The Dems & the GOP - Peas in a pod, again

Insulted buy the behavior of both party's & the general ignorance of the electorate, the search for truth has been cast aside in favor of winning, who can tell the most half truths & out right lie's. very sad Democrat debates, & Trumps last speech on how he is saving air & water when in fact he has done just the opposite. seems it a lose lose situation for the majority of the population.
Yep. One of the distortions the wings love to try is to pretend that those of us who AREN'T wingers think that we're special or above it all.

Standard lie.

The truth, of course, is that wingers think that they and their tribe have all the answers and that the other tribe is always wrong. The rest of us, the majority, would prefer to see the two tribes get over themselves, communicate like grownups, and work together. So for the wingers to claim that we think we're above anything is delicious in its irony. At some level, the wingers know. That's why they're so defensive and nasty.

The majority is just the kids in the cafeteria trying to eat our damn lunch during a good fight.
The majority are gunna need folks like you to go ahead and get over themselves, too there Mac. You bring nothing new or relevant to the table except to whine at the way that everyone else is whining.

It's a schtick, you're always on schtick and you never get off schtick - - and you quell surprise when folks see through the hypocrisy. Don't like it, don't be a hypocrite. It's fairly standard, ethically.
It's always fun to point out how similar our two "major" parties can be in their behaviors. No, not issues, behaviors (I put that in bold there).

And, as if to illustrate the point yet again, the Democrats are jumping in by essentially splitting into two pieces for our amusement.

Remember about four and eight years ago, when the the Tea Party Republicans were running around, threatening to "primary" anyone who wasn't pure and obedient? And remember about four years ago, when those same Republicans were shit-canning people like Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan and John Kasich because the party had passed them by?

We'll here we go again, from the kids on the the other side!

Democrats threatening to primary each other:
Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Know Who The Democratic Party Is Anymore
'Members are looking over their shoulders': Democrats spooked by new primary threats

Democrat leaders losing tough with their new whacked-out base:
'Members are looking over their shoulders': Democrats spooked by new primary threats
Nancy Pelosi Doesn't Know Who The Democratic Party Is Anymore | HuffPost

Seriously, this is almost unfair, it's so easy. The two ends of the spectrum can be so damn similar in their behaviors!


I disagree. Both parties are one and the same.
That is amazingly delusional.

And yet you wouldn't even try to refute any of it. Because you know you can't.

The GOP, led by Trump, has institutionalized disgusting behavior across the board. While individual Democrats here and there do bad things, the Democrats have not institutionalized disgusting behavior. The two sides are very different, with the Democrats clearly being the better side.

It's only the right here getting triggered because I dared be so un-PC as to point out how the two parties are very different. That's further evidence concerning how the phony-equivalence big lie is a standard tactic the right, used to excuse their own disgusting behavior. You don't see anyone on the left pulling the mealymouthed "but both sides are alike!" tactic, because we don't have to. Since the Democrats are better, we can simply point that out.
You really should seek help. The Ds are no better than the Rs, but partisans can’t see the truth.

You are hilarious, but don’t know it. I suspect you consume enormous amounts of DNCMSM.
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Policy people
THAT is what matters. Behavior is a DISTANT 2nd place.
I wish that were true. I wish that our behaviors didn't affect actions, but they do.

The way a person treats you affects your actions. You're human. If people refuse to get past petty behaviors, they'll exhibit the behavior I listed.

When that happens, communication is distorted or destroyed. And when that happens, collaboration and innovation are destroyed.

And we're seeing how that manifests, right now, in real time.
That is amazingly delusional.

And yet you wouldn't even try to refute any of it. Because you know you can't.

The GOP, led by Trump, has institutionalized disgusting behavior across the board. While individual Democrats here and there do bad things, the Democrats have not institutionalized disgusting behavior. The two sides are very different, with the Democrats clearly being the better side.

It's only the right here getting triggered because I dared be so un-PC as to point out how the two parties are very different. That's further evidence concerning how the phony-equivalence big lie is a standard tactic the right, used to excuse their own disgusting behavior. You don't see anyone on the left pulling the mealymouthed "but both sides are alike!" tactic, because we don't have to. Since the Democrats are better, we can simply point that out.
You really should seek help. The Ds are no better than the Rs, but partisan can’t see the truth.

You are hilarious, but don’t know it. I suspect you consume enormous amounts of DNCMSM.
Intellectual myopia. One of the behaviors on my list.
Mac does not parrot GOP spin. In a way, what's happening is even worse. I doubt he still picks up anything. As far as I've seen, he's had what he thought was an original thought three or four years ago - wingers are all the same. Ever since he turned politics into some kind of Rorschach test, and he "sees" the same "thing" every time.

If you can't see the vast similarity in the way both party extremists behave these days, I suppose you never will. At least, that's what I believe is the point of the OP.

In order to do that, he has to dismiss even the starkest differences in attitudes, declare "wingers" folks who are not, and ignore wildly differing policy objectives on top of that.

When I see most posters doing those very things in here to others on a daily basis, I see it less of a criticism than it is a staple of human nature in this place.

For since there is a radical right, there has to be a radical (regressive) left as well, and since alt-right has taken over the GOP, the alleged radical left "controls" the Democratic party. It has to, for otherwise that sordid shtick won't work, all the evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

You're simply describing levels of hyperbole and stereotypes being projected from partisan talking points. To me this lazy form of communication is a requirement at USMB. Since both parties are currently using DEFCON 2 levels of pedantry to flame each other, I tend to believe they come from the extremist factions of each party. Thus, most of these threads are jam packed with wingers, and you're just as filthy as the rest of us pigs by association, so enjoy the ride.

The fault is his construing reality around his both-side-ist ideology, and he concludes that his blinkers conquer him the moral high ground.

So what? Do you really believe you've said anything new or ground breaking here? Here's a hint: Nope. We all want to believe we're right. Even you, Mr. Sparkling Personality.

In a way, what we get to observe is the effects of a hermetically sealed world-view, religiously pursued, in conjunction with a pretty uniquely victorious victim card: The more declare him bonkers, the more he believes he wins. It's kind of sad.

Not sad, just an opinion. :dunno: But you're so open minded and superior, I'm positive you can convince him to see the light.
So? It's a perfectly valid effort. It is interesting to see society's political sickness in action. USMB never disappoints in that arena.
It's not a valid effort to bitch and moan on the internet, that's ridiculous.

Opinions are subjective.
i agree, and in my opinion this obsessive high-horse sanctimony is disgusting

It's a glorious train wreck I just can't pull my eyes away from sometimes.
That I can agree with!

But when you actually go out into the community and outside the partisan bark-o-sphere...

the barbecues are still popping...the sporting communities full of parents and kids and volunteers are still all out playing in the sun (caught a sunburn last night)

the nightly home-work is starting in the 1st grade now and it's pretty in-depth as compared to what i remember....

crime statistics are pretty damn good/safe, historically

so all of this "rome is burning & culture is crashing" is a buncha sanctimonious old man get off my lawn bullshit....and it's been present in every society since the dawn of civilization

Agreed. Now, get off my lawn. :04:
It's not a valid effort to bitch and moan on the internet, that's ridiculous.

Opinions are subjective.
i agree, and in my opinion this obsessive high-horse sanctimony is disgusting

It's a glorious train wreck I just can't pull my eyes away from sometimes.
That I can agree with!

But when you actually go out into the community and outside the partisan bark-o-sphere...

the barbecues are still popping...the sporting communities full of parents and kids and volunteers are still all out playing in the sun (caught a sunburn last night)

the nightly home-work is starting in the 1st grade now and it's pretty in-depth as compared to what i remember....

crime statistics are pretty damn good/safe, historically

so all of this "rome is burning & culture is crashing" is a buncha sanctimonious old man get off my lawn bullshit....and it's been present in every society since the dawn of civilization

Agreed. Now, get off my lawn. :04:
It would be my honor :)
Tries to compare Democrats with Republican while ignoring the obvious differences.
Republicans have core principles while Democrats have none.
Democrats support fascism, chaos, and anarchy while Republicans support peace and freedom.
Democrats are Antisemitic while Republicans support Israel.
Maybe read the first line of the OP again. This isn't about issues, it's about behaviors.
Obviously you can't read.
Having principles isn't an issue.
Leadership is the driver that gets us Policy. When the Potus is some sorta goofy salesman/celebrity, the partisans are gunna have a field day of either fan-worshipping or vehemently opposing him(or her), and not give any middle ground because the partisan-sphere requires a tragedy for middle-ground to occur, shy of a truly inspiring person in a Leadership position.

I disagree. Most Dem policies, from higher taxes on the rich to preserving the ACA to preserving Social Security to Medicare for all enjoy majority support. They are, and should be declared, middle ground. On the other hand, environmental deregulation and tax cuts tailored for the rich, undermining the ACA, along with brutalizing kids on the borders, which sums up the GOP's policy "achievements" during the last 2.5 years, enjoy the support of virtually no one. That should be deemed radical, and the appropriate terms for that crap should be used, even in polite company.
Tries to compare Democrats with Republican while ignoring the obvious differences.
Republicans have core principles while Democrats have none.
Democrats support fascism, chaos, and anarchy while Republicans support peace and freedom.
Democrats are Antisemitic while Republicans support Israel.
Maybe read the first line of the OP again. This isn't about issues, it's about behaviors.
Obviously you can't read.
Having principles isn't an issue.
Ah, your tribe has principles and the other tribe doesn't. Tribalism.

Yeah, that's on the list.
Leadership is the driver that gets us Policy. When the Potus is some sorta goofy salesman/celebrity, the partisans are gunna have a field day of either fan-worshipping or vehemently opposing him(or her), and not give any middle ground because the partisan-sphere requires a tragedy for middle-ground to occur, shy of a truly inspiring person in a Leadership position.

I disagree. Most Dem policies, from higher taxes on the rich to preserving the ACA to preserving Social Security to Medicare for all enjoy majority support. They are, and should be declared, middle ground. On the other hand, environmental deregulation and tax cuts tailored for the rich, undermining the ACA, along with brutalizing kids on the borders, which sums up the GOP's policy "achievements" during the last 2.5 years, enjoy the support of virtually no one. That should be deemed radical, and the appropriate terms for that crap should be used, even in polite company.
I think you sort of re-enforced my point in stating that getting things done requires leadership.

I'm not getting into the weeds on the specifics you listed or what I do and don't agree with, but the underlying premise is that the majority want something and aren't getting it because of partisan politics in Washington. That's a lack of true leadership.
Tries to compare Democrats with Republican while ignoring the obvious differences.
Republicans have core principles while Democrats have none.
Democrats support fascism, chaos, and anarchy while Republicans support peace and freedom.
Democrats are Antisemitic while Republicans support Israel.
Maybe read the first line of the OP again. This isn't about issues, it's about behaviors.
Obviously you can't read.
Having principles isn't an issue.
Ah, your tribe has principles and the other tribe doesn't. Tribalism.

Yeah, that's on the list.

It is completely possible for one group to have principles and the other not.

Your dismissal as though it is not, is not reasonable.
Tries to compare Democrats with Republican while ignoring the obvious differences.
Republicans have core principles while Democrats have none.
Democrats support fascism, chaos, and anarchy while Republicans support peace and freedom.
Democrats are Antisemitic while Republicans support Israel.
Maybe read the first line of the OP again. This isn't about issues, it's about behaviors.
Obviously you can't read.
Having principles isn't an issue.

Well, It kind of is, dummy. Having principles is a defining characteristic of behavior, which is a defining point in this particular OP. If you aren't smart enough to comprehend this conversation, I'm sure there's plenty of Orange Virus threads that are more your speed.
Republicans have core principles while Democrats have none.

Like what?
Democrats believe in free health care for illegal immigrants, which pretty much contributes to human-trafficking and drug-trafficking. Democrats feel borders are racist. National pride is racist. Love of country is white supremacy. Respect for authority (cops) is stupid. No free exchange of ideas.

Allowing people to openly express their opinions is number one with Republicans, along with gun ownership. If some socialist/progressive promises free tuition we ask how are you gonna pay for it.

We believe in life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness. Democrats just want free shit and want to get even. Envy is a big thing with Democrats. Kissing people's ass because of the color of their skin. They'll vote for any POS because he looks good in a suit. Appearance is more important than substance.
The GOP, led by Trump, has institutionalized disgusting behavior across the board.


Bill Clinton was such an angel....

Clearly murdering, raping, and sexual harassing isn't "bad behavior" when said individual is selling out....

Now, making off the cuff comments, wow, BAD BAD BAD....

Then you have Mel Reynolds, Rod Blagojevich, Sandy Berger, Carl Hubbard, Dan Rostenkowski, Jim Traficant, William J. Jefferson, Ted Kennedy, Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer, John Edwards and a whole lot of other Democrats.

So the idea that one party is more or less corrupt, violent and on and on is just a stupid argument, good and bad in all people.
Republicans have core principles while Democrats have none.
Democrats support fascism, chaos, and anarchy while Republicans support peace and freedom.
Democrats are Antisemitic while Republicans support Israel.
Maybe read the first line of the OP again. This isn't about issues, it's about behaviors.
Obviously you can't read.
Having principles isn't an issue.
Ah, your tribe has principles and the other tribe doesn't. Tribalism.

Yeah, that's on the list.

It is completely possible for one group to have principles and the other not.

Your dismissal as though it is not, is not reasonable.
The fact that someone else's principles don't align with yours doesn't mean they don't have principles.

Seriously, I really would think that something this obvious wouldn't even need to be said.
But you're so open minded and superior, I'm positive you can convince him to see the light.

That's a nice non sequitur. Doesn't follow, but nice.

BTW, I don't usually react to posters who are Fisking my postings. I am making an exception here to clarify: When I am talking about Democrats and the GOP, I am talking about politicians, mostly on the federal level. The brawlers here are not what I am talking about (all that much), and I doubt Mac does when he takes on "wingers".
Republicans have core principles while Democrats have none.
Democrats support fascism, chaos, and anarchy while Republicans support peace and freedom.
Democrats are Antisemitic while Republicans support Israel.
Maybe read the first line of the OP again. This isn't about issues, it's about behaviors.
Obviously you can't read.
Having principles isn't an issue.
Ah, your tribe has principles and the other tribe doesn't. Tribalism.

Yeah, that's on the list.

It is completely possible for one group to have principles and the other not.

Your dismissal as though it is not, is not reasonable.
The fact that someone else's principles don't align with yours doesn't mean they don't have principles.

Seriously, I really would think that something this obvious wouldn't even need to be said.

That is obviously true.

But one can judge other people based on how well they live up to those principles. And/or whether those principles are very valid.

ANd it is still possible for one group to have principles and another not to.

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