The curse of socialism…

We have the best economy in the world that would be a lot better if the party of NO would stop obstructing all the usual solutions, all for their greedy lying billionaires.

What are your solutions? I'm betting they're the same as the Dems'.
Imagine how great our economy would be if there were no D or R party.

Partisan hacks like you are unable to see the truth. Obama is a crony capitalist extraordinaire, but you can't see it.
Compared to the GOP, he's a commie lol...He wants to raise taxes on the bloated rich and invest in America.
Yeah he did a great job of investing in America...doubling the national debt and what do we have to show for it? If only he could triple or quadruple the national debt...then things would be WONDERFUL
90% of that debt is averting a true depression and helping victims of the GOP catastrophe.

Did you see the part about raising taxes on the bloated rich? GD GOP.

Obama merely prolonged slow growth. He did not prevent a depression. He prevented a robust economy by imposing stupid left wing policies.
What policies are those LOL? I suppose he had control of congress for 2 years? With 200 GOP filibusters? Another world for dupes only...
Mainly GOP, and more than complacency, thievery and lies.

The GOP seems to be your go to for everything. That is not going to work here. I already told you I do not support the GOP.

You are deflecting to the GOP, because you do not know how to hold your own party accountable.
My party has been totally obstructed by the totally bought off, lying, brainwashing GOP. DUH.
There is very little difference between Rs and Ds. Both are criminal gangs only interested in increasing their power and wealth. When will you learn this obvious fact?
That's why Dem billionaires want to tax the rich more...Actually, they understand a healthy middle class is needed for a great economy.

I brought some of them up earlier.

PPACA, agricultural subsidies, and war on coal.

60 of the superdelegates that voted for Hillary Clinton in the primary are registered corporate lobbyists.
We have the best economy in the world that would be a lot better if the party of NO would stop obstructing all the usual solutions, all for their greedy lying billionaires.

What are your solutions? I'm betting they're the same as the Dems'.
Imagine how great our economy would be if there were no D or R party.

Partisan hacks like you are unable to see the truth. Obama is a crony capitalist extraordinaire, but you can't see it.
Compared to the GOP, he's a commie lol...He wants to raise taxes on the bloated rich and invest in America.
Yeah he did a great job of investing in America...doubling the national debt and what do we have to show for it? If only he could triple or quadruple the national debt...then things would be WONDERFUL
90% of that debt is averting a true depression and helping victims of the GOP catastrophe.

Did you see the part about raising taxes on the bloated rich? GD GOP.

Obama merely prolonged slow growth. He did not prevent a depression. He prevented a robust economy by imposing stupid left wing policies.
We have the best economy in the world that would be a lot better if the party of NO would stop obstructing all the usual solutions, all for their greedy lying billionaires.

What are your solutions? I'm betting they're the same as the Dems'.
Imagine how great our economy would be if there were no D or R party.

Partisan hacks like you are unable to see the truth. Obama is a crony capitalist extraordinaire, but you can't see it.
Compared to the GOP, he's a commie lol...He wants to raise taxes on the bloated rich and invest in America.
Yeah he did a great job of investing in America...doubling the national debt and what do we have to show for it? If only he could triple or quadruple the national debt...then things would be WONDERFUL
90% of that debt is averting a true depression and helping victims of the GOP catastrophe.

Did you see the part about raising taxes on the bloated rich? GD GOP.

Obama merely prolonged slow growth. He did not prevent a depression. He prevented a robust economy by imposing stupid left wing policies.
This how our economy grows with no help. Thanks GOP. At least it's not another corrupt GOP bubble.
Say something bad about the Democratic party to Franco and....


No accountability whatsoever. Saul Alinsky would be proud.
Say something bad about the Democratic party to Franco and....


No accountability whatsoever. Saul Alinsky would be proud.
The GOP makes the Dems look like saints. See before TR gilded age, 1929, the military industrial complex, S+L scandal, 2008. Tell me what Dems did! Blah blah blah.

I brought some of them up earlier.

PPACA, agricultural subsidies, and war on coal.

60 of the superdelegates that voted for Hillary Clinton in the primary are registered corporate lobbyists.
ACA will help the middle class when implemented, just helped poor workers incredibly in blue states (gd GOP). Coal suqs, we're now competing with China and the EU on energy of the future.
And our wars, tax breaks for the rich and broken healthcare system caused 95% of this debt.

False premise.

The debt came before the tax breaks.

The healthcare system is a money pit. Pretty sure your solution is to expand its role into being universal healthcare, which is going to cost even more.

Why exactly is turning our country into a third world shit hole that has a smaller economy going to help pay down this debt? Oh'yess, you Republicans have no solutions to shiit.

Who is talking about a smaller economy?

Governments do not boost the economy. They actually destroy it by systematically eradicating competition and creating new challenges for American businesses.
a) why is it that every other industrialized nation on Earth manages to deliver health care to a larger percentage of its population at a lower cost?
b) "Governments do not boost the economy. " This is ignorant codswallop......
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All you need to know about accounting is that if the red side is larger than the black side… You're in debt.
A grade schoolteacher can tell you that

don't go to Grade School teachers for pointers....

Are you acquainted with the terms "Retained Earnings" and "Stockholder Equity"?
Accounting is not that difficult, spend less than what you have and you're in the clear

that's keeping household books........take a look at a 10k for a publicly traded corporation sometime......

If accounting wasn't "all that difficult" they wouldn't be offering PhDs in the discipline.....and there wouldn't be IFRS and 20 flavors of GAAP

Look what they paid for brain Paulson, of course we were going down most likely due to the price of war and Bush making it easier to buy a home with no money down. They want the smartest and the best:

In 1989, the government created a one-time loophole for a handful of high level positions that would help attract highly talented professionals away from the private sector. This loophole gives the candidate the ability to liquidate his or her entire portfolio without paying a dime in capital gains taxes. For someone like Henry Paulson, whose entire $500 million portfolio would have otherwise been subject to full taxation, that represented a very attractive opportunity. This is the only reason someone would agree to forfeit a glamorous $40 million a year job in order to make $183,000. Past public servants who took the government up on this loophole include Donald Rumsfeld and Colin Powell. The loophole only applies for people in the Executive Branch. That means President, Vice President and cabinet Secretaries. Senators and congressman do not qualify. Candidates either need to apply to qualify with the I.R.S. after the fact, or Congress will require the liquidation in advance for certain people and postions. Clearly Henry Paulson's ownership of 1% of the world's largest investment bank would represent a clear conflict of interest as Secretary of Treasury, so qualification was a no-brainer.

In July 2006, Henry Paulson liquidated 3.23 million shares of Goldman, roughly 1% of the entire company, in a one time public sale. Goldman's $152 share price left Paulson with a tax free gain of $491 million. Let that sink in. $491 million free an clear. Without this loophole, had Henry sold his shares at the exact same price and time, he would have been liable for more than $200 million worth of state and Federal capital gains taxes.

The $200 Million Reason Henry Paulson Became Treasury Secretary

By Brian Warner on July 14, 2014 in ArticlesEntertainment

The $200 Million Reason Henry Paulson Became Treasury Secretary
Capital gains tax is a fallacy, The federal government has no moral claim to perceived taxes

How can they be "perceived" of they are only levied on REALIZED gains?
Debt is a CUMULATIVE measure, the budget is a discreet PERIODIC event...

You are nipping at Bripat's heels.......and Clementine is right on yours...
Debt is debt, Red or black there is no in between… Except for in Al Gore's lockbox

Take my word for it,'re an idiot.....

No, you take my word for it, YOU are the idiot!

Don't like the graph? Than show the CBO numbers, the governments own, no others. We NEVER had a balance budget under Clinton, although he did come close.

And then, forget that fantasy about what cutting taxes does. Post the CBO numbers if income to the government went up, or down after Kennedy's, Reagan, and the Bush tax cuts. Because they spent MORE has nothing to do if revenue went up, or down. If YOU get a hundred dollar a week raise, but spend 200 dollars more, of course the deficit is going to rise.

Why won't the left admit to everyone, that Washington politicians are the problem, I just don't understand their logic. And each and every time they print money, it is a hidden tax on the working man because it makes the dollars you have worth less. And who gets that money! Why Wall Street and the rich, that is who, because they have the extra money to invest in the Market, and the price of those company's and corporations inflate with every extra dollar they print. All of you who have a few thousand in the bank, lose money, each and every time they do it, and you say, "thank you sir, may I have another!"

I see that the Cavalry of Cretin has arrived...

Than show the CBO numbers, the governments own, no others. We NEVER had a balance budget under Clinton, although he did come close.

Look immediately below the graph in the Heritage see the letters which follow



What do they spell?

And then, forget that fantasy about what cutting taxes does. Post the CBO numbers if income to the government went up, or down after Kennedy's, Reagan, and the Bush tax cuts. Because they spent MORE has nothing to do if revenue went up, or down.

Federal government current tax receipts: Personal current taxes

Describe what you see post 1981 and 2001....

The rest of it is naive twaddle.......Life is too short to address such....
Since before the 40s all debt... No surplus

Surplus has been demonstrated.......and existing debt is independent of the balance of any year's budget....

You simply have no idea what you are going on about... means you are operating at a loss........for that period....

Dollars to donuts you've never taken an econ sure as shit know nothing about accounting...
All you need to know about accounting is that if the red side is larger than the black side… You're in debt.
A grade schoolteacher can tell you that

don't go to Grade School teachers for pointers....

Are you acquainted with the terms "Retained Earnings" and "Stockholder Equity"?
Accounting is not that difficult, spend less than what you have and you're in the clear

that's keeping household books........take a look at a 10k for a publicly traded corporation sometime......

If accounting wasn't "all that difficult" they wouldn't be offering PhDs in the discipline.....and there wouldn't be IFRS and 20 flavors of GAAP
Well I've managed to stay debt-free for 20+ years using just that philosophy, spend less than you make easy as pie

Corporate Finance deals with optimizing a company's capital structure........that structure generally includes leverage.
We have the best economy in the world that would be a lot better if the party of NO would stop obstructing all the usual solutions, all for their greedy lying billionaires.

Best economy?

It does depend on how you are judging the scale, because the US is really only the best in terms of nominal GDP.

Considering how artificial and dependent the US economy is, I would actually say it is one of the worst.

What are your solutions? I'm betting they're the same as the Dems'.

Abolish government agencies and social services, since they are not paid for voluntarily, nor are they self sufficient.

It is fiscally irresponsible to pay for what does not pay for itself.

This is arrant nonsense.........what are you, 12?
Debt is debt, Red or black there is no in between… Except for in Al Gore's lockbox

Take my word for it,'re an idiot.....

No, you take my word for it, YOU are the idiot!

Don't like the graph? Than show the CBO numbers, the governments own, no others. We NEVER had a balance budget under Clinton, although he did come close.

And then, forget that fantasy about what cutting taxes does. Post the CBO numbers if income to the government went up, or down after Kennedy's, Reagan, and the Bush tax cuts. Because they spent MORE has nothing to do if revenue went up, or down. If YOU get a hundred dollar a week raise, but spend 200 dollars more, of course the deficit is going to rise.

Why won't the left admit to everyone, that Washington politicians are the problem, I just don't understand their logic. And each and every time they print money, it is a hidden tax on the working man because it makes the dollars you have worth less. And who gets that money! Why Wall Street and the rich, that is who, because they have the extra money to invest in the Market, and the price of those company's and corporations inflate with every extra dollar they print. All of you who have a few thousand in the bank, lose money, each and every time they do it, and you say, "thank you sir, may I have another!"

I see that the Cavalry of Cretin has arrived...

Than show the CBO numbers, the governments own, no others. We NEVER had a balance budget under Clinton, although he did come close.

Look immediately below the graph in the Heritage see the letters which follow



What do they spell?

And then, forget that fantasy about what cutting taxes does. Post the CBO numbers if income to the government went up, or down after Kennedy's, Reagan, and the Bush tax cuts. Because they spent MORE has nothing to do if revenue went up, or down.

Federal government current tax receipts: Personal current taxes

Describe what you see post 1981 and 2001....

The rest of it is naive twaddle.......Life is too short to address such....
Since before the 40s all debt... No surplus

Surplus has been demonstrated.......and existing debt is independent of the balance of any year's budget....

You simply have no idea what you are going on about...
What are using politically correct math?
Mainly GOP, and more than complacency, thievery and lies.

The GOP seems to be your go to for everything. That is not going to work here. I already told you I do not support the GOP.

You are deflecting to the GOP, because you do not know how to hold your own party accountable.
My party has been totally obstructed by the totally bought off, lying, brainwashing GOP. DUH.
There is very little difference between Rs and Ds. Both are criminal gangs only interested in increasing their power and wealth. When will you learn this obvious fact?
That's why Dem billionaires want to tax the rich more...Actually, they understand a healthy middle class is needed for a great economy.
The D party and probably much of the R party, do not want a strong middle class. They know unlike you, that the middle class hates big unlimited government.
Trickle down never worked. Trump complained of Reagans Tax cuts, said the wealthy would rather pay capital gains tax than invest in real estate. Bush Sr , had no choice but to raise taxes.

We need a more powerful IRS, EPA, and the ACA with GOP Governors expanding Medicaid.
Trickle down never worked. Trump complained of Reagans Tax cuts, said the wealthy would rather pay capital gains tax than invest in real estate. Bush Sr , had no choice but to raise taxes.

We need a more powerful IRS, EPA, and the ACA with GOP Governors expanding Medicaid.
Okay but Reagan's economy was far better than Obama's economy. Of course even this easily provable fact, is disputed by leftists. Facts and truth are antiquated things these days.
Mainly GOP, and more than complacency, thievery and lies.

The GOP seems to be your go to for everything. That is not going to work here. I already told you I do not support the GOP.

You are deflecting to the GOP, because you do not know how to hold your own party accountable.
My party has been totally obstructed by the totally bought off, lying, brainwashing GOP. DUH.
There is very little difference between Rs and Ds. Both are criminal gangs only interested in increasing their power and wealth. When will you learn this obvious fact?
That's why Dem billionaires want to tax the rich more...Actually, they understand a healthy middle class is needed for a great economy.
The D party and probably much of the R party, do not want a strong middle class. They know unlike you, that the middle class hates big unlimited government.
And it's the GOP under Reagan and Booosh that added the most bureaucracy and debt, while Dems add gov't SERVICE and good gov't, dupe. Thanks for the stupidest wars ever, incredible pandering to the rich and giant corps, wrecking the middle class (see sig pp1), 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, AND a corrupt world depression, and now 7 3/4 years of mindless obstruction of typical solutions. Great job, dupes.

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