The Definition of a "Living Wage"

Do you agree with this definition of a Living Wage? (Ignore my personal opinion below it)

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I use a credit card with cash back for every purchase. This provides me with up to 350 dollars of additional money each year. Free money, you can't beat it. 5000 of that 15,000 per year is the mortgage payment, to give you an idea of how cheaply I'm really living. I've never taken a cold shower or eaten a cold meal (unless it was supposed to be cold.) I can eat perfectly fine for 125 a month. And I'm having to go on a diet because I have gained weight, so I'm surely not starving.

Living wage doesn't mean "living high on the hog". It means existing comfortably with food clothing and shelter. EVERYTHING else is lagniappe. It also doesn't mean supporting "stay at home moms." Where the hell did you get that idea?

I agree with everything but this part. I am traditionally minded. A woman is to be foundation of the household, the anchor for her children. Progressives have done their BEST to destroy this traditional role. Most women in the workplace seem to NOT want to be there and (rightfully) complain and whine that they just want to be home with their kids.

Also, if a man cannot provide for his wife and children, he a failure; yet no one who works 40-60 hours a week should be considered a failure. If I was working 60 hours a week and couldn't support my girlfriend and two of her kids, I'd commit suicide, no joke.

When Obamacare slashed my 50 hour work week (overtime + mad tips) to 30 hours (no overtime and less tips too since everyone else suffered), I lost more than half my income. My ex-girlfriend left and I seriously considered suicide.

Thanks Obama!
$7.25 minimum wage of today does not buy what $.75 minimum wage of the Depression bought, and FDR made the unemployed/unemployable move into labor camps to get that.

7.25 an hour for a full time job is 14,500 dollars a year. If I can live like I'm living for 500 dollars more, that's plenty to live on. And do you know how many workers actually make minimum wage? Any clue?

It's actually living REALLY fricking cheaply in many parts of the country, and downright impossible in others. Not to mention it makes it almost impossible to have any substantial savings built up.
The minimum wage argument aka Living Wage Argument would only have a real immediate effect on only 6% of the U.S. Workforce.

Half of that increase would be on the ages 16 to 24.

adding through edit............

over half of these workers are part time workers.

No it would actually go further then the 6% making minimum wages. Anyone making any wage from the minimum wage to the point it was raised to would see an increase in pay also. On top of that in order to be competitive with skilled labor the jobs that are currently paying slightly above minimum wage (say..$10 an hour...) would have to increase their pay as well or be in the same category as a minimum wage job. The effects are quite large.
Most of the country already gets more than minimum wage already............and raising it doesn't necessarily mean all other pay will do the same......historically the other wages will increase over time.......but in the interim prices will go up relative to the new overhead businesses will pay................

so those making more than minimum wage already will have even less spending power........lowering their standards for the benefit of the smaller group getting the pay increases from the onset..........while it will help this group as prices will probably not go up at the same rate, it in the end just REPEATS THE CYCLE.............

The Living Wage and minimum wage are not the real problems that need to be addressed.......I've been hinting at the core problem on this thread...........and on many other threads..................

You are part of the problem because you believe in the never ending cycle of debt which causes more currency TO BE BORROWED further limiting the purchasing power of the dollar.....................

It is a never ending cycle, until it pops and crushes a nations economy. It needs to end.
Many of us talk about the economy, leftists talk about a "living wage," and righties (who deny the existence of such a thing) often talk about "wage stagnation." One often wonders how righties can talk about "wage stagnation" when they deny the existence of the concept "living wage."

Well, here's my definition, and it's best that we all have a non-partisan definition from which we can measure economic success for the common man (this definition is localized, meaning it is relative to location where one lives).

"Living Wage: A wage that allows a man to support a stay-at-home wife and two children by being able to pay rent, electric, heating, water, laundry, basic healthcare and three good meals a day in the place he currently resides."

Notice that the following are not present: Mortgage, car-gas, car insurance, premium health insurance...etc...because you have to work harder/improve your skills/education for these things.

Now for my opinion:

With over 155 taxes on a loaf of bread, and steady inflation from the money printing presses, there's no doubt that most American males cannot procure the Living Wage that they should earn.

In my opinion, that rapacious taxation of the modern welfare state (money printing INFLATION is also considered a tax) has made the current wages that were OK in the past incapable of fulfilling the above definition today.

The answer is NOT to increase the minimum wage...because the minimum wage to 2014 was more than enough for a man to provide for his family 50 years ago. The answer is abolition of the welfare state, the repeal of the Regulation police and the REPUDIATION of Keynesian economic policy.
You left out tattoos and piercings; "living wage" advocates want their tattoos and piercings.

Yep, they would push for this if you gave them the chance under "cosmetic medical procedures." This si why I'm trying to clamp down on a rigorous definition.
LoneFruitcake: I am seeking it for the overall strength of the economy and a return to a robust middle class.

What do you think is happening to the so-called "middle class" in America?


Yes. Exactly. Idiot.
Contumacious the definition doesn't differentiate between government or non-government involvement in the contract. Any wage, regardless of government action, that doesn't meet that requirement, is not a living wage.
I reject your definition on its face.

To begin with...You state that there should be a living wage. That is nonsense.

Then you go on to include such items as a wife....and two this definition.

A living wage, by any definition, is the amount of income necessary to provide ONE individual with the means to feed and house ONLY themselves.

ANYTHING more is extra and requires more effort from the individual, NOT from the employer.

Of course, by a "living wage" he means adequate compensation.

I don't have a problem with him concluding that XYZ dollars constitutes a living wage.

The problem is that typically those folks want to use government bureaucrats to force employers to pay the "living wage".

I have a problem with all of it.

How suck-assed stupid were your parents (not you personally) that they were too fucking stupid to teach you that you have to earn money to live in this world? And how fucked up were they that they did not teach you that if you want things MORE than the money for shelter and food, you have to go out and earn more money (LONG BEFORE) you actually can have it?

Darkwind you knows what's funny dude, I originally made this thread to bait Progressives into taking my definition and saying it's NOT enough (especially since it's really bare minimum, so it wouldn't be that difficult) until it reached Utopian magnitude, but it appears I baited the worst of the worst right wingers into exposing themselves too. I'd bet $50 taht you don't like Rand Paul and you think we should be invading every country in the Middle East and fighting Russia in WWIII in the Ukraine.

When SHTF, Commies aren't the only ones I'm taking out...

Several states already have raised their minimum wages since the beginning of this year, and on a couple of occasions fast-food workers have gone out on day-long strikes for a $15-an-hour minimum wage. When one considers that the median hourly wage in 2012 was $14.90 an hour, a $15-an-hour minimum does not seem so far-fetched.

I stopped reading right there as he justified the countries average rate as the new minimum,...............

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The definition of a living wage to me would be based upon the amount a person has earned through education and skills. Mandating a business to pay ANY wage to an employee, should be none of the government's business. :eusa_hand:

Oh yea, to make 15,000 a year, you only need to make 7.50 an hour for a full time job. Amazing, isn't it? 25 cents an hour above legal minimum wage. So you CAN live just fine on minimum wage.
Every MW job I had as a kid gave a 25 cent raise in two to four weeks.

That was when it was about $1.35.

Several states already have raised their minimum wages since the beginning of this year, and on a couple of occasions fast-food workers have gone out on day-long strikes for a $15-an-hour minimum wage. When one considers that the median hourly wage in 2012 was $14.90 an hour, a $15-an-hour minimum does not seem so far-fetched.

I stopped reading right there as he justified the countries average rate as the new minimum,...............

Your post only makes sense in a bizarre world in which median is redefined as minimum.

Several states already have raised their minimum wages since the beginning of this year, and on a couple of occasions fast-food workers have gone out on day-long strikes for a $15-an-hour minimum wage. When one considers that the median hourly wage in 2012 was $14.90 an hour, a $15-an-hour minimum does not seem so far-fetched.

I stopped reading right there as he justified the countries average rate as the new minimum,...............

Your post only makes sense in a bizarre world in which median is redefined as minimum.
I should have quoted that statement from the article by Lonelaughter............It was a quote from his site...............

Which I thought was utter BS.............I don't agree with that author, it's site, or Lonelaughing's points.

Several states already have raised their minimum wages since the beginning of this year, and on a couple of occasions fast-food workers have gone out on day-long strikes for a $15-an-hour minimum wage. When one considers that the median hourly wage in 2012 was $14.90 an hour, a $15-an-hour minimum does not seem so far-fetched.

I stopped reading right there as he justified the countries average rate as the new minimum,...............


You might want to try again.
$7.25 minimum wage of today does not buy what $.75 minimum wage of the Depression bought, and FDR made the unemployed/unemployable move into labor camps to get that.

7.25 an hour for a full time job is 14,500 dollars a year. If I can live like I'm living for 500 dollars more, that's plenty to live on. And do you know how many workers actually make minimum wage? Any clue?
It is an Alinskyite non-issue created to divide.

We are supposed to weep for the single mom with six children trying to live on minimum wage, like she actually exists.

Just a bullshit issue.

Minimum wage is just stupid, if you can't compete, you aren't going to get a job anyway, whatever the wage.

What they REALLY want is guaranteed annual income for all Americans, AND, the current welfare too, for when they blow it on dope, gambling and porn.

Oh, on edit, I forgot tattoos and piercings.

Guaranteed Income Advocates are big on tattoos and piercings.
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Several states already have raised their minimum wages since the beginning of this year, and on a couple of occasions fast-food workers have gone out on day-long strikes for a $15-an-hour minimum wage. When one considers that the median hourly wage in 2012 was $14.90 an hour, a $15-an-hour minimum does not seem so far-fetched.

I stopped reading right there as he justified the countries average rate as the new minimum,...............


You might want to try again.
I don't think so.............

I asked you how much of a minimum wage increase you want.............based on data not BS............

What is it?
Contumacious the definition doesn't differentiate between government or non-government involvement in the contract. Any wage, regardless of government action, that doesn't meet that requirement, is not a living wage.
I reject your definition on its face.

To begin with...You state that there should be a living wage. That is nonsense.

Then you go on to include such items as a wife....and two this definition.

A living wage, by any definition, is the amount of income necessary to provide ONE individual with the means to feed and house ONLY themselves.

ANYTHING more is extra and requires more effort from the individual, NOT from the employer.

Of course, by a "living wage" he means adequate compensation.

I don't have a problem with him concluding that XYZ dollars constitutes a living wage.

The problem is that typically those folks want to use government bureaucrats to force employers to pay the "living wage".

What is adequate compensation for an entry level worker in a low skilled job, that has to be trained in how to show up on time, properly attired and with a decent attitude.

I say this, because absenteeism and tardiness, inappropriate attire, and bad attitude are why most minimum wage workers fired do not make it to the first pay raise.
LoneFruitcake: I am seeking it for the overall strength of the economy and a return to a robust middle class.

What do you think is happening to the so-called "middle class" in America?


Yes. Exactly. Idiot.

Hey idiot, I didn't ask a 'yes or no' question. Look at the graph and tell me what is happening to the so-called middle class? They are declining, that is easy to see, but where are they going? They aren't joining the lower income class because that number is also slightly declining.

Here's a hint: Look at what is increasing.

Several states already have raised their minimum wages since the beginning of this year, and on a couple of occasions fast-food workers have gone out on day-long strikes for a $15-an-hour minimum wage. When one considers that the median hourly wage in 2012 was $14.90 an hour, a $15-an-hour minimum does not seem so far-fetched.

I stopped reading right there as he justified the countries average rate as the new minimum,...............


You might want to try again.
I don't think so.............

I asked you how much of a minimum wage increase you want.............based on data not BS............

What is it?

You asked me that? Didnt see it.

I want $10.70 per hour with automatic cost of living adjustments. That would put it where it was in real terms.

Now.......try again.
LoneFruitcake: I am seeking it for the overall strength of the economy and a return to a robust middle class.

What do you think is happening to the so-called "middle class" in America?


Yes. Exactly. Idiot.

Hey idiot, I didn't ask a 'yes or no' question. Look at the graph and tell me what is happening to the so-called middle class? They are declining, that is easy to see, but where are they going? They aren't joining the lower income class because that number is also slightly declining.

Here's a hint: Look at what is increasing.

You might be retarded.

Several states already have raised their minimum wages since the beginning of this year, and on a couple of occasions fast-food workers have gone out on day-long strikes for a $15-an-hour minimum wage. When one considers that the median hourly wage in 2012 was $14.90 an hour, a $15-an-hour minimum does not seem so far-fetched.

I stopped reading right there as he justified the countries average rate as the new minimum,...............


You might want to try again.
I don't think so.............

I asked you how much of a minimum wage increase you want.............based on data not BS............

What is it?

You asked me that? Didnt see it.

I want $10.70 per hour with automatic cost of living adjustments. That would put it where it was in real terms.

Now.......try again.
A little higher than the Presidential order for minimum wage for Federal employees........

LOL That would be 10.10 by the way.

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