The Debt Ceiling and the Electoral College are dinosaurs!

What is the reason that the Electoral College exists?

The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The Founding Fathers established it in the Constitution, in part, as a compromise between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.

They are dinosaurs that serve no useful economic or political purpose in today's world. What useful purpose do they serve? What do you think?
Wrong on both counts.

The Electoral College proved its worth already.

And the debt ceiling being perpetually ignored is the actual problem. Sorry to burst the libtarded belief you have that a nation can finance everything based on make believe value of its own printed and electronic “money.”
Oh gosh .. you mean . the United States isn't a democracy? Such a great process from our founding fathers who were future proofing the voting process to protect the rural areas.
Imagine their reaction if they lived in a state like Oregon or Washington and were consistently out voted by the major metro areas but still had to obey the laws they didn't help pass. If these fools had their way, America would be ruled over by a handful of urban areas.
The debt ceiling is for paying PAST debt - not FUTURE debt.

We don't need to borrow more to handle old debt.
Trying to explain the concept of "cutting" the budget being ridiculous because the "cuts" are actually only refusing to increase the budget every year, makes them lose their minds.
They are dinosaurs that serve no useful economic or political purpose in today's world. What useful purpose do they serve? What do you think?
well the debt ceiling does serve a useful purpose. It’s suppose to be used as a time for the govt to look at what and how much theg are spending

the electoral college purpose is to elect the president. which we need to run the federal executive
For years when I taught campaigns and elections at Brown University, I defended the Electoral College as an important part of American democracy. I said the founders created the institution to make sure that large states did not dominate small ones in presidential elections, that power between Congress and state legislatures was balanced, and that there would be checks and balances in the constitutional system.

In recent years, though, I have changed my view and concluded it is time to get rid of the Electoral College. In this paper, I explain the history of the Electoral College, why it no longer is a constructive force in American politics, and why it is time to move to the direct popular election of presidents. Several developments have led me to alter my opinion on this institution: income inequality, geographic disparities, and how discrepancies between the popular vote and Electoral College are likely to become more commonplace given economic and geographic inequities. The remainder of this essay outlines why it is crucial to abolish the Electoral College.

Much more at the link below...

It’s time to abolish the Electoral College
For years when I taught campaigns and elections at Brown University, I defended the Electoral College as an important part of American democracy. I said the founders created the institution to make sure that large states did not dominate small ones in presidential elections, that power between Congress and state legislatures was balanced, and that there would be checks and balances in the constitutional system.

In recent years, though, I have changed my view and concluded it is time to get rid of the Electoral College. In this paper, I explain the history of the Electoral College, why it no longer is a constructive force in American politics, and why it is time to move to the direct popular election of presidents. Several developments have led me to alter my opinion on this institution: income inequality, geographic disparities, and how discrepancies between the popular vote and Electoral College are likely to become more commonplace given economic and geographic inequities. The remainder of this essay outlines why it is crucial to abolish the Electoral College.

Much more at the link below...

It’s time to abolish the Electoral College
If you are concerned your political views are going to be stymied in the nation, they won't. Slowed down perhaps, and the excesses of agendas manicured. And the semi-rural and rural areas had more power in the 19th century than the city areas in voting.
Imagine their reaction if they lived in a state like Oregon or Washington and were consistently out voted by the major metro areas but still had to obey the laws they didn't help pass. If these fools had their way, America would be ruled over by a handful of urban areas.
That's actually pretty close to what happened in 2020. Ever seen a map of the counties Quid Pro won vs the ones TRMP! won?
Bill Clinton never got a majority of the popular vote, Simp.
Uh...yeah Smooshy, he did. Twice....


City leftists have always hated the electoral college.....Me, I think it should be vastly expanded so leftist city states can't lord it over the hinterlands......I'd prefer it done by congressional districts.

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