The Definition of a "Living Wage"

Do you agree with this definition of a Living Wage? (Ignore my personal opinion below it)

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$7.25 minimum wage of today does not buy what $.75 minimum wage of the Depression bought, and FDR made the unemployed/unemployable move into labor camps to get that.

7.25 an hour for a full time job is 14,500 dollars a year. If I can live like I'm living for 500 dollars more, that's plenty to live on. And do you know how many workers actually make minimum wage? Any clue?

6% of the U.S. workforce as of 2010
4,360,000 workers over the age of 16
The term "living wage" is a left-wing radicalization of "minimum wage" and that's really all. You see, in order to understand this, you have to understand liberalism. Chasing Utopia is a full-time job! No matter how much we do, no matter how high we increase this mythical "living wage" there will always be MORE needed to reach Utopia. Nothing is ever enough for liberals. Once a victory for something is achieved, the bar is raised and the next crusade begins. In other words, just as "minimum wage" gave way to "living wage" this term will give way to "comfortable wage" or some other clever but ambiguous phrase. Same arguments will apply, nothing ever changes there, just the constant push for more of whatever, because nothing is ever enough.

Yeah, I don't know why we bother trying...might as well left African Americans as slaves and kept the country a plutocratic, poverty stricken sh!thole for everyone but those at the top like it was before the Depression.
$7.25 minimum wage of today does not buy what $.75 minimum wage of the Depression bought, and FDR made the unemployed/unemployable move into labor camps to get that.

7.25 an hour for a full time job is 14,500 dollars a year. If I can live like I'm living for 500 dollars more, that's plenty to live on. And do you know how many workers actually make minimum wage? Any clue?

It's actually living REALLY fricking cheaply in many parts of the country, and downright impossible in others. Not to mention it makes it almost impossible to have any substantial savings built up.
$7.25 minimum wage of today does not buy what $.75 minimum wage of the Depression bought, and FDR made the unemployed/unemployable move into labor camps to get that.

7.25 an hour for a full time job is 14,500 dollars a year. If I can live like I'm living for 500 dollars more, that's plenty to live on. And do you know how many workers actually make minimum wage? Any clue?

It's actually living REALLY fricking cheaply in many parts of the country, and downright impossible in others. Not to mention it makes it almost impossible to have any substantial savings built up.
The minimum wage argument aka Living Wage Argument would only have a real immediate effect on only 6% of the U.S. Workforce.

Half of that increase would be on the ages 16 to 24.

adding through edit............

over half of these workers are part time workers.
Why does every USMB nutter think that we are discussing personal incomes here? I am not seeking a raise in the minimum wage nor a mandated living wage for me or my kids. I am seeking it for the overall strength of the economy and a return to a robust middle class.

Fucking assholes all must be barely hanging on. If they slip....they want their fall padded by hoards of destitute Americans below them. Its an ego thing.
Contumacious the definition doesn't differentiate between government or non-government involvement in the contract. Any wage, regardless of government action, that doesn't meet that requirement, is not a living wage.
I reject your definition on its face.

To begin with...You state that there should be a living wage. That is nonsense.

Then you go on to include such items as a wife....and two this definition.

A living wage, by any definition, is the amount of income necessary to provide ONE individual with the means to feed and house ONLY themselves.

ANYTHING more is extra and requires more effort from the individual, NOT from the employer.

Of course, by a "living wage" he means adequate compensation.

I don't have a problem with him concluding that XYZ dollars constitutes a living wage.

The problem is that typically those folks want to use government bureaucrats to force employers to pay the "living wage".

I have a problem with all of it.

How suck-assed stupid were your parents (not you personally) that they were too fucking stupid to teach you that you have to earn money to live in this world? And how fucked up were they that they did not teach you that if you want things MORE than the money for shelter and food, you have to go out and earn more money (LONG BEFORE) you actually can have it?

But welfare state politicians have been teaching the populace that they are willing and able to intercede on their behalf if they vote for the Welfare State Party.

Why does every USMB nutter think that we are discussing personal incomes here? I am not seeking a raise in the minimum wage nor a mandated living wage for me or my kids. I am seeking it for the overall strength of the economy and a return to a robust middle class.

Fucking assholes all must be barely hanging on. If they slip....they want their fall padded by hoards of destitute Americans below them. Its an ego thing.
A more clueless post has never been rendered.
Why does every USMB nutter think that we are discussing personal incomes here? I am not seeking a raise in the minimum wage nor a mandated living wage for me or my kids. I am seeking it for the overall strength of the economy and a return to a robust middle class.

Fucking assholes all must be barely hanging on. If they slip....they want their fall padded by hoards of destitute Americans below them. Its an ego thing.
A more clueless post has never been rendered.

der.....rendered sounds smart.....der de der der der
The cost of living keeps rising, so minimum wage MUST rise to reflect this. You cannot have people living on the same wages you earned 10 years ago when the cost of living has risen beyond that.

And I miss the guy who use to come out and fill the tank for you. A petrol station will turnover tens of thousands of dollars each year - paying a teenager a few bucks to wash your windows helps him build his work ethic and find him a better job. The servo can afford to keep him on, so why don't they? Greed, that is why.

Greed is NOT why. The minimum wage is why. As gasoline prices rose, stations had to find ways to cut costs and remain competitive. They saved money by eliminating the attendant, who by then had to be paid minimum wage. When gas station attendants first came about, they worked for tips.
Why does every USMB nutter think that we are discussing personal incomes here? I am not seeking a raise in the minimum wage nor a mandated living wage for me or my kids. I am seeking it for the overall strength of the economy and a return to a robust middle class.

Fucking assholes all must be barely hanging on. If they slip....they want their fall padded by hoards of destitute Americans below them. Its an ego thing.
A more clueless post has never been rendered.
It was one of the stupidest things I ever read.
Why does every USMB nutter think that we are discussing personal incomes here? I am not seeking a raise in the minimum wage nor a mandated living wage for me or my kids. I am seeking it for the overall strength of the economy and a return to a robust middle class.

Fucking assholes all must be barely hanging on. If they slip....they want their fall padded by hoards of destitute Americans below them. Its an ego thing.
Can you explain how raising entry level MW will help the middle class that now struggles to pay the McDonald's tab?
Why does every USMB nutter think that we are discussing personal incomes here? I am not seeking a raise in the minimum wage nor a mandated living wage for me or my kids. I am seeking it for the overall strength of the economy and a return to a robust middle class.

Fucking assholes all must be barely hanging on. If they slip....they want their fall padded by hoards of destitute Americans below them. Its an ego thing.
A more clueless post has never been rendered.

der.....rendered sounds smart.....der de der der der
I agreed with his post der de der der der.
I have posted data on the numbers based on census data on the actual number of people who make minimum wage............

94% of the workers in this country make more than minimum wage already............
over half of these workers work part time...........
and nearly half are between the ages of 16 to 24...........

I have also posted the data on the differences in the cost of living in the United States, as people like you like to cite areas that have raised minimum wage as a justification for the entire country to do the same.............

Please explain what the new minimum wage should be............
Please explain how many people would it effect.........
Please explain your determination of your rate...........
The cost of living keeps rising, so minimum wage MUST rise to reflect this. You cannot have people living on the same wages you earned 10 years ago when the cost of living has risen beyond that.

And I miss the guy who use to come out and fill the tank for you. A petrol station will turnover tens of thousands of dollars each year - paying a teenager a few bucks to wash your windows helps him build his work ethic and find him a better job. The servo can afford to keep him on, so why don't they? Greed, that is why.

Greed is NOT why. The minimum wage is why. As gasoline prices rose, stations had to find ways to cut costs and remain competitive. They saved money by eliminating the attendant, who by then had to be paid minimum wage. When gas station attendants first came about, they worked for tips.
Five self-check lanes at Walmart for every cashier, and the carts are four deep or more at the lanes with a human.

Yeah, raise minimum wage, that's the ticket.
Fair? How is it unfair? Are they not paying their labor at the agreed upon rate?

How is it fair to work 50 hours a week and live like shit, while a few men at the top live like kings? While, you're the one doing most of the heavy lifting and hard work.

Hey, guess what... NEWSFLASH: Life isn't fair!

If you don't like your situation, change it! That's what millions of people have done and became very successful in the process. Poorness is a great motivator. Look at people like Oprah Winfrey or Mike Huckabee. They began life in abject dismal poverty, the kind you can't probably even imagine. They did something about it, they changed their situation. They had no special advantage over you, no one gave them what they have today, they simply had the determination to strive for success and not remain poor.
The definition of a living wage to me would be based upon the amount a person has earned through education and skills. Mandating a business to pay ANY wage to an employee, should be none of the government's business. :eusa_hand:
Why does every USMB nutter think that we are discussing personal incomes here? I am not seeking a raise in the minimum wage nor a mandated living wage for me or my kids. I am seeking it for the overall strength of the economy and a return to a robust middle class.

Fucking assholes all must be barely hanging on. If they slip....they want their fall padded by hoards of destitute Americans below them. Its an ego thing.
A more clueless post has never been rendered.
It was one of the stupidest things I ever read.

Articulate why, bitch.
$7.25 minimum wage of today does not buy what $.75 minimum wage of the Depression bought, and FDR made the unemployed/unemployable move into labor camps to get that.

7.25 an hour for a full time job is 14,500 dollars a year. If I can live like I'm living for 500 dollars more, that's plenty to live on. And do you know how many workers actually make minimum wage? Any clue?

It's actually living REALLY fricking cheaply in many parts of the country, and downright impossible in others. Not to mention it makes it almost impossible to have any substantial savings built up.
The minimum wage argument aka Living Wage Argument would only have a real immediate effect on only 6% of the U.S. Workforce.

Half of that increase would be on the ages 16 to 24.

adding through edit............

over half of these workers are part time workers.

No it would actually go further then the 6% making minimum wages. Anyone making any wage from the minimum wage to the point it was raised to would see an increase in pay also. On top of that in order to be competitive with skilled labor the jobs that are currently paying slightly above minimum wage (say..$10 an hour...) would have to increase their pay as well or be in the same category as a minimum wage job. The effects are quite large.
LoneFruitcake: I am seeking it for the overall strength of the economy and a return to a robust middle class.

What do you think is happening to the so-called "middle class" in America?



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