The downside of carrying a firearm...


Your argument is invalid.
Saying it could have been anyone as a reason for policy is ridiculous.

And before you deny any alternative motive for posting this other than some gun control argument to ban concealed carry weapons let's cut to the chase.

Implying that everyone with a carry permit is a potential murderer and then using that false statement for a argument for gun control is the same as saying every driver is a potential drunk driver who will kill someone so we should suspend everyone's license.

Adding a firearm to the equation turned what would have been a shoving and shouting match into a fatality

You support disarming police? If not, I suggest you think about how you want to rephrase your stupidity.

By the way, did anyone check to see if the theater has a no guns allowed sign? A cop, being above the law, would just flash a badge and get a pass, but most civilians would prefer to see the movie rather than argue the law.

I am for disarming whacko police who think harsh words, angry eye contact and flying popcorn are lethal weapons. That is the real issue here, Not guns.
I sure as hell was in New Orleans...especially on New Years's eve, when the whole damned city goes out and fiires their weapons into the sky at midnight.

Anyone crossing from the French Quarter to the other side of Rampart Street, is on a suicide mission, day or night.

So then people are dropping like flies on New Years eve every year in New Orleans.
Sorry about that, I've missed the stories.

The last time someone was killed by celebratory fire on New Years Eve in New Orleans was in 1994 ... Amy Silberman, a tourist from Boston.

I still don't go to New Orleans without a firearm ... Even if I am eating dinner at Dickey Brennan's I am packing.
Of course some people get searched before they go into clubs and bars ... I guess I don't get searched because I just don't look dangerous and don't start trouble.


I'm being sarcastic of course. If there was a regular stream of partiers being struck by stray bullets every New Years eve, there would be national news stories.
It seems only fair to tell you that I do not have a clue as to what you are talking about in Los Angeles.

But I can tell you this. I lived in New Orleans for 10 years, and there are nieghborhoods where even the cops don't enter at night unless they are in teams of four. So, unless you are Sylvester Stallone, I feel secure in telling you that, even with my firearms training through the Pima County Sheriff's department, I would not enter certain nieghborhoods in New Orleans without a bazookaza, but I bow down to you, the ultimate terminator, who is prepared to take on an entire group of gangsters who are armed to the teeth, have nothing to lose, and hate your guts, just for being in their neighborhood.

Of course, if you have George Zimmerman with you, that would be a different story altogether.....

Like I said ... You don't know who or what you are talking about.
I don't have any business to do in the neighborhoods you are a talking about ... I don't need any drugs, and the places I frequent are little easier to get to and more enjoyable.
I don't need to be Sylvester Stallone to get from the JW Marriot to Mike Anderson's.

I carry a firearm for the chances the criminals don't stay in their neighborhood.
It is hilarious ... Gun grabbing freaks call us nuts ... And then think we are going to try an armed assault on the 9th Ward.

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Your argument is invalid.

"Guns don't kill people.....People with guns kill people"

People with knives kill people
People with fists kill people
People with feet kill people
People with baseball bats kill people
People with lead pipes kill people

Or in other words people kill people.

People always have killed people
People always will kill people

That is a very good point....did you come up with it yourself?

But guns kill more people than knives, fists, feet, baseball bats, lead pipes combined

That is why we are concerned with gun violence
When someone gets shot, they say they died by gunshot, not by human being. Therefore, ipso facto, if the cause of death was by gunshot, guns kill people.
When someone gets shot, they say they died by gunshot, not by human being. Therefore, ipso facto, if the cause of death was by gunshot, guns kill people.

Ipso Facto ... Your determination is no more valid than the other ... "Gunshot" is a condition not a weapon ... The cause of death was "gunshot" not "gun" alone ... And still indicates an action resulting in a condition over a material item.

When someone gets shot, they say they died by gunshot, not by human being. Therefore, ipso facto, if the cause of death was by gunshot, guns kill people.

You're confusing the cause of death with who caused the death. Look at any ME report and you will never see the cause of death being a person instead you will see things like blunt force trauma to the head, GSW to the chest, heart attack, unknown, natural causes....etc.

I'm glad you're no longer living in the US, we have enough ignorant people here already.
Adding a firearm to the equation turned what would have been a shoving and shouting match into a fatality

You support disarming police? If not, I suggest you think about how you want to rephrase your stupidity.

By the way, did anyone check to see if the theater has a no guns allowed sign? A cop, being above the law, would just flash a badge and get a pass, but most civilians would prefer to see the movie rather than argue the law.

I am for disarming whacko police who think harsh words, angry eye contact and flying popcorn are lethal weapons. That is the real issue here, Not guns.

I'm just curious, how many blows, threats of bodily harm, etc. does a person have to endure before they should be allowed to defend themselves?
See video of open-carry gun advocate's confrontation with Grand Rapids Police that sparked lawsuit

See video of open-carry gun advocate's confrontation with Grand Rapids Police that sparked lawsuit |

In Part 3 the police officer said he didn't have a problem with the man exercising open carry if he called the department ahead of time and let them know.
The best part was when the supervisor showed up and the responding officer asked the supervisor what do to.

"Dust him off and let him go" ... Were the first words out of the Supervisor on the matter.

I am not knocking the police for stopping someone if they think there is probable cause ... But that doesn't mean you lecture them and try to rewrite the law in the process.
At the same time I wouldn't have argued with the police officer ... Requested a supervisor on scene ... And asked the cop to shut up until the supervisor got there.

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The irrational outrage and illogical posts from lefties here is a result of getting beaten numerous times by the NRA, the 2nd Amendment, and rational courts numerous times. It funny to read the abject stupidity that this butthurt has brought them to.


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