Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

The fury has reached such a frenzy that I’ve been wondering if there’s a deeper motivation at work.

Given that bashing the Jewish state is a lot more acceptable than bashing Jews, Israel provides the ideal instrument to camouflage Jew hatred and maintain a semblance of moral purity.

It’s not hard to imagine, then, a certain pleasure in the hearts of Jew-hating protesters. They may be enraged, but they hardly look sad. Indeed, there’s a kind of thrill in the air that goes beyond the search for justice; a sense of exhilaration, even glee, in joining a mob to go after the world’s most maligned country; a smug contentment that you can put the blame for some much evil on one group.

But if Jew hatred feels so good to haters, what does that mean for our goal to end Jew hatred? For starters, it means being realistic. Pleasure is a tough nut to crack. The usual tactics of education and condemnation can’t compete with visceral satisfaction.

A complicated issue.

You have anti-Semites who want to attack without seeming to click the buzzwords for being an anti-Semite.

You have the Zionists who will use the Holocaust and use it to try and control their side of the issue.
You have the Zionists who will use the Holocaust and use it to try and control their side of the issue.

I’ve not noticed that.

There’s an issue?

Zionist is a politically correct term for Jew, which braindead “know-it-alls” use, when they don’t know what it really means.
I’ve not noticed that.

There’s an issue?

Zionist is a politically correct term for Jew, which braindead “know-it-alls” use, when they don’t know what it really means.

A "Zionist" is a person who promotes or wants the idea of a Jewish state in Zion, which is a loose term for Israel/Jerusalem that kind of area.

Both sides are using the issue as a power issue. Jews to gain power to survive and thrive and others to put down Jews because hatred is a good way of getting ahead in politics.
A "Zionist" is a person who promotes or wants the idea of a Jewish state in Zion, which is a loose term for Israel/Jerusalem that kind of area.

Both sides are using the issue as a power issue. Jews to gain power to survive and thrive and others to put down Jews because hatred is a good way of getting ahead in politics.

^ No discussion to be had.
^ No discussion to be had.

That's the problem with looking at issues sensibly and being informed. It'd have been more exciting had I just made stuff up.

"Jews are made from plastic and produced en masse in China"....
That's the problem with looking at issues sensibly and being informed. It'd have been more exciting had I just made stuff up.

"Jews are made from plastic and produced en masse in China"....

You talk as though they are a commodity.

Who do you think you are?
that ghettos? what concentration camps?
You know, those ghettos with terrorists that need to be cleansed one way or another
Sure. One of the other crazed desert religions is just what I need.
the subject of this thread is "the dark secret of jew hatred"---
It ain't "dark" It's obvious to anyone who knows christianity and
Islam. I have never encountered a HINDU, PARSI (zoroastrian) Buddhist,
or anyone of them thar chinese religions who hated jews (I have encountered
many such people. ALL--(that is ALL) christians and muslims are taught by
those who teach them their religions----TO HATE JEWS ----a few give it up

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