The Democrat War On God And Jews...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Wow, a War on God and Jews? Now? Who are the geniuses in the Democratic Party who thought this one up? First they express their real feelings by excluding God and support for Israel from their Party Platform. Then they go into full panic-mode, and rush it back into their Platform. What a collosal embarrassing blunder. And it was too late anyway, the damage had already been done. Will Jewish Democrats now decide to dump the Democrats on Election Day? I'm guessing many will. But what do you think?
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Wow, a War on God and Jews? Now? Who are the geniuses in the Democratic Party who thought this one up? First they express their real feelings by excluding God and support for Israel from their Party Platform. Then they go into full panic-mode, and rush it back into their Platform. What a collosal embarrassing blunder. And it was too late anyway, the damage had already been done. Will Jewish Democrats now decide to dump the Democrats on Election Day? I'm guessing many will. But what do you think?

The vast majority of Jews who consider themselves Democrats are not very religious.
Wow, a War on God and Jews? Now? Who are the geniuses in the Democratic Party who thought this one up? First they express their real feelings by excluding God and support for Israel from their Party Platform. Then they go into full panic-mode, and rush it back into their Platform. What a collosal embarrassing blunder. And it was too late anyway, the damage had already been done. Will Jewish Democrats now decide to dump the Democrats on Election Day? I'm guessing many will. But what do you think?

BTW, just because a decent percentage of Democrats don't double down on Jesus, doesn't mean they are anti-religion or against your right to practice whatever faith you believe in. Religion is an odd thing. Jesus preached tolerance by loving your enemy as you love your neighbor. Democrats are much more tolerant than the average Republican, for that you can be certain.
Wow, a War on God and Jews? Now? Who are the geniuses in the Democratic Party who thought this one up? First they express their real feelings by excluding God and support for Israel from their Party Platform. Then they go into full panic-mode, and rush it back into their Platform. What a collosal embarrassing blunder. And it was too late anyway, the damage had already been done. Will Jewish Democrats now decide to dump the Democrats on Election Day? I'm guessing many will. But what do you think?

The vast majority of Jews who consider themselves Democrats are not very religious.

You make a very valid point. And many Jewish Democrats don't seem to care about Israel either. But i do think this was a pretty huge blunder anyway. Many American Jews are Independents. And those Independents probably won't be voting Democrat this time.
Where did the democrats aver that they were anti Israel. Since there are more than just Jews that live there.
I know one thing for sure, that the Jewish voter bloc in the USA will not be voting for Ron Paul come Novenber.
Mittens did not mention military or the war, does this mean he is anti-war and anti-military?
Wow, a War on God and Jews? Now? Who are the geniuses in the Democratic Party who thought this one up? First they express their real feelings by excluding God and support for Israel from their Party Platform. Then they go into full panic-mode, and rush it back into their Platform. What a collosal embarrassing blunder. And it was too late anyway, the damage had already been done. Will Jewish Democrats now decide to dump the Democrats on Election Day? I'm guessing many will. But what do you think?
I understand the intentional omissions were made because they thought it represents the views of Obama more accurately. Simply put, they got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Any Jew that votes for Obama is a moron in my opinion. I think it's time people set aside traditional party affiliations and do what's right for the country.
If Jeruselum is the capital, why do you guys not control the whole city?
I'm still trying to figure out why neither party mentioned Switzerland in their platforms? Why does everyone want to go to war with the people who give is great watches and Swiss cheese?
Wow, a War on God and Jews? Now? Who are the geniuses in the Democratic Party who thought this one up? First they express their real feelings by excluding God and support for Israel from their Party Platform. Then they go into full panic-mode, and rush it back into their Platform. What a collosal embarrassing blunder. And it was too late anyway, the damage had already been done. Will Jewish Democrats now decide to dump the Democrats on Election Day? I'm guessing many will. But what do you think?
I understand the intentional omissions were made because they thought it represents the views of Obama more accurately. Simply put, they got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Any Jew that votes for Obama is a moron in my opinion. I think it's time people set aside traditional party affiliations and do what's right for the country.

Yeah, i guess we'll see what American Jews think on Election Day. But i have to agree with you. I don't understand why an American Jew would vote Democrat.

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