The debt limit!

You couldn't find your own ass with both hands. All you're good for is repeating the shit spoon fed to you on Fox & by the toddlers you help elect. Where were you when drugs were coming accross when Trump was prez who never lifted a finger to address the drug problem in this Country, you moron? As a matter of fact Trump & his mob tried to scuttle the ACA which mandates insurers cover treatment for substance abuse, halfwit. So take your fentanyl rants & wipe your ass with them.

Trump did do something, after all his policies were in place he reduced border crossings by nearly 90%. Of course he had to fight the commies in the House and commie judges, but he got the job done. When Dementia invaded the White House, he reversed all those successful policies. In fact his first day in office, he stopped the wall from being built it was that important to the Communist party to let these invaders in.
We are drilling but Trump shut us down in 2020 which caused those drilling to greatly reduce their drilling, baby...

Only temporarily because gasoline was going too cheap he brought the price down so much. It's been two years now and gasoline is still high; not as high as it was, but much higher than when he took office. Dementia promised an attack of fossil fuels, and he wasn't just talking either.
Or invade a mineral or oil-laden nation under false pretenses and keep us in wars for generations, that is the economics of the GOP.
That isn't the GOP history. Under the ush family it was. However, in the 20th Century the bloodiest wars like WW 1, WW 2, Korea and Viet Nam were Progressive Socialist productions. Trump interrupted something. And now the swampy Joe is back on the track of blood. I know lies exist on all sides. Progs have made it into an art form. For they are on the stage. They emote. The worst middlemen of thievery in human history along with the owners of the fiat printing presses, currency swappers, corrupted traders of products, slave and child sex traders and the murdering despots. And this is the real trickle down that has corrupted a percentage of the peasant class with it at all levels.
That isn't the GOP history. Under the ush family it was. However, in the 20th Century the bloodiest wars like WW 1, WW 2, Korea and Viet Nam were Progressive Socialist productions. Trump interrupted something. And now the swampy Joe is back on the track of blood. I know lies exist on all sides. Progs have made it into an art form. For they are on the stage. They emote. The worst middlemen of thievery in human history along with the owners of the fiat printing presses, currency swappers, corrupted traders of products, slave and child sex traders and the murdering despots. And this is the real trickle down that has corrupted a percentage of the peasant class with it at all levels.

Trump did do something, after all his policies were in place he reduced border crossings by nearly 90%. Of course he had to fight the commies in the House and commie judges, but he got the job done. When Dementia invaded the White House, he reversed all those successful policies. In fact his first day in office, he stopped the wall from being built it was that important to the Communist party to let these invaders in.
Biden "invaded" the W.H.? Actually he was voted in by the majority who were fed up with Trump's bullshit, lies,, corruption & incompetence & his revenge tactics against those who disagreed with him.

Trump's fake presidency was nothing but a front to line his pockets, the pockets of his crime family & his cronies who bankrolled his campaign. But you wouldn't know that because it wasen't spoon fed to you by Fox News & other fringe right wing propoganda ministers including his Republican goon squad such as Gymmy Jordan.
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Biden "invaded" the W.H.? Actually he was voted in by the majority who were fed up with Trump's bullshit, lies,, corruption & incompetence & his revenge tactics against those who disagreed with him.

Trump's fake presidency was nothing but a front to line his pockets, the pockets of his crime family & his cronies who bankrolled his campaign. But you wouldn't know that because it wasen't spoon fed to you by Fox News & other fringe right wing propoganda ministers including his Republican goon squad such as Gymmy Jordan.

While Hunter was hired for a no-show job he had no experience in for 80K a month, Trump's family didn't benefit from his presidency. CBS reported that Trump lost a billion dollars of personal worth just to run for President and take the job.

The only reason Dementia won was because of mail-in voters. Mail in draws the stupidest and most politically uninformed in our country to vote. The suppression of the Hunter scandal story kept people from knowing the truth. Had they been watching Fox shows they would have known the whole story behind this criminal.
While Hunter was hired for a no-show job he had no experience in for 80K a month, Trump's family didn't benefit from his presidency. CBS reported that Trump lost a billion dollars of personal worth just to run for President and take the job.

The only reason Dementia won was because of mail-in voters. Mail in draws the stupidest and most politically uninformed in our country to vote. The suppression of the Hunter scandal story kept people from knowing the truth. Had they been watching Fox shows they would have known the whole story behind this criminal.
People used mail in voting. So what? Is it illegal? It appears that mail in voters checked off Joe Biden's name. Tough shit, loser.

Enjoy that shit sandwich.
While Hunter was hired for a no-show job he had no experience in for 80K a month, Trump's family didn't benefit from his presidency. CBS reported that Trump lost a billion dollars of personal worth just to run for President and take the job.

The only reason Dementia won was because of mail-in voters. Mail in draws the stupidest and most politically uninformed in our country to vote. The suppression of the Hunter scandal story kept people from knowing the truth. Had they been watching Fox shows they would have known the whole story behind this criminal.
Trump has been losing money for years when he WASEN'T POTUS, loser. So what's your excuse when he was a private citizen? Is it because that as a businessman he makes a good golfer? You betcha!
:safetocomeoutff: Still no viable remedy here, other than devolving into socialism , fascism , nationalism, communism, or totalitarianism folks

It is for the departments, the only thing I said that changes are the amounts they receive...What they do with it can change or fluctuate in activity and funding requests, yet the department gets da funding.
So now your lie is they never add a new department?

Your lies are mounting fast today.

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