The Death Rattle Of A Nation

Christ seemed to have no problem with the slaughter of the natives to establish this nation....

The vast majority of deaths by Native Americans was not due to slaughter but disease.

true, but natives were killed by the hands of christian loving humans.

The Indians were doomed by the nature of their blood thirsty civilization...they loved war, mayhem, torture and so on and so forth...they got what they gave...and paid the price for killing innocent children and babies....their own and others....the myth of the innocent children of the forrest lives on only in the delusional mind set of the politically correct...liberals and republicans.
The vast majority of deaths by Native Americans was not due to slaughter but disease.

true, but natives were killed by the hands of christian loving humans.

The Indians were doomed by the nature of their blood thirsty civilization...they loved war, mayhem, torture and so on and so forth...they got what they gave...and paid the price for killing innocent children and babies....their own and others....the myth of the innocent children of the forrest lives on only in the delusional mind set of the politically correct...liberals and republicans.

Killing savages and taking their land and resources is justified because they are not like European "civilized people"? Manifest destiny lives on in the hearts of conservatives everywhere.
true, but natives were killed by the hands of christian loving humans.

The Indians were doomed by the nature of their blood thirsty civilization...they loved war, mayhem, torture and so on and so forth...they got what they gave...and paid the price for killing innocent children and babies....their own and others....the myth of the innocent children of the forrest lives on only in the delusional mind set of the politically correct...liberals and republicans.

Killing savages and taking their land and resources is justified because they are not like European "civilized people"? Manifest destiny lives on in the hearts of conservatives everywhere.

If the Europeans had not come to America do you really believe the Innocent Children of The Forrest and plain...would still be living in harmony with nature and sitting around their camp fires smoking the peace pipe filled with peyote or do you think it possible some other group would have displaced them...was it a sustainable way of life?
Historians agree that the loss of faith was one of the major contributors to the fall of the Roman empire. But they believed in many gods. It wasn't the God who kept them strong. It was the faith they had and the strength of that faith. The Roman religion which has been perverted by excesses, was being replaced by one with a much stronger moral code. It was replaced with Christianity.
true, but natives were killed by the hands of christian loving humans.

The Indians were doomed by the nature of their blood thirsty civilization...they loved war, mayhem, torture and so on and so forth...they got what they gave...and paid the price for killing innocent children and babies....their own and others....the myth of the innocent children of the forrest lives on only in the delusional mind set of the politically correct...liberals and republicans.

Killing savages and taking their land and resources is justified because they are not like European "civilized people"? Manifest destiny lives on in the hearts of conservatives everywhere.

The same thing happened in Europe as well as in Asia.
Those that had better weapons took over in every area of the world.
You can't compare Idol, wrestling, cage fighting, Nascar with gladiators, but they are supported by the redneck right and are another sign of the dumbing down of hater dupe America...
The Indians were doomed by the nature of their blood thirsty civilization...they loved war, mayhem, torture and so on and so forth...they got what they gave...and paid the price for killing innocent children and babies....their own and others....the myth of the innocent children of the forrest lives on only in the delusional mind set of the politically correct...liberals and republicans.

Killing savages and taking their land and resources is justified because they are not like European "civilized people"? Manifest destiny lives on in the hearts of conservatives everywhere.

The same thing happened in Europe as well as in Asia.
Those that had better weapons took over in every area of the world.

I realize all that, it's one thing to talk of past atrocities but to defend them as righteous courses of action is quite another, it signals a willingness to allow militarized atrocity in the future.
The death rattle is that of the white supremacist, nationalist movement
This betrayal of Christ in the name of Christianity is one reason for the moral and spiritual malaise with which this country is afflicted.

Christ seemed to have no problem with the slaughter of the natives to establish this nation....

Negligible, compared to the 55 million unborn slaughtered by abortion 'doctors'.

Plus, those natives gave the white man tobacco, which killed far more than natives killed by white man.
The Subtitle to "Rise and Fall" was "Obama's Transformed America"

We were the Number 1 economy and Super power on the planet, what "transformation" did he have in mind?

Those familiar with the History of the Vietnam Conflict remember a famous line from that period....."In order to save the village--it became necessary to destroy it" or sumptin like dat.

I am sure you git mah drift.

aka..............The liberals are willing to destroy America for what they perceive as 'universalism'....aka to save the global village.

And they call it the "fundamental transformation of America".
This betrayal of Christ in the name of Christianity is one reason for the moral and spiritual malaise with which this country is afflicted.

Christ seemed to have no problem with the slaughter of the natives to establish this nation....

Negligible, compared to the 55 million unborn slaughtered by abortion 'doctors'.

Plus, those natives gave the white man tobacco, which killed far more than natives killed by white man.

They were all people of their times doing things that were typical of 18-19th century European men. There is no need to justify any of it at this late date, there is only to make sure that we have shed the violent urge to occupy new lands, seize it's resources and enslave it's people, then we can truly consider ourselves "civilized".
I also want to know where in the hell is our free circus and gladiatorial fights, not to mention the chariot races with Charlton Heston...?

Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, Monday Night Football, Jerry Springer, Ellen, The View, MSNBC, etc... etc... ring a bell?
Using the Christians as human torches and letting the lions tear them to shreds would have been more fun. Those Romans knew how to throw a party eh?

The Good Old Days...
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The so-called "death rattle" refers to a gurgling sound that individuals often make during the dying process. When people are no longer able to swallow or cough, saliva builds up in the back of the throat and the airways causing a "rattling" sound when air passes through.

The sound many sensitive,discerning and thoughtful politically astute people are hearing from America today is very similar to a 'death rattle'.

The historian Gibbon concluded that there were five reasons for the decline and fall of Rome.

(1) The undermining of the dignity and sanctity of the home, which is the basis of human society.

(2) Higher and higher taxes; the spending of public money for free bread and circuses for the populace.

(3) The mad craze for pleasure; sports becoming every year more exciting, more brutal, more immoral.

(4) The building of great armaments when the great enemy was within; the decay of individual responsibility.

(5) The decay of religion, fading into mere form, losing touch with life, losing power to guide the people.

The first step in a nation's decline is religious apostasy, a turning from the living and true God. The second step downward for a nation is moral awfulness. The third step downward is political anarchy.

A great many people in the United States today think that our problem is in Washington, D.C. — I don't think so. Another group of people feel that if people could be reformed, if we could get people to act nicely, not be violent and not steal, if we could just lift our moral standards, then that would solve our problems. Again, I don't think that is the problem. Very frankly, I believe that the problem in this country is religious apostasy. The problem is out yonder with you and right here with me. The problem is that the church has failed to give God's message. I am not talking about every church or your church necessarily. There are many Bible-teaching churches across this country which have wonderful pastors who are standing for God — and I thank God for them. But the great denominations, by and large, have now departed from the faith. They have come to the place where they no longer give an effective message to the nation. As a result, from this religious apostasy have flowed moral awfulness and political anarchy.

If you think that this is just the wild raving of a fundamentalist, you are wrong. Let me quote an excerpt from an editorial in a major metropolitan newspaper a number of years ago. Speaking of the failure of the churches to present any spiritual message whatsoever, the editorial concluded:

This betrayal of Christ in the name of Christianity is one reason for the moral and spiritual malaise with which this country is afflicted. The melancholy fact is that the churches no longer influence the development of national character. People go to church mainly because of an impulse to participate in a service of worship, not because of any spiritual guidance they expect from the clergyman.

What a note of condemnation this is! This is true not just of our nation but of every nation.

The American people are now on a toboggan hurtling down a ice covered slope on the way to eternal judgement that will assign them to the dustbin of history.

Idolatry is where every great nation has gone off the track. When a nation departs from the living and true God or when it gives up great moral principles which were based on religion, when it goes into idolatry, these factors eventually lead it into gross immorality and into political anarchy.

With apologies to Dr. J. Vernon McGee

The death rattle you hear is the old bitter neo confederate teahadists gasping for air and circling the drain

Actually, you've been saying that since 2008. Such comments as these belie fear and contempt of a far superior and genuine ideology. Might it be that your party is circling the drain?

When the Senate is Republican again in November, the water will have run down the drain, and the sink will only have the scum remaining, which will be wiped 4 years thence.
Christ seemed to have no problem with the slaughter of the natives to establish this nation....

Negligible, compared to the 55 million unborn slaughtered by abortion 'doctors'.

Plus, those natives gave the white man tobacco, which killed far more than natives killed by white man.

They were all people of their times doing things that were typical of 18-19th century European men. There is no need to justify any of it at this late date, there is only to make sure that we have shed the violent urge to occupy new lands, seize it's resources and enslave it's people, then we can truly consider ourselves "civilized".

And there is no need to blame the white man for all the ills of the world.

Maybe if the non-whites on other continents had had the knowledge, the courage and desire for something better and invaded Europe.....?
Negligible, compared to the 55 million unborn slaughtered by abortion 'doctors'.

Plus, those natives gave the white man tobacco, which killed far more than natives killed by white man.

They were all people of their times doing things that were typical of 18-19th century European men. There is no need to justify any of it at this late date, there is only to make sure that we have shed the violent urge to occupy new lands, seize it's resources and enslave it's people, then we can truly consider ourselves "civilized".

And there is no need to blame the white man for all the ills of the world.

Maybe if the non-whites on other continents had had the knowledge, the courage and desire for something better and invaded Europe.....?

Exactly....anytime a discussion of this nature gets underway the p.c./liberals rush in to demonstrate their white guilt..............

White Guilt:

a belief, often subconscious, among white liberals that being white is, in and of itself, a great transgression against the rest of the world for which one must spend their life making atonement. It is often exemplified by embracing the cultures and philosophies of various other ethnic groups while neglecting one's own roots.

Such a pathetic psychological condition is brought about by a ignorance of history to begin with....though other factors are at play.

Most whites who have succumbed to this mind set pick it up in our public schools where they are thoroughly indoctrinated into political correctness.

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