The Deagle forecast.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023

You have to keep putting it out there even if no one appears to be listening. Sometimes it seems like you are in a petri dish as part of a failed experiment and the conductors of the experiment have decided to end the experiment by wiping the slate clean and starting over. You have read the Deagle forecast for 2025 strongly suggesting that European caucasians will be culled significantly from the world population in order to achieve some great change in the direction of human existance.

Your hope is that the forecast is just a group blowing smoke where the Sun don't shine, but that group has a credibility that is alarming. You know its possible that a valid warning could be hiding in the midst of all the noise that's out there. Things don't seem quite right. You watched the last presidential election in the United States corrupted, rigged, and stolen, right before the eyes of the people. You watch as millions of foreign interlopers are ushered across porous borders and into the heart of the country. Again, it is not hidden, it's done right out in the open. There is no coherent explanation for what is happening other than if you oppose or criticize it you are a conspiracy nut, a white supermicist, and a traitor that deserves to have a livelihood snatched away.

You know a great pandemic swept the globe that had mysterious origins just in time to provide cover for a stooge presidency in the most powerful country in Earth's history. Irefutable evidence surfaced that the installed leader is a lifetime political crook but the reaction of half the country is to put his main opponent in jail. You watch innocent Jewish children slaughtered and public sentiment is that the Jews are bad!

You know that millions of Americans now carry a genetic load of mRNA in their bodies. You watch hapless, masked Covidian human robots in public places lining up for caskets.

What do you think about the Deagle forecast or are you too afraid to say?
The cream always rises to the top. Human kind is long overdue for a huge dose of chlorine, in the gene pool...
You watched the last presidential election in the United States corrupted, rigged, and stolen, right before the eyes of the people.
You were doing fine until this.

You are a conspiracy theorist.

You have to keep putting it out there even if no one appears to be listening. Sometimes it seems like you are in a petri dish as part of a failed experiment and the conductors of the experiment have decided to end the experiment by wiping the slate clean and starting over. You have read the Deagle forecast for 2025 strongly suggesting that European caucasians will be culled significantly from the world population in order to achieve some great change in the direction of human existance.

Your hope is that the forecast is just a group blowing smoke where the Sun don't shine, but that group has a credibility that is alarming. You know its possible that a valid warning could be hiding in the midst of all the noise that's out there. Things don't seem quite right. You watched the last presidential election in the United States corrupted, rigged, and stolen, right before the eyes of the people. You watch as millions of foreign interlopers are ushered across porous borders and into the heart of the country. Again, it is not hidden, it's done right out in the open. There is no coherent explanation for what is happening other than if you oppose or criticize it you are a conspiracy nut, a white supermicist, and a traitor that deserves to have a livelihood snatched away.

You know a great pandemic swept the globe that had mysterious origins just in time to provide cover for a stooge presidency in the most powerful country in Earth's history. Irefutable evidence surfaced that the installed leader is a lifetime political crook but the reaction of half the country is to put his main opponent in jail. You watch innocent Jewish children slaughtered and public sentiment is that the Jews are bad!

You know that millions of Americans now carry a genetic load of mRNA in their bodies. You watch hapless, masked Covidian human robots in public places lining up for caskets.

What do you think about the Deagle forecast or are you too afraid to say?

What a load of horseshit. Nobody is dying because the got the covid vaccine.

I live in a town of 6000. Almost 5000 of the people living in this town have been vaccinated for covid. Number of deaths from the vaccine - ZERO.

Canadians are 80% vaccinated. Nearly 100 million shots have been administered.

  • A total of 99,034,764 vaccine doses have been administered in Canada as of September 15, 2023, including 9,611,886 bivalent doses
    • Of these, 947 were following a bivalent vaccine, of which 692 were considered non-serious (0.007% of bivalent COVID-19 doses administered) and
    • 255 (0.003% of bivalent COVID-19 doses administered) were considered serious.

You have to keep putting it out there even if no one appears to be listening. Sometimes it seems like you are in a petri dish as part of a failed experiment and the conductors of the experiment have decided to end the experiment by wiping the slate clean and starting over. You have read the Deagle forecast for 2025 strongly suggesting that European caucasians will be culled significantly from the world population in order to achieve some great change in the direction of human existance.

Your hope is that the forecast is just a group blowing smoke where the Sun don't shine, but that group has a credibility that is alarming. You know its possible that a valid warning could be hiding in the midst of all the noise that's out there. Things don't seem quite right. You watched the last presidential election in the United States corrupted, rigged, and stolen, right before the eyes of the people. You watch as millions of foreign interlopers are ushered across porous borders and into the heart of the country. Again, it is not hidden, it's done right out in the open. There is no coherent explanation for what is happening other than if you oppose or criticize it you are a conspiracy nut, a white supermicist, and a traitor that deserves to have a livelihood snatched away.

You know a great pandemic swept the globe that had mysterious origins just in time to provide cover for a stooge presidency in the most powerful country in Earth's history. Irefutable evidence surfaced that the installed leader is a lifetime political crook but the reaction of half the country is to put his main opponent in jail. You watch innocent Jewish children slaughtered and public sentiment is that the Jews are bad!

You know that millions of Americans now carry a genetic load of mRNA in their bodies. You watch hapless, masked Covidian human robots in public places lining up for caskets.

What do you think about the Deagle forecast or are you too afraid to say?
Is it bad that people took the Trump vaccine?
Deagle is a respected data analyst ie munitions, armories, weaponry per country. I noticed they had that forecast on their site back in 2019 but then they scrubbed it and took it down.
Deagle is a respected data analyst ie munitions, armories, weaponry per country. I noticed they had that forecast on their site back in 2019 but then they scrubbed it and took it down.
Interesting isn't it?
What a load of horseshit. Nobody is dying because the got the covid vaccine.

I live in a town of 6000. Almost 5000 of the people living in this town have been vaccinated for covid. Number of deaths from the vaccine - ZERO.

Canadians are 80% vaccinated. Nearly 100 million shots have been administered.

  • A total of 99,034,764 vaccine doses have been administered in Canada as of September 15, 2023, including 9,611,886 bivalent doses
    • Of these, 947 were following a bivalent vaccine, of which 692 were considered non-serious (0.007% of bivalent COVID-19 doses administered) and
    • 255 (0.003% of bivalent COVID-19 doses administered
hello Mr Gullible and someone who has no idea what the scientific process is
No, fool. Most people know your post was a complete load of bilge water, and hardly worth responding to.

Actually, I am old enough to remember things without the amnesia of media and government information industries.

Actually, I am old enough to remember things without the amnesia of media and government information industries.

So I am. In fact, I'm old enough that I was given the experimental Polio vaccine when I was a child, that killed over 200 children. What's your point?

Thalidimide happened more than 50 years ago and governments around the world changed the scientific approval and testing methods thereafter so it could never happen again - and it hasn't.


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