The curse of socialism…

No, you ignorant chiggger.......when operating in the red it means that revenues are not meeting expenses FOR THE GIVEN has NOTHING to do with debt........
No, debt is a liability. When operating in the red means you're always in debt. Economics 101 means you are operating at a loss........for that period....

Dollars to donuts you've never taken an econ sure as shit know nothing about accounting...
All you need to know about accounting is that if the red side is larger than the black side… You're in debt.
A grade schoolteacher can tell you that

don't go to Grade School teachers for pointers....

Are you acquainted with the terms "Retained Earnings" and "Stockholder Equity"?
Accounting is not that difficult, spend less than what you have and you're in the clear

that's keeping household books........take a look at a 10k for a publicly traded corporation sometime......

If accounting wasn't "all that difficult" they wouldn't be offering PhDs in the discipline.....and there wouldn't be IFRS and 20 flavors of GAAP
No, debt is a liability. When operating in the red means you're always in debt. Economics 101

Debt isn't the end of the world . Shit, most home owners are in debt . Mortgages ain't exactly a bad thing .
They are not a good thing either, you have to admit most people do not live in within their means. Just because someone can afford the payment doesn't mean they can afford the item… LOL

You still live with your parents?
No, I lived on the 100% federal government controlled socialist Indian reservation till I was 17. I own 3 "s" corps and am 100% debt free for 20 plus years.

Did any of your S corps employ a line of credit?

Did that suggest that you were operating at a loss?
No, I pay everything out of pocket. Selling firearms and ammo has been a boom over the last 7-8 years as well as my Mining and timber permit sales.
No, debt is a liability. When operating in the red means you're always in debt. Economics 101 means you are operating at a loss........for that period....

Dollars to donuts you've never taken an econ sure as shit know nothing about accounting...
All you need to know about accounting is that if the red side is larger than the black side… You're in debt.
A grade schoolteacher can tell you that

don't go to Grade School teachers for pointers....

Are you acquainted with the terms "Retained Earnings" and "Stockholder Equity"?
Accounting is not that difficult, spend less than what you have and you're in the clear

that's keeping household books........take a look at a 10k for a publicly traded corporation sometime......

If accounting wasn't "all that difficult" they wouldn't be offering PhDs in the discipline.....and there wouldn't be IFRS and 20 flavors of GAAP
Well I've managed to stay debt-free for 20+ years using just that philosophy, spend less than you make easy as pie
Is america socialist or not ? Can we start there ?

The US is most certainly socialist.

Anyone with a clue for what socialists advocated for since 1920 know that America ended up fitting the bill. Of course, due to this modern socialists have went a little harder on their beliefs, but not by very much.
No, you ignorant chiggger.......when operating in the red it means that revenues are not meeting expenses FOR THE GIVEN has NOTHING to do with debt........
No, debt is a liability. When operating in the red means you're always in debt. Economics 101

Debt isn't the end of the world . Shit, most home owners are in debt . Mortgages ain't exactly a bad thing .
They are not a good thing either, you have to admit most people do not live in within their means. Just because someone can afford the payment doesn't mean they can afford the item… LOL

You still live with your parents?
No, I lived on the 100% federal government controlled socialist Indian reservation till I was 17. I own 3 "s" corps and am 100% debt free for 20 plus years.
If they were really socialist they'd be a helluva lot better off. TY, GOP. Congrats, now read something. What's an "s" corp?
2. Don't enforce our anti-trust laws which locks people out of being able to start up a small business as they'll be quickly bought out.

No one is forced to sell out.

The issue is actually the government interventionism itself, which through corporate lobbyists instigates policies making it very easy for big money to take small businesses out.

So yes, we have more poor people. It is uncontrolled capitalism that is doing it.

Wealth is relative.

Work to keep you occupied, food and water to consume, and a bed to sleep on. Proper sanitation as well.

That is my standard for a well off person, and anyone can meet those qualifications living out in a shack in the woods.
No, debt is a liability. When operating in the red means you're always in debt. Economics 101

Debt isn't the end of the world . Shit, most home owners are in debt . Mortgages ain't exactly a bad thing .
They are not a good thing either, you have to admit most people do not live in within their means. Just because someone can afford the payment doesn't mean they can afford the item… LOL

You still live with your parents?
No, I lived on the 100% federal government controlled socialist Indian reservation till I was 17. I own 3 "s" corps and am 100% debt free for 20 plus years.
If they were really socialist they'd be a helluva lot better off. TY, GOP. Congrats, now read something. What's an "s" corp?
Socialism has made Indian reservations a living hell, everything is about the handout makes for a weak people.
S corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Uncontrolled capitalism is also causing the outsourcing and importation of low waged third world labor...But, hell, blame socialism. lol


Government policies have made it harder to be competitive without outsourcing,

Importation can boost the economy, since other nations produce items cheaper, and America is now dominated by consumerism and not manufacturing. Unfortunately government socialists protect lazy and abusive corporations through protectionist policies.

The fact that it is cheaper to manufacture overseas, but impossible for foreign companies to make a profit in the US, is a direct result of the US socialist government.
All career politicians are reckless with other peoples money… Fact

I have heard you say that, but there is no such thing as a non-career politician. At least not on a national scale.

All politicians are in it for their own ambitions, whether it is to be recognized (power) or to profit (greed).
All career politicians are reckless with other peoples money… Fact

I have heard you say that, but there is no such thing as a non-career politician. At least not on a national scale.

All politicians are in it for their own ambitions, whether it is to be recognized (power) or to profit (greed).
If we had single term limits, we could kick the fucking "career" right out the fucking door... Lol

See the blue thingies?

What have you spent your life doing to remain so ignorant?

Debt is a CUMULATIVE measure, the budget is a discreet PERIODIC event...

You are nipping at Bripat's heels.......and Clementine is right on yours...
Debt is debt, Red or black there is no in between… Except for in Al Gore's lockbox

Take my word for it,'re an idiot.....

No, you take my word for it, YOU are the idiot!

Don't like the graph? Than show the CBO numbers, the governments own, no others. We NEVER had a balance budget under Clinton, although he did come close.

And then, forget that fantasy about what cutting taxes does. Post the CBO numbers if income to the government went up, or down after Kennedy's, Reagan, and the Bush tax cuts. Because they spent MORE has nothing to do if revenue went up, or down. If YOU get a hundred dollar a week raise, but spend 200 dollars more, of course the deficit is going to rise.

Why won't the left admit to everyone, that Washington politicians are the problem, I just don't understand their logic. And each and every time they print money, it is a hidden tax on the working man because it makes the dollars you have worth less. And who gets that money! Why Wall Street and the rich, that is who, because they have the extra money to invest in the Market, and the price of those company's and corporations inflate with every extra dollar they print. All of you who have a few thousand in the bank, lose money, each and every time they do it, and you say, "thank you sir, may I have another!"

I see that the Cavalry of Cretin has arrived...

Than show the CBO numbers, the governments own, no others. We NEVER had a balance budget under Clinton, although he did come close.

Look immediately below the graph in the Heritage see the letters which follow



What do they spell?

And then, forget that fantasy about what cutting taxes does. Post the CBO numbers if income to the government went up, or down after Kennedy's, Reagan, and the Bush tax cuts. Because they spent MORE has nothing to do if revenue went up, or down.

Federal government current tax receipts: Personal current taxes

Describe what you see post 1981 and 2001....

The rest of it is naive twaddle.......Life is too short to address such....

Debt is a CUMULATIVE measure, the budget is a discreet PERIODIC event...

You are nipping at Bripat's heels.......and Clementine is right on yours...
Debt is debt, Red or black there is no in between… Except for in Al Gore's lockbox

Take my word for it,'re an idiot.....

No, you take my word for it, YOU are the idiot!

Don't like the graph? Than show the CBO numbers, the governments own, no others. We NEVER had a balance budget under Clinton, although he did come close.

And then, forget that fantasy about what cutting taxes does. Post the CBO numbers if income to the government went up, or down after Kennedy's, Reagan, and the Bush tax cuts. Because they spent MORE has nothing to do if revenue went up, or down. If YOU get a hundred dollar a week raise, but spend 200 dollars more, of course the deficit is going to rise.

Why won't the left admit to everyone, that Washington politicians are the problem, I just don't understand their logic. And each and every time they print money, it is a hidden tax on the working man because it makes the dollars you have worth less. And who gets that money! Why Wall Street and the rich, that is who, because they have the extra money to invest in the Market, and the price of those company's and corporations inflate with every extra dollar they print. All of you who have a few thousand in the bank, lose money, each and every time they do it, and you say, "thank you sir, may I have another!"

I see that the Cavalry of Cretin has arrived...

Than show the CBO numbers, the governments own, no others. We NEVER had a balance budget under Clinton, although he did come close.

Look immediately below the graph in the Heritage see the letters which follow



What do they spell?

And then, forget that fantasy about what cutting taxes does. Post the CBO numbers if income to the government went up, or down after Kennedy's, Reagan, and the Bush tax cuts. Because they spent MORE has nothing to do if revenue went up, or down.

Federal government current tax receipts: Personal current taxes

Describe what you see post 1981 and 2001....

The rest of it is naive twaddle.......Life is too short to address such....
Since before the 40s all debt... No surplus
They wouldn't do any better under the GOP when oil prices tank...the socialists did help the poor so much, illiteracy, homelessness, etc were cut tremendously. Remember it's a 3rd world mess with oil, thanks to many years of rule by a corrupt oligarchy that continues to sabotage as much as they can. Like the GOP propaganda service calling it a dictatorship...
uhm, no

but whatever fantasy keeps you hating freedom....
...Hating the freedom of lying thieving GOP billionaires wrecking the middle class and the country lol. Legalize and tax pot, decriminalize hard drugs and treat these people, free non violent drug offenders, Uber and taxis everywhere, tax the rich more like their fair share and cut taxes on the non rich and invest in cheap college and training for good jobs going begging. Your party is the one against real freedom, dupe.
not a rep

but you are so ignorant of what happens as your plans are put into effect, it should be shocking, but it's typical.

you morons still think college would be free, even though you know the cost of college has out inflated everything else b/c of all the grants and tax money they get.

but if we just gave them more it would cost less, this time.
ACTUALLY, it's the GOP raising the cost of public colleges and the lack of competition for private schools many believe has raised the costs. Also the most expensive (and just plain bad) colleges are the BOOOOSH crony online colleges, that Bush actually changed laws for so his pals could scam returning GIs, at least in effect.
that is the worst lie I have ever heard, from an adult.

that's the second worst.
Public college costs doubled under Bush alone. Reagan started it. See 60 Minutes report on scam GOP crony on line colleges. 40% of defaults and bad grad rate and horrible job finds. Another GOPer scam for the chumps...
And our wars, tax breaks for the rich and broken healthcare system caused 95% of this debt.

False premise.

The debt came before the tax breaks.

The healthcare system is a money pit. Pretty sure your solution is to expand its role into being universal healthcare, which is going to cost even more.

Why exactly is turning our country into a third world shit hole that has a smaller economy going to help pay down this debt? Oh'yess, you Republicans have no solutions to shiit.

Who is talking about a smaller economy?

Governments do not boost the economy. They actually destroy it by systematically eradicating competition and creating new challenges for American businesses.
And our wars, tax breaks for the rich and broken healthcare system caused 95% of this debt.

False premise.

The debt came before the tax breaks.

The healthcare system is a money pit. Pretty sure your solution is to expand its role into being universal healthcare, which is going to cost even more.

Why exactly is turning our country into a third world shit hole that has a smaller economy going to help pay down this debt? Oh'yess, you Republicans have no solutions to shiit.

Who is talking about a smaller economy?

Governments do not boost the economy. They actually destroy it by systematically eradicating competition and creating new challenges for American businesses.
...and the federal government has no moral claim on perceived taxes.
If we had single term limits, we could kick the fucking "career" right out the fucking door... Lol

Might help a bit.

Would not change the fact that politicians would still get in it for power and greed.

By limiting it to one term, you are just going to have more stupid bastards than you will crafty bastards. A crafty bastard is preferable to a stupid bastard in my opinion.
Ok good .

I'll be blunt . All the winner countries are socialist .
In Ven, they went from buying food on the black market to eating their animals, to raiding schools for food to attacking any truck in hopes it had food.

the worst misery in the world comes from socialism
They wouldn't do any better under the GOP when oil prices tank...the socialists did help the poor so much, illiteracy, homelessness, etc were cut tremendously. Remember it's a 3rd world mess with oil, thanks to many years of rule by a corrupt oligarchy that continues to sabotage as much as they can. Like the GOP propaganda service calling it a dictatorship...
uhm, no

but whatever fantasy keeps you hating freedom....
...Hating the freedom of lying thieving GOP billionaires wrecking the middle class and the country lol. Legalize and tax pot, decriminalize hard drugs and treat these people, free non violent drug offenders, Uber and taxis everywhere, tax the rich more like their fair share and cut taxes on the non rich and invest in cheap college and training for good jobs going begging. Your party is the one against real freedom, dupe.
not a rep

but you are so ignorant of what happens as your plans are put into effect, it should be shocking, but it's typical.

you morons still think college would be free, even though you know the cost of college has out inflated everything else b/c of all the grants and tax money they get.

but if we just gave them more it would cost less, this time.
So you're an indie? and a dupe....plenty of them.
...and the federal government has no moral claim on perceived taxes.

The argument is that we need the government mafia to protect us from other mafias.

Not only are we apart of a protection racket, but a lot of the money that the government steals gets used by our masters to instigate population control.[/QUOTE]

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