The Destructive Effects of Government

if you thought a fetus is alive then yes abortion would be murder.

I think my appendix is alive but I don't ever expect to be charged with murder if I have it out.

"I think my appendix is alive but I don't ever expect to be charged with murder if I have it out."

Does it have different DNA, and fingerprints than you do?

Could you die and it remain alive?

Does it emit chemical substances which weaken your immune system so that this tiny "foreign" body is not rejected by your body?

If, heaven forbid, you were murdered, would the murderer be charged for two murders?

Sir Albert Liley (the "Father of Fetology") made this observation in a 1970 speech entitled, "The Termination of Pregnancy or the Extermination of the Fetus?"
Physiologically, we must accept that the conceptus is, in a very large measure, in charge of the pregnancy.... Biologically, at no stage can we subscribe to the view that the fetus is a mere appendage of the mother.
Sir William Albert Liley,“The Termination of Pregnancy or the Extermination of the Fetus?” cited by Randy Alcorn, Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, 58.

Would that statement apply to said appendix?

Are you truly this much of an imbecile that you don't recognize the difference between an unborn human being, and your appendix?

Are you going to apologize for flagrantly misrepresenting the Walmart closings as minimum wage issues when the CEO of Walmart himself has called you a liar?

This is your attempt to create a smokescreen for claiming that there was any lie in the OP?

Let me smash that custard pie in your face again, NYLiar:
let's see you quote any untruth in the OP.
"smokescreen" PoliSpice? :eusa_eh: He quoted Wally World's CEO. You lose AGAIN!!!

More funny stuff for the flame zone.
I think my appendix is alive but I don't ever expect to be charged with murder if I have it out.

"I think my appendix is alive but I don't ever expect to be charged with murder if I have it out."

Does it have different DNA, and fingerprints than you do?

Could you die and it remain alive?

Does it emit chemical substances which weaken your immune system so that this tiny "foreign" body is not rejected by your body?

If, heaven forbid, you were murdered, would the murderer be charged for two murders?

Sir Albert Liley (the "Father of Fetology") made this observation in a 1970 speech entitled, "The Termination of Pregnancy or the Extermination of the Fetus?"
Physiologically, we must accept that the conceptus is, in a very large measure, in charge of the pregnancy.... Biologically, at no stage can we subscribe to the view that the fetus is a mere appendage of the mother.
Sir William Albert Liley,“The Termination of Pregnancy or the Extermination of the Fetus?” cited by Randy Alcorn, Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, 58.

Would that statement apply to said appendix?

Are you truly this much of an imbecile that you don't recognize the difference between an unborn human being, and your appendix?

Are you going to apologize for flagrantly misrepresenting the Walmart closings as minimum wage issues when the CEO of Walmart himself has called you a liar?

This is your attempt to create a smokescreen for claiming that there was any lie in the OP?

Let me smash that custard pie in your face again, NYLiar:
let's see you quote any untruth in the OP.
"smokescreen" PoliSpice? :eusa_eh: He quoted Wally World's CEO. You lose AGAIN!!!

More funny stuff for the flame zone.
yep. :D
"I think my appendix is alive but I don't ever expect to be charged with murder if I have it out."

Does it have different DNA, and fingerprints than you do?

Could you die and it remain alive?

Does it emit chemical substances which weaken your immune system so that this tiny "foreign" body is not rejected by your body?

If, heaven forbid, you were murdered, would the murderer be charged for two murders?

Sir Albert Liley (the "Father of Fetology") made this observation in a 1970 speech entitled, "The Termination of Pregnancy or the Extermination of the Fetus?"
Physiologically, we must accept that the conceptus is, in a very large measure, in charge of the pregnancy.... Biologically, at no stage can we subscribe to the view that the fetus is a mere appendage of the mother.
Sir William Albert Liley,“The Termination of Pregnancy or the Extermination of the Fetus?” cited by Randy Alcorn, Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, 58.

Would that statement apply to said appendix?

Are you truly this much of an imbecile that you don't recognize the difference between an unborn human being, and your appendix?

Are you going to apologize for flagrantly misrepresenting the Walmart closings as minimum wage issues when the CEO of Walmart himself has called you a liar?

This is your attempt to create a smokescreen for claiming that there was any lie in the OP?

Let me smash that custard pie in your face again, NYLiar:
let's see you quote any untruth in the OP.

The untruth is your attempt to portray the Walmart closings as minimum wage related.

Let me smash that custard pie in your face again, NYLiar:
let's see you quote any untruth in the OP.

Clearly you are unable to find any quote in the OP that is untrue.

QED....the OP is accurate and correct, and you remain the NYLiar.

Read post 37. Either the OP is wrong, or the CEO of Walmart is lying.

Take your pick.

Here's my 'pick"....

either let's see you quote any untruth in the OP....

...or claim your title as the worst serial liar on the board.

Take your pick.
Most of the Walmart store closings are occurring in states where the minimum wage is at the federal minimum wage, or lower.

Tell the whole story for once, liar.

I never lie.

Does that make you jealous?

I proved you lie a couple days ago when you called me a liar for saying you believe abortion is murder. Now you're lying about lying.

I never lie...but let's rub your face in it: quote any lie in the OP.

Once you admit to lying about your position on abortion I'd be glad to.

if you thought a fetus is alive then yes abortion would be murder.
Only a person can be murdered, a fetus is not a person.
I never lie.

Does that make you jealous?

I proved you lie a couple days ago when you called me a liar for saying you believe abortion is murder. Now you're lying about lying.

I never lie...but let's rub your face in it: quote any lie in the OP.

Once you admit to lying about your position on abortion I'd be glad to.

if you thought a fetus is alive then yes abortion would be murder.
Only a person can be murdered, a fetus is not a person.

And that is one of those diaphanous lies that Liberals tell to assuage their conscience.

Now...what's the story you tell yourself about why people don't like you?
I never lie.

Does that make you jealous?

I proved you lie a couple days ago when you called me a liar for saying you believe abortion is murder. Now you're lying about lying.

I never lie...but let's rub your face in it: quote any lie in the OP.

Once you admit to lying about your position on abortion I'd be glad to.

if you thought a fetus is alive then yes abortion would be murder.
Only a person can be murdered, a fetus is not a person.

Apparently the state of Tennessee disagrees. This woman is being charged with attempted first-degree murder.

Woman Charged With Murder After She Tried to Kill Her Unborn Baby With a Coat Hanger

A tragic case involving a Tennessee woman who allegedly attempted an at-home, late-term abortion to kill her unborn son is drawing national attention this week.

Anna Yocca, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, was 24-weeks pregnant with her son when she allegedly filled a bathtub with water, untwisted a wire coat hanger and stuck it into her womb in an attempt to kill him in a late-term abortion, according to the Washington Post.

Her son survived, but the coat hanger damaged his lungs, eyes and heart, according to news report. Doctors expect the boy will have to use an oxygen tank for the rest of his life, the report states.

Yocca, 31, was arrested Wednesday after a months-long grand jury investigation. She is charged with attempted first-degree murder and jailed on a $200,000 bond. She is scheduled to be in court on Dec. 21.
Liberal big government operates under the motto "We Know Best What's Good For You!"
Which is true. They actually get paid to figure that out...

How could anyone possibly know what's good for me when they're not me?
Ask those who seek to 'ban' abortion.

Not sure how that answers my question. PaintMyHouse said that government gets paid to figure out what's best for me. How could anyone other than me know what's best for me?
Are you going to apologize for flagrantly misrepresenting the Walmart closings as minimum wage issues when the CEO of Walmart himself has called you a liar?

This is your attempt to create a smokescreen for claiming that there was any lie in the OP?

Let me smash that custard pie in your face again, NYLiar:
let's see you quote any untruth in the OP.

The untruth is your attempt to portray the Walmart closings as minimum wage related.

Let me smash that custard pie in your face again, NYLiar:
let's see you quote any untruth in the OP.

Clearly you are unable to find any quote in the OP that is untrue.

QED....the OP is accurate and correct, and you remain the NYLiar.

Read post 37. Either the OP is wrong, or the CEO of Walmart is lying.

Take your pick.

Here's my 'pick"....

either let's see you quote any untruth in the OP....

...or claim your title as the worst serial liar on the board.

Take your pick.

The OP says minimum wage caused the closings. The CEO of Walmart says it didn't.

Your OP is not true.
Liberal big government operates under the motto "We Know Best What's Good For You!"

What is amazing is how many drones bow to this.

Equally amazing that the flashing light "IDIOT" over their heads doesn't keep them awake at night.

Rather than rehash the damage that Franklin Roosevelt did to the economy by instigating the mortgage meltdown by occupying the private home mortgage industry with his shock troops....'Fannie Mae,''s one more casualty...actually 400 casualties....of big government meddling.

1. "Wal-Mart announced Jan. 15 it will close 269 stores globally, including 154 locations in the United States—affecting about 10,000 associates across the nation.
“The minimum wage in the city of Oakland played a factor, was one of the factors, they considered in closing the stores,” Oakland City Councilman Larry Reidtoldthe San Francisco Chronicle.

... this store has been very successful for Wal-mart.”

2. The Oakland location, which ranked among the city’s top sales-tax producers, closed its doors Sunday evening following the corporate announcement. The store’s 400 employees will stay on moving inventory through mid-February,reported the San Francisco Chronicle.

3. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, a Democrat, has been leading statewide efforts to raise the minimum wage to $15.

“This higher city minimum wage eliminated the jobs of the very workers advocates wanted to help,” said James Sherk, a research fellow in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation.

4. California’s minimum wage rose to$10 an hour on Jan. 1. Oakland’s minimum wage was bumped from $9 to $12.25 in March 2015 and was raised to $12.55 at the start of this year.

5. “The true minimum wage is $0.00 an hour,” Sherk said.“Companies do not have to hire workers, and they will not pay them more than the value they create.”

6. If the Oakland Wal-Mart workers don’t find employment by Feb. 10, they will get 60 days of additional pay and a severance package with a week of pay for every year employed by Wal-Mart, reports the San Francisco Chronicle.

7. The San Francisco Chronicle says two Wal-Mart locations in Oakland’s neighboring city ofSan Leandro, where minimum wage is $10, will remain open.

8. The difference between these three locations is the Oakland Wal-Mart has over a 25 percent difference in labor costs for entry-level employees than the San Leandro locations, says Mark Perry, an American Enterprise Institute scholar and professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan’s Flint campus.

9. “Given the reality that Wal-Mart operates on razor-thin profit margins (only 2.8 percent last quarter), a 25 percent difference in labor costs for entry-level workers can be the difference between a store that turns a profit and a store that barely breaks even, or loses money,” Perrywrote.
Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out

One more success story for theDemocrts/Liberals/Progressives who know best.

How can an organization that depends upon the initiation of violence for its existence be anything but destructive?
Liberal big government operates under the motto "We Know Best What's Good For You!"
Which is true. They actually get paid to figure that out...

How could anyone possibly know what's good for me when they're not me?
Ask those who seek to 'ban' abortion.

Not sure how that answers my question. PaintMyHouse said that government gets paid to figure out what's best for me. How could anyone other than me know what's best for me?

If you have a habit of driving drunk despite the government having passed a law that will deprive you of your driver's license if you're caught driving drunk,

who figured out what's best for you? You or the government?
I never lie.

Does that make you jealous?

I proved you lie a couple days ago when you called me a liar for saying you believe abortion is murder. Now you're lying about lying.

I never lie...but let's rub your face in it: quote any lie in the OP.

Once you admit to lying about your position on abortion I'd be glad to.

if you thought a fetus is alive then yes abortion would be murder.
Only a person can be murdered, a fetus is not a person.
exactly. Its not in the Constitution
Liberal big government operates under the motto "We Know Best What's Good For You!"
Which is true. They actually get paid to figure that out...

How could anyone possibly know what's good for me when they're not me?
Ask those who seek to 'ban' abortion.

Not sure how that answers my question. PaintMyHouse said that government gets paid to figure out what's best for me. How could anyone other than me know what's best for me?

If you have a habit of driving drunk despite the government having passed a law that will deprive you of your driver's license if you're caught driving drunk,

who figured out what's best for you? You or the government?

I don't drink.
I proved you lie a couple days ago when you called me a liar for saying you believe abortion is murder. Now you're lying about lying.

I never lie...but let's rub your face in it: quote any lie in the OP.

Once you admit to lying about your position on abortion I'd be glad to.

if you thought a fetus is alive then yes abortion would be murder.
Only a person can be murdered, a fetus is not a person.
exactly. Its not in the Constitution

Most criminal laws aren't in the constitution because the constitution is simply a treaty between sovereign states. Each sovereign state has its own laws against murder and other criminal acts.
Liberal big government operates under the motto "We Know Best What's Good For You!"

What is amazing is how many drones bow to this.

Equally amazing that the flashing light "IDIOT" over their heads doesn't keep them awake at night.

Rather than rehash the damage that Franklin Roosevelt did to the economy by instigating the mortgage meltdown by occupying the private home mortgage industry with his shock troops....'Fannie Mae,''s one more casualty...actually 400 casualties....of big government meddling.

1. "Wal-Mart announced Jan. 15 it will close 269 stores globally, including 154 locations in the United States—affecting about 10,000 associates across the nation.
“The minimum wage in the city of Oakland played a factor, was one of the factors, they considered in closing the stores,” Oakland City Councilman Larry Reidtoldthe San Francisco Chronicle.

... this store has been very successful for Wal-mart.”

2. The Oakland location, which ranked among the city’s top sales-tax producers, closed its doors Sunday evening following the corporate announcement. The store’s 400 employees will stay on moving inventory through mid-February,reported the San Francisco Chronicle.

3. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, a Democrat, has been leading statewide efforts to raise the minimum wage to $15.

“This higher city minimum wage eliminated the jobs of the very workers advocates wanted to help,” said James Sherk, a research fellow in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation.

4. California’s minimum wage rose to$10 an hour on Jan. 1. Oakland’s minimum wage was bumped from $9 to $12.25 in March 2015 and was raised to $12.55 at the start of this year.

5. “The true minimum wage is $0.00 an hour,” Sherk said.“Companies do not have to hire workers, and they will not pay them more than the value they create.”

6. If the Oakland Wal-Mart workers don’t find employment by Feb. 10, they will get 60 days of additional pay and a severance package with a week of pay for every year employed by Wal-Mart, reports the San Francisco Chronicle.

7. The San Francisco Chronicle says two Wal-Mart locations in Oakland’s neighboring city ofSan Leandro, where minimum wage is $10, will remain open.

8. The difference between these three locations is the Oakland Wal-Mart has over a 25 percent difference in labor costs for entry-level employees than the San Leandro locations, says Mark Perry, an American Enterprise Institute scholar and professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan’s Flint campus.

9. “Given the reality that Wal-Mart operates on razor-thin profit margins (only 2.8 percent last quarter), a 25 percent difference in labor costs for entry-level workers can be the difference between a store that turns a profit and a store that barely breaks even, or loses money,” Perrywrote.
Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out

One more success story for theDemocrts/Liberals/Progressives who know best.

Most of the Walmart store closings are occurring in states where the minimum wage is at the federal minimum wage, or lower.

Tell the whole story for once, liar.

It they increase wages in those stores to $3.00 over the rate other stores are paying, it's going to be difficult for them to turn a profit.

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