Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

That's the truth. Netanyahu is just as bad as anyone in Hamas. He has done his dirt knowing that he can get the US to back him regardless. It's like the little brother who has a big brother who is 6'9, 350 pounds who will beat up anyone who bothers his lirttle brother no matter what. So it's time big brother stopped defending Israel until Netanyahu and Likud are gone.
what is it that Netanyahu and Likud did that you consider BAD?
That's the truth. Netanyahu is just as bad as anyone in Hamas. He has done his dirt knowing that he can get the US to back him regardless. It's like the little brother who has a big brother who is 6'9, 350 pounds who will beat up anyone who bothers his lirttle brother no matter what. So it's time big brother stopped defending Israel until Netanyahu and Likud are gone.
Yeah, and did Bibi order his men to saw off baby heads, set toddlers on fire, rape girls to death, and shoot guns up the vaginas of women as they bled out after rape?

Only a Jew-hater would compare Bibi to a subhuman monster like the Hamas savages.
Yeah, and did Bibi order his men to saw off baby heads, set toddlers on fire, rape girls to death, and shoot guns up the vaginas of women as they bled out after rape?

Only a Jew-hater would compare Bibi to a subhuman monster like the Hamas savages.

The Hamas terrorists killed 14,000.

Bibi has killed 33,000, including 14,000 children. Thousands more have been wounded, thousands more are on the brink of Starvation.
Yeah, and did Bibi order his men to saw off baby heads, set toddlers on fire, rape girls to death, and shoot guns up the vaginas of women as they bled out after rape?

Only a Jew-hater would compare Bibi to a subhuman monster like the Hamas savages.

The Palestinians are the only people I know who demand unconditional surrender and the extinction of a nation that has defeated them many times in the past, and is doing it again.
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The Palestinians are the only people I know who demand unconditional surrender and the extinction of a nation that has defeated them many times in the past, and is doing it again.

Do you mean other than the Taliban? Or the Vietcong?

You clearly don't understand asymmetrical warfare. The Vietcong never won a single major engagement against the US Army. But they won the war.

Same problem with the Zionist Entity. They went blundering into the Gaza, killed thousands of people, but they've made Hamas stronger. Remember when you guys were all crowing about the Abraham Accords? All the Arab countries that signed it voted against Israel in the UN, in addition the rest of the Middle East, most of Asia, most of Latin America and half of Europe
Do you mean other than the Taliban? Or the Vietcong?

You clearly don't understand asymmetrical warfare. The Vietcong never won a single major engagement against the US Army. But they won the war.

Same problem with the Zionist Entity. They went blundering into the Gaza, killed thousands of people, but they've made Hamas stronger. Remember when you guys were all crowing about the Abraham Accords? All the Arab countries that signed it voted against Israel in the UN, in addition the rest of the Middle East, most of Asia, most of Latin America and half of Europe
The Palestinians will never displace the most superior demographic on earth.
The Palestinians will never displace the most superior demographic on earth.

No, they will probably displace themselves. Eventually, younger generations of Jews will wonder (if they are even a quarter as smart as you think they are), why they are living next to people who want to strap bombs onto their own children in attempts to kill you. You see, that's kind of the opposite of smart. If I see one of my neighbors strapping explosives on little Timmy and pointing him in my direction, I'm going to move.

Just like eventually, the US got out of Vietnam, not because the Vietnamese beat us in any battle, but because we just got tired.

It took the Muslims 200 years to destroy the Crusader States, but they were destroyed eventually.
No, they will probably displace themselves. Eventually, younger generations of Jews will wonder (if they are even a quarter as smart as you think they are), why they are living next to people who want to strap bombs onto their own children in attempts to kill you. You see, that's kind of the opposite of smart. If I see one of my neighbors strapping explosives on little Timmy and pointing him in my direction, I'm going to move.

Just like eventually, the US got out of Vietnam, not because the Vietnamese beat us in any battle, but because we just got tired.

It took the Muslims 200 years to destroy the Crusader States, but they were destroyed eventually.
For the Jews possession of the land of Israel is as important as personal salvation is for Jews. One by one Arab countries are establishing diplomatic relations with Israel. They are learning that they have more important concerns then the well being of the Palestinians.

In a one on one conflict the Palestinians have no chance against Israel. That is being made clear now.
Do you mean other than the Taliban? Or the Vietcong?

You clearly don't understand asymmetrical warfare. The Vietcong never won a single major engagement against the US Army. But they won the war.

Same problem with the Zionist Entity. They went blundering into the Gaza, killed thousands of people, but they've made Hamas stronger. Remember when you guys were all crowing about the Abraham Accords? All the Arab countries that signed it voted against Israel in the UN, in addition the rest of the Middle East, most of Asia, most of Latin America and half of Europe
We never had the emotional stake in Vietnam or Afghanistan that the Jews have in Israel.
For the Jews possession of the land of Israel is as important as personal salvation is for Jews. One by one Arab countries are establishing diplomatic relations with Israel. They are learning that they have more important concerns then the well being of the Palestinians.

In a one on one conflict the Palestinians have no chance against Israel. That is being made clear now.

If was that important to them, they'd have returned centuries ago, not after Hitler did a nasty..

Hell, half of them don't live there now.

We never had the emotional stake in Vietnam or Afghanistan that the Jews have in Israel.

We fought those wars for decades, so, um, yeah... it was kind of important to us.
The fury has reached such a frenzy that I’ve been wondering if there’s a deeper motivation at work.

Given that bashing the Jewish state is a lot more acceptable than bashing Jews, Israel provides the ideal instrument to camouflage Jew hatred and maintain a semblance of moral purity.

It’s not hard to imagine, then, a certain pleasure in the hearts of Jew-hating protesters. They may be enraged, but they hardly look sad. Indeed, there’s a kind of thrill in the air that goes beyond the search for justice; a sense of exhilaration, even glee, in joining a mob to go after the world’s most maligned country; a smug contentment that you can put the blame for some much evil on one group.

But if Jew hatred feels so good to haters, what does that mean for our goal to end Jew hatred? For starters, it means being realistic. Pleasure is a tough nut to crack. The usual tactics of education and condemnation can’t compete with visceral satisfaction.

Israel is so powerful it doesn’t matter that there’s a significantly tiny percentage of anti Jews in the world. In the World War II era, there were hundreds of millions of raging anti-Jews in Europe…. That’s a defeated and dead ideology thanks to the Soviets and Americans and other Allie’s.

That’s a compliment to the Israeli military.

Turkey and Iran have done nothing for Gaza…just useless talk…we would think they would attack Tel Aviv…nope.
Today’s critics of Israel are leftie marijuana addicted hippies..powerless

There are some conservatives critical of Israel today , but nothing like the raging anti Jewish base that existed in Europe in the World War II era.
When we think about the actual violence and killing of Jews in ww2 …. For people to suggest that jews Are in danger today is very misguided.

I’m not blaming regular citizens, but the powerful people like Ben Shapiro and mark levin for hyping up this nonsense about “left wing antisemitism”….again these are marijuana addicted hippies they are powerless.

Israel has killed 30,000 Palestinians… in any war there will be civilian casualties… no country including the Muslim ones are attacking Israel in response.
That's the truth. Netanyahu is just as bad as anyone in Hamas. He has done his dirt knowing that he can get the US to back him regardless. It's like the little brother who has a big brother who is 6'9, 350 pounds who will beat up anyone who bothers his lirttle brother no matter what. So it's time big brother stopped defending Israel until Netanyahu and Likud are gone.
I agree.
These guys don't want to hear the truth about the Israeli government.
I do not believe Israel is this sacred cow you can't criticize. I also believe most of the people who accuse others of being antisemitic, do so just to silence that criticism of Israel. Because they have no legitimate argument with which to defend Israeli atrocities.
I do not believe Israel is this sacred cow you can't criticize. I also believe most of the people who accuse others of being antisemitic, do so just to silence that criticism of Israel. Because they have no legitimate argument with which to defend Israeli atrocities.
You speak the truth.
I do not believe Israel is this sacred cow you can't criticize. I also believe most of the people who accuse others of being antisemitic, do so just to silence that criticism of Israel. Because they have no legitimate argument with which to defend Israeli atrocities.
what atrocities?
When we think about the actual violence and killing of Jews in ww2 …. For people to suggest that jews Are in danger today is very misguided.

I’m not blaming regular citizens, but the powerful people like Ben Shapiro and mark levin for hyping up this nonsense about “left wing antisemitism”….again these are marijuana addicted hippies they are powerless.

Israel has killed 30,000 Palestinians… in any war there will be civilian casualties… no country including the Muslim ones are attacking Israel in response.
you consider bombardment from Lebanon and Gaza and Yemen---"not attacking"? I am fascinated. How about we situate you on a hill
top in Haifa? bring the kids.
It took the Muslims 200 years to destroy the Crusader States, but they were destroyed eventually.
At the time Arab civilization was more advanced than European civilization. The Arabs never recovered from the Mongol conquests of the thirteenth century. History has passed the Arabs by. It is not coming back.

The only reason Arabs have any significance now is that some Arabs have oil under their sand. When the West develops environmentally benign and cost effective alternatives to petroleum Arabs will be of little significance, and the Palestinians will matter less.

As the world technology becomes more complex Jews will become more intelligent because of their superior intelligence.

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