The earth was just almost destroyed by an asteroid and

Between Earth and the Moon. Pretty close. Of course they don't take into account the likelyhood that it would burn up in the atmosphere. Would they be able to blame Trump?
"It would have hit with over 30 times the energy of the atomic blast at Hiroshima," astronomer professor Alan Duffy told the Sydney Morning Herald. Duffy called the zooming space rock a "city killer."

It definitely wouldn't have destroyed Earth, but it would have been a fucked up day for sure.

Would have destroyed a major city, not the Earth, but there is certainly more than one rock out there that is capable of ending civilization and these assholes would rather fiddle and waste money on the global warming fraud, than actually figure out how to prevent an asteroid strike.
I think many of those in government would welcome a strike for then it would wipe out 90% of the human race, thus making it manageable for the NWO. I just wish it would land on Washington DC and wipe their asses out, that would be Karma..
An ocean impact will be more likely with an asteroid. Can you imagine the tidal waves from a large asteroid splashdown?

The earth is 8,000 miles in diameter.
its a 50/50 thing,, it either hits us or it doesnt,,,

and it didnt so go about your life like nothing happened because it didnt
If a big one was expected to hit Earth, I don’t think the powers that be would tell us. Of course, they would find shelter. The rest of us would be on our own.

The earth is 8,000 miles in diameter.
its a 50/50 thing,, it either hits us or it doesnt,,,

and it didnt so go about your life like nothing happened because it didnt
If a big one was expected to hit Earth, I don’t think the powers that be would tell us. Of course, they would find shelter. The rest of us would be on our own.

if a big one hit there wouldnt be any place you could shelter,,,
Isn't there an asteroid that has been gripped into our solar system, and it's path orbiting the sun puts it getting closer and closer to Earth, and they think it will eventually hit us?
Well, I always sided with the theory that the dinosaurs were wiped out by a massive asteroid. Hearing stories like this, we may eventually experience the same fate.

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