Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

I wear out my welcome? But what about me wears out my welcome? I thought we were taking religion out of it.

Maybe the problem is that people are choosing to be pissed off by people's mere existence and they need to calm down and let people live. But hey, why blame the haters when it is easier to pick on the victims...

No, the problem really is a religion where you think you are the chosen, everyone else is a "gentile' or "goyim", and it's okay to cheat them out of land or money.

Take Palestine. The LIE of Zionism is "A land without a people for a people without a land." Except there were people there. They just had to be cheated out of their land. And funny thing, 80 years later, they are still pissed about it.
Are they calling for the death of Jews or the life of Palestinians?

I'm not a big fan of rabid nationalism.
they are calling for the death of jews----read the koran, read transcripts of
Khutbah Jumaats---or just the writings of muslims, talk to jews who escaped
Shariah shit holes
Of course l do.

What a stupid question.

Seems you don’t.
I was in Asir when the moved Saudi villages back from the border. Yemen has always been impoverished and least since I was a kid. The Saudis and the UAE have been helping them for six decades with schools, hospitals and clinics, food, clean water.
No, the problem really is a religion where you think you are the chosen, everyone else is a "gentile' or "goyim", and it's okay to cheat them out of land or money.
Then the problem is that you don't understand Judaism and are imposing your mistaken ideas and then blaming others for those ideas.
Take Palestine. The LIE of Zionism is "A land without a people for a people without a land." Except there were people there. They just had to be cheated out of their land. And funny thing, 80 years later, they are still pissed about it.
There were people there but there wasn't a people there. Land was purchased (at inflated prices) and other land was abandoned (and protected by Israeli law for a time) because Arab leaders encouraged people to leave. Strangely, while in any other situation, people are accepted into other countries, the Arab neighbors refused to patriate displaced Arabs. You need to learn basic history.
they are calling for the death of jews----read the koran, read transcripts of
Khutbah Jumaats---or just the writings of muslims, talk to jews who escaped
Shariah shit holes
It is absolutely disgraceful that Schumer, a Jew, is selling out Israel and siding with the antisemitic Muslims in Michigan in order to get their votes. He’s a present-day Kapo.
There were people there but there wasn't a people there. Land was purchased (at inflated prices) and other land was abandoned (and protected by Israeli law for a time) because Arab leaders encouraged people to leave. Strangely, while in any other situation, people are accepted into other countries, the Arab neighbors refused to patriate displaced Arabs. You need to learn basic history.
You see, you keep telling this lie.

We have Census figures. Muslims were the majority in Palestine all the way up until 1948.
Well, we call it "The Bible".

Me, I stopped taking it seriously when I realized the God portrayed in it isn't someone I wanted in my life. A God who drowns every baby in the world because people made choices he didn't like isn't worth anyone's admiration.
If you had studied it, you be able to see a document explaining the origins of anti-semitism and you would see how you are wrong. Unless you have authentic documentation from the time that supports your contention.
If you had studied it, you be able to see a document explaining the origins of anti-semitism and you would see how you are wrong. Unless you have authentic documentation from the time that supports your contention.
He’s hopeless. His antisemitism is irrational and there’s no educating him. Still, I give you credit for being polite with him - much better than he deserves.
You see, you keep telling this lie.

We have Census figures. Muslims were the majority in Palestine all the way up until 1948.
Yes, there were Arabs living there. Did you mention this to the Ottoman Empire which occupied their land? Or the Mameluks or the British? There was no independent Arab people living there. If you have a problem with all immigration, just say so. The Arabs were immigrants also. Remember, the Jews were exiled from that land.
No, the whole point is, that if it was wrong for the Germans to mistreat the Jews, it is wrong for the Jews to mistreat the Palestinians.

I'm sorry you seem unable to get this.
but it is ok for muslims to murder jews----read the koran and talk to jews
who escaped shariah shit holes----or just learn some history. By happenstance I have been acquainted with people from all over the world--
closely. The fact is that there are no christians or muslims who have not
been brainwashed from childhood to hate jews---BUT I have never
encountered an antisemitic HINDU or BUDDHIST or PARSI (zoroastrian) or
person of the other far eastern religions who spout the filth common on the lips of christians and muslims
It is absolutely disgraceful that Schumer, a Jew, is selling out Israel and siding with the antisemitic Muslims in Michigan in order to get their votes. He’s a present-day Kapo.
I heard his speech and it nauseated me----my sense is that he should
have retired a decade ago and that he is desperate to HOLD ONTO
his career----very desperate---he did it for Biden---Biden is in trouble
You see, you keep telling this lie.

We have Census figures. Muslims were the majority in Palestine all the way up until 1948.
SO? the fact is that most muslims owned no land and historically are BRUTAL INVADERS ----taking land by murder, rape, pillage, enslavement
and gross oppression and GENOCIDE. Learn some history----and btw--- they are still there.
There was no genocide, nor did jews attempt it---but they have---AND
COUNTING ---historically and today.......and counting
I was in Asir when the moved Saudi villages back from the border. Yemen has always been impoverished and least since I was a kid. The Saudis and the UAE have been helping them for six decades with schools, hospitals and clinics, food, clean water.
what is your point? Yemen is a ----according to muslims---an excellent
example of a SHARIAH SOCIETY----new converts spend time there to
"EXPERIENCE ISLAM"----even Saudi arabia does not meet the mark in the
opinion of some fervent muslims. That you missed this interesting
phenomenon ----fascinates me.
If you had studied it, you be able to see a document explaining the origins of anti-semitism and you would see how you are wrong. Unless you have authentic documentation from the time that supports your contention.
12 years of Catholic School, I've had more exposure to the BIg Book of Fairy Tales than I could ever want.

Of course, the Jews are very good at playing the victim. But the way I read the bible, they were stealing other people's land back then. The Midianites, Moabites, Ammonites, Philistines (whom we get the word Palestine from), and my personal favorite, the Amelekites.

He’s hopeless. His antisemitism is irrational and there’s no educating him. Still, I give you credit for being polite with him - much better than he deserves.
Naw, I just reject your religion, because it's stupid.
12 years of Catholic School, I've had more exposure to the BIg Book of Fairy Tales than I could ever want.

Of course, the Jews are very good at playing the victim. But the way I read the bible, they were stealing other people's land back then. The Midianites, Moabites, Ammonites, Philistines (whom we get the word Palestine from), and my personal favorite, the Amelekites.

Naw, I just reject your religion, because it's stupid.
Nothing wrong with Jewish people. But, the Israeli government stinks.
they are calling for the death of jews----read the koran, read transcripts of
Khutbah Jumaats---or just the writings of muslims, talk to jews who escaped
Shariah shit holes
The Meccan Jews tried to kill Muhammad.

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