The death of Thanksgiving?

Will you shop on Thanksgiviong Day

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And in the Christmas play, I played Mrs. Cratchit. :)


I could see Unkotare playing the part of Scrooge... :eusa_shhh:

Me? You are the only one here who has actually said "Baaaa Humbug."
I'm no Scrooge, I LOVE Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

I have guests and everything.

Ah, you just play one on the internets.

Well, you do it well. :thup:


I believe in my, and others', unfettered right to go shopping, or not..and to work...or their own discretion.

I don't need the government, or progressive pantywaists, to tell me when I should be shopping, working, or what I should be doing on any day of the year. Including Thanksgiving. I'm perfectly capable of making my own choices, thanks.

And I assume that others are as well.
The bottom line is, if the stores were not open on Thanksgiving Day, folks would not miss having those stores open. And would do something else that they might or might not enjoy doing more. But the fact that the stores do open and those in my family having a ball on those holiday shopping expeditions takes absolutely nothing away from those who prefer to stay home.

actually you have that backwards. The bottom line is.... if people did not shop in mass numbers on "holidays",the stores would not open.

No, I had it right. If the stores closed on Thanksgiving, all those who do shop on Thanskgiving would adjust quite nicely and would expect the stores to be closed on Thanksgiving just as they expect most places to be closed on Christmas. I'm probably quite a bit older than you and still remember when they rolled up the sidewalks and pretty well shut down the town on Saturday night and didn't open again until Monday morning. And certainly everything was shut up tighter than a drum on Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day. If we forgot something that we really needed, it was a real scavenger hunt trying to find something open anywhere where we could get it, or to find a shop owner who would take pity on us and let us slip in the back door for a minute.

But the point made, those who don't WANT to close on Thanksgiving and who WANT to shop on Thanksgiving are not crass, evil, greedy, selfish people or corrupting the morals of children just because they do that.

I say live and let live. Do Thanksgiving the way we prefer to do Thanksgiving, and don't get all bent out of shape if others want to do something different.

oh i know all about blue laws.... and am quite happy forced religious observances are getting round filed into the past.

agreed.... if you don't want to shop, don't shop. If it is your thing not to work on certain days.... get a job that conforms to you.... don't try and make your job accommodate you.

actually you have that backwards. The bottom line is.... if people did not shop in mass numbers on "holidays",the stores would not open.

No, I had it right. If the stores closed on Thanksgiving, all those who do shop on Thanskgiving would adjust quite nicely and would expect the stores to be closed on Thanksgiving just as they expect most places to be closed on Christmas. I'm probably quite a bit older than you and still remember when they rolled up the sidewalks and pretty well shut down the town on Saturday night and didn't open again until Monday morning. And certainly everything was shut up tighter than a drum on Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day. If we forgot something that we really needed, it was a real scavenger hunt trying to find something open anywhere where we could get it, or to find a shop owner who would take pity on us and let us slip in the back door for a minute.

But the point made, those who don't WANT to close on Thanksgiving and who WANT to shop on Thanksgiving are not crass, evil, greedy, selfish people or corrupting the morals of children just because they do that.

I say live and let live. Do Thanksgiving the way we prefer to do Thanksgiving, and don't get all bent out of shape if others want to do something different.

oh i know all about blue laws.... and am quite happy forced religious observances are getting round filed into the past.

agreed.... if you don't want to shop, don't shop. If it is your thing not to work on certain days.... get a job that conforms to you.... don't try and make your job accommodate you.

The time I'm referring to predated the blue laws which were a whole other thing.

The time I'm referring to was the cultural norm, the expectation of the community. A way of life. Was it likely born of religious customs or based on some notion of resting on the Sabbath? Probably, but we didn't look at it like that. And certainly there was no requirement that folks go to church on Sunday though probably the majority did. There was no law that folks couldn't open businesses on Sunday. They just didn't.

I don't remember when the first business decided to open up for a few hours on Sunday afternoon, but soon there were a few places we could go out and get a hamburger or buy an ice cream cone or pack of gum. Then others. And soon weekend business became the norm but it didn't come about all at once but morphed over decades. And still we think nothing of it when some businesses continue to close on Sundays and Holidays. Even government at all levels still closes on Sunday and usually on Saturday too. Despite silly notions of separation of Church and State.

I wonder how much market share Chick-fil-a loses by closing on Sundays when all their competitors are open? I don't know and I imagine they don't care. And power to them for their choice and for not criticizing others who don't make the same choice.

And we are in agreement that the only reasonable point of view is that everybody do what floats their boat on Thanksgiving. Live and let live.
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I'm no Scrooge, I LOVE Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

I have guests and everything.

I love Thanksgiving and Christmas. I adore all the holidays. I just won't be a guest. Woe to the person who imagines they can badger me into disturbing my solitude. It's only happened twice.

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