The danger of religion


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Instead of having to sue religious pedophiles to cease and desist attacking our children, we need laws with teeth to go after these religious zealots.

The developing minds of our kids are very susceptible to the pollution spread by those nutcases, and their efforts to influence youngsters with absolute bs should be made criminal, with severe punishment. But, good luck with that since you have, like Oklahoma, religious radicals in charge of the education of children.

Instead of having to sue religious pedophiles to cease and desist attacking our children, we need laws with teeth to go after these religious zealots.

The developing minds of our kids are very susceptible to the pollution spread by those nutcases, and their efforts to influence youngsters with absolute bs should be made criminal, with severe punishment. But, good luck with that since you have, like Oklahoma, religious radicals in charge of the education of children.
Yeah, i know right. Teaching children the difference between "Good and Evil", "right from wrong", is just too much for lefties to grasp when teaching children about Democrats.

Instead of having to sue religious pedophiles to cease and desist attacking our children, we need laws with teeth to go after these religious zealots.

The developing minds of our kids are very susceptible to the pollution spread by those nutcases, and their efforts to influence youngsters with absolute bs should be made criminal, with severe punishment. But, good luck with that since you have, like Oklahoma, religious radicals in charge of the education of children.
The laws already exist. Too many pedophiles in government protect each other.

Instead of having to sue religious pedophiles to cease and desist attacking our children, we need laws with teeth to go after these religious zealots.

The developing minds of our kids are very susceptible to the pollution spread by those nutcases, and their efforts to influence youngsters with absolute bs should be made criminal, with severe punishment. But, good luck with that since you have, like Oklahoma, religious radicals in charge of the education of children.
If they felt they were created by a Living, Loving God, they might not want to sexually mutilate themselves!

The idea!
Yeah, i know right. Teaching children the difference between "Good and Evil", "right from wrong", is just too much for lefties to grasp when teaching children about Democrats.

I know right, we should teach them that genocide is good as long as god says it is. We should teach them it is cool to kill women and children as long as they are told to by their leaders.

Instead of having to sue religious pedophiles to cease and desist attacking our children, we need laws with teeth to go after these religious zealots.

The developing minds of our kids are very susceptible to the pollution spread by those nutcases, and their efforts to influence youngsters with absolute bs should be made criminal, with severe punishment. But, good luck with that since you have, like Oklahoma, religious radicals in charge of the education of children.
We do have the First Amendment codifying the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.

Conservatives of course have contempt for both the First Amendment and the Framers’ mandate, where civil suits are our only recourse to combat the Christo-fascist right’s authoritarian agenda hostile to settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence.
We do have the First Amendment codifying the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.

Conservatives of course have contempt for both the First Amendment and the Framers’ mandate, where civil suits are our only recourse to combat the Christo-fascist right’s authoritarian agenda hostile to settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence.

Yeah the left trying to circumnavigate the 2nd ?

To note, as a Christian I do not support what he did. The school systems are also pushing back. I'd say he is soon out of a job.

Instead of having to sue religious pedophiles to cease and desist attacking our children, we need laws with teeth to go after these religious zealots.

The developing minds of our kids are very susceptible to the pollution spread by those nutcases, and their efforts to influence youngsters with absolute bs should be made criminal, with severe punishment. But, good luck with that since you have, like Oklahoma, religious radicals in charge of the education of children.
It's amazing to me that so many people forget why the pilgrims came here in the first place.
I know right, we should teach them that genocide is good as long as god says it is. We should teach them it is cool to kill women and children as long as they are told to by their leaders.
I know too, we should make them read about deviants in books like "Gender Queer", and make them watch drag shows.
When does god say genocide is good, or its cool to kill women and children you fucking moron?

Yeah the left trying to circumnavigate the 2nd ?

The danger of religion is its threat to the rights and protected liberties of the people; the Framers recognized that threat, prohibiting government from using religion as justification for government action hostile to the peoples’ rights and protected liberties.

Conservatives have contempt for the Framers’ mandate and the First Amendment, seeking to conjoin church and state – the proof of that is what’s happening in Oklahoma and other Republican-controlled states – where the Christo-fascist right pursues an agenda intended to establish an authoritarian theocracy.
The danger of religion is its threat to the rights and protected liberties of the people; the Framers recognized that threat, prohibiting government from using religion as justification for government action hostile to the peoples’ rights and protected liberties.

Conservatives have contempt for the Framers’ mandate and the First Amendment, seeking to conjoin church and state – the proof of that is what’s happening in Oklahoma and other Republican-controlled states – where the Christo-fascist right pursues an agenda intended to establish an authoritarian theocracy.
Conservatives: Freedom of religion.
Liberals: Freedom from religion.

It should be noted that conservatives are happier and healthier than their atheist liberal neighbors.
I know too, we should make them read about deviants in books like "Gender Queer", and make them watch drag shows.

How about we do not "make" them do either. If a parent wants to raise their child under a specific religion then that should be up to them without the nanny Govt being involved.

When does god say genocide is good, or its cool to kill women and children you fucking moron?

I take it you are one more Christian that has never read the Bible.

God calls for genocide in the OT. God orders his people to kill all women and children and even livestock.

Try reading the holy book for your religion for a change
I take it you are one more Christian that has never read the Bible.

God calls for genocide in the OT. God orders his people to kill all women and children and even livestock.

Try reading the holy book for your religion for a change
That's because, as in Noah's day, they were totally corrupt and evil, and needed to be removed for the good of mankind. Even children can understand this. Just have them visit an insane asylum, a prison (or the streets of any major city). Have them look into their own selfish hearts.
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The danger of religion is its threat to the rights and protected liberties of the people; the Framers recognized that threat, prohibiting government from using religion as justification for government action hostile to the peoples’ rights and protected liberties.

Conservatives have contempt for the Framers’ mandate and the First Amendment, seeking to conjoin church and state – the proof of that is what’s happening in Oklahoma and other Republican-controlled states – where the Christo-fascist right pursues an agenda intended to establish an authoritarian theocracy.

Shush Jones. You might think you influence anyone but you don't.

You really should read rebuttals to your posts. Probably 85 percent are mocking you
How about we do not "make" them do either. If a parent wants to raise their child under a specific religion then that should be up to them without the nanny Govt being involved.
I was forced to study/read all the prescribed courses throughout my K-12 education. The only respite was an elective course that I took in a 'free hour' that I had as a HS senior. If there had been a course in western religion, it would just have been one more required course. No biggy, and it might actually have been interesting.

That said I have been a student of the Bible for decades and it hasn't had a negative effect on me (except for this nervous 'tic' I seem to have developed).
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How about we do not "make" them do either. If a parent wants to raise their child under a specific religion then that should be up to them without the nanny Govt being involved.

I take it you are one more Christian that has never read the Bible.
God calls for genocide in the OT. God orders his people to kill all women and children and even livestock. Try reading the holy book for your religion for a change
1. The nanny government and the teacher's unions push the gay agenda, including the reading of deviant books, and drag shows. Concerned parents who speak up at school boards are labeled "domestic terrorists".

2. Catholics focus on the New Testament dumbass. Even in the OT I'm not aware of God ordering genocide, except maybe for Sodom and Gomorrah?
Yeah, i know right. Teaching children the difference between "Good and Evil", "right from wrong", is just too much for lefties to grasp when teaching children about Democrats.
Teaching them that boys can be girls and girls can be boys is much more important.
1. The nanny government and the teacher's unions push the gay agenda, including the reading of deviant books, and drag shows. Concerned parents who speak up at school boards are labeled "domestic terrorists".

2. Catholics focus on the New Testament dumbass. Even in the OT I'm not aware of God ordering genocide, except maybe for Sodom and Gomorrah?
The Amalekites.

1 Samuel 15:18

18 And the LORD sent you on a mission, and said, ‘Go and utterly destroy the sinners, the Amalekites, and fight against them until they are exterminated’.

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