The death of Thanksgiving?

Will you shop on Thanksgiviong Day

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Foxy, you know I love you, but perhaps you should consider that I HAVE been reading your posts, and that's exactly how you're coming across.

Sorry, hon, but that's NOT what's been said, whether that's what you want to think was said or not.

Sorry, but no. Denigrating someone as "unethical" for being open when you "wish" they were closed IS coercive, and we both know it. Talk about "should" and "shouldn't" seems to always lead that way eventually.

I think you need to be more honest with yourself about which direction Nosmo's conversation, as all such conversations seem to, is going. Look at these quotes as they progress through the thread:

Is this appropriate?
If they come at the expense of yours or the clerk's family, are they really bargains at all?
Should profits trump family?
[T]hey are dragging in their employees.
What happened to "family values"? Does profit trump them?
I posed the question on an ethical basis. (So there we have the first appearance of "opening when I think you shouldn't is unethical".)

And that's all aside from the melodramatic thread title: The DEATH of Thanksgiving.

Weren't you, Foxy?

Christmas has become a materialistic, stressful nightmare for many of us instead of the heartwarming celebration of God and family that it once was. And Nosmo hates to see Thanksgiving going down that same road.

If you're drawing an analogy between Nosmo's demonization of employers for "forcing" employees to work on Thanksgiving and Christmas being materialistic and stressful, doesn't that imply that you blame the materialism and stress on others?

Holidays are what you make of them, and family time as well. Is it nice to have a day off? Sure. Will it jeopardize my family relationships if I don't have one the last Thursday of November, or the 25th of December, or any other particular day on the calendar? No.

I said it before, and it bears repeating: If the necessity of working one lousy day out of the year destroys your family bonding and closeness, JUST because it's listed on the calendar as a "holiday", then I'd say you have a much bigger problem in your life than a mean boss.
The day is scheduled. Everyone knows when Thanksgiving happens. Schools are out. Airlines brace for the flood of travelers. The menu is set. It is a national holiday.

Kids come home from college, grandkids come home to their grandparents home. Church services are scheduled. A meal is prepared.

But Mom can't be there because the store called her in to work. Dad can't be there because his second job (taken just to make ends meet) said he has to work. The erosion of the holiday has begun.

This erosion won't destroy the family in the short term. But it will destroy the holiday in the long term. And that puts another dent in "family values". For all the hew and cry about "family values" from the Right, we now see what "family values" means to them. It does not mean valuing the family, it means valuing the job, the paycheck, the business community.

God help us all while we become more enamored of money than family.

Bullshit. The erosion of American families can not be laid at the door of hard work. That is ridiculous. Americans have always worked hard, all hours, all days, at all sorts of different jobs, and we built a strong nation on that back breaking labor.

The erosion of families has taken place due to the insidious de-valuing of the traditional American family, the erosion of industry, the insistence that people should not have to work yet still be afforded a luxurious living, the removal and derision of the stay at home mom, the subsidizing of depraved and destructive lifestyles.

Families where both parents work hard in order to advance their families position, regardless of the days they work, are much, much stronger than those families where one or two parents refuse to work because they think the world owes them something.

Uh... he's not laying the blame at the door of hard work. Not at all; that would indeed be ridiculous He's laying it at the endless pursuit of the material over the human.

Wiser wags than we have noted that we do indeed have a national religion in this country and it's the religion of money. Or commodity fetishism to apply here. That's by nature self-centred and its cost is the social structure.

I believe that's Nosmo's point. And he's right. When gazing at one's iPad is more important than looking up to the eyes of the person sitting next to you --- it's already started.

hear that..... rolls, lots of rolls. :)

Ask and ye shall receive:


I like dipping rolls in the mashed potatoes and gravy.:eusa_angel:

Who doesn't like that?


I also like putting some cornbread stuffing and cranberry sauce on top, and then dipping in gravy.
While again I can appreciate where Nosmo is coming from, I still think he isn't seeing the larger picture.

Where is it written that the Thanksgiving observance HAS to be celebrated in a particular way, at a particular time of day, or even on a particular day? When I was still working for hospitals I often pulled holiday duty and I didn't mind it. Nor did my family. We just rearranged our schedule to accomodate it. It took absolutely nothing away from the family. Or the celebration. And to assume that those working in retail are somehow unable to schedule around a holiday shift and must forego family and observance of the holiday, is just absurd.

If Thanksgiving goes away, it is because people CHOOSE not to observe it, and it will not be because a family member was scheduled to work that day. There are many factors in America that are eroding the traditional family, but working for honest wages is not one of them.
While again I can appreciate where Nosmo is coming from, I still think he isn't seeing the larger picture.

Where is it written that the Thanksgiving observance HAS to be celebrated in a particular way, at a particular time of day, or even on a particular day? When I was still working for hospitals I often pulled holiday duty and I didn't mind it. Nor did my family. We just rearranged our schedule to accomodate it. It took absolutely nothing away from the family. Or the celebration. And to assume that those working in retail are somehow unable to schedule around a holiday shift and must forego family and observance of the holiday, is just absurd.

If Thanksgiving goes away, it is because people CHOOSE not to observe it, and it will not be because a family member was scheduled to work that day. There are many factors in America that are eroding the traditional family, but working for honest wages is not one of them.

The one thing that threatens thanksgiving more than anything is the insistence of leftwing yahoos that it's a holiday that celebrates the Decimation of the American Indian Population.

Which of course it isn't now, and never has been.
The day is scheduled. Everyone knows when Thanksgiving happens. Schools are out. Airlines brace for the flood of travelers. The menu is set. It is a national holiday.

Kids come home from college, grandkids come home to their grandparents home. Church services are scheduled. A meal is prepared.

But Mom can't be there because the store called her in to work. Dad can't be there because his second job (taken just to make ends meet) said he has to work. The erosion of the holiday has begun.

This erosion won't destroy the family in the short term. But it will destroy the holiday in the long term. And that puts another dent in "family values". For all the hew and cry about "family values" from the Right, we now see what "family values" means to them. It does not mean valuing the family, it means valuing the job, the paycheck, the business community.

God help us all while we become more enamored of money than family.

Bullshit. The erosion of American families can not be laid at the door of hard work. That is ridiculous. Americans have always worked hard, all hours, all days, at all sorts of different jobs, and we built a strong nation on that back breaking labor.

The erosion of families has taken place due to the insidious de-valuing of the traditional American family, the erosion of industry, the insistence that people should not have to work yet still be afforded a luxurious living, the removal and derision of the stay at home mom, the subsidizing of depraved and destructive lifestyles.

Families where both parents work hard in order to advance their families position, regardless of the days they work, are much, much stronger than those families where one or two parents refuse to work because they think the world owes them something.

Uh... he's not laying the blame at the door of hard work. Not at all; that would indeed be ridiculous He's laying it at the endless pursuit of the material over the human.

Wiser wags than we have noted that we do indeed have a national religion in this country and it's the religion of money. Or commodity fetishism to apply here. That's by nature self-centred and its cost is the social structure.

I believe that's Nosmo's point. And he's right. When gazing at one's iPad is more important than looking up to the eyes of the person sitting next to you --- it's already started.

When you maintain that people should be happy with less, and tell them to work less in order to be *better* people; while at the same time ridiculing and attacking the traditions that contribute to strong, healthy families and jeer at and condemn anyone who dares to WANT to get ahead via hard work, you are eroding our value system. When you tell employers that they have no right to produce a commodity, that they have no right to offer work to willing citizens, that they must shut their doors at your behest, you are eroding the American family.

Men and women who are willing to put in extra hours in order to get their families ahead are NOT eroding the fabric of the American family. The people who maintain that working to earn money is selfish and should be discouraged, however, are eroding the fabric of the American family.

And raising up a whole population of criminally minded welfare recipients to replace them.

Heh. Wait...that's already history.

The American family has traditionally been hard working, willing to sacrifice, and conscious of the possibility and the likelihood of advancement if they are willing to work. What you maintain is that there should be no opportunity for advancement, that everybody must stay at the same level, that all industry must be controlled and restrained...and we should all grub along and be happy about our lot.

Which is, of course, the most anti-American philosophy that exists.
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While again I can appreciate where Nosmo is coming from, I still think he isn't seeing the larger picture.

Where is it written that the Thanksgiving observance HAS to be celebrated in a particular way, at a particular time of day, or even on a particular day? When I was still working for hospitals I often pulled holiday duty and I didn't mind it. Nor did my family. We just rearranged our schedule to accomodate it. It took absolutely nothing away from the family. Or the celebration. And to assume that those working in retail are somehow unable to schedule around a holiday shift and must forego family and observance of the holiday, is just absurd.

If Thanksgiving goes away, it is because people CHOOSE not to observe it, and it will not be because a family member was scheduled to work that day. There are many factors in America that are eroding the traditional family, but working for honest wages is not one of them.

Not when you dress it up like that, certainly not. But there's a chasm of difference between "working for honest wages" and "endless pursuit of profit".

Great spin cycle though.
We don't stuff the turkey to make sure it hits 180-85 in the deepest part of the breast. Don't eat the liver or kidneys either....these birds are packed full of steroids and antibiotics. Liver and kidneys collect the residue of what the bird ingests; it's like eating an oil filter.

Still the best is Stove Top but in the can not the box....there's a difference.....add some celery and it beats anything home-made I ever got.

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Bullshit. The erosion of American families can not be laid at the door of hard work. That is ridiculous. Americans have always worked hard, all hours, all days, at all sorts of different jobs, and we built a strong nation on that back breaking labor.

The erosion of families has taken place due to the insidious de-valuing of the traditional American family, the erosion of industry, the insistence that people should not have to work yet still be afforded a luxurious living, the removal and derision of the stay at home mom, the subsidizing of depraved and destructive lifestyles.

Families where both parents work hard in order to advance their families position, regardless of the days they work, are much, much stronger than those families where one or two parents refuse to work because they think the world owes them something.

Uh... he's not laying the blame at the door of hard work. Not at all; that would indeed be ridiculous He's laying it at the endless pursuit of the material over the human.

Wiser wags than we have noted that we do indeed have a national religion in this country and it's the religion of money. Or commodity fetishism to apply here. That's by nature self-centred and its cost is the social structure.

I believe that's Nosmo's point. And he's right. When gazing at one's iPad is more important than looking up to the eyes of the person sitting next to you --- it's already started.

When you maintain that people should be happy with less, and tell them to work less in order to be *better* people; while at the same time ridiculing and attacking the traditions that contribute to strong, healthy families and jeer at and condemn anyone who dares to WANT to get ahead via hard work, you are eroding our value system. When you tell employers that they have no right to produce a commodity, that they have no right to offer work to willing citizens, that they must shut their doors at your behest, you are eroding the American family.

Men and women who are willing to put in extra hours in order to get their families ahead are NOT eroding the fabric of the American family. The people who maintain that working to earn money is selfish and should be discouraged, however, are eroding the fabric of the American family.

And raising up a whole population of criminally minded welfare recipients to replace them.

Heh. Wait...that's already history.

The American family has traditionally been hard working, willing to sacrifice, and conscious of the possibility and the likelihood of advancement if they are willing to work. What you maintain is that there should be no opportunity for advancement, that everybody must stay at the same level, that all industry must be controlled and restrained...and we should all grub along and be happy about our lot.

Which is, of course, the most anti-American philosophy that exists.

I don't know what thread you've been reading but I'm not aware of any denigration of hard work in here, let alone welfare recipients or forcing anybody to do anything. Some of us are just social conservatives. Deal with it.

But I am aware you're trying desperately to inject it. Thank you Princess Buzzkill. :thup:

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We don't stuff the turkey to make sure it hits 180-85 in the deepest part of the breast. Don't eat the liver or heart either....these birds are packed full of steroids and antibiotics. Liver and kidneys collect the residue of what the bird ingests; it's like eating an oil filter.

Still the best is Stove Top but in the can not the box....there's a difference.....add some celery and it beats anything home-made I ever got.

Buy Zacky or Foster Farms, or some other Turkey that is free of that nonsense.

{Butterball Fresh Whole Turkeys are all natural, never frozen, gluten free, and raised without hormones on American farms, giving you the highest quality turkey for your holiday meal. }

Fresh Whole Turkey | Butterball®
While again I can appreciate where Nosmo is coming from, I still think he isn't seeing the larger picture.

Where is it written that the Thanksgiving observance HAS to be celebrated in a particular way, at a particular time of day, or even on a particular day? When I was still working for hospitals I often pulled holiday duty and I didn't mind it. Nor did my family. We just rearranged our schedule to accomodate it. It took absolutely nothing away from the family. Or the celebration. And to assume that those working in retail are somehow unable to schedule around a holiday shift and must forego family and observance of the holiday, is just absurd.

If Thanksgiving goes away, it is because people CHOOSE not to observe it, and it will not be because a family member was scheduled to work that day. There are many factors in America that are eroding the traditional family, but working for honest wages is not one of them.

Not when you dress it up like that, certainly not. But there's a chasm of difference between "working for honest wages" and "endless pursuit of profit".

Great spin cycle though.

Well my good friend who does yeoman's work with the poor, volunteers her time to help folks in a nursing home, and one night a week works with our AWANA kids to ensure they are getting a good start in life, and who loves Thanksgiving and is planning a big family dinner, but who VOLUNTEERED for a shift at Wal-mart on Thanksgiving Day to get the double pay they are offering and that she needs---she would be really impressed that you consider that she is engaged in an 'endless pursuit of profit.'

I suppose you would think she was more noble if she took government assistance to put together that Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving dinner.

God help us if all Americans ever take the approach that they don't need to pursue profits but rather will just hang it up and let the rest of us support them.

Who died and made some God with the moral justification to judge those who are engaged in making an honorable living and earning what they have and paying their own way? There is a world of difference in choosing how you will keep Thanksgiving and presuming to judge others who choose to do it differently.

ARRRRGH!!! Logic like you are using is just so frustrating, even infuriating to me.
Bullshit. The erosion of American families can not be laid at the door of hard work. That is ridiculous. Americans have always worked hard, all hours, all days, at all sorts of different jobs, and we built a strong nation on that back breaking labor.

The erosion of families has taken place due to the insidious de-valuing of the traditional American family, the erosion of industry, the insistence that people should not have to work yet still be afforded a luxurious living, the removal and derision of the stay at home mom, the subsidizing of depraved and destructive lifestyles.

Families where both parents work hard in order to advance their families position, regardless of the days they work, are much, much stronger than those families where one or two parents refuse to work because they think the world owes them something.

Uh... he's not laying the blame at the door of hard work. Not at all; that would indeed be ridiculous He's laying it at the endless pursuit of the material over the human.

Wiser wags than we have noted that we do indeed have a national religion in this country and it's the religion of money. Or commodity fetishism to apply here. That's by nature self-centred and its cost is the social structure.

I believe that's Nosmo's point. And he's right. When gazing at one's iPad is more important than looking up to the eyes of the person sitting next to you --- it's already started.

When you maintain that people should be happy with less, and tell them to work less in order to be *better* people; while at the same time ridiculing and attacking the traditions that contribute to strong, healthy families and jeer at and condemn anyone who dares to WANT to get ahead via hard work, you are eroding our value system. When you tell employers that they have no right to produce a commodity, that they have no right to offer work to willing citizens, that they must shut their doors at your behest, you are eroding the American family.

Men and women who are willing to put in extra hours in order to get their families ahead are NOT eroding the fabric of the American family. The people who maintain that working to earn money is selfish and should be discouraged, however, are eroding the fabric of the American family.

And raising up a whole population of criminally minded welfare recipients to replace them.

Heh. Wait...that's already history.

The American family has traditionally been hard working, willing to sacrifice, and conscious of the possibility and the likelihood of advancement if they are willing to work. What you maintain is that there should be no opportunity for advancement, that everybody must stay at the same level, that all industry must be controlled and restrained...and we should all grub along and be happy about our lot.

Which is, of course, the most anti-American philosophy that exists.
Shouldn't you be out on a ledge somewhere?
While again I can appreciate where Nosmo is coming from, I still think he isn't seeing the larger picture.

Where is it written that the Thanksgiving observance HAS to be celebrated in a particular way, at a particular time of day, or even on a particular day? When I was still working for hospitals I often pulled holiday duty and I didn't mind it. Nor did my family. We just rearranged our schedule to accomodate it. It took absolutely nothing away from the family. Or the celebration. And to assume that those working in retail are somehow unable to schedule around a holiday shift and must forego family and observance of the holiday, is just absurd.

If Thanksgiving goes away, it is because people CHOOSE not to observe it, and it will not be because a family member was scheduled to work that day. There are many factors in America that are eroding the traditional family, but working for honest wages is not one of them.

Not when you dress it up like that, certainly not. But there's a chasm of difference between "working for honest wages" and "endless pursuit of profit".

Great spin cycle though.

Well my good friend who does yeoman's work with the poor, volunteers her time to help folks in a nursing home, and one night a week works with our AWANA kids to ensure they are getting a good start in life, and who loves Thanksgiving and is planning a big family dinner, but who VOLUNTEERED for a shift at Wal-mart on Thanksgiving Day to get the double pay they are offering and that she needs---she would be really impressed that you consider that she is engaged in an 'endless pursuit of profit.'

I suppose you would think she was more noble if she took government assistance to put together that Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving dinner.

God help us if all Americans ever take the approach that they don't need to pursue profits but rather will just hang it up and let the rest of us support them.

Who died and made some God with the moral justification to judge those who are engaged in making an honorable living and earning what they have and paying their own way? There is a world of difference in choosing how you will keep Thanksgiving and presuming to judge others who choose to do it differently.

ARRRRGH!!! Logic like you are using is just so frustrating, even infuriating to me.

Are you genuinely unaware that by "endless pursuit of profit" I refer to the profiteers, not the wage earners?

Look, it really isn't that complex. It's a question of values: is it more important for Wally to join Beaver, Ward and June at the table, or is it more important for Wal-Mart to make yet another million bucks. That's it in a nutshell. Not rocket surgery. Nothing to do with AWANA or hospitals or volunteering or anything else.

Stop trying to make the topic into something it isn't. Koshergrrrr is already on top of that. If you take away her employment she'll have to go on welfare and we'll never hear the end of it.
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We don't stuff the turkey to make sure it hits 180-85 in the deepest part of the breast. Don't eat the liver or heart either....these birds are packed full of steroids and antibiotics. Liver and kidneys collect the residue of what the bird ingests; it's like eating an oil filter.

Still the best is Stove Top but in the can not the box....there's a difference.....add some celery and it beats anything home-made I ever got.

Buy Zacky or Foster Farms, or some other Turkey that is free of that nonsense.

{Butterball Fresh Whole Turkeys are all natural, never frozen, gluten free, and raised without hormones on American farms, giving you the highest quality turkey for your holiday meal. }

Fresh Whole Turkey | Butterball®

I hear ya...I usually buy Butterball but this year the bird came from Wally World...generic brand for 85 cents a pound....had a gravy packet inside that's pretty good....yeah, we already ate most of it.

I'll buy another two next Wednesday when the markets get nervous and cut the price even further to get the come-lately traffic that turns up. They loss-leader the bird to draw you in for the kill on the rest of it....olives sure have shrunk....even the jumbos are tiny these days....and Del Monte quit making those jars of spiced peach halves we always least where I've looked.

I'm too old to run more than 2 miles a day so I don't get pie anymore. :(
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I don't know what thread you've been reading but I'm not aware of any denigration of hard work in here, let alone welfare recipients or forcing anybody to do anything. Some of us are just social conservatives. Deal with it.

But I am aware you're trying desperately to inject it. Thank you Princess Buzzkill. :thup:

I'm curious Pogo, what do you figure, there will be 2-300 people on staff to serve our Royal master his holiday feast?

While it is clearly wrong of Walmart to have employees work on Thanksgiving, I'm sure it is holy and good to have hundreds of people working on Thanksgiving to wait on Obama hand and foot, yes?

Obama Celebrates Thanksgiving At White House With Family
Not when you dress it up like that, certainly not. But there's a chasm of difference between "working for honest wages" and "endless pursuit of profit".

Great spin cycle though.

Well my good friend who does yeoman's work with the poor, volunteers her time to help folks in a nursing home, and one night a week works with our AWANA kids to ensure they are getting a good start in life, and who loves Thanksgiving and is planning a big family dinner, but who VOLUNTEERED for a shift at Wal-mart on Thanksgiving Day to get the double pay they are offering and that she needs---she would be really impressed that you consider that she is engaged in an 'endless pursuit of profit.'

I suppose you would think she was more noble if she took government assistance to put together that Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving dinner.

God help us if all Americans ever take the approach that they don't need to pursue profits but rather will just hang it up and let the rest of us support them.

Who died and made some God with the moral justification to judge those who are engaged in making an honorable living and earning what they have and paying their own way? There is a world of difference in choosing how you will keep Thanksgiving and presuming to judge others who choose to do it differently.

ARRRRGH!!! Logic like you are using is just so frustrating, even infuriating to me.

Are you genuinely unaware that by "endless pursuit of profit" I refer to the profiteers, not the wage earners?

Look, it really isn't that complex. It's a question of values: is it more important for Wally to join Beaver, Ward and June at the table, or is it more important for Wal-Mart to make yet another million bucks. That's it in a nutshell. Not rocket surgery. Nothing to do with AWANA or hospitals or volunteering or anything else.

Stop trying to make the topic into something it isn't. Koshergrrrr is already on top of that. If you take away her employment she'll have to go on welfare and we'll never hear the end of it.

And why is the wage earner more noble when he or she works on a holiday than is the business owner who gives him/her the opportunity to do so? That is why I could never be a leftist. I don't see the business owners as evil, merciless, greedy, hateful merchants of profit. I see them as essential to a free society and necessary for that society to function and prosper. And if their extra profits allow them to offer their people extra pay or opportunity or more in wages and/or benefits, who are you to accuse them of being 'endless pursuers of profit?' (Which you clearly meant as a perjorative term.) God help us all if they ever stop pursueing profits because we'll become a miserable third world country really fast.

Thanks to a corrupt, lying, and unethical government, most folks working in retail greatly covet more hours, not more time off. Focus your attention there and not on the honest business owner who is running a business that provides opportunity and wages to people who choose to work for him.
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I don't know what thread you've been reading but I'm not aware of any denigration of hard work in here, let alone welfare recipients or forcing anybody to do anything. Some of us are just social conservatives. Deal with it.

But I am aware you're trying desperately to inject it. Thank you Princess Buzzkill. :thup:

I'm curious Pogo, what do you figure, there will be 2-300 people on staff to serve our Royal master his holiday feast?

While it is clearly wrong of Walmart to have employees work on Thanksgiving, I'm sure it is holy and good to have hundreds of people working on Thanksgiving to wait on Obama hand and foot, yes?

Obama Celebrates Thanksgiving At White House With Family
Stupid point! Do ya suppose Nancy microwaved a turkey Hot Pocket for Ronny?
We don't stuff the turkey to make sure it hits 180-85 in the deepest part of the breast. Don't eat the liver or heart either....these birds are packed full of steroids and antibiotics. Liver and kidneys collect the residue of what the bird ingests; it's like eating an oil filter.

Still the best is Stove Top but in the can not the box....there's a difference.....add some celery and it beats anything home-made I ever got.

Buy Zacky or Foster Farms, or some other Turkey that is free of that nonsense.

{Butterball Fresh Whole Turkeys are all natural, never frozen, gluten free, and raised without hormones on American farms, giving you the highest quality turkey for your holiday meal. }

Fresh Whole Turkey | Butterball®

We always get either a Willie Bird or a Diestel Farms turkey. I have a friend who has converted to Heritage Turkeys, but they are outrageously expensive, imo.
Stupid point! Do ya suppose Nancy microwaved a turkey Hot Pocket for Ronny?

Stupid point because Obama is god, and the 300 people taken away from their families should rejoice at the chance to serve god?

Or are you just caught up in the hypocrisy of the whole thing.

Remember, it is YOU and the other leftists claiming that it is some sort of moral failing for Walmart to expect people to work...

And I'll bet that if they were union, the story would be entirely different....

This whole thread is a pile of shit, the left spewing hate at Walmart for not shoring up the failing and corrupt unions.

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