The Democrat Party Just Slit Their Own Wrist

Maybe you should worry about things that aren't just garbage rumors?

Rumors, really?

Yeah, nothing planned, and corporations are not people. When they lie to the public we have a much different issue.

Lied, according to whom, AWG alarmist? LMAO The AWGers have been manipulating data from day one. They are the ones the DOJ should be going after.

Everyone would have their day in court, if it comes to that. I'm not worried about Exxon as long as those who work for it, on their own time, can preach whatever they like on the street corners...

Do you have any evidence they can't?

Nope, but when it comes to free speech that is my concern, although I doubt many Exxon people say what they do for a living might be killing the planet eh? Bad career choice.
Like I said just keep it up, your party will pay the price. I just noticed both Sanders and the hildabitch haven't called for it to stop, They're actually blaming Trump for their supporters trying shut down the political process They keep talking like that and they may very well find out what its like to have the shoe on the other foot.

Yes, we would love to see some of Trump's Brownshirts try to disrupt a Hillary Rally "Don't you dare give us free college" doesn't quit ring as unkind as "Don't be a racist", though.

The real problem you guys have, the GOP KNOWS Trump is a huge ass mistake. They know he's going to lose 50 states, cause them to lose the senate and blacken the GOP's image for a generation.
Like I said just keep it up, your party will pay the price. I just noticed both Sanders and the hildabitch haven't called for it to stop, They're actually blaming Trump for their supporters trying shut down the political process They keep talking like that and they may very well find out what its like to have the shoe on the other foot.

Yes, we would love to see some of Trump's Brownshirts try to disrupt a Hillary Rally "Don't you dare give us free college" doesn't quit ring as unkind as "Don't be a racist", though.

The real problem you guys have, the GOP KNOWS Trump is a huge ass mistake. They know he's going to lose 50 states, cause them to lose the senate and blacken the GOP's image for a generation.
The Brown shirts were there.........the BLM trying to make violent protests..........sponsored by Move On terrorist org and the DNC propaganda machine.

Why here are the Nazi BLM right now.
Like I said just keep it up, your party will pay the price. I just noticed both Sanders and the hildabitch haven't called for it to stop, They're actually blaming Trump for their supporters trying shut down the political process They keep talking like that and they may very well find out what its like to have the shoe on the other foot.

Yes, we would love to see some of Trump's Brownshirts try to disrupt a Hillary Rally "Don't you dare give us free college" doesn't quit ring as unkind as "Don't be a racist", though.

The real problem you guys have, the GOP KNOWS Trump is a huge ass mistake. They know he's going to lose 50 states, cause them to lose the senate and blacken the GOP's image for a generation.
The Brown shirts were there.........the BLM trying to make violent protests..........sponsored by Move On terrorist org and the DNC propaganda machine.

Why here are the Nazi BLM right now.

Thanks. Humanity, what a disease...
You are a left wing nut job, once again you post no proof and only prove you are a little bitch that whines and lies.

Guy, I don't have to prove your a misogynist after you make misogynistic statements.

More lying, fuck off little bitch nut job. Get new material!

You are a left wing nut job, once again you post no proof and only prove you are a little bitch that whines and lies.

Guy, I don't have to prove your a misogynist after you make misogynistic statements.

More lying, fuck off little bitch nut job. Get new material!

The puppet masters will be revealed to the general public this election....................and I can hardly wait...........they will be shown the true colors of the election cycles and how SUPER it really is............

Pandora's box is about to be opened.................the Man behind the curtain revealed and the establishment will never live it down.
One problem, Tex

Are the Democrats behind the Anti-Trump protests?

Oh I know how much you right wingers would love to hang this around dummy Debbies shoulders, but It looks more like BLM, Hispanic,Women Gay and Muslim groups are randomly threatening Trumps rallies and supporters!!

What happens if Trump wins the GOP nomination? Do you think his winning the presidency will make these groups go away, or make them worst?

....And you thought Obama was dividing this nation!:eek:
I think a President Trump should bring out the National Guard and mow down these fuckers if they act up with violence and prevent free speech. Where are the hackers? They need to shut down the MoveOn site.
Good thing they never give you positions of authority..
You are a left wing nut job, once again you post no proof and only prove you are a little bitch that whines and lies.

Guy, I don't have to prove your a misogynist after you make misogynistic statements.

More lying, fuck off little bitch nut job. Get new material!


Dip shit, I got you good don't I. I proved over and over you are a lying piece of shit, now that you are my bitch, you can't resist me. Lol! Nutter!
Why are piss ignorant rightist continuously showing their literacy low levels? They never can figure out the proper name is the Democratic Party...

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