The Crazy Ted Cruz-Jesse Helms Connection

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
OMG, Ted Cruz praises Jesse Helms. <my comment

The Crazy Ted Cruz-Jesse Helms Connection - The Daily Beast

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz wishes there were ‘100 more’ people like the late Helms in today’s Senate. Is he kidding?! Jamelle Bouie on why that would mean the destruction of the Republican Party.

First, the details. Yesterday, Cruz delivered a foreign policy address at the conservative Heritage Foundation for the Jesse Helms Lecture Series.
(That this even exists is fitting for an organization that—until this year—employed a scientific racist to write a report on why Congress should reject comprehensive immigration reform, and in particular, an easier to path to residency and citizenship for low-income Latino workers.)

Cruz's speech began with a little trivia about his political history: His first campaign donation—at ten years old—was to Helms. He continued with a declaration: "We need 100 more Jesse Helms in the U.S. Senate."

For the ostensibly freedom-loving Cruz, it's an incredible statement. After all, this is the Jesse Helms who entered public life as a journalist defending Southern apartheid in the 1960s, and who won election to the Senate in 1972 as an opponent of integration, interracial marriage and civil rights laws. In 1980, the year a young Cruz made his donation, Helms pushed an appropriations bill—co-sponsored by Strom Thurmond—that would have stripped the Justice Department of its ability to enforce busing. Helms won his 1990 reelection campaign with one of the most racist political ads in recent memory—accusing his African American challenger, then-Charlotte mayor Harvey Gantt, of taking jobs from whites to give to blacks—and devoted his time to institutionalizing homophobia, with attacks on gays and assaults on AIDS funding. To Helms, LGBT Americans were "weak, morally sick wretches," and AIDS education was "obscene" and "revolting."

Not that this bigotry was an obstacle to his ascendance in the Republican Party.
The fact that you think that we should control immigration and stop border jumping is racist, negates any opinion you could possibly have on the subject.
Ted Cruz is from that wing of the GOP tasked with moving that last 5% of black voters out of the tent.
The fact that you think that we should control immigration and stop border jumping is racist, negates any opinion you could possibly have on the subject.

lol, as stupid as the above post is, I'm willing to bet a whole dollar that not one rightwinger here will say anything less stupid in this thread.
Isn't "scientific racist" an oxymoron? After all science is supposed to deal with verifiable facts and facts can't be racist, they are just facts. But what can you expect from a daily beast writer?
The desperation of the whackaloon left is positively palpable.
Cruz delivered a foreign policy address at the conservative Heritage Foundation for the Jesse Helms Lecture Series.

That there is a “Jesse Helms Lecture Series” anywhere is both sad and telling.
It ought to be clear to anyone that Ted Cruz is not interested in becoming President of the United States. He is interested in running, though. It is a pretty good way to secure several book deals, increase speaking fees, grab a paid pundit job and and get ones ass kissed by dummies.
The fact that you think that we should control immigration and stop border jumping is racist, negates any opinion you could possibly have on the subject.

Helms was a bonafide, 100%, "Land of Dixie" racist.

He should have been tossed from Congress.
It ought to be clear to anyone that Ted Cruz is not interested in becoming President of the United States. He is interested in running, though. It is a pretty good way to secure several book deals, increase speaking fees, grab a paid pundit job and and get ones ass kissed by dummies.

He's vying with Rand Paul to succeed Jefferson Davis.
Ted Cruz is from that wing of the GOP tasked with moving that last 5% of black voters out of the tent.

Listen, that should be the least of his worries. As a Texan, I can tell you, that if I , personally, find a black person, who "willfully" votes Republican, I will slap them upside their head, for being so retarded. Cruz, along with Gohmert, Abbott, Cornyn, Poe, and Perry, are the biggest embarrassments the state has to offer.
Good old (tax exempt) Media Matters digs up a quote from the current target of the left and gives them some fake outrage and their daily dose of hatred. It beats talking about real issues anyway.
Good old (tax exempt) Media Matters digs up a quote from the current target of the left and gives them some fake outrage and their daily dose of hatred. It beats talking about real issues anyway.

They have to find something to deflect away from obama's monumental failures. Although, it did remind me that Jessse Helms knew that forced bussing was going to fail as a method to increase integration.

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