The Definition of a "Living Wage"

Do you agree with this definition of a Living Wage? (Ignore my personal opinion below it)

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USMB nutters.......this thread has been closed.


The game's on lib.........Overtime and the Saints have the ball...........Far more important than debating your sorry partisan ass............

Now you close threads because people disagree with you and you are throwing a fit.

Nah....that was just a little joke. Maybe you should learn to relax.
Nah. can't do that.......the Saint's just screwed up and fumbled the ball in easy Field Goal Range...........

They blew it again.

I understand. I'm a Giants fan....and we are in Seattle. About to start watching.
The cost of living keeps rising, so minimum wage MUST rise to reflect this. You cannot have people living on the same wages you earned 10 years ago when the cost of living has risen beyond that.

And I miss the guy who use to come out and fill the tank for you. A petrol station will turnover tens of thousands of dollars each year - paying a teenager a few bucks to wash your windows helps him build his work ethic and find him a better job. The servo can afford to keep him on, so why don't they? Greed, that is why.

Actually, no...they make practically nothing on gas sales. (It's in the 0.5-2 cents/gallon range.) They make money on the convenience store sales! After watching Jersey's gas jockeys at "work", I will pay more to pump my own gas!
The person in the story enters into the situation, erroneously believing he is worth more than he is. You're worth what someone is willing to pay you. Like it or not; you are a commodity. It's your job to market you.

And....if NOBODY will work for 8.50 an that guy suddenly worth more? You must answer that he is. Same guy. Same choices made in his life. Same skills. Same intellect. Worth more. It's fucking magic!

That is why we need strong labor unions. They help the working class with leverage. Labor unions are like magic!

Absolutely! They make jobs disappear!
The person in the story enters into the situation, erroneously believing he is worth more than he is. You're worth what someone is willing to pay you. Like it or not; you are a commodity. It's your job to market you.

And....if NOBODY will work for 8.50 an that guy suddenly worth more? You must answer that he is. Same guy. Same choices made in his life. Same skills. Same intellect. Worth more. It's fucking magic!

That is why we need strong labor unions. They help the working class with leverage. Labor unions are like magic!

Absolutely! They make jobs disappear!

Der de der der der.
Wanna bet? By your fucking standard (75k is rich)

I never said $75k is rich. $75k and up is considered "upper income" in 2009 dollars according to the graph I posted from the US Census Bureau. It clearly shows the middle income families are moving up. That's not me being delusional, that's the US Census statistics. Delusion is when you think the "declining middle class" are becoming poorer, when the statistics don't show this.

And YES... I'll bet that you don't make anywhere near $75k, unless you are a welfare queen exploiting the system illegally. You're far too stupid to EARN that kind of money. As much time as you spend here, I doubt you are even gainfully employed. I'm guessing you probably draw disability.
Any definition of a minimum wage that includes gender roles is inherently biased as well as wrong.
Boss thinks the middle class is shrinking.....because the people in the middle class are becoming upper class.

That's a guy who thinks he's smart talking.

Again... this is not Boss thinking, this is the US Census Bureau reporting:

Doesn't take any kind of genius to look at this chart and see what is happening to your so-called "middle class" families, they are moving to the upper income bracket.
Wanna bet? By your fucking standard (75k is rich)

I never said $75k is rich. $75k and up is considered "upper income" in 2009 dollars according to the graph I posted from the US Census Bureau. It clearly shows the middle income families are moving up. That's not me being delusional, that's the US Census statistics. Delusion is when you think the "declining middle class" are becoming poorer, when the statistics don't show this.

And YES... I'll bet that you don't make anywhere near $75k, unless you are a welfare queen exploiting the system illegally. You're far too stupid to EARN that kind of money. As much time as you spend here, I doubt you are even gainfully employed. I'm guessing you probably draw disability.

One thing is certain. Boss earns far less than 75k. He's so viscerally jealous of Zeke and that income that is oozes from his pores. If he was in that income bracket....he'd have a little more composure.

I wonder if the guy will ever begin voting in his own best interests?
Boss thinks the middle class is shrinking.....because the people in the middle class are becoming upper class.

That's a guy who thinks he's smart talking.

Again... this is not Boss thinking, this is the US Census Bureau reporting:

Doesn't take any kind of genius to look at this chart and see what is happening to your so-called "middle class" families, they are moving to the upper income bracket.

Dumbass. That is TWO EARNERS since the late 70's. Before was one earner. Your fucking chart doesn't discuss worker income. It discusses FAMILY income. Get it.
I agree with everything but this part. I am traditionally minded. A woman is to be foundation of the household, the anchor for her children. Progressives have done their BEST to destroy this traditional role. Most women in the workplace seem to NOT want to be there and (rightfully) complain and whine that they just want to be home with their kids.

Also, if a man cannot provide for his wife and children, he a failure; yet no one who works 40-60 hours a week should be considered a failure. If I was working 60 hours a week and couldn't support my girlfriend and two of her kids, I'd commit suicide, no joke.

When Obamacare slashed my 50 hour work week (overtime + mad tips) to 30 hours (no overtime and less tips too since everyone else suffered), I lost more than half my income. My ex-girlfriend left and I seriously considered suicide.

Thanks Obama!

Why should my boss have to pay me more than I'm worth so my wife can stay home and raise my kids? My kids are my problem, not my boss's. If I can't prove myself worth the extra pay, then that's my problem. That's insane. Kids are at school all day, no reason mom has to be sitting on her butt leeching off of my boss.
I agree with everything but this part. I am traditionally minded. A woman is to be foundation of the household, the anchor for her children. Progressives have done their BEST to destroy this traditional role. Most women in the workplace seem to NOT want to be there and (rightfully) complain and whine that they just want to be home with their kids.

Also, if a man cannot provide for his wife and children, he a failure; yet no one who works 40-60 hours a week should be considered a failure. If I was working 60 hours a week and couldn't support my girlfriend and two of her kids, I'd commit suicide, no joke.

When Obamacare slashed my 50 hour work week (overtime + mad tips) to 30 hours (no overtime and less tips too since everyone else suffered), I lost more than half my income. My ex-girlfriend left and I seriously considered suicide.

Thanks Obama!

Why should my boss have to pay me more than I'm worth so my wife can stay home and raise my kids? My kids are my problem, not my boss's. If I can't prove myself worth the extra pay, then that's my problem. That's insane. Kids are at school all day, no reason mom has to be sitting on her butt leeching off of my boss.

You are one deep thinker. We need minds like yours around here.
Boss thinks the middle class is shrinking.....because the people in the middle class are becoming upper class.

That's a guy who thinks he's smart talking.

Again... this is not Boss thinking, this is the US Census Bureau reporting:

Doesn't take any kind of genius to look at this chart and see what is happening to your so-called "middle class" families, they are moving to the upper income bracket.

Dumbass. That is TWO EARNERS since the late 70's. Before was one earner. Your fucking chart doesn't discuss worker income. It discusses FAMILY income. Get it.

Nonsense. My mom and dad both worked in 1967, as did many.
One thing is certain. Boss earns far less than 75k. He's so viscerally jealous of Zeke and that income that is oozes from his pores. If he was in that income bracket....he'd have a little more composure.

I wonder if the guy will ever begin voting in his own best interests?

It doesn't matter what my income is, it has nothing to do with the argument. If you think it bothers me what you think, then I hope that made you feel better, is all I can say.

I do vote my own best interests and I vote your best interests too. You and zeke are the ones voting against your best interests, you're just too stupid and moronic to realize it. Nothing much I can do about that, I am trying my best to educate you here, but you two are stubborn. You'd rather believe obsolete 19th century claptrap because you fantasize about a Utopian world that will never exist.
Boss thinks the middle class is shrinking.....because the people in the middle class are becoming upper class.

That's a guy who thinks he's smart talking.

Again... this is not Boss thinking, this is the US Census Bureau reporting:

Doesn't take any kind of genius to look at this chart and see what is happening to your so-called "middle class" families, they are moving to the upper income bracket.

Dumbass. That is TWO EARNERS since the late 70's. Before was one earner. Your fucking chart doesn't discuss worker income. It discusses FAMILY income. Get it.

Nonsense. My mom and dad both worked in 1967, as did many.

Ahhhhhh. The ubiquitous "many". Sorry. You are delusional.
One thing is certain. Boss earns far less than 75k. He's so viscerally jealous of Zeke and that income that is oozes from his pores. If he was in that income bracket....he'd have a little more composure.

I wonder if the guy will ever begin voting in his own best interests?

It doesn't matter what my income is, it has nothing to do with the argument. If you think it bothers me what you think, then I hope that made you feel better, is all I can say.

I do vote my own best interests and I vote your best interests too. You and zeke are the ones voting against your best interests, you're just too stupid and moronic to realize it. Nothing much I can do about that, I am trying my best to educate you here, but you two are stubborn. You'd rather believe obsolete 19th century claptrap because you fantasize about a Utopian world that will never exist. We've seen what your "ideas" have done. They don't work. Time to try ours.
Boss thinks the middle class is shrinking.....because the people in the middle class are becoming upper class.

That's a guy who thinks he's smart talking.

Again... this is not Boss thinking, this is the US Census Bureau reporting:

Doesn't take any kind of genius to look at this chart and see what is happening to your so-called "middle class" families, they are moving to the upper income bracket.

Dumbass. That is TWO EARNERS since the late 70's. Before was one earner. Your fucking chart doesn't discuss worker income. It discusses FAMILY income. Get it.

Nonsense. My mom and dad both worked in 1967, as did many.

Ahhhhhh. The ubiquitous "many". Sorry. You are delusional.

Sorry but your link does not show that before the late 70s there was only single income families like you claimed. So you've simply not discredited my US Census Bureau graph in any way, nor have you made a case for the "working class" becoming poorer. Damn that sucks for you!
Why should my boss have to pay me more than I'm worth so my wife can stay home and raise my kids? My kids are my problem, not my boss's. If I can't prove myself worth the extra pay, then that's my problem. That's insane. Kids are at school all day, no reason mom has to be sitting on her butt leeching off of my boss.

You make all the money for your boss. How much are you worth?

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