The Democratic Socialists of America


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2019
Born L.A.-NYC is 2nd home-Rustbelt is home base
Here is their manifesto...

...It may be our future in the USA.

Mark URSS lr.jpg
There is a significant difference between Marxism and Democratic Socialism (dumb term), but lots of folks just can't seem to grasp it.

Maybe if we did a better job of applying capitalism, Democratic Socialism wouldn't be so attractive to so many.
There is no fundamental difference between Marxism and Democratic Socialism. It's simply a different label that sounds less commie.

In a stateless communist society, the people use democracy to collectively control the means of production. Democratic Socialism is the same thing, but with a state.

The key component is that individual are stripped of any ownership of the means of production.
There is a significant difference between Marxism and Democratic Socialism (dumb term), but lots of folks just can't seem to grasp it.

Maybe if we did a better job of applying capitalism, Democratic Socialism wouldn't be so attractive to so many.

I disagree, there will always be lazy and covetous people out there seeking a free ride and being envious of the rich man's gold.

Almighty God recognized this in antiquity, when He declared "Thou shalt not covet".

Fellows like Marx, Stalin and Sanders just made the ideology of coveting into a mass movement.
There is a significant difference between Marxism and Democratic Socialism (dumb term), but lots of folks just can't seem to grasp it.

Maybe if we did a better job of applying capitalism, Democratic Socialism wouldn't be so attractive to so many.
There is no fundamental difference between Marxism and Democratic Socialism. It's simply a different label that sounds less commie.

In a stateless communist society, the people use democracy to collectively control the means of production. Democratic Socialism is the same thing, but with a state.

The key component is that individual are stripped of any ownership of the means of production.

Thats exactly right but they're always trying to lipstick their pig.
It's a misnomer. When people like Bernie Sanders or AOC use such Fox News parlance, they are referring to distributism. Like they have in Europe.
Here is their manifesto...

...It may be our future in the USA.

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It is certainly what the American commies want, but we will FUCKING KILL THEM WITHOUT HESITATION!!!!

Kill a commie for mommy.

You can not blame Communists for being who they are.

Traitors like Joe Biden and Diane Feinstein, however, who have sold their nations out to the Chicoms.......
States just need to start seceding from the tyranny. The gulf is too wide now. There will be no more unification between the ideologies.
It's hard to imagine our two-party system evolving or devolving (depending upon one's point of view) into 3 to 4 parties. It is going to happen, and sooner than I would have even guessed just a few years ago. People are right when they say we've had this type of conflict/protests/riots for many decades, but the new factor is instant knowledge and planning. There is a rip that's tearing apart somewhere in the middle of the Democratic Party. The Republicans had a smaller tear, with liberal media predicting a split but it hasn't happened. The time is right for another party come into play and personally, I'm okay with that. Think of the consequences from the "fallout" from the two no longer the only two options. Think of the outcome for the Dems splitting in half (with more likely going farther left than sticking to the middle). Think of the advantages for the party that remains in tact, if it does. It will be a major shifting comparable to tectonic plates!;)
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