The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread

Bull Connor was a right wing, conservative, Southern racist.
Fascism is, and always has been, a rightwing movement.

This is why rightwingers, Republicans and other assorted self-professed Conservatives in America all hate ANTIFA w/a passion. That's short for anti-fascists BTW.
I have been taking various political tests online to see how my views side up with which political agenda. Most tests graph or chart the results, but if you’ve taken one of these tests you already know this of course. Anyway, fascism scans segments from both the left and right.
An authoritarian government supports fascism and depending upon the issues, that can be left or right. That is what I oppose, authoritarian rule in any color, shape, or size that it might come.
And you say the police were right to not shoot him because "he wasn't an immediate threat... He was naked, unarmed and not physically imposing."

Now let's see if that works if yours black ?

Was it the same cops? Uh. No.

So let's look at the details of that case.

Once Sgt. Box followed Lewis into the home, he saw Lewis trying to leave through the backdoor. The officer told him stop and put his hands up, and then Lewis did not listen, and charged the officer instead. The officer then deployed his taser which landed on Lewis, and reportedly had no effect. Lewis continued to charge and another taser cycle was fired off, which failed again.

The statement says Lewis began to punch the officer in the face and head, and the officer tried to use a "Drive Stun" on him, which had no effect. The officer soon realized he was losing the ability to fight back and was going unconscious. After failing to grab his pistol to defend himself, Lewis knocked him unconscious on his back.

That's when Officer Scherman fired several rounds, hitting and killing Lewis.

So you are an officer, you see this crazed, naked man has disarmed and is beating your partner senseless, and you really think shooting him wasn't justified.
I mean WHITE men in the South and you defend keeping their statues and monuments up, so yea you can stand them.

How many black murders, committed by other blacks, go unsolved because the rest of the black folks in the area won't "snitch"? You should be standing up to that savagery, considering 93% of black murder victims are murdered by a black person.

How many of those murders go unsolved because the police do a half ass investigation? You claim that folks won't "snitch", they don't snitch because they are AFRAID of the retaliation against them because they police damn sure aren't going to do anything to protect them. When you run your mouth at least know what you are talking about..

Make it easier for law abiding black people living in inner-city communities to keep and bear firearms so they can meet the force employed by gang bangers with as much, or more force.

It is already easy to keep and bear firearms, why do you think they run so rampant in the "hood". The law-abiding citizens are the ones who will be charged if they take the LAW into their own hands.

Stop with the defunding of the police horseshit and stop tying their hands. Stop brainwashing blacks into believing that cops want to hunt them down.

Neither one of your points make any sense. What is defunding the police? Explain it too me. Nobody has brainwash us into anything we have all had some type of encounter with the police and can tell our own story.
I mean WHITE men in the South and you defend keeping their statues and monuments up, so yea you can stand them.

How many black murders, committed by other blacks, go unsolved because the rest of the black folks in the area won't "snitch"? You should be standing up to that savagery, considering 93% of black murder victims are murdered by a black person.

How many of those murders go unsolved because the police do a half ass investigation? You claim that folks won't "snitch", they don't snitch because they are AFRAID of the retaliation against them because they police damn sure aren't going to do anything to protect them. When you run your mouth at least know what you are talking about..

Make it easier for law abiding black people living in inner-city communities to keep and bear firearms so they can meet the force employed by gang bangers with as much, or more force.

It is already easy to keep and bear firearms, why do you think they run so rampant in the "hood". The law-abiding citizens are the ones who will be charged if they take the LAW into their own hands.

Stop with the defunding of the police horseshit and stop tying their hands. Stop brainwashing blacks into believing that cops want to hunt them down.

Neither one of your points make any sense. What is defunding the police? Explain it too me. Nobody has brainwash us into anything we have all had some type of encounter with the police and can tell our own story.

You can rally thousands of black people to loot, pillage and burn the private property of law abiding citizens, but you have yet to do the same in response to the gang bangers

Who says we haven't, see they don't put that on the news. Which means white racists like you would never know that. Why don't you stop putting the guns and the drugs in the neighborhood and the problem would go away.

Those guns are possessed illegally.

How as Long's gun possessed? How was Aliwi Alissa's gun possessed?

I'm referring to law abiding black people, who can't own a gun because of the restrictive gun laws in their cities.

What cities would that be?

You don't have a problem with blacks taking the law into their own hands when a cop shoots a black person, even if it's a totally righteous shoot.

See black folks don't get outraged when the cops kill a black man that was shooting at them, the problem is when you kill a man who is lying face down cuffed and he is murdered.

What do I mean by "defunding the police"?

Lets start with the BREATHE Act.

Ok, now explain your problem with the act.

Show us where thousands of blacks have rallied to fight gang bangers and run them out of their community. Can't wait to see it.

How are they going to run them out when you keep the drugs and guns flowing.

How many gang bangers legally possess firearms?

I don't know any gang bangers, so I couldn't tell you.

Black folks get outraged anytime a white cop shoots a black man, even if it's a righteous shoot. It happened in Pa last year.

Really what shoot was that?

The BREATHE Act wants to defund police and abolish prisons. That's what's wrong with it.

No, it's a little deeper than that.

They'll run them out by force. What are you waiting for? That would be a riot that everyone would support.

This shooting in Lancaster, Pa.

Tell you what stop putting the guns and drugs in the neighborhoods and let's see what happens.

Who is putting guns and drugs into the neighborhoods and ghettos? It isn't the "Republicans" or the "conservatives." Its black activist groups like the Crips and the Bloods. Its groups of Illegal aliens like MS 13.

Not fucking Trump or the millions of little Trumpsters

This started long before there was any bloods/crips. White republicans and conservatives have been a part of it as well. Drugs are maintained and contained in the "Hood" , so that it stays in the "Hood". Whites are the biggest consumers of drugs, yet they are not incarcerated for using them like black folks are.
I mean WHITE men in the South and you defend keeping their statues and monuments up, so yea you can stand them.

How many black murders, committed by other blacks, go unsolved because the rest of the black folks in the area won't "snitch"? You should be standing up to that savagery, considering 93% of black murder victims are murdered by a black person.

How many of those murders go unsolved because the police do a half ass investigation? You claim that folks won't "snitch", they don't snitch because they are AFRAID of the retaliation against them because they police damn sure aren't going to do anything to protect them. When you run your mouth at least know what you are talking about..

Make it easier for law abiding black people living in inner-city communities to keep and bear firearms so they can meet the force employed by gang bangers with as much, or more force.

It is already easy to keep and bear firearms, why do you think they run so rampant in the "hood". The law-abiding citizens are the ones who will be charged if they take the LAW into their own hands.

Stop with the defunding of the police horseshit and stop tying their hands. Stop brainwashing blacks into believing that cops want to hunt them down.

Neither one of your points make any sense. What is defunding the police? Explain it too me. Nobody has brainwash us into anything we have all had some type of encounter with the police and can tell our own story.
I mean WHITE men in the South and you defend keeping their statues and monuments up, so yea you can stand them.

How many black murders, committed by other blacks, go unsolved because the rest of the black folks in the area won't "snitch"? You should be standing up to that savagery, considering 93% of black murder victims are murdered by a black person.

How many of those murders go unsolved because the police do a half ass investigation? You claim that folks won't "snitch", they don't snitch because they are AFRAID of the retaliation against them because they police damn sure aren't going to do anything to protect them. When you run your mouth at least know what you are talking about..

Make it easier for law abiding black people living in inner-city communities to keep and bear firearms so they can meet the force employed by gang bangers with as much, or more force.

It is already easy to keep and bear firearms, why do you think they run so rampant in the "hood". The law-abiding citizens are the ones who will be charged if they take the LAW into their own hands.

Stop with the defunding of the police horseshit and stop tying their hands. Stop brainwashing blacks into believing that cops want to hunt them down.

Neither one of your points make any sense. What is defunding the police? Explain it too me. Nobody has brainwash us into anything we have all had some type of encounter with the police and can tell our own story.

You can rally thousands of black people to loot, pillage and burn the private property of law abiding citizens, but you have yet to do the same in response to the gang bangers

Who says we haven't, see they don't put that on the news. Which means white racists like you would never know that. Why don't you stop putting the guns and the drugs in the neighborhood and the problem would go away.

Those guns are possessed illegally.

How as Long's gun possessed? How was Aliwi Alissa's gun possessed?

I'm referring to law abiding black people, who can't own a gun because of the restrictive gun laws in their cities.

What cities would that be?

You don't have a problem with blacks taking the law into their own hands when a cop shoots a black person, even if it's a totally righteous shoot.

See black folks don't get outraged when the cops kill a black man that was shooting at them, the problem is when you kill a man who is lying face down cuffed and he is murdered.

What do I mean by "defunding the police"?

Lets start with the BREATHE Act.

Ok, now explain your problem with the act.

Show us where thousands of blacks have rallied to fight gang bangers and run them out of their community. Can't wait to see it.

How are they going to run them out when you keep the drugs and guns flowing.

How many gang bangers legally possess firearms?

I don't know any gang bangers, so I couldn't tell you.

Black folks get outraged anytime a white cop shoots a black man, even if it's a righteous shoot. It happened in Pa last year.

Really what shoot was that?

The BREATHE Act wants to defund police and abolish prisons. That's what's wrong with it.

No, it's a little deeper than that.

They'll run them out by force. What are you waiting for? That would be a riot that everyone would support.

This shooting in Lancaster, Pa.

Tell you what stop putting the guns and drugs in the neighborhoods and let's see what happens.

Who is putting guns and drugs into the neighborhoods and ghettos? It isn't the "Republicans" or the "conservatives." Its black activist groups like the Crips and the Bloods. Its groups of Illegal aliens like MS 13.

Not fucking Trump or the millions of little Trumpsters

The blacktivist groups are putting drugs into these communities. They're tolerating the drugs and gang activity.

Give us some examples of this.

A black person gets shot, even if it's a justified shoot and the blacktivists start riots and raise hell.

Is that because LE is suppose to maintain Law and Order not break the Law.

A black child gets killed by crossfire in a gang shootout and they're fucking crickets.

You know this how? Because that is what you are told on the news.

Their energy is absolutely misdirected. If they waged violence against gang bangers like they do against law abiding citizens, I join in and help out.

Your premise is bullshit, but if that is the case what is stopping you from helping now? You are just running that DS as usual.
I'm predicting it'll be a hung jury or an acquittal. I hope he gets convicted but I predict it will be something different.
Let's hope and pray you're wrong and a deserved guilty verdict is awarded.

Don't count on it Marc, we have seen far worse when it comes the Justice System in this country.

And even a guilty conviction means nothing.

Amber Guyger killed a black man--in his own home--who was unarmed. She says she walked into the wrong home and did what we all would have done...killed someone. She was convicted of murder. She got 10 years.

Guys in Texas ( same state as Guyger) are doing 40 years for burglary.
Why are you trying to manipulate again...she had just moved into an apartment. She mistakenly got off on the wrong floor and didn't realize it and went over to what she thought was her apartment...there was no intention to do malice on her part. She did not set out to attack anyone---she was simply mistaken about the apartments and likely was suffering from PTSD from a previous attack while being a cop.

That's some bullshit Turtle Shit, as soon as, you walk into the wrong apartment you know it. The smell is different the layout is different, etc. Did you give Mohamed Noor the same pass?
From watching the trial, I find out that the police actually called the police, on the police.

That doesn't bode well for Chauvin. Yet another nail in his coffin.
Police always call for backup when making an arrest. Pretty standard.
Again, you do not know the force applied. Floyd was going to die anyway. He was experiencing organ shutdown.
I don't know what force was applied, but you somehow know that he was experiencing organ shutdown.


That is how an overdose kills you.

Where are you getting this garbage from?
How does an overdose kill you? I am all ears.
Again, you do not know the force applied. Floyd was going to die anyway. He was experiencing organ shutdown.
I don't know what force was applied, but you somehow know that he was experiencing organ shutdown.


That is how an overdose kills you.

Where are you getting this garbage from?
How does an overdose kill you? I am all ears.

Can you post the Coroner/ME Report that says his cause of death was an overdose.
Again, you do not know the force applied. Floyd was going to die anyway. He was experiencing organ shutdown.
I don't know what force was applied, but you somehow know that he was experiencing organ shutdown.


That is how an overdose kills you.

Where are you getting this garbage from?
It’s called science. I know it’s not a subject lefties like very much these days:

“Among the many rapid effects that opioids have on the body, one is particularly lethal: Breathing is restricted.

“Opioids kill people by slowing the rate of breathing and the depth of breathing,” says medical toxicologist and emergency physician Andrew Stolbach of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.”

Again, you do not know the force applied. Floyd was going to die anyway. He was experiencing organ shutdown.
I don't know what force was applied, but you somehow know that he was experiencing organ shutdown.


That is how an overdose kills you.

Where are you getting this garbage from?
How does an overdose kill you? I am all ears.

Can you post the Coroner/ME Report that says his cause of death was overdose.
You find me an ME or coroner that is not compromised by political pressures. There are very few honest men and women left.
Again, you do not know the force applied. Floyd was going to die anyway. He was experiencing organ shutdown.
I don't know what force was applied, but you somehow know that he was experiencing organ shutdown.


That is how an overdose kills you.

Where are you getting this garbage from?
How does an overdose kill you? I am all ears.

Can you post the Coroner/ME Report that says his cause of death was an overdose.
Again, you do not know the force applied. Floyd was going to die anyway. He was experiencing organ shutdown.
I don't know what force was applied, but you somehow know that he was experiencing organ shutdown.


That is how an overdose kills you.

Where are you getting this garbage from?
It’s called science. I know it’s not a subject lefties like very much these days:

“Among the many rapid effects that opioids have on the body, one is particularly lethal: Breathing is restricted.

“Opioids kill people by slowing the rate of breathing and the depth of breathing,” says medical toxicologist and emergency physician Andrew Stolbach of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.”

Hmmm, so using Science you can predetermine when someone is going to die. Wow. When someone dies there is a thing called an "AUTOPSY" done to determine what caused their death, so can you provide the one that was done on Mr. Floyd that determined that he died of a drug overdose.
Again, you do not know the force applied. Floyd was going to die anyway. He was experiencing organ shutdown.
I don't know what force was applied, but you somehow know that he was experiencing organ shutdown.


That is how an overdose kills you.

Where are you getting this garbage from?
How does an overdose kill you? I am all ears.

Can you post the Coroner/ME Report that says his cause of death was overdose.
You find me an ME or coroner that is not compromised by political pressures. There are very few honest men and women left.

Ah so now they lied on the AUTOPSY.
Again, you do not know the force applied. Floyd was going to die anyway. He was experiencing organ shutdown.
I don't know what force was applied, but you somehow know that he was experiencing organ shutdown.


That is how an overdose kills you.

Where are you getting this garbage from?
How does an overdose kill you? I am all ears.

Can you post the Coroner/ME Report that says his cause of death was an overdose.
View attachment 474800

Now post the part that says, Cause of Death.

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