The Democrat Party Just Slit Their Own Wrist

Speaking of rodeo clowns , how are Hillary and Crazy Uncle Bernie doing?

You mean over at the Grown-ups table? They are doing fine and discussing real issues like trade and national security.

Your side is discussing who has the biggest dick.

Yeah, the crazy grown ups table... seriously, one can't support those two and speak seriously about others being clowns.
One problem, Tex

Are the Democrats behind the Anti-Trump protests?

Oh I know how much you right wingers would love to hang this around dummy Debbies shoulders, but It looks more like BLM, Hispanic,Women Gay and Muslim groups are randomly threatening Trumps rallies and supporters!!

What happens if Trump wins the GOP nomination? Do you think his winning the presidency will make these groups go away, or make them worst?

....And you thought Obama was dividing this nation!:eek:

I said in another thread that Cruz rallies will be next along with continued efforts to disrupt Trump rallies. Moveon and Sanders supporters have claimed credit for this one, so yes, it's squarely on the regressives.
Those republicans that are the status qou? The ones that helped create Trump. Yeah they are really hurting Trump. Lol

They will also be the ones who will sit on their hands in November, take out ads distancing themselves from the top of their own ticket.

There's a reason why Democrats WANT to run against Trump instead of Rubio or Kasich.
Not if liberals continue to do what they did last night. Stopping free speech will bring people out.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

Private citizens cannot "stop" free speech; in fact, the issue has nothing to do with "free speech" at all.
Those republicans that are the status qou? The ones that helped create Trump. Yeah they are really hurting Trump. Lol

They will also be the ones who will sit on their hands in November, take out ads distancing themselves from the top of their own ticket.

There's a reason why Democrats WANT to run against Trump instead of Rubio or Kasich.
Not if liberals continue to do what they did last night. Stopping free speech will bring people out.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

Private citizens cannot "stop" free speech; in fact, the issue has nothing to do with "free speech" at all.

Yes it does
What happened in Chicago is the equivalent of the Dems slitting a wrist, now it up to the leadership to determine if they're going to slit the other one and bleed out, or remedy the situation. The vast majority of the regressives on this board are crowing about shutting down an opposition rally, well get ready for the boomerang effect. If it happens again, you will see independents and moderate dims leaving the party in droves. The majority of Americans won't view this kind of behavior positively, the way the far left loons do. So you find yourselves at a cross roads, which path will you chose? Take the wrong one and you WILL lose this election and all the down ballot races as well. Please, feel free to keep it up.
Democrat Presidential hopefuls didn't fare well when Leftists rioted in Chicago back in 1968. The rioting turned off decent Americans and it resulted in the election of Nixon.

Keep it up you Fascist fuck.

The same is likely to happen here if the dems don't get a handle on it.
The protestors got violent and threatened more violence. Perhaps the Left is teaching US how to deal with Free Speech that one does not like. You people are full of shit. Watch the opposition from Chicago Trump see fists, shoving, throwing. Contrast that with the Tea Party protesting Obamacare where the best the media could come up with is a Congressman lying about being spit upon.

Oh, noes, shoving?

I love you guys. You support a reality TV Rodeo Clown and then complain that the tenor of the debate has declined?

Violence has no place
Speaking of rodeo clowns , how are Hillary and Crazy Uncle Bernie doing?

You mean over at the Grown-ups table? They are doing fine and discussing real issues like trade and national security.

Your side is discussing who has the biggest dick.

National Security? Calling the mother of a Benghazi victim a liar when candidate's version of National Security is to email the world leaders and her daughter that Benghazi is a terrorist attack yet tell the American voters that Benghazi is a protest gone out of hand due to an American-made video.
The majority of Americans view the fascist Drumpfisti unfavorably.

Well his favorability just went up, like I said, feel free to attack all the republican rallies, it will cost you.

What do you base that on? It's not like they've taken a poll since last night.

The people who are mortified at the thought of Trump being the GOP nominee are Republicans. And they should be, the guy isn't a conservative, he doesn't practice family values, etc. He doesn't believe in limited government.

That so many of you are so angry after 8 years of Obama giving you atomic wedgies you are willing to embrace anything that looks like a winner, is kind of a sad commentary that you would get behind a reality TV Rodeo CLown.

I'm basing it on what's happened in the race to date, of course they haven't done any polls yet.

You are also assuming I'm a Trump supporter, which would be wrong. I'm simply calling it like I see it, if this crap continues it will devastate your party, worse than Trump is hurting mine. Everyday Americans won't take kindly to this crap.
It's an awful setup folks. The Democrats are setting it up for a violent fatal incident. They will then use it to blame Trump. It's pure evil. Hopefully their evil will backfire on em.
Those republicans that are the status qou? The ones that helped create Trump. Yeah they are really hurting Trump. Lol

They will also be the ones who will sit on their hands in November, take out ads distancing themselves from the top of their own ticket.

There's a reason why Democrats WANT to run against Trump instead of Rubio or Kasich.
Not if liberals continue to do what they did last night. Stopping free speech will bring people out.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

Private citizens cannot "stop" free speech; in fact, the issue has nothing to do with "free speech" at all.
Then why are liberals want to prosecute people people for not believing in global warming?
AKA the new Nazi Party
By chance, tell us what things the Nazis did that you did agree with, and what they did that you didn't agree with?

They built roads, bridges, and a strong military.
They defended their borders.
They suppressed radicals, liberals, and communists.
They got people back to work.
They supported youth, the church, and family life.
They rallied the nation to national causes.
They repealed gun control laws.
They rejected internationalism.
They suppressed alternate lifestyles such as homosexuality.
They defended traditionalism, etc.

Your kind of folks actually.
They would lock you up if you didn't agree with your opinion. Kinda like wanting to prosecute people for denying global warming. The thing liberals want to do. Also for denying free speech like what happened in Chicago. Your kind prove how uneducated liberals are. Thanks for handing Trump the election.
No liberal opposes Free Speech, we invented it.

And you didn't answer what you liked about the Nazis?
Like prosecuting people for not believing in global warming? No, you just invented only the speech you agree with. Nothing more. That is what the Nazis wanted, just as liberals want. Thanks for handing Trump the presidency!
Again, No liberal opposes Free Speech, we invented it.

What you're not saying is a true liberal is an endangered species in the regressive party. There's only a very few left.
By chance, tell us what things the Nazis did that you did agree with, and what they did that you didn't agree with?

They built roads, bridges, and a strong military.
They defended their borders.
They suppressed radicals, liberals, and communists.
They got people back to work.
They supported youth, the church, and family life.
They rallied the nation to national causes.
They repealed gun control laws.
They rejected internationalism.
They suppressed alternate lifestyles such as homosexuality.
They defended traditionalism, etc.

Your kind of folks actually.
They would lock you up if you didn't agree with your opinion. Kinda like wanting to prosecute people for denying global warming. The thing liberals want to do. Also for denying free speech like what happened in Chicago. Your kind prove how uneducated liberals are. Thanks for handing Trump the election.
No liberal opposes Free Speech, we invented it.

And you didn't answer what you liked about the Nazis?
Like prosecuting people for not believing in global warming? No, you just invented only the speech you agree with. Nothing more. That is what the Nazis wanted, just as liberals want. Thanks for handing Trump the presidency!
Again, No liberal opposes Free Speech, we invented it.

What you're not saying is a true liberal is an endangered species in the regressive party. There's only a very few left.
Liberalism is a not a party, and there are very few of us, that is true. Historically, that is also true.
Those republicans that are the status qou? The ones that helped create Trump. Yeah they are really hurting Trump. Lol

They will also be the ones who will sit on their hands in November, take out ads distancing themselves from the top of their own ticket.

There's a reason why Democrats WANT to run against Trump instead of Rubio or Kasich.
Not if liberals continue to do what they did last night. Stopping free speech will bring people out.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

Private citizens cannot "stop" free speech; in fact, the issue has nothing to do with "free speech" at all.
Then why are liberals want to prosecute people people for not believing in global warming?

The feds want to prosecute big companies for putting out false information maybe...
What happened in Chicago is the equivalent of the Dems slitting a wrist, now it up to the leadership to determine if they're going to slit the other one and bleed out, or remedy the situation. The vast majority of the regressives on this board are crowing about shutting down an opposition rally, well get ready for the boomerang effect. If it happens again, you will see independents and moderate dims leaving the party in droves. The majority of Americans won't view this kind of behavior positively, the way the far left loons do. So you find yourselves at a cross roads, which path will you chose? Take the wrong one and you WILL lose this election and all the down ballot races as well. Please, feel free to keep it up.
Nope....but if only the Jews, gypsies, etc. had stood up to the Brownshirts in the early 30s like what is happening now in St. Louis and Chicago, an awful lot of people might not have died.

Like I said just keep it up, your party will pay the price. I just noticed both Sanders and the hildabitch haven't called for it to stop, They're actually blaming Trump for their supporters trying shut down the political process They keep talking like that and they may very well find out what its like to have the shoe on the other foot.
Not if liberals continue to do what they did last night. Stopping free speech will bring people out.

No one stopped free speech. If Trump wanted to go, the CPD had his back. He just turned tail and ran when someone confronted him, like most bullies do.

He wasn't concerned for himself, he was worried about the people that came to see him. They knew there were a bunch of protesters in the venue.
These "protesters" are interfering with the democratic process. They are not protesters at all; they are trouble makers.
They would lock you up if you didn't agree with your opinion. Kinda like wanting to prosecute people for denying global warming. The thing liberals want to do. Also for denying free speech like what happened in Chicago. Your kind prove how uneducated liberals are. Thanks for handing Trump the election.
No liberal opposes Free Speech, we invented it.

And you didn't answer what you liked about the Nazis?
Like prosecuting people for not believing in global warming? No, you just invented only the speech you agree with. Nothing more. That is what the Nazis wanted, just as liberals want. Thanks for handing Trump the presidency!
Again, No liberal opposes Free Speech, we invented it.

What you're not saying is a true liberal is an endangered species in the regressive party. There's only a very few left.
Liberalism is a not a party, and there are very few of us, that is true. Historically, that is also true.

And your claiming to be one, only demonstrates exactly how delusional you are. True liberals wrote the bill of rights, something you've shown contempt for.

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