Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

wrong on linguistics---the word "palestine" does refer to PHILISTINE----
"phleshti" is a person FROM phlestia. Herodotus used the word---maybe
it seemed more GREEK to him or could be written easily in Greek or it
PLACE ---by apollo
Nope. You're being stupid.
Nope. You're being stupid.
no---I am describing the origin of the word---a Greek historian
associated the area with an aegean population that lived therein...
so he adapted a greek appellation and even hooked the whole area
to a place well known to Greeks---SYRIA---also a stop off and colonized
spot for Aegean sea farers.....gee, you are dim. New YORK is----named
for YORK and not SIOUX indians. New Amsterdam is named for
AMSTERDAM and there is no LENLENAPIA. VIRGINIA is named for Elizabeth I ----because she claimed to be a ?? virgin. Somehow
the MANHATTANOE indians got themselves remember on MANHATTAN
ISLAND. Nablus---long ago was named NEOPOLIS---in place of
SHECHEM ----da joooish name. But that nasty P problem changed
it to NABLUS (arabized)
No they weren't.

Before the Zionist Entity, you had Arabs that had lived there for hundreds of years, and a bunch of Europeans resettled there after they wore out their welcome in Europe.

I’ve had enough of you. :bye1:
So let's see. Netanyahu can prop up and enable Hamas, and then he can try wiping out all Palestinans untIl he's satisfied that Hamas is all gone and nobody is suppose to oppose that.
Stealing Palestinian land.
Killing Palestinian Children.

And all of it possible because of the undo influence American Jews have on our politics. The Zionist Entity never would have lasted this long if we didn't support it.

Your religion is not a race.
Your religion is all manner of messed up and believes messed up things.
Too, Israel is a nation, not a race.
What do you mean …….YOU?

Firstly, l wasn’t around 80 years ago. And secondly, the Jews of Germany were not armed. That’s the whole point of where l’m going with this.

Are you alright? :disbelief:
Unarmed, you say?

19 Nov 2015
Palestinian rights groups accused Barkat and other Israeli politicians of “incitement” against Palestinians saying that Palestinians living in occupied East Jerusalem were unarmed and that Barkat was inciting against “an unarmed population living under occupation when asking civilians to carry guns and shoot us”.
Taking out the religious aspect, does it make sense to allow others to chase you from place to place and make you unwelcome anywhere, or at some point do you need to stand up for yourself and say "I have the right to live where I want"?
Then steal some land and treat like shit the people you stole from?

Very sensible.
Has New Zealand been taken over by antisemitic Muslims the way Australia has?
Absolutely. It's all Sharia all the time here now.
Well done!

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