The debt limit!

Trump has been losing money for years when he WASEN'T POTUS, loser. So what's your excuse when he was a private citizen? Is it because that as a businessman he makes a good golfer? You betcha!

Trump is a multi-billionaire. Where do you liars create your stories from anyway? Oh, that's right, you get your news from the MSM.
People used mail in voting. So what? Is it illegal? It appears that mail in voters checked off Joe Biden's name. Tough shit, loser.

Enjoy that shit sandwich.

I never said it was illegal. What I said is it draws in the most politically ignorant to vote in our elections, and politically ignorant people vote Democrat.
Well, Biden is not responsible for many things yous guys throw on his back that was caused by the previous admin and Congress that was Repub majority of 2/3rds, yet you never acknowledge that...
I have consistently said Biden wasn’t responsible for the growth or jobs or inflation or supply chain issues. Name the year the Republican Party has had a 2/3rds majority in either the House or the Senate.

You are out and out lying, the GOP has not had over 60% control of either the House or the Senate since the 30’s. Can you prove otherwise or you will you not respond and admit you are lying?
It will keep going up till no one is willing to buy our debt

Then drastic measures will have to be taken and everyone will cry “What Happened?”
Our debt won’t have to be bought. We will simply feed our mindless robotic addiction to ever more spiraling spending by electronically “printing” more money. And yes, obviously, that does make each dollar less and less valuable.

But our legislative addicts don’t care. Junkies don’t consider the consequences of the next injection. They just feel the need for their next fix.
The only way this country could default would be choosing not to pay, not because there isn't enough money in the system to pay. Simply put the Republicans need to man up, refuse to raise the debt ceiling and pay for servicing the debt by shifting funds from other areas of the government, like wasteful spending in Ukraine.
I never said it was illegal. What I said is it draws in the most politically ignorant to vote in our elections, and politically ignorant people vote Democrat.
Cite a study that shows that. Btw, who the hell are you to claim voter's are ignorant because they don't vote for candidates you like? As far as ignorant is concerned you guys elected an ex game show host who is corrupt & a deranged lunatic.
The only way this country could default would be choosing not to pay, not because there isn't enough money in the system to pay. Simply put the Republicans need to man up, refuse to raise the debt ceiling and pay for servicing the debt by shifting funds from other areas of the government, like wasteful spending in Ukraine.
The debt ceiling has to be raised so this Country doesn't default on obligations to creditors. Just because you right wingers don't like the idea that doesn't mean this country can default. If that happens it will be an economic catastrophe & anyone with a brain knows it. You actually trust our economy to ignorant pissants like MTG, Boebert & Gaetz?
That isn't the GOP history. Under the ush family it was. However, in the 20th Century the bloodiest wars like WW 1, WW 2, Korea and Viet Nam were Progressive Socialist productions. Trump interrupted something. And now the swampy Joe is back on the track of blood. I know lies exist on all sides. Progs have made it into an art form. For they are on the stage. They emote. The worst middlemen of thievery in human history along with the owners of the fiat printing presses, currency swappers, corrupted traders of products, slave and child sex traders and the murdering despots. And this is the real trickle down that has corrupted a percentage of the peasant class with it at all levels.
Oh, when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor what was that, idiot? Or how about Hitler gassing millions of people, invading western Europe & bombing Great Britian into ruin, halfwit?

You've just been rewarded for the stupidest post so far this year, but I'm sure there's more coming.

Keep up the good work.
Cite a study that shows that. Btw, who the hell are you to claim voter's are ignorant because they don't vote for candidates you like? As far as ignorant is concerned you guys elected an ex game show host who is corrupt & a deranged lunatic.

That ex-game show host ran this country the best it's been run since Reagan. Yes, ignorant voters:

We have a candidate that promised to attack our energy sector, promised to destroy suburbs, spent most of his life as a federal politician that never had any major accomplishments in his life, been caught lying and even plagiarizing dozens and dozens of times, said the most racist things about blacks than any presidential candidate in our lifetime, promised to destroy female school sports by allowing sissies in dresses to compete in their games, was under investigation by the FBI for things he was associated with with his son, and he got the most votes in US history?

The only thing that can explain that is stupidity and political ignorance.
Why, do you need me to school you on something? :abgg2q.jpg:
You have never schooled anyone on anything, Simp.

I asked you why you claimed they have never added a Department to the govt. Why are you so fucking stupid? Are you sticking to that story?
You have never schooled anyone on anything, Simp.

I asked you why you claimed they have never added a Department to the govt. Why are you so fucking stupid? Are you sticking to that story?
When did I say that, CLOWN?

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