The differences between left and right....

I'm sure that child would not understand why they go hungry in a rich country. Only a conservative could explain it to them.

Even with the programs they still go hungry and there are more of them than ever before since the welfare programs began, so it seems we need to do something different in order to bring the numbers down and get them out of that situation.
So you have compassion for the needy and want the government to effectively provide temporary help to those that need it? Good to meet a fellow progressive.

You can't read can you?
The Government is not helping them, it is creating more poverty.
Not doing anything to ameliorate poverty creates torches and pitchforks, and nooses. Hungry people are angry people, one of the few absolutes to be found in human society. The lessons of the French revolution have not been lost on the powerful even if run of the mill conservatives have forgotten it. Yank away food stamps and you will just have to spend that money on military police and prisons.

You think that Government is the only answer and it isn't.
We as a National have always helped our needy and poor.
The Government programs have caused more to be on the welfare programs.
Cutting back on food stamps has happened many times and there has never been anything like that here in America.
The Republicans have been cutting back on food stamps since 2013 and we still don't have anyone out there with torches and pitchforks.
Not doing anything to ameliorate poverty creates torches and pitchforks, and nooses. s.

not doing anything???? We want to switch to capitalism like the Chinese did. The instant they made the switch to Republican capitalism they eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty. The left is deadly . Thinking you care about the people you slowly kill with your pure ignorance does not make you superior.
China is not a model for anything a free society should be doing to end poverty, all they did was invent an aristocracy in a country that is supposed to abhor it. They have all the bad things associated with communism and capitalism all rolled into one super exploitative system.
Even with the programs they still go hungry and there are more of them than ever before since the welfare programs began, so it seems we need to do something different in order to bring the numbers down and get them out of that situation.
So you have compassion for the needy and want the government to effectively provide temporary help to those that need it? Good to meet a fellow progressive.

You can't read can you?
The Government is not helping them, it is creating more poverty.
Not doing anything to ameliorate poverty creates torches and pitchforks, and nooses. Hungry people are angry people, one of the few absolutes to be found in human society. The lessons of the French revolution have not been lost on the powerful even if run of the mill conservatives have forgotten it. Yank away food stamps and you will just have to spend that money on military police and prisons.

You think that Government is the only answer and it isn't.
We as a National have always helped our needy and poor.
The Government programs have caused more to be on the welfare programs.
Cutting back on food stamps has happened many times and there has never been anything like that here in America.
The Republicans have been cutting back on food stamps since 2013 and we still don't have anyone out there with torches and pitchforks.
Not yet. These things develop slowly but happen very quickly and the aristocracy and their loyalists never see it coming.
. Or was that just an ideological position with no real world vision?

Yes it was the Republican ideology just enacted in the real world of China to instanlty eliminate 40% of the entire world's poverty.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
Sorry but I'm still confused. Is it Republican ideology to create a one-party state where the government/military is a major player in the economy?
The difference between the left and right?

There are many but one is that those on the right love America while those on the left love Americans.

Actually, those on the left love to control other Americans.....just like an abusive husband claims to love their wife even as he is beating her.......
. Or was that just an ideological position with no real world vision?

Yes it was the Republican ideology just enacted in the real world of China to instanlty eliminate 40% of the entire world's poverty.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
Sorry but I'm still confused. Is it Republican ideology to create a one-party state where the government/military is a major player in the economy?

No...that is what happens when the democrat/liberal/progressive/left takes over....then they love the military......
The difference between the left and right?

There are many but one is that those on the right love America while those on the left love Americans.

Actually, those on the left love to control other Americans.....just like an abusive husband claims to love their wife even as he is beating her.......
<totally ignoring the conservative social agenda>
those on the left love Americans.

too bad crippling Americans with more and more welfare entitlements is not an expression of love. A child could understand this just not a liberal.
I'm sure that child would not understand why they go hungry in a rich country. Only a conservative could explain it to them.

Yes...we would say there is more than enough for you to eat...but the government fucked up getting it too you....just like they screw everything else they touch...oh yeah.....the money we gave the government to feed you...they took for a bridge to be named after a democrat politician......
Even with the programs they still go hungry and there are more of them than ever before since the welfare programs began, so it seems we need to do something different in order to bring the numbers down and get them out of that situation.
So you have compassion for the needy and want the government to effectively provide temporary help to those that need it? Good to meet a fellow progressive.

You can't read can you?
The Government is not helping them, it is creating more poverty.
Not doing anything to ameliorate poverty creates torches and pitchforks, and nooses. Hungry people are angry people, one of the few absolutes to be found in human society. The lessons of the French revolution have not been lost on the powerful even if run of the mill conservatives have forgotten it. Yank away food stamps and you will just have to spend that money on military police and prisons.

You think that Government is the only answer and it isn't.
We as a National have always helped our needy and poor.
The Government programs have caused more to be on the welfare programs.
Cutting back on food stamps has happened many times and there has never been anything like that here in America.
The Republicans have been cutting back on food stamps since 2013 and we still don't have anyone out there with torches and pitchforks.

We, as a people, have spent nearly 5 TRILLION dollars "ending" poverty in the United States alone since that idiot LBJ began his "Great Society" bullshit in 1964.

There are as many people in "poverty" now, as there was then.

Government cures nothing.
He doesn't "explain" much I'm afraid. He poses a very good question, but then fails to address it in any way that makes a case.
Yes, one of the ultimate questions, anyone who claims to have the answer is a liar or has not thought about it enough.

Plato and Aristotle defined this 2500 years ago.
Right is for freedom and left is for magical govt.

Wm Buckley Jr. stated it best at 50th aniversay of NR: "Those of us who are against govt...." are on the right.

the left are stupid brainwashed Marxist fools who beleive in magical govt much as a children believe in a magical Santa Claus.
The right are stupid fascist brainwashed fools who actually believe they are against "big government" as they give us the TSA, DHS, Patriot Act, Trans-vaginal probes,etc. They only want less government when it comes to oversight of big business.

Fascism is left wing, socialism.....
The difference between the left and right?

There are many but one is that those on the right love America while those on the left love Americans.

Actually, those on the left love to control other Americans.....just like an abusive husband claims to love their wife even as he is beating her.......
It is extraneous,,, but she does implore the beatings for sexual satisfaction...
He doesn't "explain" much I'm afraid. He poses a very good question, but then fails to address it in any way that makes a case.
Yes, one of the ultimate questions, anyone who claims to have the answer is a liar or has not thought about it enough.

Plato and Aristotle defined this 2500 years ago.
Right is for freedom and left is for magical govt.

Wm Buckley Jr. stated it best at 50th aniversay of NR: "Those of us who are against govt...." are on the right.

the left are stupid brainwashed Marxist fools who beleive in magical govt much as a children believe in a magical Santa Claus.
The right are stupid fascist brainwashed fools who actually believe they are against "big government" as they give us the TSA, DHS, Patriot Act, Trans-vaginal probes,etc. They only want less government when it comes to oversight of big business.

Fascism is left wing, socialism.....
Nothing is right wing..................
those on the left love Americans.

too bad crippling Americans with more and more welfare entitlements is not an expression of love. A child could understand this just not a liberal.
I'm sure that child would not understand why they go hungry in a rich country. Only a conservative could explain it to them.

Even with the programs they still go hungry and there are more of them than ever before since the welfare programs began, so it seems we need to do something different in order to bring the numbers down and get them out of that situation.
So you have compassion for the needy and want the government to effectively provide temporary help to those that need it? Good to meet a fellow progressive.

And sadly the government can't even do that....which is why we want less government which equals less screw ups....
Since I'm 100% stupid and illiterate please explain who, other than an anarchist, doesn't believe in gov't. If you can't then why did you infer that only liberals believe in gov't?

{“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence — it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”} - James Fenimore Cooper (oddly often misattributed to George Washington.)
I'm sure that child would not understand why they go hungry in a rich country. Only a conservative could explain it to them.

Even with the programs they still go hungry and there are more of them than ever before since the welfare programs began, so it seems we need to do something different in order to bring the numbers down and get them out of that situation.
So you have compassion for the needy and want the government to effectively provide temporary help to those that need it? Good to meet a fellow progressive.

You can't read can you?
The Government is not helping them, it is creating more poverty.
If a child is hungry the government should not provide assistance. What is your answer to that child's hunger?

A good start....keep the tax money in the state, don't send it to washington for federal programs....keep it closer to where the voters are....why send tax money to washington to help our state's poor, when the politicians in washington will take their cut...and then send back money to favored programs and cronies.....

First step...stop sending so much money to washington...keep programs in the state....
China is not a model for anything a free society should be doing to end poverty, all they did was invent an aristocracy in a country that is supposed to abhor it. They have all the bad things associated with communism and capitalism all rolled into one super exploitative system.

Government is anathema to a free society. Those who favor government abhor a free society, and vice versa.
So you have compassion for the needy and want the government to effectively provide temporary help to those that need it? Good to meet a fellow progressive.

You can't read can you?
The Government is not helping them, it is creating more poverty.
Not doing anything to ameliorate poverty creates torches and pitchforks, and nooses. Hungry people are angry people, one of the few absolutes to be found in human society. The lessons of the French revolution have not been lost on the powerful even if run of the mill conservatives have forgotten it. Yank away food stamps and you will just have to spend that money on military police and prisons.

You think that Government is the only answer and it isn't.
We as a National have always helped our needy and poor.
The Government programs have caused more to be on the welfare programs.
Cutting back on food stamps has happened many times and there has never been anything like that here in America.
The Republicans have been cutting back on food stamps since 2013 and we still don't have anyone out there with torches and pitchforks.

We, as a people, have spent nearly 5 TRILLION dollars "ending" poverty in the United States alone since that idiot LBJ began his "Great Society" bullshit in 1964.

There are as many people in "poverty" now, as there was then.

Government cures nothing.
The war on poverty was subverted years ago to make up for flat wages and disappearing benefits. Jack up wages and the number of people on assistance will drop precipitously as people no longer meet the income requirements, simple, yet Republicans want to keep wages as low as possible. Why is that?
And Prager begins.....

Left-of-center doctrines hold that people are basically good. On the other side, conservative doctrines hold that man is born morally flawed — not necessarily born evil, but surely not born good. Yes, we are born innocent — babies don’t commit crimes, after all — but we are not born good. Whether it is the Christian belief in original sin or the Jewish belief that we are all born with a yetzer tov (good inclination) and a yetzer ra (bad inclination) that are in constant conflict, the root value systems of the West never held that we are naturally good.

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