The curse of socialism… means you are operating at a loss........for that period....

Dollars to donuts you've never taken an econ sure as shit know nothing about accounting...
All you need to know about accounting is that if the red side is larger than the black side… You're in debt.
A grade schoolteacher can tell you that

don't go to Grade School teachers for pointers....

Are you acquainted with the terms "Retained Earnings" and "Stockholder Equity"?
Accounting is not that difficult, spend less than what you have and you're in the clear

that's keeping household books........take a look at a 10k for a publicly traded corporation sometime......

If accounting wasn't "all that difficult" they wouldn't be offering PhDs in the discipline.....and there wouldn't be IFRS and 20 flavors of GAAP

Look what they paid for brain Paulson, of course we were going down most likely due to the price of war and Bush making it easier to buy a home with no money down. They want the smartest and the best:

In 1989, the government created a one-time loophole for a handful of high level positions that would help attract highly talented professionals away from the private sector. This loophole gives the candidate the ability to liquidate his or her entire portfolio without paying a dime in capital gains taxes. For someone like Henry Paulson, whose entire $500 million portfolio would have otherwise been subject to full taxation, that represented a very attractive opportunity. This is the only reason someone would agree to forfeit a glamorous $40 million a year job in order to make $183,000. Past public servants who took the government up on this loophole include Donald Rumsfeld and Colin Powell. The loophole only applies for people in the Executive Branch. That means President, Vice President and cabinet Secretaries. Senators and congressman do not qualify. Candidates either need to apply to qualify with the I.R.S. after the fact, or Congress will require the liquidation in advance for certain people and postions. Clearly Henry Paulson's ownership of 1% of the world's largest investment bank would represent a clear conflict of interest as Secretary of Treasury, so qualification was a no-brainer.

In July 2006, Henry Paulson liquidated 3.23 million shares of Goldman, roughly 1% of the entire company, in a one time public sale. Goldman's $152 share price left Paulson with a tax free gain of $491 million. Let that sink in. $491 million free an clear. Without this loophole, had Henry sold his shares at the exact same price and time, he would have been liable for more than $200 million worth of state and Federal capital gains taxes.

The $200 Million Reason Henry Paulson Became Treasury Secretary

By Brian Warner on July 14, 2014 in ArticlesEntertainment

The $200 Million Reason Henry Paulson Became Treasury Secretary
Capital gains tax is a fallacy, The federal government has no moral claim to perceived taxes
Money comes from spending and once the rich and wealthy get all the money and the rest are poor, no one is left to buy anything.

If money exists then it will be spent.

Whose poor too? I do not see any poor people. I just see subjugated inhuman shells paying into a government racket that does not pay into them.

We pretty much became a third world country in 08, thanks to Bush.


Go live in an actual third world country. Have you even seen extreme poverty firsthand? It does not exist in the US, even for the homeless.
Maybe another GOP corrupt world depression would help...

Fallacious and deflection.

Criticism of Democrats is not avocation for Republicans. I'll rant about them in some other thread.
Ok, but the GOP has been a complete catastrophe. Blaming the Dems for Obama debt is a perversion. Where's the rest of the quote? How bout something positive lol? Any supposed solutions?
Money comes from spending and once the rich and wealthy get all the money and the rest are poor, no one is left to buy anything.

If money exists then it will be spent.

Whose poor too? I do not see any poor people. I just see subjugated inhuman shells paying into a government racket that does not pay into them.

We pretty much became a third world country in 08, thanks to Bush.


Go live in an actual third world country. Have you even seen extreme poverty firsthand? It does not exist in the US, even for the homeless.
Well Obama only had to spend 7-8 trillion to avoid a full blown depression here. Check the effects in parts of the world who couldn't afford that...
Where's the rest of the quote? How bout something positive lol? Any supposed solutions?

Yeah, self sufficiency.

The problem is pretty simple. The US is paying too much money for institutions it cannot afford, and it is doing so through dishonest means.

You have two choices. The US government is making the choice to throw money overboard to keep a sinking ship afloat.
Money comes from spending and once the rich and wealthy get all the money and the rest are poor, no one is left to buy anything.

If money exists then it will be spent.

Whose poor too? I do not see any poor people. I just see subjugated inhuman shells paying into a government racket that does not pay into them.

We pretty much became a third world country in 08, thanks to Bush.


Go live in an actual third world country. Have you even seen extreme poverty firsthand? It does not exist in the US, even for the homeless.
Well Obama only had to spend 7-8 trillion to avoid a full blown depression here. Check the effects in parts of the world who couldn't afford that...
Spending trillions to avoid depression is absurd. Stop believing bull shit from the liberal/statist media.
For 35 years now, greedy rich GOP out of hand now all they have is propaganda for dupes like you...

Interesting considering that greedy rich billionaires are profiting off of the Democrat party.

Do you really believe there was no corporate lobbying for the PPACA? Agricultural subsidies? All the recent government bailouts?

The real fighters in the war on coal are resource extraction companies lobbying Democrat politicians
ACA? Not much lol. They don't like transparent competition and being regulated...

Gas just got cheap....priced coal out...

Lobbying is a lot more corrupt and effective under crony GOPers...
Well Obama only had to spend 7-8 trillion to avoid a full blown depression here. Check the effects in parts of the world who couldn't afford that...

Yes, he fixed temporary pain with long term troubles (and the puppet did not even do that)

We already expanded the artificial economy several times during the 20th century. The risk of implosion has been in steady growth.
There must be some mistake. The government claims unemployment is very low. This just can't be true. Under Obama all things are peaches and cream.
Not. Because the richest get almost all the new wealth under Reaganist tax rates, and there's little investment in training/Ed. under GOP obstructed policy...Then there's shytty pay. Thanks GOP.
Well Obama only had to spend 7-8 trillion to avoid a full blown depression here. Check the effects in parts of the world who couldn't afford that...

Yes, he fixed temporary pain with long term troubles (and the puppet did not even do that)

We already expanded the artificial economy several times during the 20th century. The risk of implosion has been in steady growth.
All Obama did was make the rich richer. The stock market boomed, but over 50% of Americans are not invested in the stock market...and certainly the poor and lower middle class are not in the stock market.

If Big Ears were an R, libs and progs would be condemning him for enriching the rich while doing nothing for the poor.
Spending trillions to avoid depression is absurd. Stop believing bull shit from the liberal/statist media.

Well these people think it is absurd to only pay for the services that can be afforded through voluntary and self sufficient means.
There must be some mistake. The government claims unemployment is very low. This just can't be true. Under Obama all things are peaches and cream.
Not. Because the richest get almost all the new wealth under Reaganist tax rates, and there's little investment in training/Ed. under GOP obstructed policy...Then there's shytty pay. Thanks GOP.
Hey guess what? Ronnie left the WH almost 30 years ago...dumb ass.

Guess what? Ronnie is dead dumb ass.
Money comes from spending and once the rich and wealthy get all the money and the rest are poor, no one is left to buy anything.

If money exists then it will be spent.

Whose poor too? I do not see any poor people. I just see subjugated inhuman shells paying into a government racket that does not pay into them.

We pretty much became a third world country in 08, thanks to Bush.


Go live in an actual third world country. Have you even seen extreme poverty firsthand? It does not exist in the US, even for the homeless.
Oh there are some poor people and homeless here in the US, yes seriously, the bail out. in 08, in 01 Rumsfled lost trillions of dollars , Bush/Cheney/Rumsfled and the rest of the Zionist neocons are sitting pretty. How many people fell for buy a home with no money down and take a vacation, those who prey on uneducated people knew exactly what they were doing . I am so sick of the rich multimillionaires and billionaires, and I'm not afraid to admit it. They don't want to pay taxes, and do whatever they can to hire slave labor, HBI Visas and all visas.

They are the lowlifes, not the workers in the police force, hospitals, resturants, maids, where would the filthy rich be without us lowlifes who do pay taxes, and work our butts off?

Cut the tax loopholes, raise the top tax brackets, and make them pay their fair share.
All Obama did was make the rich richer. The stock market boomed, but over 50% of Americans are not invested in the stock market...and certainly the poor and lower middle class are not in the stock market.

I believe the Democratic party is more corporatist and corrupt than the Republican party, but no one really points it out.

Almost every major campaign of Obama was a huge payday for corporations. He is a lobbyist puppet.
Oh there are some poor people and homeless here in the US, yes seriously, the bail out.


Comparing the US to third world countries is absurd and I would guess pretty offensive. Even the individuals US government considers in poverty still have tons of first world problems.

Cut the tax loopholes, raise the top tax brackets, and make them pay their fair share.

There is no such thing as fair taxation.

If we were to put fairness on a scale though, then the rich are actually paying disproportionately due to progressive taxation.
All Obama did was make the rich richer. The stock market boomed, but over 50% of Americans are not invested in the stock market...and certainly the poor and lower middle class are not in the stock market.

I believe the Democratic party is more corporatist and corrupt than the Republican party, but no one really points it out.

Almost every major campaign of Obama was a huge payday for corporations. He is a lobbyist puppet.

I agree he is a puppet.
Well Obama only had to spend 7-8 trillion to avoid a full blown depression here. Check the effects in parts of the world who couldn't afford that...

Yes, he fixed temporary pain with long term troubles (and the puppet did not even do that)

We already expanded the artificial economy several times during the 20th century. The risk of implosion has been in steady growth.
We have the best economy in the world that would be a lot better if the party of NO would stop obstructing all the usual solutions, all for their greedy lying billionaires.

What are your solutions? I'm betting they're the same as the Dems'.
There is nothing more unfair than a progressive income tax

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