The Supreme court gutted the Voting Rights Act, Republicans closed 868 polls in the south in minority areas, then Trump came in with Crosscheck that took away voting rights from millions, help from Russia, illegal campaign financing, and the rest is history. I see you have not come up with an intelligent rebuttal to any of those facts. Why?

None of those make Trump an illegal president, any more than Daley made JFK an illegal president.
Russia has been dicking around with our elections since 1948. Don't be so naive.

What's most interesting is that the CPUSA and the Democratic Party have such similar goals.

I posted a similar thread yesterday. Little Trumpsters read it, but couldn’t/wouldn’t reply.
Every Intelligence community worldwide knows how hard Russia is trying to destroy our Democratic election process, the same process that follows our Constitution.
People like you always put Trump over your country, ever single time. That is totally anti-American and totally anti-Constitutional. Man, you simpletons are so easy to manipulate.
Who needs Russia when you have Democrats doing all of the heavy lifting for them?
Russia has been dicking around with our elections since 1948. Don't be so naive.

What's most interesting is that the CPUSA and the Democratic Party have such similar goals.

I posted a similar thread yesterday. Little Trumpsters read it, but couldn’t/wouldn’t reply.
Every Intelligence community worldwide knows how hard Russia is trying to destroy our Democratic election process, the same process that follows our Constitution.
People like you always put Trump over your country, ever single time. That is totally anti-American and totally anti-Constitutional. Man, you simpletons are so easy to manipulate.
Who needs Russia when you have Democrats doing all of the heavy lifting for them?

You really are a real genius! That was one of the worse deflection ever posted on USMB.
You can't handle the truth, can you? So you post a small-minded childish talking point, that defies reality in an educated adult world. Grow up loser.
Russia has been dicking around with our elections since 1948. Don't be so naive.

What's most interesting is that the CPUSA and the Democratic Party have such similar goals.

I posted a similar thread yesterday. Little Trumpsters read it, but couldn’t/wouldn’t reply.
Every Intelligence community worldwide knows how hard Russia is trying to destroy our Democratic election process, the same process that follows our Constitution.
People like you always put Trump over your country, ever single time. That is totally anti-American and totally anti-Constitutional. Man, you simpletons are so easy to manipulate.
Who needs Russia when you have Democrats doing all of the heavy lifting for them?

You really are a real genius! That was one of the worse deflection ever posted on USMB.
You can't handle the truth, can you? So you post a small-minded childish talking point, that defies reality in an educated adult world. Grow up loser.
No, retard. I'm just pointing out the fact that Democrats are literally acting like communists.
Why should we worry about Russians when the Democrats are tearing down America as we speak.
You know, enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.
Democrats cannot handle our democracy or the Republic for which it stands.
They're trying to undermine the intent of the constitution and usurp the will of the people by stealing elections with their open border policies.
They want to turn America into a shithole country......a country that would put every one of them in front of a firing-squad if they tried it there.
I've spent alot of time overseas.....and less free societies know that America's greatest weakness is our legal system and our freedoms. Oh, and our cocksucking Democrats.
Russia has been dicking around with our elections since 1948. Don't be so naive.

What's most interesting is that the CPUSA and the Democratic Party have such similar goals.

I posted a similar thread yesterday. Little Trumpsters read it, but couldn’t/wouldn’t reply.
Every Intelligence community worldwide knows how hard Russia is trying to destroy our Democratic election process, the same process that follows our Constitution.
People like you always put Trump over your country, ever single time. That is totally anti-American and totally anti-Constitutional. Man, you simpletons are so easy to manipulate.
Who needs Russia when you have Democrats doing all of the heavy lifting for them?

You really are a real genius! That was one of the worse deflection ever posted on USMB.
You can't handle the truth, can you? So you post a small-minded childish talking point, that defies reality in an educated adult world. Grow up loser.
No, retard. I'm just pointing out the fact that Democrats are literally acting like communists.
Why should we worry about Russians when the Democrats are tearing down America as we speak.
You know, enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.
Democrats cannot handle our democracy or the Republic for which it stands.
They're trying to undermine the intent of the constitution and usurp the will of the people by stealing elections with their open border policies.
They want to turn America into a shithole country......a country that would put every one of them in front of a firing-squad if they tried it there.
I've spent alot of time overseas.....and less free societies know that America's greatest weakness is our legal system and our freedoms. Oh, and our cocksucking Democrats.

Thanks for making my point. I am so glad I am not you! Thank you God!
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
Present some evidence that they cheated in 2016
Read the Mueller report. There's 400+ pages of proof.
  • Thanks
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Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
Present some evidence that they cheated in 2016
Read the Mueller report. There's 400+ pages of proof.
I did and no there is not
Russia has been dicking around with our elections since 1948. Don't be so naive.

What's most interesting is that the CPUSA and the Democratic Party have such similar goals.

I posted a similar thread yesterday. Little Trumpsters read it, but couldn’t/wouldn’t reply.
Every Intelligence community worldwide knows how hard Russia is trying to destroy our Democratic election process, the same process that follows our Constitution.
People like you always put Trump over your country, ever single time. That is totally anti-American and totally anti-Constitutional. Man, you simpletons are so easy to manipulate.
Who needs Russia when you have Democrats doing all of the heavy lifting for them?

You really are a real genius! That was one of the worse deflection ever posted on USMB.
You can't handle the truth, can you? So you post a small-minded childish talking point, that defies reality in an educated adult world. Grow up loser.
No, retard. I'm just pointing out the fact that Democrats are literally acting like communists.
Why should we worry about Russians when the Democrats are tearing down America as we speak.
You know, enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.
Democrats cannot handle our democracy or the Republic for which it stands.
They're trying to undermine the intent of the constitution and usurp the will of the people by stealing elections with their open border policies.
They want to turn America into a shithole country......a country that would put every one of them in front of a firing-squad if they tried it there.
I've spent alot of time overseas.....and less free societies know that America's greatest weakness is our legal system and our freedoms. Oh, and our cocksucking Democrats.

Thanks for making my point. I am so glad I am not you! Thank you God!
Actually I made a point....and you're too dumb to grasp it.
A big part of election security is maintaining voter roles to make sure that dead people and people that have moved are deleted from the voter role of that state. This routine and very important maintenance has been twisted into the Democrat lie "VOTER SUPPRESSION". That is all the Democrats have, twisting the truth into the lie they want to push.
Prove that it is all about dead people voting, then explain in detail with links how post#90 is wrong?
Russia has been dicking around with our elections since 1948. Don't be so naive.

What's most interesting is that the CPUSA and the Democratic Party have such similar goals.

I posted a similar thread yesterday. Little Trumpsters read it, but couldn’t/wouldn’t reply.
Every Intelligence community worldwide knows how hard Russia is trying to destroy our Democratic election process, the same process that follows our Constitution.
People like you always put Trump over your country, ever single time. That is totally anti-American and totally anti-Constitutional. Man, you simpletons are so easy to manipulate.
You are the ones who stare at Trump's Twitter feed like gold fish waiting to be fed. You dance on the end of a string and you don't even know it.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
Present some evidence that they cheated in 2016
Read the Mueller report. There's 400+ pages of proof.
I did and no there is not
If you did you're the only conservative who bothered. Since you guys have a serious "here mentality" issue I have my doubts.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
Present some evidence that they cheated in 2016
Read the Mueller report. There's 400+ pages of proof.
I did and no there is not
If you did you're the only conservative who bothered. Since you guys have a serious "here mentality" issue I have my doubts.
There is no evidence in that report which supports the idiotic claims of BWK so it seems you are the one out of touch
MarathonMike said:
Morning Joe has the worst case of TDS on TV today. He is leading the charge for the anti-Trumpers so he may not be the best source for news.
HA !!
He Apologized For Being A Republican
He Hasn't Been A Republican
Since He Started Glancing Down Mika's Cleavage
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
If there's money to be made they will sell us all out.

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