The Data Is In — Stop the Panic, End the Isolation

With less than 2% of the population tested the data is in? Explain that one to me
They have already run studies to see if the number of tested folks accurately reflects the number of infected population.

In short?

It doesn't.

(see video description for studies.)
With less than 2% of the population tested the data is in? Explain that one to me
They have already run studies to see if the number of tested folks accurately reflects the number of infected population.

In short?

It doesn't.

(see video description for studies.)

I know it doesn’t. Everyone knows that. The only people that could get a test were people who were very sick. As we test people who aren’t exhibiting extreme symptoms and no symptoms the number of cases will be higher and the case mortality rate will decrease. We need more data to come to a conclusion on the death rate and to see how infectious this virus is.
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Empirical fact and data based analysis.
Actually an OPINION piece!!!!!
It says so right at the top:
Right. Rooted in empirical data and facts. Unless the process is employed it can only be opinion.
Like the opinion based on models that put us in this ridiculous counterproductive predicament.
Get it?
Its not an opinion if its rooted in facts. Its a fact.
Empirical fact and data based analysis.
Actually an OPINION piece!!!!!
It says so right at the top:
Right. Rooted in empirical data and facts. Unless the process is employed it can only be opinion.
Like the opinion based on models that put us in this ridiculous counterproductive predicament.
Get it?
Its not an opinion if its rooted in facts. Its a fact.
It’s still theory which is educated opinion. Rooted in facts.
With less than 2% of the population tested the data is in? Explain that one to me
They have already run studies to see if the number of tested folks accurately reflects the number of infected population.

In short?

It doesn't.

(see video description for studies.)

I know it doesn’t. Everyone knows that. The only people that could get a test were people who were very sick. As we test people who aren’t exhibiting extreme symptoms and no symptoms the number of cases will be higher and the case mortality rate will decrease. We need more data to come to a conclusion on the death rate and to see how infectious this virus is.

Scientists have already run the data.

They don't need to "do tests" on folks to do studies.

They HAVE TO run random samples of the population, and run antibody tests, in order to get a true picture of just how many folks have been infected. . . not just those that are coming forward to get "tested."

And they have. These studies have been concluded. The government officials, and the corporate owned TEE VEE is lying to you about the severity of this whole thing. You either read the studies, or you don't know shit.
I wouldn't get to cozy the real thing is coming and just think MW won't be able to post enough information leaving most clueless to the truth lmfao....... This time though ppl are going to drop dead like flies. It's called the 2nd wave is coming for you..

It's starting in the news already--- " could covid 19 be worse the 2nd time -- COVIDE 19 causing heart attacks lmfao gawd some of youu are to fkn dumb.

It won't always say " 2nd wave either" ding dongs--- It will be multiple other hints dropped to you blind ass dip sticks....d
View attachment 329057
Just today the CDC released 6 new symptoms of the Wuhan Flu
Now it seems any sort of malaise will get your status changed to Corona virus Infected.
Why is Trump so weak that he can't just "own the libs" and open back up the country??

Is his authority more total than Pelosi, Obama and the Satanic dems?
With less than 2% of the population tested the data is in? Explain that one to me
They have already run studies to see if the number of tested folks accurately reflects the number of infected population.

In short?

It doesn't.

(see video description for studies.)

I know it doesn’t. Everyone knows that. The only people that could get a test were people who were very sick. As we test people who aren’t exhibiting extreme symptoms and no symptoms the number of cases will be higher and the case mortality rate will decrease. We need more data to come to a conclusion on the death rate and to see how infectious this virus is.

Scientists have already run the data.

They don't need to "do tests" on folks to do studies.

They HAVE TO run random samples of the population, and run antibody tests, in order to get a true picture of just how many folks have been infected. . . not just those that are coming forward to get "tested."

And they have. These studies have been concluded. The government officials, and the corporate owned TEE VEE is lying to you about the severity of this whole thing. You either read the studies, or you don't know shit.

So corporations are purposely closing down the economy and dropping their stock value just for kicks??
With less than 2% of the population tested the data is in? Explain that one to me
They have already run studies to see if the number of tested folks accurately reflects the number of infected population.

In short?

It doesn't.

(see video description for studies.)

I know it doesn’t. Everyone knows that. The only people that could get a test were people who were very sick. As we test people who aren’t exhibiting extreme symptoms and no symptoms the number of cases will be higher and the case mortality rate will decrease. We need more data to come to a conclusion on the death rate and to see how infectious this virus is.

Scientists have already run the data.

They don't need to "do tests" on folks to do studies.

They HAVE TO run random samples of the population, and run antibody tests, in order to get a true picture of just how many folks have been infected. . . not just those that are coming forward to get "tested."

And they have. These studies have been concluded. The government officials, and the corporate owned TEE VEE is lying to you about the severity of this whole thing. You either read the studies, or you don't know shit.

So corporations are purposely closing down the economy and dropping their stock value just for kicks??

If I explained to you the reality of what was really going on, you would launch a host of ad hominem attacks at me and deny the reality of it.

From my POV? Media sources on the left, AND the right, who are independent of the establishment, are now ALL starting to sing the same tune.


From the right, distant from power on this issue, Lew Rockwell;

From the left, distant from power on this issue, OffGuardian;

Recent video from one of the main journalists at Mint Press news, they tend to be a tad Green-Socialist (but mostly? a free thinker);

Recent video from Corbett Report, he tends to be a tad Anarcho-Capitalist (but mostly? a free thinker);

The upshot?

All of the elites (CEO's, celebrities, oligarchs, foundation heads, spooks, etc.) are trying to engineer a one world technocracy, so the little people, the plebes, are not a threat to their power, or their perceived continued rule over the planet.

Sure, short term loss of stock profits now, total monopolistic control over the market forever.

I wouldn't get to cozy the real thing is coming and just think MW won't be able to post enough information leaving most clueless to the truth lmfao....... This time though ppl are going to drop dead like flies. It's called the 2nd wave is coming for you..

It's starting in the news already--- " could covid 19 be worse the 2nd time -- COVIDE 19 causing heart attacks lmfao gawd some of youu are to fkn dumb.

It won't always say " 2nd wave either" ding dongs--- It will be multiple other hints dropped to you blind ass dip sticks....d
View attachment 329057
Thanks MW.

Yeah, I read an article in Natural News that I believe might have been under a DoS attack, or had some bugs that would not let it be viewed in some browsers? Not sure, my friend had trouble getting to view that specific article too.

That Corbett video warning about the future paradigm that was roll played in Event201 is about a second wave. Whether these coming deaths are real, or on paper, the psychological affect will be tangible on the public psyche.

That video I just posted from the Corbett Report in the above post, talks about the coming second wave. . . and third, and etc.
I wouldn't get to cozy the real thing is coming and just think MW won't be able to post enough information leaving most clueless to the truth lmfao....... This time though ppl are going to drop dead like flies. It's called the 2nd wave is coming for you..

It's starting in the news already--- " could covid 19 be worse the 2nd time -- COVIDE 19 causing heart attacks lmfao gawd some of youu are to fkn dumb.

It won't always say " 2nd wave either" ding dongs--- It will be multiple other hints dropped to you blind ass dip sticks....d
View attachment 329057
Thanks MW.

Yeah, I read an article in Natural News that I believe might have been under a DoS attack, or had some bugs that would not let it be viewed in some browsers? Not sure, my friend had trouble getting to view that specific article too.

That Corbett video warning about the future paradigm that was roll played in Event201 is about a second wave. Whether these coming deaths are real, or on paper, the psychological affect will be tangible on the public psyche.

That video I just posted from the Corbett Report in the above post, talks about the coming second wave. . . and third, and etc.

Sorry to hear about your DOS issue. I've had that too it was on here only though the page wouldn't display etc..
(on here meaning the USMB site).

The psychological effects omg these issues will be off the charts . 911 will be a cake walk. Pppl are already OCDing over hand washing and all this bs that freak them out..

Well you be safe and keep your shelves stocked. & Soon.
I wouldn't get to cozy the real thing is coming and just think MW won't be able to post enough information leaving most clueless to the truth lmfao....... This time though ppl are going to drop dead like flies. It's called the 2nd wave is coming for you..

It's starting in the news already--- " could covid 19 be worse the 2nd time -- COVIDE 19 causing heart attacks lmfao gawd some of youu are to fkn dumb.

It won't always say " 2nd wave either" ding dongs--- It will be multiple other hints dropped to you blind ass dip sticks....d
View attachment 329057
Thanks MW.

Yeah, I read an article in Natural News that I believe might have been under a DoS attack, or had some bugs that would not let it be viewed in some browsers? Not sure, my friend had trouble getting to view that specific article too.

That Corbett video warning about the future paradigm that was roll played in Event201 is about a second wave. Whether these coming deaths are real, or on paper, the psychological affect will be tangible on the public psyche.

That video I just posted from the Corbett Report in the above post, talks about the coming second wave. . . and third, and etc.

Sorry to hear about your DOS issue. I've had that too it was on here only though the page wouldn't display etc..
(on here meaning the USMB site).

The psychological effects omg these issues will be off the charts . 911 will be a cake walk. Pppl are already OCDing over hand washing and all this bs that freak them out..

Well you be safe and keep your shelves stocked. & Soon.
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