The Deep State TERRIFIDE that mueller has been exposed !!

Both China and Russia knows that conservatism makes a stronger nation and they both are conservative

They do not let their unwise vote

Because they know liberalism destroys nations

Hey, if you are saying the right wants to run the United States like Russia or China you won't get an argument out of me.
Who said that?
Be specific.

The right of America knows as does
Russia and China that conservatism makes a nation sucessful
Both China and Russia knows that conservatism makes a stronger nation and they both are conservative

They do not let their unwise vote

Because they know liberalism destroys nations

Hey, if you are saying the right wants to run the United States like Russia or China you won't get an argument out of me.
Who said that?
Be specific.

The right of America knows as does
Russia and China that conservatism makes a nation sucessful

In some ways they are their own worst enemies.

We have the Trump campaign, dealing and working with the Russians, a foreign enemy, to seek out the information they stole and were using against a candidate to influence the election against her, and promoting, and forwarding and liking, to the tune of reaching 120 million people on face book alone, all of the Russian propaganda and stolen goods, against this candidate as well, doing back flips to get more information from the Russians with one contact after another with them and their distributor wikileaks,

while the candidate they represented lied, and lied, and lied and lied about his and his campaign people's contacts with these foreign thieves....

And you THINK it was all A-OK for Trump's team to do this, while you are now trying to claim someone else in our intel community committed treason, for wanting to find out what in the hell was going on with Trump and his campaign team,

is priceless.


Lord Help Us! :eek:

The accusation against President Trump that he was an agent of the Russian Federation and he was colluding with Uncle Pooty was proven false by the Mule.


Got a link to Trump being an agent of a foreign power?

Of course, all those connections and all of those contacts with our enemy that was interfering in our gosh darn democracy, were all swell and grand and honky dory and A-ok to do, eh?

The supposedly Russian Honey Pot who met with Trump Jr. in Trump Tower was not affiliated with Uncle Pooty. In fact she was affiliated with the intelligence establishment.

Ditto with the Russian Honey Pot that got George Papadopolous drunk in London to try and squeeze him for information.

These were sting operations, not real Russians.
Veselnitskaya was in the US for an unrelated court case, but went off and did other shit while she was here. She's totally with the Kremlin.

for papadoplous.. Alexander Downer is australian, not US.
Yes, let's try people for treason (you still don't know what it means) because of differing political beliefs. What could possibly go wrong with our democracy?
You tried to do it to Trump. Why object now?
The deep state, hmm the DEEP STATE...are those the ones that ignored the Saudi 9/11 attacks, but instead focused on Iraq instead? That one? The same deep state that magically ignores American poverty, but somehow gives illegal aliens sanctuary from "unfair' federal immigration laws every other group has followed since time immemorial? The same one that doesn't let us vote to let our cities be made sanctuary cities to illegal aliens? The same assholes that keep worrying us about Russian collusion? Because, I may be thinking of a other DEEP STATE.
Yes, let's try people for treason (you still don't know what it means) because of differing political beliefs. What could possibly go wrong with our democracy?

No liberalism has always brought down nations

Our enemies buys off our traitors to promote the liberalism that weakens and destroys

This is high treason acts by the whole deep state

You mean like right wing authoritarians like Putin?

Or the DNC crawling in bed with China ? And it was yalls token negro who sold out to Vlad. Stop telling lies.
Which enemies were helped?

America's biggest enemy has always been the ideology of socialism. "America will never be a socialist country" as D. John Trump pointed out. Remember how we sacrificed over 400,000 Americans fighting the national variety of Socialism in the 1940's? Mr. Hitler's program which he tried to impose on us was gun control, socialized medicine and genocide.

Mueller's intent in trying to depose Trump was to establish a socialist regime.
Hitler was not Socialist
He locked up Socialists

Actually, the fact that he locked up socialists, is proof that he was one.

Internecine squabbling on the Left has always occurred.

Ultraliberal Stalin had the ultraliberal Trotsky taken out with an icepick to the head.

BFF's Stalin and Hitler were the closest of friends until war broke out between the two lib powers in 1941
That is goofy

Fascism and Socialism are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

They are variations on the same theme. To those being punished with having their guns confiscated, being subject to socialized medicine or being sent to gulags/death camps, it really doesn't make a difference

Socialized medicine equates to gulags and death camps?
America's biggest enemy has always been the ideology of socialism. "America will never be a socialist country" as D. John Trump pointed out. Remember how we sacrificed over 400,000 Americans fighting the national variety of Socialism in the 1940's? Mr. Hitler's program which he tried to impose on us was gun control, socialized medicine and genocide.

Mueller's intent in trying to depose Trump was to establish a socialist regime.
Hitler was not Socialist
He locked up Socialists

Actually, the fact that he locked up socialists, is proof that he was one.

Internecine squabbling on the Left has always occurred.

Ultraliberal Stalin had the ultraliberal Trotsky taken out with an icepick to the head.

BFF's Stalin and Hitler were the closest of friends until war broke out between the two lib powers in 1941
That is goofy

Fascism and Socialism are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

They are variations on the same theme. To those being punished with having their guns confiscated, being subject to socialized medicine or being sent to gulags/death camps, it really doesn't make a difference

Socialized medicine equates to gulags and death camps?
It equates to subpar care, that's a given. When people in Canada need quality and have the money, they come down here.
Deep State and Democrats Are Terrified of Doddering "Figurehead" Mueller Testifying - He's Unable to Answer Material Questions

High treason charges must now come from their aiding and helping our enimies by weakening America with liberalism

Terrified !!

The deep state is now Terrified !!
What is the Deep State?
Comey, Stzok, career democrat sympathizing bureaucrats.
Deep State and Democrats Are Terrified of Doddering "Figurehead" Mueller Testifying - He's Unable to Answer Material Questions

High treason charges must now come from their aiding and helping our enimies by weakening America with liberalism

Terrified !!

The deep state is now Terrified !!
Yes, I know what you meant.

To be honest, I'm just making fun of your mediocre English skills comrade.
Hitler was not Socialist
He locked up Socialists

Actually, the fact that he locked up socialists, is proof that he was one.

Internecine squabbling on the Left has always occurred.

Ultraliberal Stalin had the ultraliberal Trotsky taken out with an icepick to the head.

BFF's Stalin and Hitler were the closest of friends until war broke out between the two lib powers in 1941
That is goofy

Fascism and Socialism are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

They are variations on the same theme. To those being punished with having their guns confiscated, being subject to socialized medicine or being sent to gulags/death camps, it really doesn't make a difference

Socialized medicine equates to gulags and death camps?
It equates to subpar care, that's a given. When people in Canada need quality and have the money, they come down here.

Actually, both countries are healthier than the US
Deep State and Democrats Are Terrified of Doddering "Figurehead" Mueller Testifying - He's Unable to Answer Material Questions

High treason charges must now come from their aiding and helping our enimies by weakening America with liberalism

Terrified !!

The deep state is now Terrified !!
Yes, I know what you meant.

To be honest, I'm just making fun of your mediocre English skills comrade.

Looks like we will get a lot of Russian posters with the election coming up

Trump needs them
Actually, the fact that he locked up socialists, is proof that he was one.

Internecine squabbling on the Left has always occurred.

Ultraliberal Stalin had the ultraliberal Trotsky taken out with an icepick to the head.

BFF's Stalin and Hitler were the closest of friends until war broke out between the two lib powers in 1941
That is goofy

Fascism and Socialism are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

They are variations on the same theme. To those being punished with having their guns confiscated, being subject to socialized medicine or being sent to gulags/death camps, it really doesn't make a difference

Socialized medicine equates to gulags and death camps?
It equates to subpar care, that's a given. When people in Canada need quality and have the money, they come down here.

Actually, both countries are healthier than the US

Canadians who care about their health usually cross the border to America.

Same with their quality physicians. The ophthalmologist who worked on me last year started off at McGill University in the Dominions of Canada. Why stay in a Shithole?
That is goofy

Fascism and Socialism are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

They are variations on the same theme. To those being punished with having their guns confiscated, being subject to socialized medicine or being sent to gulags/death camps, it really doesn't make a difference

Socialized medicine equates to gulags and death camps?
It equates to subpar care, that's a given. When people in Canada need quality and have the money, they come down here.

Actually, both countries are healthier than the US

Canadians who care about their health usually cross the border to America.

Same with their quality physicians. The ophthalmologist who worked on me last year started off at McGill University in the Dominions of Canada. Why stay in a Shithole?

BTW, the internist I see was educated in the Socialist Shithole of Italy. You'd be surprised how many of our top doctors came from overseas. If socialized medicine was so wonderful, you'd think that US-trained guys would be clamoring to work for the NHS or other socialized medicine schemes.
Deep State and Democrats Are Terrified of Doddering "Figurehead" Mueller Testifying - He's Unable to Answer Material Questions

High treason charges must now come from their aiding and helping our enimies by weakening America with liberalism

Terrified !!

The deep state is now Terrified !!
Yes, I know what you meant.

To be honest, I'm just making fun of your mediocre English skills comrade.

Looks like we will get a lot of Russian posters with the election coming up

Trump needs them
There's already an easy half dozen here, and it's sure to get worse.
That is goofy

Fascism and Socialism are at opposite ends of the political spectrum

They are variations on the same theme. To those being punished with having their guns confiscated, being subject to socialized medicine or being sent to gulags/death camps, it really doesn't make a difference

Socialized medicine equates to gulags and death camps?
It equates to subpar care, that's a given. When people in Canada need quality and have the money, they come down here.

Actually, both countries are healthier than the US

Canadians who care about their health usually cross the border to America.

Same with their quality physicians. The ophthalmologist who worked on me last year started off at McGill University in the Dominions of Canada. Why stay in a Shithole?
Very few do

How many Americans would cross the border if they could get medical procedures for free?
They are variations on the same theme. To those being punished with having their guns confiscated, being subject to socialized medicine or being sent to gulags/death camps, it really doesn't make a difference

Socialized medicine equates to gulags and death camps?
It equates to subpar care, that's a given. When people in Canada need quality and have the money, they come down here.

Actually, both countries are healthier than the US

Canadians who care about their health usually cross the border to America.

Same with their quality physicians. The ophthalmologist who worked on me last year started off at McGill University in the Dominions of Canada. Why stay in a Shithole?
Very few do

How many Americans would cross the border if they could get medical procedures for free?
9/11 first responders went to Cuba for free treatment for lung illnesses.
They are variations on the same theme. To those being punished with having their guns confiscated, being subject to socialized medicine or being sent to gulags/death camps, it really doesn't make a difference

Socialized medicine equates to gulags and death camps?
It equates to subpar care, that's a given. When people in Canada need quality and have the money, they come down here.

Actually, both countries are healthier than the US

Canadians who care about their health usually cross the border to America.

Same with their quality physicians. The ophthalmologist who worked on me last year started off at McGill University in the Dominions of Canada. Why stay in a Shithole?
Very few do

How many Americans would cross the border if they could get medical procedures for free?

Yep, very few means quite a few...dumbass.

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