The Difference

Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?

If the KKK is having a rally and you don't like the KKK, don't show up. You could get killed and the President won't even defend you.

Says the far left drone that supported the killing of cops!
Apples and oranges... for you. When you're a counter protest group coming in intent on inciting violence with the main protesters, you are just as extreme as they are.

Who had intent ? Neo nazis aren't known to be pacifists. And they came dressed up in their homemade battle gear.

Enough of this bull that they are peaceful Wall flowers :
And they came dressed up in their homemade battle gear.


they carried shields, because have had bricks, rocks, bottles, etc thrown at them before.

They carried clubs, to defend themselves.

This wasn't their first rodeo, and they were prepared.

Who threw the first punch, timmy?

Do YOU know?

Does ANYONE know?
Weak argument, Will. Violence was erupting in pockets all over the place that morning. One fist fight/rock at a time. Could have been a shove, a particularly nasty word thrown out, any number of things that sparked the pockets of violence. That argument though--Who started it?--is the same argument teachers have every day on playground duty when two ruffians need to get hauled apart and taken to the principal's office. Essentially, they're both guilty and they both get booted for a couple days.

You are usually more mature than that.

OL, since Saturday, we have seen people on this board, the media, members of Congress, almost EVERYONE but a few here and there, and the President, blame the alt-right/kkk/ etc for starting the violence.

"Essentially, they're both guilty"

Yup. I see what you've seen, but I'm trying to be careful because unfortunately, many of the folks pointing fingers at the Left for the violence are defending the kkk/neo-Nazi thugs; they have an agenda I can't agree with. But I've put myself out to hang on that limb, too. Hopefully, most people know I don't share the alt-Right agenda but I'll be damned if I keep quiet when things are covered unfairly.
The ones that disparage you because you're being honest and non-partisan are the ones to ignore or make fun of, they're relying on emotion and not reason so do not need to be taken seriously regardless of which "side" they're on.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?

Apples and oranges... for you. When you're a counter protest group coming in intent on inciting violence with the main protesters, you are just as extreme as they are.

Who had intent ? Neo nazis aren't known to be pacifists. And they came dressed up in their homemade battle gear.

Enough of this bull that they are peaceful Wall flowers :

Their intent was to have a rally. Anti-fa's intent was to disrupt that rally by any means nessasary.

Well, duh. Hence the anti in their name.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?

One group hates based on race, the other hates based on ideology.

Equally disgusting groups.

What's the point if this?
Hating facsits is a noble cause. Hating racists is a noble cause.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?

If the KKK is having a rally and you don't like the KKK, don't show up. You could get killed and the President won't even defend you.

Says the far left drone that supported the killing of cops!

No one supports the killing of cops.

The fact that you have to lie in order to attempt a moral equivalency only shows how weak your position truly is.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?

Apples and oranges... for you. When you're a counter protest group coming in intent on inciting violence with the main protesters, you are just as extreme as they are.

Who had intent ? Neo nazis aren't known to be pacifists. And they came dressed up in their homemade battle gear.

Enough of this bull that they are peaceful Wall flowers :

Their intent was to have a rally. Anti-fa's intent was to disrupt that rally by any means nessasary.

Well, duh. Hence the anti in their name.

Considering they use fascist tactics their name is kind of a joke.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?

One group hates based on race, the other hates based on ideology.

Equally disgusting groups.

What's the point if this?
Hating facsits is a noble cause. Hating racists is a noble cause.

Can you try spelling as your next noble cause?
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?

One group hates based on race, the other hates based on ideology.

Equally disgusting groups.

What's the point if this?
Hating facsits is a noble cause. Hating racists is a noble cause.
Hating and denouncing racist evil, fascist or otherwise, is a noble cause. Using violence (on any side) is a violation of law and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?

If the KKK is having a rally and you don't like the KKK, don't show up. You could get killed and the President won't even defend you.

Says the far left drone that supported the killing of cops!

No one supports the killing of cops.

The fact that you have to lie in order to attempt a moral equivalency only shows how weak your position truly is.

Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?
there were people like me there to protest/witness the removing of the statue, but i think you knew that.

the first amendment allowed the westboro church to peacefully assemble. as despicable as they are.

And the Westboro Baptist Church has had thousands of counter protesters, but nobody complained about 1st amendment rights then.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?
there were people like me there to protest/witness the removing of the statue, but i think you knew that.

the first amendment allowed the westboro church to peacefully assemble. as despicable as they are.

And the Westboro Baptist Church has had thousands of counter protesters, but nobody complained about 1st amendment rights then.

The Counter protesters usually just tired to drown out those idiots, or shield the people at the funerals from seeing them. There rarely were direct confrontations.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?
When you put on riot gear to "counter protest" you've become that which you oppose.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

Wrong. He is saying both sides share blame - not an equal share of the blame - in the violence that occurred.

The point CNN, other Liberal Media, and snowflakes are trying to avoid is that EVERYONE - whether you agree with their ideology / what they believe / what they say or not - has a Constitutional Right to Peacefully Assemble and a Constitutional Right of Freedom of Speech.

The vile white supremacists had a Constitutional and LEGAL (thanks to the local Va govt) right to protest. Any attempt to deny them that right, any attempt to interfere - especially violently - again, whether you like it or not, is a violation of their Civil Rights. That means if ANYONE, not just Leftists - even disagreeing Conservatives, physically / violently engaged the white supremacists 1st then it is THEY, not the White Supremacists, who are guilty of instigating that violence / crime at that time.

Trump pissed off the Leftists by daring to point out that the Left is capable of violating civil rights, of trying to shut down Constitutional Rights, of instigating violence....


How soon the Left forgets ... or tries to make others forget ... how they have RECENTLY committed Civil Rights Violations, have instigated violence upon those who disagree with them, and how they have used violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights:


All HATE does not have to be RACIST. As Democrats demonstrated, it can also be POLITICAL: Leftist Extremists beat and bloodied Trump supporters AT TRUMP RALLIES. The Democrats were even caught PAYING groups to do this during the campaign.

- Undercover video shows Democrats saying they hire agitators to disrupt Donald Trump events

Liberals engaged in violence at Berkeley to
shutdown Freedom of Speech

So now the Left is PISSED that the President would accurately point out that there is both hate and blame on multiple / both sides?!

Denial and hatred run deep in the Left Wing extremists....
Doesn't change the fact that Trump blundered. He could have done a much better job handling the response. Considering he has a team full of advisers who are supposedly intelligent, I wonder how he could've messed it up so badly.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?
there were people like me there to protest/witness the removing of the statue, but i think you knew that.

the first amendment allowed the westboro church to peacefully assemble. as despicable as they are.

And the Westboro Baptist Church has had thousands of counter protesters, but nobody complained about 1st amendment rights then.

The Counter protesters usually just tired to drown out those idiots, or shield the people at the funerals from seeing them. There rarely were direct confrontations.

There were often direct confrontations. Counter protesting is not uncommon, the klan can tell you about that.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?

Apples and oranges... for you. When you're a counter protest group coming in intent on inciting violence with the main protesters, you are just as extreme as they are.

Who had intent ? Neo nazis aren't known to be pacifists. And they came dressed up in their homemade battle gear.

Enough of this bull that they are peaceful Wall flowers :

Their intent was to have a rally. Anti-fa's intent was to disrupt that rally by any means nessasary.

Well, duh. Hence the anti in their name.

Considering they use fascist tactics their name is kind of a joke.
Using fascist tactics to fight fascists seems like a great idea.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?

If the KKK is having a rally and you don't like the KKK, don't show up. You could get killed and the President won't even defend you.

Says the far left drone that supported the killing of cops!

No one supports the killing of cops.

The fact that you have to lie in order to attempt a moral equivalency only shows how weak your position truly is.


Who are they?
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?

One group hates based on race, the other hates based on ideology.

Equally disgusting groups.

What's the point if this?
Hating facsits is a noble cause. Hating racists is a noble cause.

Can you try spelling as your next noble cause?

Very weak. Apparently you prefer to support them instead.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?

One group hates based on race, the other hates based on ideology.

Equally disgusting groups.

What's the point if this?
Hating facsits is a noble cause. Hating racists is a noble cause.
Hating and denouncing racist evil, fascist or otherwise, is a noble cause. Using violence (on any side) is a violation of law and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I wouldn't disagree under normal circumstances. These guys came geared up and armed up. Most of the counter protesters were in normal clothing. There is no "both sides are to blame".
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?

One group hates based on race, the other hates based on ideology.

Equally disgusting groups.

What's the point if this?
Hating facsits is a noble cause. Hating racists is a noble cause.
Hating and denouncing racist evil, fascist or otherwise, is a noble cause. Using violence (on any side) is a violation of law and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I wouldn't disagree under normal circumstances. These guys came geared up and armed up. Most of the counter protestors were in normal clothing. There is no "both sides are to blame".
NBC/ABC showed a picture of one anti-racist protester with an aerosol can that he had lit off the spray and was trying to burn one of the racists. That's not violence? From what I saw some on both sides came prepared for violence so denying it is ludicrous at best. Granted no one on the anti-racist side ran anyone over in a vehicle like that sick fuck did but violence is still violence and needs to be denounced in and of itself.

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